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What if there really was a nuclear war in ancient times like over 5000 years ago

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posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 06:14 PM
The following video does some recent history of nuclear devices that have been used to include the the bombs dropped on Japan during WW2 and the Russian 57 megaton Zar Bomba ... The elements produced by these explosions are a tale tell sign a nuclear device has gone off in an area. Laying the ground work of the different elements from past recent bomb explosions the video jumps back to ancient history and what has been found at several sights around the world. OK these elements are what we know about the after effects when a nuclear device goes off so why are the same elements found at different locations around the world at sites that were once inhabited and now only skeletons and burnt stuff remains ? For those who are aware of the Cobalt 60, Cesium-137, Potassium-40, thorium-232 and of course the Uranium-238 and trinityte found after a bomb goes off I suppose you can skip to the 11:55 mark and the Bhagavad Gita section. Some/most of the ancient sites to my knowledge have always been attributed meteor impacts and IMO probably are in fact the result of an impact however there are other sites (Jordan, Syria, and Libya to name a few) that have all the signs of a nuclear device going off.

Maybe an airburst from a comet or asteroid could melt the sand into glass at several sites around the world but that does not explain the radioactivity found at places such as Mohenjo-daro and the bodies which had over 50 times the amount of radiation in their bones than expected...

Just something to ponder for those who like to ponder about such things

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Sounds interesting, I'll check it out later tonight.

I thought I read somewhere there is a "signature" left within our atmosphere from the man-made nuclear explosions we've set off?

Maybe I'm remembering wrong. I'll have to look that up too, lol.

ETA - I think this is what I was thinking of:

Radionuclide Basics: Americium-241
Americium (chemical symbol Am) is a man-made radioactive metal that is solid under normal conditions. Americium is produced when plutonium absorbs neutrons in nuclear reactors or during nuclear weapons tests. Americium-241 is the most common form of Americium.

Americium in the Environment
Am-241 found in the environment is in the form of microscopic dust.

When released into air, americium deposits particles in the soil and water. Small particles in air can travel far from the release site.
In water, americium will stick to particles in the water or to the sediment at the bottom.
Deposited on soil, americium will stick to surface particles, but not go very deep into the ground.
Plants and vegetation growing in or nearby contaminated soil may take up small amounts of americium from the soil.

Americium Sources
Smoke Alarm
Exposure to any significant amount of Am-241 is unlikely under normal circumstances. Small amounts of it are found in the soil, plants and water from nuclear weapons testing.

edit on 2/18/2023 by MykeNukem because: eta

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Wait till you go down the rabbit hole of Oppenheimer, ancient Persia and the ties to Hopi history.

"Not in modern times, no".

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Here is a very good video on the subject from Shattered History, the lady is very clever and does her homework.

Some other interesting videos she has made.

Remember also that such a disaster is likely to have come during or at a time of global cataclysm, food shortages and the need for resources are often two causes of war as well as territorial expansion which is primarily to obtain resources, a global climate catastrophe would be sufficient to cause some modern states to war for resources while most modern wars are economic or geopolitical at heart it is almost always economic though, holding the resources gives power over them.

Another interesting video that may be related is this.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 07:27 PM
Check out Jodhpur , India and use 8000 - 12000 years ago .
Also , the Mahabharata mention some weird stuff.
I provide you a start.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 07:34 PM
Here’s a few spots in INDIA where there’s proof of ancient nuclear warfare.

Skeletons found buried with more radiation than those found in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Pretty interesting stuff. I’ve always been interested in the Mahabharata and ancient India

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 08:43 PM
If a cataclysm were to strike earth today and only a few thousand people survived in pockets around the world we'd be back to where we were in ancient times.
Those most likely to survive would be the ones who still live close to the land; those dependent on technology wouldn't last long.

The elders would tell stories of a great civilization where skyscrapers dotted the city landscapes; where great wars were fought in the sky. Pass that knowledge down several generations after all that technology was lost and the 'ancient' past will seem like a magical world ruled by outside forces (aliens) since nobody living had any kind of knowledge of how these things could be created by mere mortals. ET or Gods; take your pick.

Thousands of years later archeologists will begin to try and unravel the mystery of all the artifacts found and dated back to the 2000's.

It seems quite possible a planet as old as earth has gone through many cataclysms in the past that wiped out all but a handful of civilization. They'll have to start from step one, reinventing everything we rely so heavily on. Will they even know how to decipher any written records they may uncover in 6,000-12,000 years down the road?

As populations continue to grow and repopulate the earth, what kind of universal belief system might be needed to control a massive amount of people?

Maybe we're just caught in an endless loop.......

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

It is a good theory if there was a "war in heaven" We would see signs of it on Mars for one. Then guess what... a scientist maintains that the only way some of the elements recorded on the planet could only have come from a nuclear detonation.If we are missing something big in our past, then the human psyche seems to be wired for destruction when a civilization reaches a certain level.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: nugget1

If a cataclysm were to strike earth today and only a few thousand people survived in pockets around the world we'd be back to where we were in ancient times. Those most likely to survive would be the ones who still live close to the land; those dependent on technology wouldn't last long.

Some technology would most likely remain.
Then , it would fail and there would be no one available and lack of parts.
To be forgotten and only remembered as vague mythology .

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

That would explain the book of Revelations. When looked at as a corrupt memory and not a prediction.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

I know of not many ways to vitrify sand-turn it into glass at astronomically high temps. As in Nuc Blast heat.

Hv grt wknd Jag...

