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It’s Popping Off In Sri Lanka

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posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:13 PM
Well good luck to them...

It seems they want a change

right or wrong all the history

points to MOLON LABE !!!

I love the part of them swimming in the

prezs pool !!

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: m4rc3PL
a reply to: KKLOCO

I know that violence is often necessary, but I even wonder that so less people were harmed, finding sources that say about killed ones is almost impossible.

According to Reuters only 39 people got injuried.

You can't have a hundred thousand people do anything in mass without a small number of injuries. Just gathering them together is causing an increase risk of injury to the individuals.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Don't look now, but it appears this bad situation in Sri Lanka
was worsened by the Presidente Rajapaksa and his decision he made
to ban imports of ammonian fertilizer. -earlier-news-192136

That is a noble cause, to switch to organic fertilizers,
it has to be done over a course of time, about 5 years.

Organics take time to break down. Of course, the good
folks at The Climate Summits know this.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: m4rc3PL

Now this is an actual insurrection....

So...there are Vikings?

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

So...there are Vikings?

Nancy wasn't invited apparently.

If she had been, she would have been sure to have her son in law
there with his crew to take official phot0graphs.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
The great reset is going as planned.

We'll see if Europe gets there and if the people finally go after the unelected beaurocrats.

Really? all that had to fall was Sri Lanka?

I'm glad you have the wisdom and perception to see the plan, but some of us are gonna need a primer or map to show us how nondescript Sri Lanka is the key to the NWO or WEF great reset.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:41 PM
as I recall
the Sri Lanka elite, mostly educated at Western universities,
decided to save the planet with green agriculture. no pesticides, no GMO seeds, no chemical fertilizer.
devastating results on country's agriculture. food shortages, price increases, etc.
what good is any government if it can't make sure its people are fed???

Problems with this organic plan emerged right at the beginning of its rollout. While the Sri Lankan government was quick to bring in a ban on chemical fertilizers, it hadn't really thought through what was needed to replace it. Hopes of making money from the rising global demand for organic produce were also overstated. Producing and selling organic food around the world requires detailed inspections and testing over time to meet strict legal standards. None of that was in place. And soon it became clear that farmers faced losing crops and livelihoods. Within just months of it being introduced, the organic plan was crumbling, and public backlash rowing. That sharp drop in rice yields forced the Sri Lankan government towards a drastic and expensive fix.

edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: add content

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: burntheships

They're creating a manufactured shortage !!!!

Wait for the "Solution" !!!

Sounds very familiar 🥶

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: burntheships

That decision didn't have much to do with global climate initiatives.

It had more to do with their plunging economy and the import costs and foreign exchange problems they were facing.

Either way, it proved to be a horrible decision... But I'm struggling to see how this is some sort of fault to a "US NWO cabal" or climate change world order. Again, they're more closely aligned with China.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
as I recall
the Sri Lanka elite, mostly educated at Western universities,
decided to save the planet with green agriculture. no pesticides, no GMO seeds, no chemical fertilizer.
devastating results on country's agriculture. food shortages, price increases, etc.
what good is any government if it can't make sure its people are fed???

Sir Lanka was only making good on its promise to help out
with CO2 reduction. This is a noble cause, no?

I mean, after all they had a near perfect ESG score.

Sri Lanka has an almost perfect ESG score at 98.1, tied with Tajikistan, according to data from World Economics. For comparison, Sweden sits at 96.1 and the United States at 50.7.

Can't you see the game here?

The Climate Change industry has multiple facets, one of them
apparently is being used to topple independent nations.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

They may be aligned with China, either way that is a long
term goal if so. The immediate goal was to weaken the nation
using pressure from the Global Cabal Climate Change religion.

You can read a more in depth story here.

edit on 9-7-2022 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 01:05 PM

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: StoutBroux

I think this is going to be contagious! What with the Netherland's farmers, and all the disrespect to the common man, HELL YAH! After all, good or bad, isn't that how many new governments and leaders are established in many a country?

From where I'm sitting, it looks like global opposition to the elite is the flavor of the day.

We have seen this type of Government all over and people are pushing back now. Hell, look at Canada, Canada of all places starting with the massive lockdowns and events like the Truck
Yup 'governments' purposely creating famine, inflation, low product stocks etc, in order to get the population on their knees.
If we , globally, don't fight this back collectively this will be the global new norm : 'the great reset'
equal poverty for all , except the 1%ers off course whom have had the largest wealth transfer in history in 2020

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: burntheships

That decision didn't have much to do with global climate initiatives.

It had more to do with their plunging economy and the import costs and foreign exchange problems they were facing.

Either way, it proved to be a horrible decision... But I'm struggling to see how this is some sort of fault to a "US NWO cabal" or climate change world order. Again, they're more closely aligned with China.

Why would being more closely aligned with China have anything to do with The NWO not involved?

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: burntheships

From the horses mouth on his justification or logic to make the horrible decision -

In 2020, Sri Lanka imported (both state and private sector) foreign fertilizers worth  $259 million, representing 1.6 percent of the country’s total imports by value according to Central Bank statistics. Sources indicate that the 2021 import bill could potentially total in the range of $300-$400 million given current international prices. By limiting and/or banning costly foreign exchange draining fertilizer and agrochemical imports, the Sri Lankan government aims to generate significant import cost savings.
South Asia journal

The move was done in an aim to lesson the foreign exchange deficit. It ended up making it worse.

