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Shocking Results Came Back - Parents Sent Their Kids' Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis.

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posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies


Ah, so now we get down to it. You want to try to turn this into some kind of straw man debate about home made masks, since I didn't mention home made masks at all.

What do a good majority of people where.

But I don’t target “home made masks”. I am targeting any mask that doesn’t seal.

A cloth mask doesn’t seal like a ridge N-95 mask.

Now. Why are you not to wear a N-95 mask with a valve? Because it doesn’t trap anything. What’s the difference between that an a fabric mast that doesn’t offers a true sealing surface? That allows slip by between the skin and fabric?

I implied that the parents didn't properly clean the masks, and sent their children out with them dirty so there was a buildup of bacteria,

And ignored the study also tested new masks after a day of wearing.

but that this wasn't a big problem as these are perfectly ordinary bacteria

Ok. There is a huge difference eating a piece of food that was on the floor for a second vs a piece of food on the floor for six hours.

Of marinating raw meat in the refrigerator for a few hours vs marinating raw meat left out of the refrigerator for 24 hours.

The same as Wearing a mask loaded with bacteria with your hot most breathing, snot, food stains from a school lunch acting as an incubator is not natural. All in a fabric when wet/moist not able to trap / lock the bacteria in matrix. Then a sneeze / cough sends the crap flying.

There nothing new or shocking here

I guess it is if you don’t understand breathing expected amounts of bacteria vs strapping essentially an incubator on your child’s face that has no understanding of the importance of good mask care / hygiene.

So. Breathing in items from the environment is normal? So wearing a mask is then a moot point?
edit on 18-6-2021 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Annee
So, you disagree with the doctors?

When it comes to most things CV, generally, yes - unless they are sane and rational and understand the massive hype.

My brother didn’t die of Covid?


What did he die of then?

Lack of proper care.

ETA: and again, I am, truly sorry for your loss.

If he actually had CV, which is questionable at best considering the bogus testing methodology in general use - then he would not have died had they given him proper, simple and cheap treatment (HCQ and/or Ivermectin and/or Fluvoxamine plus Zinc, Quercitin, etc...

Anyone who dies of this crap-virus dies from complications arising from lack of proper treatment, not the virus.

Of course there were complications. It’s a virus that attacks the workings of the body (differently in different people). It’s not a clear cut “hey, you broke a bone”.

His body was riddled with blood clots (among other things). Including his brain and heart.

What exactly is your medical expertise?


Everything you need to know about the COVID-19 therapy trials:

edit on 18-6-2021 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 12:54 PM
Anyone that uses this "study" as an argument against masks has no clue what they are talking about. I am not justifying mask usage but this "study" proves nothing.

Briefly, peptides are fragments of proteins and are detected via mass spec. All proteomics experiments require proteins to be fragments before being measured (intact proteins are too large for mass spec machines) so part of the analysis is reassembling the proteins based on their fragments which inherently can introduce error (eg what if two proteins both have the same fragment?).

Most of the papers I saw that identify microbes using proteomics, didn't bother to reassemble the proteins, they just matched sets of peptides to specific strains. The data says they identified 305 proteins which very roughly translates to a few thousand peptides. From what I've read, a few thousand peptides ~at best~ would be able to identify a 10-20 strains but more likely only identify 1 or 2. Their report of over 70 microbes really doesn't make any sense and without any more details about how they did the analysis, I just don't believe it.

To summarize, it's non-peer reviewed data collected by a small news organization that is severely lacking in details and their results don't correspond with the limited data they report.

Each "page" on that website has more data from each mask. I read through and everything mentioned previously still stands. I have the same issues with the other pages as well.

One of these pages included a picture of a francisella tularensis infection which is a rare infection and got me thinking. How common are francisella tularensis infections? In the last decade (2010-2019), there were a total of 4 infections in Florida (where the masks were collected) and an overall incidence in the US of 1 in a million. Source

What are the chances that out of their ~7 samples they found francisella tuleransis in multiple samples? Not 0 but very very unlikely. Definitely a more minor detail compared to the other issues I mentioned previously but another reason to be skeptical.

