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Syria hit with massive sustained attack: Russian S-400 defenses possibly active In huge escalation

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posted on Sep, 17 2018 @ 09:37 PM
Here's an update from 20 minutes ago:

posted on Sep, 17 2018 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
a reply to: Arnie123

It's somewhat hard to believe the capability doesn't exist to determine who's responsible for such an attack??

Well, they certainly do, but nobody is talking, so something is afoot....

posted on Sep, 17 2018 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: carewemust

So, in short, Syria accidently shoots down a Ruski patrol plane, we got Isrealis and Frenchmens....

posted on Sep, 17 2018 @ 10:14 PM
Israel attacked. Syria accidentally shot down the Russian plane.

posted on Sep, 17 2018 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

I just haven't seen anything stating facts as of yet.

posted on Sep, 17 2018 @ 10:30 PM
Oh you know the US is testing the Russian air defences. Time to pull out all the latest gadgets and test them. Proxy wars always use the latest tech and counter measure's.

With Russia putting the s400 there you know they are continually checking its capabilities. As you can see its been wildly successful since the only jets syria shoots down seems to be Russian.

posted on Sep, 17 2018 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
Oh you know the US is testing the Russian air defences. Time to pull out all the latest gadgets and test them. Proxy wars always use the latest tech and counter measure's.

With Russia putting the s400 there you know they are continually checking its capabilities. As you can see its been wildly successful since the only jets syria shoots down seems to be Russian.

Russian marketing needs to include the blue on blue incidents in coming up with the P/K # for marketing.

Hope this isn’t the start of the fall.

posted on Sep, 17 2018 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
Syria accidentally shot down the Russian plane.

Everyone should hope or maybe pray this is true.

If not...

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 12:00 AM
I have suspected for decades now that a takedown of Syrian air defenses could facilitate an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities,
I guess I figured it would have happened years ago, especially once Iraqi airspace was .... compromised..but it didn't happen. looks like TBTB hit a delay in the plan, Remember (I think it was 2006) when Iran and Israel were heating up bigtime? Looked like it was all just about to go down..
discussions in my beer pub circles were full of ideas that Syria was next to fall, some shady NATO deal would bring down Syrian air defense systems , ( which would allow a flight path from Israel straight over to Iran with refueling tankers) meaning Israel could launch a long range bombing mission on Iranian nuclear research sites.
We sat around with maps and made bets.
But then hostilities faded out again, and we all forgot about it for a while.
Until the Syria mess began several years later. Now days it looks like it could still happen after all.
I know it may sound totally crazy but I have a nagging decades long suspicion that this has been a long term goal for someone, and this moment looks like the perfect clusterf#$%k to set it all off.
I guess we will see.

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 02:01 AM
Forgive me if I'm ill informed here, but the IL-20 being missing, following this altercation could be an obvious indicator of a black flag maneuver, given away by the crew of 14.
Let me explain:
These are the specification of the IL-18, which is the direct predecessor of the IL-20 and in honesty, the IL-20 is just a modified IL-18. Generally, more powerful.

Crew: 9
Capacity: 65-120 passengers
Length: 35.9 m (117 ft 9 in)
Wingspan: 37.4 m (122 ft 8 in)
Height: 10.165 m (33 ft 4 in)
Wing area: 140 m2 (1,500 sq ft)
Empty weight: 35,000 kg (77,162 lb)
Max takeoff weight: 64,000 kg (141,096 lb)
Fuel capacity: 30,000 l (6,599 imp gal)

This plane has the cargo capability to accommodate the missiles used in the attack.
The standard crew for this plane, should be roughly 9. There were 14. Not too odd, but if you put thought into it.

For a missile weapon system launched from a modified cargo tanker, with both the fuel capacity, and cargo capacity to accommodate those missiles... You would want a crew of roughly 5 guys to handle the missile loading, targeting, and guidance.

Why the hell was a supposed "space assistance" cargo craft, flying in the area? Especially such a massive one, capable of that type of payload?

