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Incredible Ancient Indian Knowledge of the Solar System 10,000 years ago!

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posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 06:16 AM
Seems foolish to state the rest of the world was just playing with primitive tools when you just had your assumptions blown about one culture. Maybe spend time researching another now and you’ll find how wrong your assumptions are.

a reply to: OrionHunterX

edit on 6-9-2020 by Rob808 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: OrionHunterX

OMG I squealed when I saw this thread, reminds me of the GOOD OLD DAYS!!

I will now read it with my coffee and comment after as this I a favorite subject of mine!

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 06:52 AM
Did you ever look at this thread by BlackPoison from 2011?? It is one of my favorites and it is on Ancient India.

An Aryan Conspiracy, Ancient Technology and Secret Brotherhoods

I also don't believe the 10,000 year mark as I have never read a single thing to place any of this information or text to that long ago, max is around 4000 years.

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: Harte

Well someone build the likes of Göbekli Tepe around 10th millennium BCE, possibly even longer before.

Apparently Gobekli Tepe was constructed even before humanities pre-pottery stage.

Before the invention of the wheel and writing.

So much remains unknown about that place, who constructed it, and for what purpose.

Something seems to have been going on back then that at least raises some questions as to the origins of civilization.

I know that the Babylonians and Summarians left plenty of steles, clay cuneiform symbols, and seals, but that hardly explains the entirety of there civilization or how it came about completely.

You seem to have rather extensive knowledge on the subject all the same, put it that way.

As to avoiding the subject of your question, well if i don't know something I'm hard pushed to answer.
edit on 6-9-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Harte

Well someone build the likes of Göbekli Tepe around 10th millennium BCE, possibly even longer before.

Apparently Gobekli Tepe was constructed even before humanities pre-pottery stage.

Before the invention of the wheel and writing.

So much remains unknown about that place, who constructed it, and for what purpose.

All true. But it's not the Taj Mahal either. It's a series of stone circles, some of which are carved, all of which have been shaped or smoothed in some way, that they buried every 10 to 15 years and built newer ones on. This is a good indication that nobody lived there, as nothing even resembling residential artifacts have been found, and people don't bury and rebuild their villages.

On top of that, similar structures have been found in that region, a couple of which are only a few thousand years younger than Gobekli Tepe, and some of the motifs found there survived for a couple of thousand years at a few of those sites. In other words, Gobekli Tepe is not a one-off, and it's extremely possible that there exist similar structures that are even older. Claims made by the "alternative" people are just untenable. For example, I find it highly unlikely that any purposeful alignment exists there. You'd have to show a similar argument for the other sites' carvings before you can make that argument.

originally posted by: andy06shakeSomething seems to have been going on back then that at least raises some questions as to the origins of civilization.

Actually, it answered some of the questions about the origins of civilization. We know now that in Anatolia, civilization hadn't been established 10,000 years ago. But we do know that they worked together - probably seasonally.

originally posted by: andy06shakeI know that the Babylonians and Summarians left plenty of steles, clay cuneiform symbols, and seals, but that hardly explains the entirety of there civilization or how it came about completely.

You dodge the question again. It wasn't about civilization at all (and neither is this thread.) It was specifically about the Solar System - in response to the claim that it was known and understood. I told you twice that there are reams of astrological documents that were left by the Babylonians, look it up. Nobody knew anything about the Solar System in ancient times. All they knew was that some of those white dots move with respect to the entire array of other white dots. You have to see the dot has moved to know it is a special dot. Sometimes some of the dots come closer to each other, sometimes they don't. Sometimes a special dot disappears for a while. That's about it - other than the Sun and the Moon, anyway.

I don't believe there exist any purposeful astronomical alignments at Gobekli Tepe (as some have claimed.) But even if there were, I'm sure they'd have more to do with the planets or the Sun rise than the constellations (which was part of that recent GT hypothesis.) I'd be willing to bet that even Erectus noticed the visible planets and the Sun's position, because they change. Obviously, later constructions were certainly aligned with solstices and such.

originally posted by: andy06shakeYou seem to have rather extensive knowledge on the subject all the same, put it that way.

Nothing special but critical thinking and curiosity.
I've been doing this for a long time.


posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: Harte

The fact that Gobekli Tepe is not a one off suggests a hell of a lot that we do not know its itself.

