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Possible cure for the C-19 Virus. I hope so.

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posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

With some juniper juice and a touch of lime, please.

(By juniper juice, I mean gin)
edit on 3/19/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Stormdancer777

With some juniper juice and a touch of lime, please.

(By juniper juice, I mean gin)

Can't hurt

What will people do with all their toilet paper?

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Use for its intended purpose I suppose.

For a long time.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: TomLawless

Yes it is, and if there is agenda that needs " the pandemic " they would not act so fast for cures ...

Something fishy ...

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: Stormdancer777

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: edmc^2

Why don't we just drink cheap tonic water?

Quinine plus soda in a convenient source (just watch out for the sugar content, though).

Tonic water works?

Well, there has been speculation that bi-carbonate of soda creates a gut environment that kills or inhibits a number of virii and Tonic water usually is flavored by quinine. It comes from the old days of the British Raj when they used it against malaria. Then, people realized that they liked the taste and it had very few drawbacks medically, and was a cheap flavoring, so it became a commercial product.

So, G&T's all round. Cheers!

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Tonic water tastes nasty.
Gin tastes nasty.

But when combined (with a touch of lime, scurvy don't you know), heavenly. Especially at about 4 in the afternoon.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:33 PM
Since Trump likes blaming China for this , will he thank anyone but himself for it going away?

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Use for its intended purpose I suppose.

For a long time.

If this works I think we should all TP one anothers trees and yards

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: chr0naut

Tonic water tastes nasty.
Gin tastes nasty.

But when combined (with a touch of lime, scurvy don't you know), heavenly. Especially at about 4 in the afternoon.

They all are acquired tastes.

But the Vitamin C and alcohol in the mix has to be useful too.

... and why limit intake to once a day.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: BlueJacket

I was talking about chloroquine January 22


Why is it that the time of really starting to take chloroquine seriously has been so slow? Is it on purpose ? Do they not want drugs that prevent death ? I mean so slow response that i really dont understand why ...

I believe this is all for ID2020 digital ID/Va cines Bill Gates etc...dont want a cure, they want a catalyst for global vaccination schedules

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

Yeeh probably, i was just reading about ID2020 digital ID etc

They dont care the elderly...or anybody , and why let good pandemic crisis to go wasted ..

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: edmc^2

So just to be clear:

1. China has been trying to eradicate indigenous malaria since the 60s.

2. Wuhan is home to a disease research center, equipped to handle coronavirus.

3. Malaria medicine "cures" coronavirus, but China doesn't know.

The first case was in November, and Wuhan is STILL locked down. Malaria meds might treat some of the symptoms, but it ain't a cure.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: rounda
a reply to: edmc^2

So just to be clear:

1. China has been trying to eradicate indigenous malaria since the 60s.

2. Wuhan is home to a disease research center, equipped to handle coronavirus.

3. Malaria medicine "cures" coronavirus, but China doesn't know.

The first case was in November, and Wuhan is STILL locked down. Malaria meds might treat some of the symptoms, but it ain't a cure.

true true, it's not a cure. As Phage said - Treatment.

I wonder though what body temp does the virus proliferate and dies off?

I hope by summertime, corana will just be known as a beer.

posted on Jun, 19 2020 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: BlueJacket

I was talking about chloroquine January 22


Why is it that the time of really starting to take chloroquine seriously has been so slow? Is it on purpose ? Do they not want drugs that prevent death ? I mean so slow response that i really dont understand why ...