5 Extra crew members, and no mention of what was actually on-board that IL-20.

Until further information comes out, the facts on the IL-20 are this:

Empty weight: 35,000 kg (77,162 lb)
Max takeoff weight: 64,000 kg (141,096 lb)

It could accommodate nearly 70,000 pounds of munitions. Save the weight of 5 additional crew members to launch them.

This could be a "look who the bad guys are" scenario. As of right now, I don't buy that a French frigate was firing off munitions at Syria. Israeli intelligence would have known that the Russian missile shield was in place.

With a good-guy/bad-guy style black flag, Russia may have both started this attack, and painted themselves as the "hero that protected Syria" by explicitly utilizing their own missile defense shield. These IL-20's have advanced electronics on-board standard, capable of essentially assisting and accomplishing this type of mission. They could have explicitly made sure they hit their own bombs out of the air to look like good guys.

I want more information now, or I'm calling a pre-emptive bull# on this, and you should too.

اغفر لي إذا لم أكن على علم هنا ، ولكن فقدان IL-20 ، بعد هذه المشاجرة يمكن أن يكون مؤشرا واضحا على مناورة العلم الأسود ، التي قدمها طاقم 14.
دعني أشرح:
هذه هي مواصفات IL-18 ، التي هي السلف المباشر لـ IL-20 وفي الأمانة ، IL-20 هو مجرد IL-18 معدلة. عموما ، أكثر قوة.

الطاقم: 9
السعة: 65-120 راكب
الطول: 35.9 م (117 قدم 9 بوصة)
جناحيها: 37.4 م (122 قدم 8 بوصة)
الارتفاع: 10.165 م (33 قدمًا و 4 بوصات)
مساحة الجناح: 140 م 2 (1500 قدم مربع)
الوزن الخالي: 35،000 كجم (77،162 رطل)
أقصى وزن للإقلاع: 64000 كجم (141،096 رطل)
سعة الوقود: 30،000 لتر (6،599 غرام غال)

هذه الطائرة لديها القدرة على الشحن لاستيعاب الصواريخ المستخدمة في الهجوم.
الطاقم القياسي لهذه الطائرة ، ينبغي أن يكون تقريبا 9. كان هناك 14. ليس غريبا جدا ، ولكن إذا كنت وضعت في الفكر فيه.

بالنسبة لنظام الأسلحة الصاروخية الذي تم إطلاقه من ناقلة شحن معدلة ، مع سعة الوقود ، وقدرة الشحن لاستيعاب تلك الصواريخ ... أنت تريد طاقمًا مكونًا من 5 أشخاص تقريبًا للتعامل مع تحميل الصواريخ والاستهداف والتوجيه.

لماذا كان الجحيم عبارة عن سفينة بضائع "مساعدة فضائية" من المفترض أن تطير في المنطقة؟ لا سيما هذه الضخمة ، قادرة على هذا النوع من الحمولة؟

5 أفراد طاقم إضافي ، ولا يوجد ذكر لما كان موجودًا بالفعل على متن الطائرة IL-20.

إلى أن تظهر معلومات إضافية ، فإن الحقائق حول IL-20 هي:

الوزن الخالي: 35،000 كجم (77،162 رطل)
أقصى وزن للإقلاع: 64000 كجم (141،096 رطل)

يمكن أن تستوعب ما يقرب من 70000 رطل من الذخيرة. وفر وزن 5 من أفراد الطاقم الإضافيين لإطلاقها.

هذا يمكن أن يكون "نظرة من هم الأشرار" السيناريو. حتى الآن ، لا أشتري أن فرقاطة فرنسية كانت تطلق ذخائر في سوريا. كانت المخابرات الإسرائيلية ستعرف أن الدرع الصاروخي الروسي كان في مكانه.

ومع وجود علم أسود على طريقة رجل جيد / سيء ، قد تكون روسيا قد بدأت هذا الهجوم ، ورسمت نفسها على أنها "البطل الذي يحمي سوريا" من خلال استخدام درع دفاع صاروخي خاص بها. هذه المركبات من طراز IL-20 لديها معايير إلكترونية متقدمة على متنها ، قادرة على مساعدة وإنجاز هذا النوع من المهمات. كان بإمكانهم أن يتأكدوا صراحة من أنهم ضربوا قنابلهم الخاصة من الجو لتبدو كأشخاص جيدين.