I wouldn't trust any of the information in the report or in the news article reporting on it. Everyone is so emotionally driven to quickly dispute the other side that no research is ever done.

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Annee

Sorry for your loss Annee

We haven't always seen eye to eye, but if you ever need anything I am a good listener

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: Annee

Sorry for your loss Annee

We haven't always seen eye to eye, but if you ever need anything I am a good listener

Hey! I don’t mind difference of opinion.

Almost everything on ATS is opinion.

One side is not more gospel than the other.

But, the name calling and insults (not directed at you) — are a major drag to what could be a lively exchange of ideas and different ways of looking at the same thing.

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: BlankUsername
a reply to: Chadwickus

Oh I read it plenty slow enough buddy here is your quote

"If someone is wearing the same mask day in day out and not sanitising it properly, of course there’s going to be issues."

Does not sound like you acknowledged they were clean there . So Read your own words Slowly. Goes to show you will ignore any evidence given to you and cower like a scared child wearing your mask for the rest of your life. I am willing to bet you are one of those that drive around in your car , by yourself, wearing a mask.

Indeed BlankUsername

We are back to the "Miasma" crap. Just when you think we have rounded a corner as a species, BANG the 1500's are back in full swing

I never wore masks and didn't catch the virus

Clearly because I was never exposed to the virus, and if I had been, I would have been at risk whether or not I was wearing a cloth mask (N-95 with proper seal not withstanding)

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Annee

Very true

I hope you are holding up OK, as well as can be expected under the circumstances

Couldn't agree more on the name calling and insults too. I know I am just as guilty as anyone

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: ShakeNBake

I am also going with my training from industry for using respirators and industrial hygiene.

Then you wouldn’t have any trouble wearing a new mask after my kid wore it for 5 or six hours….

edit on 18-6-2021 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 02:48 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: daskakik

All that aside... do you not find it ironic that influenza was virtually non-existent? Where did it go?

I have personally found tanstaafl a reliable source of C19 information. He knows what he is talking about in any case.

Sometimes things get jumbled up in text, but I had no trouble understanding the point of what he wrote (as far as I can understand I suppose)

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 03:11 PM
I suppose if a cigarette filter could be used as an analogy to the masks, then it is sure good that a discarded cigarette filter is full of tar and gunk.
At least it wasn't inhaled.

If that stuff is on the mask, then it wasn't inhaled.

Although one does need a certain dose of a virus in a droplet entering the human body to catch something.
Just because some microbe clings to a mask doesn't mean it's sufficient to infect a person.

With HIV/AIDS, for example, how the virus was transmitted and the amount of exposure had dreadful consequences for how rapidly the disease progressed in an infected person.
Thus the blood industry was slow to act on blood products for hemophiliacs, needle-stick accidents and operations.
All these at first indicated a quicker progression to AIDS and death than even unprotected penetrative sex.
Vertical (or mother-to-child) HIV transmission was once also a huge problem.

Yet straight away there were moral panics about schoolyard ruff-and-tumble, oral sex, kissing, contact sports and toilet seats.
And yeah there is some HIV in sweat, urine and spit from a technical point of view, but from a clinical point of view it wasn't sufficient to drive the epidemic (and kissing and oral sex is now considered so low-risk, that a lot of websites no longer include it as risky).
Even in contact sports the virus only survives so long in a fluid like blood before it dies, so while technically possible the confluence of circumstances to catch HIV in a rugby game, for example, is negligible.

I'm not saying HIV and coronavirus are the same, just using an analogy to argue that because you find a trace of something on a mask doesn't mean it's sufficient or active enough to cause infection and harm.

The virus has got to be in a droplet, both for HIV and Covid-19, and for the latter those droplets have to be inhaled to hit the "right" spot.