Wow, January 22, that early, that's impressive. In the meantime now, the answer to your questions have become a lot more obvious. Yes, it's on purpose, those who stand to gain from an increased corona problem, health care sector and hospitals, Big Pharma, politicians, bureaucrats and bureaucrat scientists (CDC and FDA types and those connected to them in terms of research funding and salaries), PPE manufacturers, ventilator manufacturers, manufacturers of testmaterial, laboratories that do the tests and made the deal with the government to do them (be paid for doing them), etc., to name some of the biggest benefactors off corona; are fighting on the side of corona on this one. Doing everything in their power to make the corona problem as bad as they can make it without it becoming too obvious that they're doing it on purpose for profit (or some other personal gain). They indeed do not want drugs that prevent death, damage or the need for hospital care (too much, like early HCQ + quality care, Dr. Ban-style), that would reduce the need for their services (a clue why they have no issue with corticosteroids like dexamethasone now, even though earlier the WHO and national health organizations + those with influence on hospital protocols, did argue against that as well much like the way they're still doing with HCQ, the EVMS protocol pdf that I quoted many times in this forum goes into detail concerning what they call "The systematic failure of critical care systems to adopt corticosteroid therapy resulted from the published recommendations against corticosteroids use by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Thoracic Society (ATS), Infectious Diseases Association of America (IDSA) among others." They've changed the rest of their text now, with an update about dexamethasone, check it out; the thing about corticosteroids is that it's not an antiviral, it's anti-cytokine storm, therefore, you first let it get to that point of the cytokine storm, at which point patients need hospitalization and only then you start helping them combat the disease, i.e. you're letting it get worse first by not giving them the best antiviral treatment in the outpatient setting, HCQ + Azithromycin + zinc + copper + vitamin C + D3 with an escalation of care with corticosteroid immunosuppressors and anticoagulants if needed or warranted, all can be used in the outpatient setting, resulting in no profits for the hospitals, ahhh, how sad for them; the system isn't built for that, or around that concept. I remember my doctor sending me to the hospital for a 1cm cut, waiting a whole day occupying a bed, ka-ching, answering the same questions from nurses over and over to cover the asses of the hospital concerning legal ramifications, like signing waivers, ka-ching, then seeing an anesthetist who wanted to put me under completely, apparently a local injection wasn't an option, so had to pick an injection in the back to paralyze the whole lower half of my body, gee, have they ever heard of avoiding invasive treatments as much as possible? And ka-ching, then being dragged into an OR with like 5 people buzzing around me and a gazillion unused machines whose depreciation is calculated into the OR usage time, ka-ching, only to then have my 1cm cut done and spend the rest of the day waiting in a hospital bed again for my feelings to return to my legs so I could walk out on my own strength cause they were already ready to keep me overnight; all for a 1cm cut, less actually, a whole freakkin day to rake up the bill by means of health care protocol. And then it turned out it didn't work and I had to do it all again half a year later, and again my problem came back; glad I had an ER physician who was clever enough to fix my problem without even cutting the 3rd time my own doctor send me to the ER when he could have done this incredibly simple and noninvasive procedure himself, using just a needle; something I could have done myself if it had been in a spot I could see and reach a little better; in the meantime, my back still aches from what the anesthetist did to me years ago). Wow, those sidenotes become longer and longer, I'm not going to split it up into multiple paragraphs though, just elaborating a bit.

Therefore, delay, delay, delay. Just keep on droning home that HCQ's great efficacy supposedly hasn't been proven yet and first requires (offically sanctioned and well-funded, therefore easily manipulated) randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials, then manipulate the message about HCQ that comes from those later on that is basically the same: 'it doesn't work' or 'it's not clear if it works' or 'it doesn't work great' or as we've seen, 'it's even harmful'.

The supposed "results" from these type of officially sanctioned and well-funded clinical trials cannot put the genie back in the bottle. The truth is already out, well-established, well-proven, well-evidenced: HCQ works great (especially when optimized by the right substances and quality care)!

I love her feistiness! Like Major Kira from Star Trek DS9, with some fire in her belly.
edit on 19-6-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2020 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: chr0naut

Tonic water tastes nasty.
Gin tastes nasty.

But when combined (with a touch of lime, scurvy don't you know), heavenly. Especially at about 4 in the afternoon.

There's not that much quinine in tonic water though. And hydroxychloroquine (the designer derivative) was specifically designed to be better than CQ (the other designer derivative) at getting into cells, lysosomes and endosomes, where it can do the most good (increasing Ph there). Quinine is similar to CQ in that regards (because of the added hydroxyl group to HCQ). So if you use quinine in tonic water, you'll need to use more quinine compared to HCQ for the same effects, making the toxicity of a Ph increasing substance a bit more of an issue. It's still used in rather large quantities for malaria prophylaxis though, so I guess the body can handle it. But for those quantities (3 x 600mg on day one as a loading dose, after that a bit less) you'd have to drink about 20 liters of Tonic though on the first day, and many liters on subsequent days. Not really realistic. It still has some benefit in lower quantities as a prophylaxis though, but then supplements that contain quinine may be cheaper, I've found one that is rather expensive, but still cheaper per liter of tonic, which is capped at 89mg per liter, but usually more in the 83mg range. My supplements are 0.35 euro per 83mg. Which is already expensive, but I recon a liter of tonic is more expensive. Plus my supplements have vitamin C and zinc in them already, among other substances.