Why did they keep on burring Gobekli Tepe.

What are your thoughts on that?

And shaped and/or smoothed stones are of particular interest.

It's almost as if they somehow managed to soften or mold stone into place.

And idea as to how they accomplished those tasks?

As to the actual function of Göbekli Tepe, im thing religious purpose, considering the time and effort that seems to have gone into the construction of the place.

Again im not dodging questions, i simply cannot answer what i do not know, and if i was to tell you what i don't know i imagine we would be here all day. LoL
edit on 6-9-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 02:00 PM
In my opinion our understanding of the ancient past has to be rewritten at some point.

In India today Scholars have begun to re-evaluate their understandings on the origins of ''Shiva'' or the ''Adi- Yogi''(First Yogi in sanskrit) as was claimed by certain Yogi he appeared approximately 70.000 B.C.E . If true his would suggest that ''Vedic knowledge'' is far, far older than the recorded format known to the world today(i.e 'Rig Veda'). Of course the ''smithsonians'' wouldn't consider this lightly as it puts their entire established modern wordlview at risk.

Both mesoamerican & Indian calenders were tracking a cycle of 24.000-26.000 years of our solar system orbiting around a ''larger Sun'', with significant meaning to the evolution on the planet including the evolution of human consciousness . It's interesting that two cultures separated in time and seemingly nothing to do with each other would come to approximately the same conclusion/observation.

In 1894 Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri (Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda) explained this cycle of our solar system in '' The Holy Science '' .

Another Yogi explains the same cycle. (Starts around 20 min mark, 6 min to be precise)

edit on 6-9-2020 by Omnik because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-9-2020 by Omnik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Harte

The fact that Gobekli Tepe is not a one off suggests a hell of a lot that we do not know its itself.

Why did they keep on burring Gobekli Tepe.

What are your thoughts on that?
Anyone else's guess is as good as mine.
Maybe the holy ran out.
Maybe they got tired of their litter.

originally posted by: andy06shakeAnd shaped and/or smoothed stones are of particular interest.

It's almost as if they somehow managed to soften or mold stone into place.

And idea as to how they accomplished those tasks?

The stones themselves show that they pecked at them with smaller stones.

originally posted by: andy06shakeAs to the actual function of Göbekli Tepe, im thing religious purpose, considering the time and effort that seems to have gone into the construction of the place.

That's the general consensus, pending further evidence.

originally posted by: andy06shakeAgain im not dodging questions, i simply cannot answer what i do not know, and if i was to tell you what i don't know i imagine we would be here all day. LoL

My posts were directed at a specific claim. We should all acknowledge that ancient cultures had no knowledge of planets other than the ones you can observe to have moved. After all, those are the only ones any of them wrote about. Even then, they had no idea whatsoever that they were standing on one of the planets while they were looking at the others.
That includes the ancient Hindus, which by all evidence post-date earlier literate civilizations.


posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: Omnik
In my opinion our understanding of the ancient past has to be rewritten at some point.

Our understanding of the ancient past is constantly being rewritten.

originally posted by: OmnikIn India today Scholars have begun to re-evaluate their understandings on the origins of ''Shiva'' or the ''Adi- Yogi''(First Yogi in sanskrit) as was claimed by certain Yogi he appeared approximately 70.000 B.C.E . If true his would suggest that ''Vedic knowledge'' is far, far older than the recorded format known to the world today(i.e 'Rig Veda'). Of course the ''smithsonians'' wouldn't consider this lightly as it puts their entire established modern wordlview at risk.

Also, of course, these "scholars" are devout Hindus.

originally posted by: OmnikBoth mesoamerican & Indian calenders were tracking a cycle of 24.000-26.000 years of our solar system orbiting around a ''larger Sun'', with significant meaning to the evolution on the planet including the evolution of human consciousness . It's interesting that two cultures separated in time and seemingly nothing to do with each other would come to approximately the same conclusion/observation.

Ask yourself, what "cycle" is the current calendar tracking? You can take the modern calendar back millions of years. That doesn't mean people were making calendars millions of years ago, does it.

originally posted by: OmnikIn 1894 Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri (Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda) explained this cycle of our solar system in '' The Holy Science '' .

