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100% Aliens have been to Earth and are Still Here - Dr. Gary Nolan - Stanford

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posted on May, 29 2023 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Where’s Nolan’s solid proof?

Btw…In the scenario above….the greatest mistake of a witness…would be to inform and involve the government first!


He,s already explained. He's working on some materials.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Well so far as I know….Linda MH, TTSA CRADA, J. Vallee,…(there may be others)….all had “Metamaterials” to analyze ….and so far zilch for conclusive off-world origins results.

From Arbi’s post page 1 of this thread…..

Now Nolan concedes that the some of the unusual properties they thought indicated that the metal had fallen from flying saucers in fact have “very conventional explanations.” Nolan also cautioned the remaining UFO metamaterials researchers to tread carefully or risk being made a fool.

edit on 29-5-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
a reply to: nugget1

That ought to increase his book sales and speaking engagements. The alien/UFO/UAP circuit just keeps getting bigger and bigger, with more and more money to be made.

The thing is, does he really need more cash? There are no doubts the subject is lucrative for some, but in the case of Nolan I am not sure sure it would be for the old $$$. This Nolan stuff though has got me going hmmmm .

You are right. Garry Nolan has no books on this subject. And he doesn't take payment for speaking engagements. And he's quite wealthy because of his many patents on scientific analytical instruments. He's not doing this for the money.

Well, that settles it! He must be telling the truth because nobody can come up with an ulterior motive, and so we should all choose to believe! I'm sure his word is good as gold, right?

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
a reply to: nugget1

That ought to increase his book sales and speaking engagements. The alien/UFO/UAP circuit just keeps getting bigger and bigger, with more and more money to be made.

The thing is, does he really need more cash? There are no doubts the subject is lucrative for some, but in the case of Nolan I am not sure sure it would be for the old $$$. This Nolan stuff though has got me going hmmmm .

You are right. Garry Nolan has no books on this subject. And he doesn't take payment for speaking engagements. And he's quite wealthy because of his many patents on scientific analytical instruments. He's not doing this for the money.

Well, that settles it! He must be telling the truth because nobody can come up with an ulterior motive, and so we should all choose to believe! I'm sure his word is good as gold, right?

Not really the point. Criticizing Nolan for trying to "make a buck," which is what a lot of this is, doesn't really work very well because you can't easily pin that kind of motivation on him unless you are simply ignorant of his financial position. Besides which, that kind of criticism is a BS criticism anyway. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't prove anything one way or another. What it does show is the envy of the accuser. Convincing someone on ATS of the veracity of his claims is simply not required.

If you choose not to believe Nolan, please continue. Your opinion doesn't matter to him anyway. What serious researcher in the field actually cares about what random posters on ATS think? If Nolan did have a stellar reputation on ATS, I would think that would be a detriment to his work. For him to have a negative reputation on ATS is actually a point in his favor.
edit on 5/29/2023 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Convincing someone on ATS of the veracity of his claims is simply not required.

Not trying to convince anyone of anything, just stating my opinion.

It's not often you see people of notoriety that don't have ulterior motives. Maybe he's the exception, but I'm not about to go all-in without giving it time to see if there are some high-level social engineering going on.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
It's not often you see people of notoriety that don't have ulterior motives. Maybe he's the exception, but I'm not about to go all-in without giving it time to see if there are some high-level social engineering going on.

This is not aimed at you specifically, but to the whole forum. If you are unfamiliar with him, please seek out his many appearances. His perspective is worth listening to because he is deeply involved with current events. Because of his profession, he does not initiate anything on twitter from that account. However, he shows up on everyone else's podcast and joins in discussions with that account. He's balancing between being professional (nothing on his home page) and sharing his insights with the public (searchable).

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur
So yes I think we have to allow that when a PhD opines in their field of expertise, it should carry a certain weight, but when they opine outside their field of expertise, one could argue that we might be better off listening to experts in that field instead.

What field is ufology? Biology? Genetics? Physics? Theology? Archeology? Mathematics? Psychology? Mythology? Astronomy? History? Materials Science? Chemistry? Or all of the above and more? Do we need experts in all of these fields collaborating to figure this out?