Governor Cuomo (or his brother at CNN) took quinine though, according to reports as he did everything to block the less invasive, less toxic, less risky and more effective HCQ from being given to Covid patients in anything other than officially sactioned and well-funded Big Pharma, Big Health Care and government manipulated clinical trials (setup to give a false impression that HCQ doesn't work, or hardly works, or is even harmful). Ironic isn't it? HCQ is only for the elite like Trump and Boris Johnson. The fancy more sophisticated version of quinine, yet not even all that more expensive. One wonders what's in Fauci's medicine cabinet at home. Then again, he'll never have to worry about not getting what he wants when he gets sick. Pretty sure he won't give his consent to be intubated:

Never forget. It's not limited to NY. These hospital protocols, policies and accompanying behaviour (minus the neglect), is a global phenomenon. In Belgium and the Netherlands it's possibly the worst. Just remember that in the Netherlands they don't count most of the dead as being corona-related. In terms of deaths/1M pop, we're right up there with Belgium, at the top of the list (notice the difference in number of tests per 1M pop, it was even worse before with an even more restrictive testing policy, and those who died without a positive test, are not counted in the official statistics, as many of them are in Belgium and France that I know are counting suspected cases). The UK seems pretty bad as well, but at least they're testing and thus counting more.

edit: I may be a bit off with referring the 3 x 600mg of quinine as a prophylaxis treatment (I thought I read it somewhere for prophylaxis after hearing it from a lady on youtube, thinking that was rather much so I wanted to check if she didn't misspoke or something). The website says:

Usual Adult Dose for Malaria

648 mg orally every 8 hours for 7 days

But I guess that's for treatment, not prophylaxis. Wikipedia on the page for "Malaria prophylaxis" says "Quinine sulfate 300 to 325 mg once daily: this regimen is effective...". So that's a rather big difference, that's about 4 liters of Tonic per day, still a bit much to achieve realistically without getting utterly sick and tired of it. But I'm a lot more happy with my quinine supplements with a recommended daily dose of 200mg in 3 capsules (I'm taking 4, twice a day; at least when I have to go out to resupply that which I can't order in; almost like going on vacation to a malaria area, the concept concerning function and mechanism of action is the same anyway for Covid-19, increase the Ph within cells and cell organelles, in the malaria unicellular bacteria parasite, that's the food vacuole, in Covid-19, it's cells, lysosomes and endosomes; with some additional advantages concerning the ACE2 receptor).
edit on 19-6-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2020 @ 11:24 PM
Oh, with "4, twice a day" I actually meant 2 x 2 (4 total, taking 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening for a total of 267mg per day; I should probably take 5 to get closer to the 300 - 325 mg mentioned by wikipedia for prophylaxis; but I'm not going out that often and I'm cheap, they are the most expensive supplements I bought, 83 cents per daily recommended dose of 3, so more than a euro if I take 4 or 5*).

*: they are pretty cool though, they already have zinc and vitamin C in there, among some other useful substances like astragalus root, which according to

Its main use has been to boost the body's immune system. ... it's used to treat the common cold, upper respiratory infections, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. ... Proponents also say astragalus stimulates the spleen, liver, lungs, circulatory, and urinary system. It's also used to treat osteoarthritis, asthma, and nervous conditions as well as to lower blood sugar and blood pressure.

Lungs, liver and kidneys are important organs under attack by Covid-19. I bought it for the quinine, but that's a nice bonus. If it works as advertized. Which is usually the problem with these advertising claims isn't it? At least with quinine, I know why it works, and all the research I've done into it, did not result in me finding any clear evidence that quinine can't do all the functions HCQ does in relation to its increasing pH function as well, just not as efficiently, causing more issues with toxicity if you want to achieve the same benefit with quinine since you'll need to use more. There are still some questions in my mind regarding the 'binding with sialic acid near the ACE2-receptor' function though, whether or not quinine can do that as well. The exact mechanisms of action and functions of quinine is a difficult subject to look into, not that many people interested in funding that sort of research. Everytime I see an article about the mechanism of action of CQ or HCQ (either in relation to malaria or Covid-19), I'm thinking: 'why oh why didn't they include quinine in their study? You can do all the same things you just did with CQ and/or HCQ and add quinine to your study.'
edit on 21-6-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 07:35 PM
HCQ still works great against Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2. Still already conclusively proven in relation to SARS-CoV-2 in March in vivo (for SARS-CoV-1 it was years earlier and for CQ in relation to SARS-CoV-2 it was Feb). Still no marketing/sales-pitch report published as an officially sanctioned and well-funded so-called "clinical trial" can change the evidence that was already conclusive. But they've done a remarkable job at making people think that it does negate the earlier evidence that is in their opinion of less quality than the fake clinical trials affected by marketing concerns that came after that supposedly supersede this conclusive evidence.

The highly toxic poisonous Remdesivir is still making patients more sick than they need to be. Health care workers are still using it because the protocol, health care policies and supposed 'scientists' (marketeers for Big Pharma, Big Health Care, the bureaucracy and team Corona) all say it works and should be used. The media continues their lies about it as well.

If I don't talk about it, nobody else on ATS will either will they? Go on, bring up some more of those false marketing/sales-pitch reports published under the marketingbanner "Science" that supposedly show us how wonderful Remdesivir and the vaccins are and that HCQ is so terrible or terribly ineffective. And how only old people need to worry, cause it's all just fearmongering, right?

edit on 30-6-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

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