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The big secret is..... pt2

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posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 09:22 AM
Okay, for those of you who haven't saw the original thread you can find it here

I noticed quite some time ago that it got bombarded by bots and a lot of the later messages were deleted, it now appears locked so I thought I would try to revitalise it. It was certainly one of the most interesting threads I have read on here and it's a shame to see it closed.

To generation9, what do you make of that hammer attack on Pelosi? Does it just happen to be a coincidence we are expecting the timeline adjusting story? What do hammers mean for the markets, how was the hammer held was it the right way up or not?

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 11:39 AM
That thread opens with an OP that makes little to no sense at all. From there is basically just bounces along with banter. So looking at the last two pages pages numbering in the 70s that the final two pages are mostly posted by what appears to be a bot or a troll using several names but mostly taking membership around the same time. All of those posts were deleted by moderators prior to the thread being closed.

Your posts on the second to last page were made over two years ago. So what sense of that thread have you made? What was the OP driving at as you seemed interested two years ago and now have decided to un-earth it to have another go at what ever it was about?

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

It's about a suposed meta language secret trading groups use to communicate the coming fluxes in stockmarket, trough news stories.

It's quite interesting but the bunch that goes off of stock trading are part of the problem and a shame to the hardworking society, they do nothing than further the pain of the pending collapse. It's Despicable but very lucrative.

Money just can't create money but it does in a significant way, which is detrimental to our economy....

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Mover3

Are you suggesting that you were the OP of the previous thread, and are now posting under a different identity?

I'm fairly sure that creating multiple logons is against T's and C's for this site.

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Mover3

Ay yes , the Language of Metaphors . The Followers of the Ancient Mysteries are Still Alive and Well Off in the Present Day causing Mischief Again.....

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Yes. I call it for my own purposes, skimming. Our markets can facilitate economic growth but does not stop skimmers from taking the cream off the top of that growth. The original thread mentions this ''secret'' language'' but does not expand upon it much other than just saying it exists.

I wonder why anyone who knew this ''secret language'' would even let anyone else know about it.

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

The world has finite resources, as I understand it stock markets are great for potential and fluidity but it's always our ability to think our way into productivity that's defined us as a species.

In essence you either work something into profit or you find new value in something. Like pots from clay, steel from iron... That kind of thing. We live in a world of abundance and possibility despite calculating the value of everything, yet the divide worsens.

Our hunger has ravaged the planet but to have the conversation of how our collective mindset is doing that on a conspiracy site seems difficult at times.

If the earth was an organism then it has cells that are mutating and overeating, there's a name for that I think. It would probably be better to treat the disease than condemn the organ. Then again maybe life is just a skin that often sheds here on earth.

I wonder why anyone who knew this ''secret language'' would even let anyone else know about it.

Whispers from an ivory tower comes to mind. Babble?

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

but to have the conversation of how our collective mindset is doing that on a conspiracy site seems difficult

You mention the worsening divide. If you refer to the political divide I think it is based on this collective mindset, or rather which of two collective mindsets each of us holds with. But you're right, it's too difficult to do with fingers on keys on a simple website.

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Politics seem naturally divisive to me, I get the feeling there's fractures within the divides worldwide. Word's like virtue and logic are eluded to al lot in politics yet when the public talk of such things it's often an emotional affair.

I was mainly talking about economics and the wider ranging affects they have on us all, everyone is a lot more invested in the money game than the debates of politics.

Idk, it's difficult to scrutinize any aspect of society without considering the whole I'm guessing. #winning, at the expense of the individual and the collective can be applied to most things.

My influences do affect my opinions, I do wonder if others consider how influenced they are. I'm not so quick to judge the format of conversation as the issue, all that said humans spend an awful lot of time in boxes, we must find comfort in them.

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 09:35 AM
Some interesting news today/this week regarding "the bigger timeline", it seems the war in Ukraine is about to kick into a new gear. Israel/Russia relations breaking down but then there's the news about a diplomat suggesting Putin wants a way out, that's a mixed signal. We're approaching the time I believe the big news story will hit but what exactly it is, is anyone's guess.

I suppose it's just a coincidence DXY on the weekly is forming an inverted hammer... is it fake though (also another point re the Pelosi stuff, is that also fake?), which way will the dollar go? Going back to the 60's and it's looking upward and if you consider the geopolitical picture we're certainly back in that time with regards to the cold war and berlin wall falling, I suppose the trends just line up because those drums are beating again. Chicken or egg though, which came first?
edit on 4-11-2022 by Mover3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 09:51 AM
To the critics of the previous thread and indeed this thread, I don't fully understand it I sort of get the premise and it's an interesting one. It speaks to those who believe in secret societies and their manipulation of society in general. The whole numbers thing I don't really get however there was a story that stood out to me not long ago that oddly enough coincided with the LIBOR stuff from 2008 and it triggered me to think back to then and market conditions etc and look for any similarities and what I saw surprised me in that a lot of the stuff the news are reporting on now and the stuff that is coming from things like CPI tie up, so I can sort of understand how if you fully get it or even sort of get it you can anticipate market moves. I don't think it's limited to one market either, i.e the DOW as the OP conceptualizes.