If that is the case, many people in those fields won't touch ufology because of the toxic atmosphere of armchair quarterbacks. Many of these people want to publish papers in a respected journal which has polite discourse. Contrast that with what they would receive simply going public on twitter/ATS/facebook, etc.

What Dr. Nolan is trying to do is clear the field so that academia feels safe going into this topic. We really do need to make room for them. Many times discussions on this topic feels like sticking your face into a fan. They need a less chaotic/hostile environment to get involved.
edit on 29-5-2023 by inert because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-5-2023 by inert because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-5-2023 by inert because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: inert
Did you read the post I replied to? Apparently not, so I'll re-post it for you:

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: Arbitrageur

I read ya Arbi……

Whether Nolan was chosen by TTSA or had IC handlers………how does a formally trained, professionally trained, medical fields person ….become an expert metallurgist (my words) to be chosen to study metamaterials? That’s one hell of a leap…imo.

I don’t get it. That’s like hiring a janitor to work on ion pulse propulsion. Careers are 180 out…imo.

So Ophi was referring to metallurgy, since Nolan has been working on projects regarding metamaterials. He talks about metamaterials in the video in the opening post. I'll add that some of the comments he was making a few years ago about his metamaterials research sounded kind of dodgy, then in 2019 he ended up saying that metamaterials researchers needed to be careful to not make fools of themselves...I posted this on page one but I'll re-post this excerpt again to relate some context:

originally posted by: Arbitrageur
[url=] "Now Nolan concedes that the some of the unusual properties they thought indicated that the metal had fallen from flying saucers in fact have “very conventional explanations.” Nolan also cautioned the remaining UFO metamaterials researchers to tread carefully or risk being made a fool. Nolan said that he and Jacques Vallée intend to release a “simple” scientific paper that will describe the chemical properties of the metal without making claims for space aliens. “It has nothing to do with alien nothing and otherworldly anything,” he said of the paper."

While you have a point that the "study" of UFOs involves multiple disciplines, Nolan has had a lot of focus on metamaterials which isn't nearly as broad, it's a significantly more specific topic, though there are various kinds of metamaterials.

I remember reading one case about a university professor claiming that he analyzed an alloy that he said had an isotope ratio not found anywhere on earth, so it must be of alien origin. He even had some expertise in materials science and he was correct that the material wasn't found naturally on Earth. However, he was not an expert in all the various manufacturing processes that can produce different isotope ratios, so it turned out it was made on Earth after all and he got fired from his position at the university, I would presume for going public with his claim of the material not being from earth being so completely wrong and making him look incompetent, but who knows exactly why he got fired?

I don't know if Nolan knew about that professor who got fired or not when he cautioned materials researchers to not make fools of themselves.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: esteay812
a reply to: rickymouse

No coffee, but they really seem to enjoy grape soda.

Oh great, my wife, and my ex-wife, and grandkids all love grape soda. I must have married two aliens?

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Here’s a story along the lines of claims of isotope metals ratios that were reported as not of this planet….but then turning out to be false….and actually metals from earth.

During the initial interviews, moreover, the first witness forwarded a report titled Analysis Report on Metal Samples from the 1947 UFO Crash on the Plains of San Augustine, NM.

According to the report, The samples were all shards of aluminum with a tan, greenish-tan, and black outer coating. A small trace of possible carbon nanotubes, aka smart metals, was detected. And, Isotope ratios of one sample indicated its origin was possibly extraterrestrial.

However, because the scientific community did not vet the report, and more importantly, no documented chain of custody was provided, the report was discarded and the investigation was centered on the metal beam provided by the witness.

13-104-CE1 (San Agustin, NM)


posted on May, 30 2023 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: inert

Bouncing Carl Sagan against Garry Nolan……take a read of Chapter 2 “Science and Hope” and Chapter 4 “Aliens”…..

The Demon-Haunted World - Science as a Candle in the Dark

Curious as to your opinion of Carl in the context of Science and UFOlogy

edit on 30-5-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 01:51 AM
We are the aliens.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 02:11 AM
There is no outer space.