As far as my HIV treatment and coronavirus goes, I saw my specialist last week, and my CD4 count is now 1020 (the highest ever since I started treatment around 2016).
In that hospital they haven't lost a single HIV patient (on treatment) to Covid-19.
The main risk, or comorbidity is people with obesity.
Although rather frustratingly, doctors can't always say so, due to some very extremist body positivity movements and an advertising industry that keeps pushing junk food.
Other politically incorrect things like the gender divergence in comorbidity are also rarely mentioned (although in the first months the higher death rates in men was mentioned, but you know, that would never indicate an experimental warfare virus targeting front-line soldiers - which even in the most "gender equal countries", are not surprisingly, still men).
What? Men can be victims of something due to their gender?
Like higher suicide, homelessness and imprisonment rates for equal crimes?
Never mind, and if passingly recognized, it's only because of their "toxic" male choices.
So there guys, you had it coming, now let's not mention this again, because the woke narrative doesn't recognize men as victims based on gender.

As far as gyms go - it's not a contact sport.
However, I do think I had the Covid-19 already in December 2019.
I had these gargling lungs, and told my parents straight away, stay away.

They thought I was nuts, because not everyone watched the news, and there were no tests or awareness at that point.
But the doctors gathered round me, and I knew there was something they weren't telling me, because they looked at me all saucer-eyed, stuck this clamp on my finger to check my oxygen saturation, and were discussing whether to put me into hospital.
But luckily I check the conspiracy news, and had an inkling.
Anyway, all I got was a pat on the fanny, antibiotics and a cortisone pump.
I could hear some debate in another room - I guess between the pros and cons of hospitalizing me (ooh, it's all going to lead back to them).

Anyway, I was sick for three days, and told my trainer, "You won't believe it, they wanted to stick me into hospital for a chest infection".
And he was like "Bwahaha, just goes to show, it's all money-making".
Then came the SA lock-down in March 2020, and nobody was laughing.

Now gyms are very different - everyone polishing the machines with sanitizer, and wearing masks, and temperature based access control.
In fact the cleaners are milling about with little to do, because the gym members are obsessively cleaning everything themselves.

What I also garnered from the doctor was, I was lucky to never use steroids or black-market supplements (in fact, you are then immune compromised).
He says, you can use the creatine and pills with zinc (in fact, that probably boosts your immune system).
So, stay away from steroids.
I always have, although I won't say I wasn't tempted at times.

Then I was very concerned about my mom's tobacco smoking, and he said since the masks even the outlook for smokers with other diseases looks better to him (saying this as informed opinion, rather than proven fact) because the masks help to keep out other pollutants, particles and potential viruses.
So I'd hope that if we ever have herd-immunity or enough people vaccinated, some people might choose to continue with the masks in public if other benefits are proven.
Because let's face it, before the beginning of last year, the whole debate around masks in public was around Muslim women in some countries, but I think that right (to wear a face-covering in public) has now forever changed.
edit on 18-6-2021 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
Then how does this all explain why the 2020-2021 flu season was practically non-existent? Certainly, we should all be sick as dogs for putting on these "petri dishes." But that apparently didn't happen. What's the most crazy explanation?

Maybe the flu got renamed

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: JBurns
I wasn't the only one that pointed out the logical flaw in the statement 99% of covid deaths were flu. Flu simply doesn't kill that many people.

Also, I find it quite possible that cv killed, during the summer months of 2020, many of the people who would have otherwise made up the 2020-2021 stats for flu. Just something that might partially answer that question.

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 03:40 PM
I bet it came back with "DNA - Retarded".
These kids today need to learn real discipline, like mine work'n and punching each other in the head while they scream Bible verses.
That's all young'n needs to grow up. You get your copy of the Good 'ol book you pinched off some pastors kid, a sock full of quarters, and you go to town on the weak kid and that damn school marm is she starts with the smart talk.
edit on 18-6-2021 by Zer0ne because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2021 by Zer0ne because: Mispelt

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 04:11 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 04:17 PM

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posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 04:31 PM

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posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Ya know you can wash them? My kids either wore disposable ones and threw them away after school, or reusable ones that were washed after each use.

Ya know...your kids need more oxygen than adults for their brains and other organs to develop. Which is why they breathe faster than adults. Having kids on masks for hours increases the CO2 content in their blood and reduces the intake of oxygen... Which means you are dumbing down your children out of sheer stupidity and ignorance...

