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Trump rally Sept 3 7pm EST

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posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 01:23 PM
Flying Fox made the statement he/she was there.

As for the nazi salutations.

There’s your evidence in fox’s photo.

They are all throwing up sieg heils.

edit on 4-9-2022 by 3000Hard because: Trim

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: 3000Hard
Flying Fox made the statement he/she was there.

As for the nazi salutations.

There’s your evidence in fox’s photo.

They are all throwing up sieg heils.

The photo is evidence that folks were waving and cheering as Trump entered.

Some with closed fists, some pointing, some with both hands, some with hands shown in the process of clapping.

Yup, watching that portion of the video confirms it, you guys just fabricated yet another false Trump accusation.

Wanna see photos of biden waving that look the same?

(You won't see any from his supporters though, they usually look like they're sleeping)

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher

originally posted by: 3000Hard
Flying Fox made the statement he/she was there.

As for the nazi salutations.

There’s your evidence in fox’s photo.

They are all throwing up sieg heils.

The photo is evidence that folks were waving and cheering as Trump entered.

Some with closed fists, some pointing, some with both hands, some with hands shown in the process of clapping.

Yup, watching that portion of the video confirms it, you guys just fabricated yet another false Trump accusation.

Wanna see photos of biden waving that look the same?

(You won't see any from his supporters though, they usually look like they're sleeping)

Just get it over with and admit you’re a nazi already.

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 02:02 PM
Some people will believe anything. The left-wing propaganda has definitely done its job.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 01:07 AM
10,000 people singing YMCA...."lock her up"....etc etc.

As well as....

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: 3000Hard

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher

originally posted by: 3000Hard
Flying Fox made the statement he/she was there.

As for the nazi salutations.

There’s your evidence in fox’s photo.

They are all throwing up sieg heils.

The photo is evidence that folks were waving and cheering as Trump entered.

Some with closed fists, some pointing, some with both hands, some with hands shown in the process of clapping.

Yup, watching that portion of the video confirms it, you guys just fabricated yet another false Trump accusation.

Wanna see photos of biden waving that look the same?

(You won't see any from his supporters though, they usually look like they're sleeping)

Just get it over with and admit you’re a nazi already.

Yup, I'm a nazi terrorist cult maggot, better hurry up with those f15s before I assault your democracy.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 08:19 PM
Liberal goes viral making friends at a Trump Rally

edit on 8-9-2022 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: 3000Hard

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher

originally posted by: 3000Hard
Flying Fox made the statement he/she was there.

As for the nazi salutations.

There’s your evidence in fox’s photo.

They are all throwing up sieg heils.

The photo is evidence that folks were waving and cheering as Trump entered.

Some with closed fists, some pointing, some with both hands, some with hands shown in the process of clapping.

Yup, watching that portion of the video confirms it, you guys just fabricated yet another false Trump accusation.

Wanna see photos of biden waving that look the same?

(You won't see any from his supporters though, they usually look like they're sleeping)

Just get it over with and admit you’re a nazi already.

Or what?

You gonna shower people with gold stars?

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