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Just plain weird stuff that's happened to us over the past three years

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posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: JasonSlade

Im not religiously inclined, i really feel i dont have a need for it in my life. Never have done.
What is happening to me now with my light beings is blowing my mind.
But each to their own.

Superpowers for months lol. Thats great that happened to you. If that happened to me i dont believe i would think its proof that God is real.
But thats just me and im fine with it.
Im happy for you.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: stellawayten
a reply to: JasonSlade

You could be correct. Where I was told to move has very little cell service. I am very interested in everything you have to say.

Yeah that's not good. Did you feel like you were being told to move out away from the city, or build a home in the woods around June-July of 2022?

I believe this sublimal audio frequency that is played through all comprised devices may be the same on each device....on Nov 23rd, I had heard the whispers saying something about a breakroom at 10:20 learn the next day Andre Bing open fired on his co-workers the night prior...he believed he was being bullied by his co-workers...he was probably hearing the same thing you and I were...

Around January, they asked me "who's your favorite super hero" and it dawned on me, that god reallly did move the clouds into the shape of the picture that muslims gets angry over of Muhammad...showing me a sign...

But then they asked "what's the passcode?" Then I heard the boy say "change his password"...and I realized they just stole someone's account...

The Qanon crowds, Spiritual Awakening communites have been infiltrated by Islamic Militants waging a whole different way of psychological warfare, and they are preying on people who love God, disguised as an "Angel"...but eventually, they will be asking you for banking information. Being a "conduit"...

Having you move away from people is a part of the Isolationism....its easier to control people when they are isolated.

I will pray God will send you a definite sign of they can or cannot be trusted.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: JasonSlade

its easier to control people when they are isolated.

No. The easiest way to control people is to have them control eachother. Tightly bound in social networks.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: JasonSlade

Did you already read my post about being told I'm a conduit? Is that why you said that? Also did you read that I was told I could breathe underwater? Around June is when I did move. It's not a bad thing. I'm no less isolated than I already was . Where I moved was very important for God's plan. Did I write about the clouds? Is that why you said that. Two times the clouds formed into pictures. The first time it was a human skeleton being choked by a sleestak. A sleestak is the alien looking creatures from land of the lost. I took it as the sleestak being a demon and I bound it and sent it away and then the sleestak disappeared and the skeleton was left alone. The second time the cloud was a cat head holding its "arms" up in a surrender pose.

If you are being tormented by who you think is human infiltrators.... I don't think it's truly human. I think it's demons. If you are like me then you are hearing both sides. You can stop the demons. God told me how to discern the difference. Then you bind the demons and send them away. You can tell them to F off.

I'm sure the people that haven't experienced this will read it and think it sounds extremely in insane. I know I would if I hadn't experienced it for myself. But those that have experienced it will understand. And that's who I'm writing it for.
edit on 6/9/2023 by stellawayten because: Typo

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: stellawayten

And the breathing underwater thing..... I don't understand it. I'm definitely not gonna go try it. I just thought it was strange. And I've never told anyone about that so when I read that from you I was intrigued.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: stellawayten
a reply to: stellawayten

And the breathing underwater thing..... I don't understand it. I'm definitely not gonna go try it. I just thought it was strange. And I've never told anyone about that so when I read that from you I was intrigued.

Yeah well it basically told you to go kill yourself...

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: Peeple

originally posted by: stellawayten
a reply to: stellawayten

And the breathing underwater thing..... I don't understand it. I'm definitely not gonna go try it. I just thought it was strange. And I've never told anyone about that so when I read that from you I was intrigued.

Yeah well it basically told you to go kill yourself...

No it didn't. It was for a future event. At the time I was getting mixed messages so that may have been a demon. I'm not sure. But I was told by God before that happened ... No matter what you see or hear DO NOT HARM YOURSELF OR ANYONE ELSE.

I'm not crazy. I'm pretty normal so I'm not gonna go jump off a cliff or drown myself. Remember in the Bible when Satan told Jesus to go jump off a cliff.

What I experienced/experience is real. I don't know why I was chosen to experience it. I think possible because I'm obedient but who knows. It's just a guess.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: stellawayten

Good luck and safe travels.


Hold on to that no matter what

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: stellawayten
a reply to: JasonSlade

Did you already read my post about being told I'm a conduit? Is that why you said that? Also did you read that I was told I could breathe underwater? Around June is when I did move. It's not a bad thing. I'm no less isolated than I already was . Where I moved was very important for God's plan. Did I write about the clouds? Is that why you said that. Two times the clouds formed into pictures. The first time it was a human skeleton being choked by a sleestak. A sleestak is the alien looking creatures from land of the lost. I took it as the sleestak being a demon and I bound it and sent it away and then the sleestak disappeared and the skeleton was left alone. The second time the cloud was a cat head holding its "arms" up in a surrender pose.