أريد المزيد من المعلومات الآن ، أو أدعو إلى هراء وقائي في هذا الشأن ، ويجب عليك ذلك أيضًا.

Pardonnez-moi si je suis mal informé ici, mais l'IL-20 étant manquant, suite à cette altercation pourrait être un indicateur évident d'une manœuvre de drapeau noir, donnée par l'équipage de 14 personnes.
Laisse-moi expliquer:
Ce sont les spécifications de l'IL-18, qui est le prédécesseur direct de l'IL-20 et, en toute honnêteté, l'IL-20 n'est qu'une IL-18 modifiée. Généralement plus puissant.

Equipage: 9
Capacité: 65-120 passagers
Longueur: 35,9 m
Envergure: 37,4 m (122 pi 8 po)
Hauteur: 10.165 m (33 ft 4 in)
Surface de l'aile: 140 m2
Poids à vide: 35 000 kg (77 162 lb)
Masse maximale au décollage: 64 000 kg (141 096 lb)
Capacité de carburant: 30 000 l (6 599 imp gal)

Cet avion a la capacité de transporter les missiles utilisés lors de l’attaque.
L'équipage standard pour cet avion devrait être à peu près 9. Il y en avait 14. Pas trop bizarre, mais si vous y réfléchissez.

Pour un système d'arme à missiles lancé à partir d'un pétrolier modifié, avec à la fois la capacité de carburant et la capacité de chargement pour accueillir ces missiles ... Vous voudriez qu'un équipage d'environ cinq personnes s'occupe du chargement, du ciblage et du guidage des missiles.

Pourquoi diable était un vaisseau cargo "d'assistance spatiale", volant dans la région? Surtout si massif, capable de ce type de charge utile?

5 membres d'équipage supplémentaires et aucune mention de ce qui était réellement à bord de l'IL-20.

Jusqu'à ce que de plus amples informations sortent, les faits sur l'IL-20 sont les suivants:

Poids à vide: 35 000 kg (77 162 lb)
Masse maximale au décollage: 64 000 kg (141 096 lb)

Il pourrait accueillir près de 70 000 livres de munitions. Sauvegardez le poids de 5 membres d'équipage supplémentaires pour les lancer.

Cela pourrait être un scénario "regarder qui sont les méchants". À l'heure actuelle, je n'achète pas qu'une frégate française tire des munitions en Syrie. Les services de renseignements israéliens auraient su que le bouclier antimissile russe était en place.

Avec un drapeau noir de style bonhomme / méchant, la Russie a peut-être commencé cette attaque et s'est présentée comme le "héros qui a protégé la Syrie" en utilisant explicitement son propre bouclier antimissile. Ces IL-20 ont des standards électroniques avancés embarqués, capables d'aider et d'accomplir essentiellement ce type de mission. Ils auraient pu explicitement s’assurer qu’ils frappent leurs propres bombes pour qu’ils ressemblent à de bons gars.

Je veux plus d'informations maintenant, ou j'appelle une connerie préventive à ce sujet, et vous devriez aussi.
edit on 18-9-2018 by Archivalist because: multi-language support

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: Archivalist

One more for Russian readers.

Простите меня, если я плохо проинформирован здесь, но Ил-20, пропавший без вести, после этой ссоры может быть очевидным показателем маневра черного флага, выданного экипажем из 14 человек.
Позволь мне объяснить:
Это спецификация ИЛ-18, которая является прямым предшественником ИЛ-20 и в честности, ИЛ-20 - это всего лишь модифицированный ИЛ-18. Вообще, более мощный.