Aliens, reptilians, dinosaurs are metaphorical only, they stand for demons. Demons are bodiless, except possession (they wander in the "wilderness" in search of a host to lodge in.)

Man knows how to deal with gravity from time immemorial. Schauberger knew how, Nazis knew how, hosts of the hitlerist scientists (Argentina, Italy, the US, USSR, Japan ...) know how.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

I am willing to believe him but he must give us more then his word.
Claims like this should be supported with solid evidence.

Until you see one you will remain on the fence. Go buy a pair of night vision binoculars and watch the sky at night. They wont be there every day but you will see them.

Then once you soil your pants write back to us.

Former FBI Special Agent John Desouza also spoke on Missing 411 cases. He believes its ET along with parallel dimensions.

Missing 411

Then we have crop circles

Crop Circles & CIA

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: esteay812

Excellent video and I now believe that he will be the spokesperson of choice for the USA government on disclosure of ET and alien life.

I first came aware of him by his connection with Dr. Steven Greer. Since my UFO sighting in May 2018 that I reported on NUFORC and many others since then I have been in contact with John Greenewald Jr., of The Black Vault, George Knapp, Dr. David Hufford, Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Sheila Pryce Brooks, York University, London UK , Father Robert Morey of The Catholic Diocese of Charleston who is also a Vatican trained Exorcist who visited our home in 2021.

A common theme runs among all of the above in that all are grounded, spiritual and several have had similar experiences as I have with Sleep Paralysis, UFO's and a warm, non sexual feeling of Gods love that NDE, Near Death Experience people have felt.

Notice how the field of UFO of those discredited is littered along with the likes of Robert Lazar, Dr. Steven Greer and many more? I believe that Dr. Gary Nolan has a green light.

I hope I am right
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: Spacespider
I am willing to believe him but he must give us more then his word.
Claims like this should be supported with solid evidence.

I don't think "solid evidence" is very high on the priority list for most of those regularly commenting on this subforum. Flimsy so-called or perceived 'evidence' will do when having your ears tickled according to your desires (as described at 2 Timothy 4:3,4; you yourself already indicated your desire to believe him, all you're asking for is some so-called 'evidence' that you can interpret and perceive as "solid evidence" according to your desires). Or no evidence at all, just some guy claiming something about aliens. As long as it entertains and intrigues, it's all good for these ones.

And any suggestion coming from investigators of the UFO phenomenon that the belief that these represent crafts or visitations of alien lifeforms that supposedly come from another planet, is based on imagination and not based on (solid) evidence, is brushed aside as part of some government cover-up.

UFO’s—Can They Be Identified? (Awake!—1990)


In his book Pseudoscience and the Paranormal, Terence Hines states that “careful investigation has resulted in straightforward natural explanations for even very impressive-sounding UFO reports. . . . All these cases make clear the nearly total unreliability of eyewitness reports. In almost every case, the witnesses’ reports differed substantially from the actual stimulus, but in only a very few cases were the witnesses willfully lying. Their knowledge about what UFOs ‘ought’ to look like influenced their reports, along with the effects of visual illusions.”


Even more uncertainties developed from recent claims that in the past the United States and even other governments may have ignored or covered up some evidence of UFO’s. The author of a 1988 publication took advantage of the Freedom of Information Act, established in 1966 in the United States, together with sources in other countries, to gather information that according to him “proves beyond doubt that there has been a monumental cover-up of the UFO subject.”​—Above Top Secret, by Timothy Good.


On the other hand, Professor Hines argues that the 997 pages of documents released, covering the period from 1949 to 1979, do not reveal an attempt at a government cover-up. He states: “An examination of the secret CIA papers and documents on UFOs reveals an agency mildly interested in the phenomenon but skeptical of the extraterrestrial hypothesis. These documents . . . also contradict the oft-repeated claims of a government cover-up of the ‘truth’ about UFOs.”