If you are being tormented by who you think is human infiltrators.... I don't think it's truly human. I think it's demons. If you are like me then you are hearing both sides. You can stop the demons. God told me how to discern the difference. Then you bind the demons and send them away. You can tell them to F off.

I'm sure the people that haven't experienced this will read it and think it sounds extremely in insane. I know I would if I hadn't experienced it for myself. But those that have experienced it will understand. And that's who I'm writing it for.

No, I also had experienced cloud I reading this wrong? A popular radio show has been dropping me clues every now and then...and one of the football players said "when you close your eyes, you see pure, divine, innocent being of light"...and when I went home that day, when I closed my eyes I see Angel's flying around I seriously reading this wrong?

You being an conduit would mean you are about to be blessed with a gift to bless other people (IE: Money)...but I've heard the same voices say "its god you heroin addict" (I've never touched that stuff, so they must have been talking to someone else) and ask for personal account information....

Lol, I've seen those images when I close my eyes....

What I'm saying is, I believe there are humans behind the they sound like a young teenage male? But I also believe that since these people are specifically targeting people who follow jesus christ, that God has sent Angels to watch over you...

I use this app called wigle scans the area for bluetooth connections and saves them. These drones use bluetooth to emit the frequency, stream video feed back, etc. An unfamiliar bluetooth device showing up on it would suggest a drone.

And I dont want to burst your bubble, but I was chosen and I am so unworthy...

There is something really strange going on though, that's for sure. I'm glad that you have posted about it.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I will. He wanted me carve it on my heart. ( Not literally of course.)

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: stellawayten

Yes, yes, this is exactly the type of thing I was referring to with the phrase “prompts”. In many cases, I heard this hazy ‘voice of God’ as well, which would issue various mundane sounding commands such as “go walk outside right now” and “do not answer the phone” and “enter that building” etc. and invariably the take action commands would start a chain reaction that ended up having extreme significance in my life. Following (and receiving) the orders typically came with some sort of thrilling feeling/sense of wonder (positive reinforcement). I ignored 2-3 of these before they stopped happening for good. This was 20 years ago. As you say, we have no idea at all what this voice is. Listening to it should be the last thing we do, although it took me awhile to realize that.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: IceCreamManDelbrot

So I'm curious if you life has gotten better, worse or stayed the same since not following.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 09:36 PM
Sounds like someone with dirty off grid tech is screwing with you OP.
The conceptual god is a terrible model created in the stone ages by dead men that wanted to control the living from beyond the grave. I'm not saying they weren't enlightened or didn't have some form of supernatural powers, but they were still just men and I witness far too much evidence condemning a lot of blatant lies and rules instructed by those religions. Selective interpretation to rationalize everything isn't healthy in general.

If you can inherently know right from wrong, do a lot of the latter, and then just say "oops, sorry Jesus" when you're dead, who would want to go there? Condemned amongst the evil doers that pay no amends according to the organized lunacy born out of wrong doers that ultimately built these religions lol.
The native Americans literally prayed to gods of war, slaughtered countless unarmed, innocent Christian settlers but the organized lunatics tell a story on television that is easily discredited by an 8th grade text book.

I believe when the body dies, you meet the creator or creators, and you are recreated into a new life from the contents of your "soul". All the earthly gains people chase blindly and the morons they worship on TV telling them what to do that actually have it, is worthless when you're dead no matter what you believe in.
The spoiled snob offspring that never have to work if they don't want to remembers you fondly? lol!

I know exactly what I am hearing is going on from the O.P. based on the testimony, and it certainly isn't the character from a book that's jerking you around.

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: JonnyDeath

It doesn't make sense for me to be a targeted individual. Plus why would a nefarious entity want me to be a better person? I haven't shared everything on here that happened but the fruit of it was it made me much closer to God.

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 05:31 AM
I've heard people who were ostensibly into major religions say things like God is just our group conscience. They may be convinced they're doing it better than their forebears in religion because they have achieved a higher state of enlightenment.

Suppose it is so that you can hear what their group conscience would say to you whether or not there is an actual supreme being.

When those people think of religion, what if they never form the intention to pray but say to themselves, "what's the highest good my clique believes in?" because that's the highest thing they believe in?
edit on 14-6-2023 by Solvedit because: clarity

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