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

That first video by Shattered History goes over that, the glass is NOT the product of meteor strikes or lightning in many deserts around the world but is identical to trinitite found at nuclear blast sites.

And there are many sites around the world with melted stone were it seems to have been melted rapidly and flowed them set so some great source of flash heat must have caused it.

As others point out within just a few hundred years almost all signs of our civilization would vanish, within a few thousand you may never have known we existed though digging down would reveal some things and ten thousand years later or a hundred thousand years later nothing would be left.

The ancients built with stone but our modern concrete is far less durable and denatures into sand and gravel over such a time period.

It is conceivable that far more advanced cultures than ours have existed several times in the past, even that non human sentience could have existed on our planet in the time frame that science claim's that our world has existed.

As for those so called natural nuclear reactors such as Oklo in Gabon I do not accept that was natural, it lasted too long, was too stable and the river never changed its' course and continued to cool the fissionable uranium too well for too long meaning that the natural explanation falls far short due to the number of coincidences and perfectly engineered conditions that would have had to be met to sustain it for the half million years it is claimed to have been in operation.

But if it was an artificial one whose remains have long since vanished leaving only the remains of the spent fuel then that civilization did far better than any of our epoch's have lasting not just a few hundred or a few thousand but at least half a million years and of course that was over two billion years ago just about the early part of or not long after the start of a theorized age in the earth's history called the snow ball earth period during which at least a mile and perhaps more than that of the entire earth's surface was eroded away presumably by mass glaciation during an epoch in which the earth looked more like Hoth from star wars than and was frozen even to the equator several times over.

During that time however Mars and possible also Venus were potentially habitable and possibly had climates and atmospheric conditions not too far removed from what we have on earth today.

Perhaps when we finally meet aliens we will be meeting ourselves?.

edit on 18-2-2023 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: nugget1

I wonder what this world would look like if the impact over others was considered before pure profiteering.

This world could've been a paradise if it weren't for our twisted desire to acquire more of everything at any cost.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 07:13 AM

Has anyone posted this yet?

I wonder how it was used?

A natural nuclear reactor?
Think is sounds more crazy then what it is?

Maybe not nuclear, but possibly some type of event wipes out a majorty of the population. What would last, all wooden structures would be gone, all paper history.

What would survive? Text eched in stone?
Large structure like a pyramid?

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Your 1st paragraph exactly shares my sentiment👍✌️

Hey. The Roman Concrete could set underwater even. Still lasts to this day. Not our form....

Castles in Scotland with glass-once-stone walls as if subjected to intense firing...exist....

Fields of glass vitrified stone are abundant in the Sahara desert....

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

Ancient Hindu texts do appear to reference an event that is strikingly similar to a global thermonuclear war; though it is not definitive and could be explained by a radioactive comet debris field.

Midwit academics will discount the possibility suggested in India because their entire life and psychology is built around a “cult of modernity.”

But highly educated & intelligent people who do not embrace the “cult of modernity” are generally open to hearing the hypothesis described above.

The main question that remains unanswered is how much “random stuff” would survive such an event and the interceding thousands or tens of thousands of years? If very little “stuff” would persist to today, it makes the hypothesis less subject to elimination. If more “stuff” would persist than we observe, it diminishes the hypothesis above. I am unaware of a systematic review & analysis of this question by subject matter experts with cross-disciplinary skills and open minds.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I reckon there is more truth in your final paragraph than we would care to acknowledge.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: JohnTitorSociety
I never mentioned I believed .
Just stating possibilities.
And , there is no midwit like a midwit that keeps a mind so closed nothing new can get in .
I don't like playing low brow games , but I can , and will , when necessary .
edit on 2/19/23 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

I’d be interested in seeing an unbiased study on what actual evidence would survive, to present day, a pre-historic nuclear event and possibly an additional ice age. It might be practically nothing would survive — I do not know. But it would be interesting. I’ve always found the general hypothesis to be worth investigating.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: JohnTitorSociety

There is a documentary that proposes a likely scenario of what would happen if instead of a devastating war or natural disaster we simply vanished or were wiped out by a plague.
You would have to look for a series called After Humans from the history channel.

And of course put yourself in the shoes of a modern builder, there is a story that when a new mall (Shopping centre as we call them in the UK) was being built in the US mid west they uncovered a huge area of already tiled floor as if a former mall had once stood there but it was over a meter down under the earth and they simply bulldozed it.

The following examples are hypothetical but that first one about the tiled floor I read somewhere.

Or a cable laying contractor comes across wires and pipes but there is nothing flowing through them and they look old so he just does his job assuming they are just abandoned infrastructure and not worth mentioning.

Or someone comes across the rusted remains of machinery, a car frame or some such thing and just ignores that as modern waste as well.

Miners often found strange things in the past.

It is not finding them but identifying them and for someone to then take an interest in these artifacts most of which then all under the heading of out of place artifacts and are subsequently lost, vanish or are deliberately ignored or even discredited with fakes being passed off later as the original artifacts if they were interesting often end up in private collections somewhere.

The place you are likely to find remains are on the moon or on mars though mars has weather and erosion caused by freezing and thawing (CO2) and dust storms as well as more earth like geological activity such as tremors etc so depending on how long ago and how there civilization met it's demise what remained on either of these body's may be badly eroded and decayed, on the moon from heat and cold, hard radiation and both large and microscopic impacts that can erode even the toughest materials over time as well as likely buried in eject from impacts with various depths depending on distance from those impacts and remember with no atmosphere that eject lands on them like a shower of bullets of bullet velocity sand blasting.

edit on 19-2-2023 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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