The human brain continues developing until about people reach 21 years of age. Less oxygen meanwhile your brain is developing means the development of the brain of children, and young adults are being interfered with on purpose meanwhile we know with 100% certainty that cloth and surgical masks do not stop the virus CoV-2 which causes COVID-19...

Enjoy the dumbing down of your children...

edit on 18-6-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Annee

You know what I find ironic about COVID-19?... You leftists kept, and keep, claiming how "President Trump is responsible for the deaths of people who died supposedly of COVID-19", meanwhile you and your party wanted to have open borders and to allow Chinese people from China to come to the U.S.

That's not mentioning the fact that to this day your China Biden illegitimate administration has not been testing illegals they are allowing into the U.S. and which they are flying into U.S. cities throughout the U.S. being paid with our tax dollars...

To this day illegals are not being tested for COVID-19... WHY? And why aren'tt you leftists/anti-Trumpers been protesting over this?...

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told a House panel on Wednesday that illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern border have been released into the United States without submitting to a COVID-19 test.

Mayorkas, testifying before the House Homeland Security Committee, confirmed that testing was not conducted on some of the people released after being apprehended crossing the border.

Mayorkas Admits Biden Letting Illegal Immigrants Into US Without COVID-19 Test

We have had mostly Republican representatives and Senators stating they saw how illegals were being allowed into the U.S. without being tested for COVID-19...

Scalise accuses Biden administration of 'exempting' illegal immigrants from COVID-19 restrictions

At last week’s Select Subcommittee hearing, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden, testified under oath that President Biden’s housing of migrants in overcrowded facilities is violating U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance regarding social distancing and mask wearing. Dr. Fauci said this violation was a “major concern.” Additionally, Director of the CDC, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, testified that all travelers from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador should have a negative COVID-19 test prior to entering the U.S. by air.
In the letter to Secretary Mayorkas, Scalise calls out the Biden Administration’s double standard requiring Americans to follow burdensome health restrictions while allowing illegal immigrants to flow into American communities without any restrictions.

Scalise to Mayorkas: DHS Violating CDC Guidance at the Border—What’s Your Plan?

You....anti-Trumpers... keep ignoring facts meanwhile you blamed the one person, President Trump, that wanted to stop and did the most to stop more infected people being allowed into the U.S.

That's also not mentioning the fact that we know that Obama/Biden, Fauci, and everyone else that allowed the outsourcing of military experiments to Wuhan China to make coronaviruses more lethal and infectious to humans, did this on purpose as they apparently want to depopulate the Earth and not one of you anti-Trumpers are blaming these people, or are calling for them to be put on trial for crimes against humanity...

Back in October 2014, the US government had placed a federal moratorium on gain-of-function (GOF) research – altering natural pathogens to make them more deadly and infectious – as a result of rising fears about a possible pandemic caused by an accidental or deliberate release of these genetically engineered monster germs.
In the face of a moratorium in the US, Dr Anthony Fauci – the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and currently the leading doctor in the US Coronavirus Task Force – outsourced in 2015 the GOF research to China’s Wuhan lab and licensed the lab to continue receiving US government funding.

The Wuhan lab is now at the center of scrutiny for possibly releasing the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and causing the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Why US outsourced bat virus research to Wuhan

Fauci couldn't have outsourced to Wuhan China just by himself the military experiment to make coronaviruses more lethal and infectious to humans without the green light, and the funding with tax payer money, of these military experiments without the consent of the Obama/Biden administration...

The Wuhan lab is now at the center of scrutiny for possibly releasing the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and causing the global Covid-19 pandemic.

No, instead you...anti-Trumpers... want to keep on blaming President Trump whom even made sure that the vaccines you love so much were hurried in massive amounts faster than ever before...

So tell me... Why don't you anti-Trumpers protest over the fact that Obama/Biden, Fauci and everyone else involved in this are not being put on trial over the murder of millions of people?...

edit on 18-6-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment and add excerpt

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 10:09 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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