One of the foremost reasons for the lack of proof is that no UFO has ever been publicly exhibited, nor have any extraterrestrial beings officially presented themselves for public recognition. Furthermore, alleges Professor Hines, “there is no UFO photo that can be considered genuine showing anything other than vague shapes or blobs of light.” Time and again, experts have identified UFO’s as misinterpreted sightings of Venus or of other celestial bodies. It is evident that no solution to the UFO problem has been satisfactory to all.

At the time that the Condon Report was in the news, an Awake! contributor discussed privately some of the results with one of the associated scientists working at Boulder, Colorado. The scientist seemed to think that in the unexplained cases, the UFO experiences involved “mental perceptions” of some kind. Thus, although many UFO sightings can be explained scientifically as physical things or wrong identifications, some may involve mental or psychological experiences or perceptions.

Is There an Occult Influence?

When reviewing the mental or psychological experiences of some who have reported contacts with UFO’s, it is also possible to recognize similarities with spiritistic or other paranormal phenomena. One example of this is the testimony of John H. Andrews in his book The Extraterrestrials and Their Reality. ...


edit on 30-5-2023 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 09:36 AM
He brought up that Religions themselves are part of the Social structure conditioning. I agree whole heatedly. But dont stop there, the governments he works to enlighten are just as much part of it, as the institution he himself is part of.

The matrix of lies crisscrosses over all of what we see. Its interwoven between secret societies, and government sponsored secret societies, in and out of collages and the Bohemian Grove, to the Trilateral Commission, to the White House, etc etc etc. And it could not be accomplished and held in place, with out a segment of humanity, ignorantly, taking part.

!000% true! But the scope and context are not large enough to see the complete picture. It is only when you take a step or two back do you even start to see the immenseness of the truth, and the greater scope. Its not that these "aliens" are far superior in intelligence, but far superior in their deceptions and covertness. And you cant wright wrongs, if you cant see them, or even aware of their existence in the first place.

There is a thread of truth that runs through the entire matrix of lies, that if pulled out will start the downfall of the entire system. And it is attached to the drape Todo pulled back. Keep pulling and it will all come tumbling down. (Of Course, little by little).

People will start waking up more, if you supply them with a reason to pay attention. Real images have a tendency to do that, not blurry A.I.

Otherwise, great presentation...


posted on May, 30 2023 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: zandra
We are the aliens.

Of course we are aliens…….to other aliens.


posted on May, 30 2023 @ 03:36 PM
I pretty much agree with Dr. Nolan's assessment on the topic about ET aliens, or there robots having landed in starships on our planet and are continuing to do so --- Except for the ongoing? reverse engineering of crashed starships...since I don't think that any ET civilization that had the wherewithal to travel to our planet, would be stupid enough to accidently crash a starship on our planet --- And if they did...they wouldn't be stupid enough to leave any crash evidence behind for us to reverse engineer on.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur
a reply to: inert
Did you read the post I replied to? Apparently not, so I'll re-post it for you:

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: Arbitrageur

I read ya Arbi……

Whether Nolan was chosen by TTSA or had IC handlers………how does a formally trained, professionally trained, medical fields person ….become an expert metallurgist (my words) to be chosen to study metamaterials? That’s one hell of a leap…imo.

I don’t get it. That’s like hiring a janitor to work on ion pulse propulsion. Careers are 180 out…imo.

So Ophi was referring to metallurgy, since Nolan has been working on projects regarding metamaterials. He talks about metamaterials in the video in the opening post. I'll add that some of the comments he was making a few years ago about his metamaterials research sounded kind of dodgy, then in 2019 he ended up saying that metamaterials researchers needed to be careful to not make fools of themselves...I posted this on page one but I'll re-post this excerpt again to relate some context:

His education is in cellular biology, but if you have went down that path, you know that it involves a whole lot of chemistry. Based on the machines he's invented to look for specific biological markers, it's not a big step to get to metals. There is an article on vice from 2021 which interviews him and he describes his journey from cancer studies to how he wound up doing the metal studies. He even wrote an article in a peer reviewed paper describing the methodology to use.

Vice article

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