Why wouldn't they just say it was an effort for going green if that's so popular right now?

I just have a hard time believing third world nations are making decisions purely for climate change. They make decisions based off money.

It's also not a stretch to see third world governments making bad decisions... Hell, western governments do it all the time. But I do think it is more of a stretch to blame every thing on the planet to specific western political decisions... Especially if said country has deeper ties to an opposing world power.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 01:30 PM
For the record... I'm not defending the western left or the way the green agenda is being pushed in any way.

I just fail to see how using them as a patsy for everything that happens in the world is pragmatic in anyway, in fact I believe it does the inverse by ignoring actual root causes.

Men are fully capable of making bad decisions without it being influenced by a specific political aim or entity. We are inherently imperfect. But creating an end all be all boogy man we blame everything on will simply put blinders on us causing us to ignore root problems. The mindset behind it also implies there's salvation in the alternative which has proven to be equally intertwined with some of the exact same agendas.

There are far more similarities with the western right and left platforms than there are differences. Both are toxic.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
as I recall
the Sri Lanka elite, mostly educated at Western universities,
decided to save the planet with green agriculture. no pesticides, no GMO seeds, no chemical fertilizer.
devastating results on country's agriculture. food shortages, price increases, etc.
what good is any government if it can't make sure its people are fed???

Problems with this organic plan emerged right at the beginning of its rollout. While the Sri Lankan government was quick to bring in a ban on chemical fertilizers, it hadn't really thought through what was needed to replace it. Hopes of making money from the rising global demand for organic produce were also overstated. Producing and selling organic food around the world requires detailed inspections and testing over time to meet strict legal standards. None of that was in place. And soon it became clear that farmers faced losing crops and livelihoods. Within just months of it being introduced, the organic plan was crumbling, and public backlash rowing. That sharp drop in rice yields forced the Sri Lankan government towards a drastic and expensive fix.

Yep and this isn't good either

The power is out in the supermarkets in Sri lanka 🇱🇰. People are shopping in the dark.

Fuel sales are banned for private citizens and guarded by the military.

Trains are vastly over-crowded.

The Gov't has appealed to 🇷🇺 Russia to buy energy on credit.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ElGoobero
as I recall
the Sri Lanka elite, mostly educated at Western universities,
decided to save the planet with green agriculture. no pesticides, no GMO seeds, no chemical fertilizer.
devastating results on country's agriculture. food shortages, price increases, etc.
what good is any government if it can't make sure its people are fed???

Problems with this organic plan emerged right at the beginning of its rollout. While the Sri Lankan government was quick to bring in a ban on chemical fertilizers, it hadn't really thought through what was needed to replace it. Hopes of making money from the rising global demand for organic produce were also overstated. Producing and selling organic food around the world requires detailed inspections and testing over time to meet strict legal standards. None of that was in place. And soon it became clear that farmers faced losing crops and livelihoods. Within just months of it being introduced, the organic plan was crumbling, and public backlash rowing. That sharp drop in rice yields forced the Sri Lankan government towards a drastic and expensive fix.

Yep and this isn't good either

The power is out in the supermarkets in Sri lanka 🇱🇰. People are shopping in the dark.

Fuel sales are banned for private citizens and guarded by the military.

Trains are vastly over-crowded.

The Gov't has appealed to 🇷🇺 Russia to buy energy on credit.

NWO is angry about the Georgia Guidestones !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤬

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 01:47 PM
That, my fellow earthlings, is an example of the power of the masses. This is what happens when a society stands together to get rid of the criminal traitors who work for WEF and other gloablists interests. Everything that happens there right now is because of the failed Green New Deal attempt that makes people starve to "save the climate".

Every nation that suffers from these criminals and their actions would have the power to do this and it is about time before it is too late. But we are stupid enough to fight each other about left and right, fat and skinny, white and black, tiny and tall and whatever else, you name it.

The majority of people in these nations that have to suffer from the hostile traitors in "their governments" are brainwashed by a continuous propaganda fire on all channels for 24/7/365 since the first third of 2020. And/or suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. And/or are willing followers of these criminals who hope to get a crumb of the criminals cake if they are only submissive enough and obey without questioning anything.

I like to believe that we are 99% and the criminals only 1%. But in reality it looks like this: 99% - 75-80% = 19-24% vs that ultra-rich percent. Because the other 75-80 percent are the brainwashed, egoistic, ignorant, greedy, obeying and following the Führer and fighting for the current "governments" opinion and thing people. In the GDR they were called IM (informeller Mitarbeiter/informal employee) and worked for the Stasi to spy on their fellow citizens and to betray them. It is the same bunch of followers, who later will say again: We didn´t know about anything of it, that made the Third Reich possible.

We are not only doomed because of the criminals and their NWO plans but in addition to that we have to deal with a huge mass of lemmings among "our fellow citizens" who can´t wait to ram us a knife into our backs for only a little, tiny crumb of the cake the criminals eat.

I believe we only can witness what would be able if we only would stand together against these criminals, like for example in Sri Lanka right now. But our over-saturated "society" is fragmented to the fullest and each fragment tries to fight all the other fragments instead of letting a de-fragmentation program do it´s work to our minds.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 02:01 PM
Jan 6th was much worse than this

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