Экипаж: 9
Вместимость: 65-120 пассажиров
Длина: 35,9 м (117 футов 9 дюймов)
Размах крыла: 37,4 м (122 фута 8 дюймов)
Высота: 10.165 м (33 фута 4 дюйма)
Площадь крыла: 140 м2 (1500 кв. Футов)
Вес пустого: 35 000 кг (77 162 фунтов)
Максимальный взлетный вес: 64 000 кг (141 096 фунтов)
Емкость топливного бака: 30 000 л (6 599 имп гал)

Этот самолет имеет грузовые возможности для размещения ракет, используемых в атаке.
Стандартный экипаж для этого самолета должен быть примерно 9. Было 14. Не слишком странно, но если вы вложили в него мысли.

Для системы ракетного оружия, запущенной с модифицированного грузового танкера, с топливной емкостью и грузоподъемностью для размещения этих ракет ... Вы хотели бы, чтобы экипаж из примерно 5 парней справился с загрузкой, прицеливанием и руководством ракет.

Почему, черт возьми, было предполагаемым грузовым кораблем «космической помощи», летающим в этом районе? Особенно такой массивный, способный к этому типу полезной нагрузки?

5 дополнительных членов экипажа, и никаких упоминаний о том, что было фактически на борту этого Ил-20.

До тех пор, пока не появится дополнительная информация, факты об ИЛ-20 таковы:

Вес пустого: 35 000 кг (77 162 фунтов)
Максимальный взлетный вес: 64 000 кг (141 096 фунтов)

Он мог разместить около 70 000 фунтов боеприпасов. Сохраните вес 5 дополнительных членов экипажа, чтобы запустить их.

Это может быть сценарий «посмотри, кто плохие парни». На данный момент я не покупаю, что французский фрегат стрелял из боеприпасов в Сирии. Израильская разведка могла бы знать, что российский ракетный щит был на месте.

С черным флагом хорошего парня / плохого парня Россия, возможно, и начала эту атаку, и нарисовала себя как «герой, который защищал Сирию», явно используя свой собственный противоракетный щит. Эти IL-20 имеют усовершенствованный электронный стандарт, способный существенно помочь и выполнить этот вид миссии. Они могли бы явно убедиться, что они ударили по своим собственным бомбам в воздух, чтобы выглядеть хорошими парнями.

Я хочу больше информации сейчас, или я называю это упреждающей ерундой, и вы тоже должны.
Prostite menya, yesli ya plokho proinformirovan zdes', no Il-20, propavshiy bez vesti, posle etoy ssory mozhet byt' ochevidnym pokazatelem manevra chernogo flaga, vydannogo ekipazhem iz 14 chelovek.
Pozvol' mne ob"yasnit':
Eto spetsifikatsiya IL-18, kotoraya yavlyayetsya pryamym predshestvennikom IL-20 i v chestnosti, IL-20 - eto vsego lish' modifitsirovannyy IL-18. Voobshche, boleye moshchnyy.

Ekipazh: 9
Vmestimost': 65-120 passazhirov
Dlina: 35,9 m (117 futov 9 dyuymov)
Razmakh kryla: 37,4 m (122 futa 8 dyuymov)
Vysota: 10.165 m (33 futa 4 dyuyma)
Ploshchad' kryla: 140 m2 (1500 kv. Futov)
Ves pustogo: 35 000 kg (77 162 funtov)
Maksimal'nyy vzletnyy ves: 64 000 kg (141 096 funtov)
Yemkost' toplivnogo baka: 30 000 l (6 599 imp gal)

Etot samolet imeyet gruzovyye vozmozhnosti dlya razmeshcheniya raket, ispol'zuyemykh v atake.
Standartnyy ekipazh dlya etogo samoleta dolzhen byt' primerno 9. Bylo 14. Ne slishkom stranno, no yesli vy vlozhili v nego mysli.

Dlya sistemy raketnogo oruzhiya, zapushchennoy s modifitsirovannogo gruzovogo tankera, s toplivnoy yemkost'yu i gruzopod"yemnost'yu dlya razmeshcheniya etikh raket ... Vy khoteli by, chtoby ekipazh iz primerno 5 parney spravilsya s zagruzkoy, pritselivaniyem i rukovodstvom raket.