Another Yogi explains the same cycle. (Starts around 20 min mark, 6 min to be precise)

Yet as recently as the third century AD, Vedic astrology was the same as Western astrology, and both were wrong about when each sign was in the Sun each month. If ancient Hindus knew of the Great Year, that would certainly not be the case.


posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 02:54 PM
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: Rob808

It has to be concievable that some parts of the human race, could be landing on the moon , while other parts are still hunting game through the forest without a clue that this is going on. While working out how a Celtic roundhouse was built, Minoans were living in buildings with internal plumbing , the same would go for High tech. Only those that had the brains and money could afford to dabble with Bronze sheet.The Antiklithera mechanism comes to mind.The ancient scholars had the Earths circumference worked out to 200 miles, Then it all turned to custard probably not for the first time.

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: Homefree
What if there is no speed of light?
What if light is static and only matter has motion?
The dog does not wag its tail.
The tail is absolutely static and the Universe wags around it.

Or because quantum physics, slit, shroedinger, have proved now that the universe and everytinf around us "renders" meaning it doesn't seem that anything exists in any state but a potential one until a concious being turns his attention to it and only then does the universe decide the state of everything and quickly "loads" it around you...some have pondered if perhaps the limitation to the speed of light is simply the "processor's" maximum processing speed when loading the light-headed simulation we may be in. It is further argued that only for this reason could time slow down by weeks and months and years for a person traveling anywhere near FTL as it does to the point if you were to take a ride in a ship going 90% light speed I believe it was, every week you feel and which passes normally will see outside the ship back on earth, one year go by. Remember, the astronauts on the space station come back to earth younger than they would have been had they stayed here. Neat thing to think about. Someone would have to look at the suggested total processing speed needed to simulate our world eith were fully or rendering only what is being perceived at any moment in time and compare that to what light speed would mean in processor terms. I think Musk said to fully simulate the universe and every minute of it and every mind and across time it would take 29 thousand petabytes or something he says is definitely achievable. So you'd need a smart pants to look at the speed of light and see if that many petabytes for example would need a processor to do trillions of commands a second which would somehow do them at link limitation of processing light at 300k km an hr. Celeron 486k probably won't cut it. Not even a Pentium II either I bet.

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

The best way to get the processing power up to speed would be for the processing to take place outside of the time continum and then jump back in. Light is time locked anyway with regards to the distance it has to travell,that's why we are looking at a Universe that formed billions of years back, its essentially a recording anywyay. If light went faster than light speed,it would be going back in time. Which is probably why it doesnt. But not withsstanding that everything is a recording , always after the fact, of when it gets consciously procesed by our conciousness.So you are never actually experiencing a thing when it happens, you are only experiencing the memory of it. To do this the reality must be received and processed in our own mind, which is pretty heavy when you think about it. Simply because you should be able to do a replay, then forget your doing a replay, then its just as much the real thing again.

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: anonentity

If light went faster than light speed,it would be going back in time.


Seems to me that if that were happen the light would simply travel a greater distance than what we call a light year, in a year.

edit on 9/7/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat

originally posted by: Homefree
What if there is no speed of light?
What if light is static and only matter has motion?
The dog does not wag its tail.
The tail is absolutely static and the Universe wags around it.

Or because quantum physics, slit, shroedinger, have proved now that the universe and everytinf around us "renders" meaning it doesn't seem that anything exists in any state but a potential one until a concious being turns his attention to it and only then does the universe decide the state of everything and quickly "loads" it around you...some have pondered if perhaps the limitation to the speed of light is simply the "processor's" maximum processing speed when loading the light-headed simulation we may be in. It is further argued that only for this reason could time slow down by weeks and months and years for a person traveling anywhere near FTL as it does to the point if you were to take a ride in a ship going 90% light speed I believe it was, every week you feel and which passes normally will see outside the ship back on earth, one year go by. Remember, the astronauts on the space station come back to earth younger than they would have been had they stayed here. Neat thing to think about. Someone would have to look at the suggested total processing speed needed to simulate our world eith were fully or rendering only what is being perceived at any moment in time and compare that to what light speed would mean in processor terms. I think Musk said to fully simulate the universe and every minute of it and every mind and across time it would take 29 thousand petabytes or something he says is definitely achievable. So you'd need a smart pants to look at the speed of light and see if that many petabytes for example would need a processor to do trillions of commands a second which would somehow do them at link limitation of processing light at 300k km an hr. Celeron 486k probably won't cut it. Not even a Pentium II either I bet.