I do suppose this is a conspiracy site. However now I guess the efforts to counter disinformation are much stronger, and this one is not only a gold mine but if the world were to understand it entirely it could truly revolutionise humanity - even an awareness of it will change your perspective, perhaps for that reason it can also be dangerous especially if you are likely to take things personally. People say "ah it's rigged" as a tongue in cheek remark but it genuinely is, and obviously there is a cyclical nature to certain things.

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: Terpene

I wonder why anyone who knew this ''secret language'' would even let anyone else know about it.

Why not? I don't think it's a case of people who know the actual language are sharing it but more that people are trying to understand it, and they share what they think they know in the hope that perhaps others understand it? Like a collective jigsaw puzzle, obviously you can view it as complete bull# but perhaps it isn't? Then what...

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 10:10 AM
Re: Berlin wall/Cold war stuff, 1985-1991 cold war tensions cool from one of their highest points. This is reflected on the DXY for varying reasons, war is good for the dollar and it's also a fight of "freedom" vs "communism". That threat returned when Ukraine erupted in 2013/4 and so the dollar has strengthened and strengthened. My point regarding the Ukraine war was whether it was going to kick into a new gear or cool off completely, it's a mixed signal at the moment and if you look at the DXY chart on a monthly basis you can see that is also reflected.

edit on 4-11-2022 by Mover3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-11-2022 by Mover3 because: (no reason given)

Russia pushing Kherson evacuation harder reportedly. Obviously they are pulling back, but for what regroup and go again or give up or the unthinkable...
edit on 4-11-2022 by Mover3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-11-2022 by Mover3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: Mover3

Well if you look at it as a model to understand how mind over matrer works it is a very interesting case study, if it is really rigged I'm not 100% sure, it could just be that certain inputs create, certain outputs.
The question is, is the input designed to create the desired output or is it just increasingly better output guessing as they go along?

posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: Terpene

If certain inputs create certain outputs then the input is designed to create the output. People like myself "guessing", perhaps don't get any better because the entire knowledge isn't known. Sure you can guess at cycles you believe the world is either in or entering into particularly with regards to stuff like geopolitics/economy (there's even a science dedicated to economics) but whether it is truly mapped out is anyone's guess, and if it is, what's to say there isn't another "group" working against that plan?

Take the story I mentioned earlier, just a normal stabbing but it was pushed to pretty much all media (obviously there's a big thing being made of stabbings in the UK recently) but this one just had numbers that linked up with stuff happening in October 2008. This alone doesn't give you the direction but it's like adding another piece to the jigsaw puzzle or another piece of information to inform your decision making, which is why I get the point made in the other thread that to any bystander or uninitiated it generally means nothing but there are indicators imo. There's also a lot of noise there and so when you hear words or terms mentioned randomly that are somehow linked to trading, for example, the mention of candlestick patterns in general conversation when a news report is being delivered can be an indicator. Take the hammer candlestick and the Pelosi attack for example.

edit on 8-11-2022 by Mover3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-11-2022 by Mover3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: Mover3

If certain inputs create certain outputs then the input is designed to create the output.

Neuro Linguistic Programing, is a very interesting research domain, I'm not sure how far they are.
It could also be that the input isn't designed, but knowing how it affects the output gives you a heads up?

Fnord comes to mind.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Looking up that word fnord sent me on a little journey of discovery where I found the church of subgenius, cheers for that.

From a historical perspective NLP isn't a pseudoscience, in my own experiences I've noticed the use of words with certain connotations can steer the mood of a conversation. Mood is a choice and so is the language we use.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

wonder why anyone who knew this ''secret language'' would even let anyone else know about it.

There is a lot of secret communication on the media.. Levels and levels of it..

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 01:04 PM
It's building...

Not sure of the exact date and whether or not this is a fakeout rather than a breakout but we will see. The bigger timeline has to be dictated by what's going on in Ukraine, surely? I know there's been mixed signals from the g20 meetings with particular regards to China but again we will see. I don't think there's any guessing which way this goes but surely it's only peace or more of the same which could involve greater escalation considering the news article above.

Although not a direct attack on Poland it can be construed as one because as has been demonstrated throughout time, if you give some people an inch they will take a mile. Today its the accidental missile, next week it's the accidental invasion... etc etc
edit on 15-11-2022 by Mover3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: Terpene

Looking up that word fnord sent me on a little journey of discovery where I found the church of subgenius, cheers for that.

From a historical perspective NLP isn't a pseudoscience, in my own experiences I've noticed the use of words with certain connotations can steer the mood of a conversation. Mood is a choice and so is the language we use.

Absolutely there have been studies conducted regarding this very thing, in fact Facebook received a lot of backlash for a study they conducted in 2014 with regards to emotional manipulation.

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