No just no your so wrong. Let me ask you a question when does this magicalobserver effect occur? Is it when our eyes see the data from the double slit experiment? Is consciousness required for the observation? You are misunderstanding what is meant by observation there isnt some particles in the universe of condensed consciousness that interacts with the universe.

The best definition ive seen is probably this Whenever any property of a microscopic object affects a macroscopic object, that property is ‘observed’ and becomes a physical reality. So what this says is anytime one partical or photon interacts with something the effect is observed meaning we dont need to be here and have zero effect on reality.

If you want to see quantum indeterminacy on the macroscale, you need to completely isolate the thing you are observing from the rest of the universe. This is almost imposible to do because even the furthest reaches of space will have photons passing thru. In fact in order to isolate something from the universe it would require it didnt act with the universe in the first place meaning it was all ready separate. But I digress let me end this by saying do not get your scientific knowledge off a metaphysical website.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: Homefree
What if there is no speed of light?
What if light is static and only matter has motion?
The dog does not wag its tail.
The tail is absolutely static and the Universe wags around it.

posted on Sep, 22 2020 @ 10:50 AM
(gona try to debunk this subject)

("108" or 9 Months for Pregnancy .............. is redundant and probably not the origin of the argument ............... that has specific ties to Planet Jupiter, and energy ratios in this solar system as a result of specific interactions for this solar system only ............... one example a more primary example is "19.5 Degrees on all our Solar System Planets, specific features" .................. "108" is not a primary argument for unified field related resonances) (27 Years for MABUS of Nostradamus or "108x3 (in months 9x3)" like the OP, is what exactly?) (This is some specific cycle activity in resonance, think 1993 Twin Towers Bombing to 12/21/2020 Great Conjunction of the planet Jupiter)

"Planet Earth is not the Center of Any Measurement, Earth is nothing, and will give a theory (debunking topic)"(according to legal history)

"The Solar Eclipses are Caused by a Mysterious Dark Planet ............. they based their figure on "108" ................... and based on this "108" Mysterious Dark Planet, the numeral associations are derived. In "reality"""""""""""""""""""


(There was originally Rings/Rainbow around the planet earth, when humanities uncleanness, when those unclean generations multiplied so much, and the Rings/Rainbow around the planet earth went away................then there was seen from time to time a "Mysterious Dark Planet, the People called - Abortion, Humanities Shame" ................ and this Dark Planet or resonances, is sometimes seen in particular situations before this earth, like the solar/lunar eclipses, like the transit of venus .................. over time people have even constructed a completely false theory of a "Planet 9" which is only reference to human dirth, and the lack of a ring/rainbow around this earth)

(between 1 to 2 billion people have to die, my estimate to identify with some branch of this argument on earth, maybe slightly more)

(and the problem with that is, god views humanity with no "will to live", so god or some external power performing that action maybe too unprofitable in god's eyes, and this will be resolved this year, perhaps with "nothing happening at all", but god's mercies will go forth)

(once god kills, the son of man will try to follow up and kill enough to identify with this argument, so we'll have to see, if things can be done clean)
edit on 22-9-2020 by fintalini because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2020 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

That assumes its the truth. What happens to falsehoods? First its ridiculed, Second it's accepted, third it is shown to be wrong, 4th while wrong it is held to be right by a minority while the rest move on.

posted on Sep, 22 2020 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: anonentity

If light went faster than light speed,it would be going back in time.


Seems to me that if that were happen the light would simply travel a greater distance than what we call a light year, in a year.

No, no hold your breath until you pass out - then it will become clear to you.

posted on Sep, 22 2020 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Harte
For example, I find it highly unlikely that any purposeful alignment exists there.

Yeah, I don't see any particular indication of obvious significant alignment there. And if there were, you'd likely see it repeated in the various levels of the site. They're not going to build a temple and align it to the sun on the solstice one time, and then when they rebuild it just line it up somewhere different. There would probably be some consistency. If anything, the site seems to be lined up on the Southeast side of a hill to possibly get some protection against the weather, which blows in predominantly from the West and North.

Maybe there was a spring there at one time. A meeting place for various wandering tribes to trade or tell stories. Probably some animal spirit and fertility worship (pretty common for Neolithic people), but nothing astronomical.

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