Pochemu, chert voz'mi, bylo predpolagayemym gruzovym korablem «kosmicheskoy pomoshchi», letayushchim v etom rayone? Osobenno takoy massivnyy, sposobnyy k etomu tipu poleznoy nagruzki?

5 dopolnitel'nykh chlenov ekipazha, i nikakikh upominaniy o tom, chto bylo fakticheski na bortu etogo Il-20.

Do tekh por, poka ne poyavitsya dopolnitel'naya informatsiya, fakty ob IL-20 takovy:

Ves pustogo: 35 000 kg (77 162 funtov)
Maksimal'nyy vzletnyy ves: 64 000 kg (141 096 funtov)

On mog razmestit' okolo 70 000 funtov boyepripasov. Sokhranite ves 5 dopolnitel'nykh chlenov ekipazha, chtoby zapustit' ikh.

Eto mozhet byt' stsenariy «posmotri, kto plokhiye parni». Na dannyy moment ya ne pokupayu, chto frantsuzskiy fregat strelyal iz boyepripasov v Sirii. Izrail'skaya razvedka mogla by znat', chto rossiyskiy raketnyy shchit byl na meste.

S chernym flagom khoroshego parnya / plokhogo parnya Rossiya, vozmozhno, i nachala etu ataku, i narisovala sebya kak «geroy, kotoryy zashchishchal Siriyu», yavno ispol'zuya svoy sobstvennyy protivoraketnyy shchit. Eti IL-20 imeyut usovershenstvovannyy elektronnyy standart, sposobnyy sushchestvenno pomoch' i vypolnit' etot vid missii. Oni mogli by yavno ubedit'sya, chto oni udarili po svoim sobstvennym bombam v vozdukh, chtoby vyglyadet' khoroshimi parnyami.

YA khochu bol'she informatsii seychas, ili ya nazyvayu eto uprezhdayushchey yerundoy, i vy tozhe dolzhny.

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 02:07 AM
Russian and Syrian air defences are linked so the missile system would of recognised the plane as friendly so France or more likely Israel im sorry.

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 02:14 AM
*marked for reading nothing to add

Interesting development

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: khnum

I could sit down, bare-bones at a control system for a missile targeting platform I know nothing about.

In 2 hours, I could probably make it recognize a Russian plane as a Canadian blimp, or a flying whale from Atlantis.

It's not hard to modify any type of electronic guidance system, even if that means making it near 100% manual. I assure you, this is very possible. I don't care if your targeting system works off of Java coded in 2001 or lua scripts dished out by an Amazon web server.(Both of these solutions would be laughable and highly unlikely. Whatever the system actually is, is likely to make more sense and be easier to modify, with clearance to do so.)
edit on 18-9-2018 by Archivalist because: mehnomanopoeia

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: Archivalist

If your proposing a maleavalent hacker then they wouldn't be Russian or Syrian

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

It looks like Syrian air defense shot down a Russian aircraft.

The Associated Press
‏Verified account @AP
4m4 minutes ago

BREAKING: The Russian Defense Ministry says a Russian aircraft was shot down by Syrian government missiles.
16 replies 56 retweets 50 likes

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

Pentagon spokesman issuing the following statement: "I can unequivocally say this is not us," said Navy Cmdr. Sean Robertson.

Yea right. The credibility of the US govt is so low its in hell.

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 05:07 AM
The other day when they warned Assad about chemical weapons you knew something bad was coming.

Chemical weapons and show some kids on TV.

Anything goes after that, even if it's a lie

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 05:18 AM
Ruskies are now claiming Israeli jets were shadowing their plane in order to draw aa fire to it causing the mistake (in?)directly.

Might get pretty hot next couple days.

posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: HanSolo31
a reply to: Quadrivium

RT is saying it was a French Frigate. S400 or not, they first need to figure out who is firing. First they said Israel, then they said french boats, now they are claiming Syrian misfire downed a Russian plane. Who the hell knows what is going on at this point.
French Frigate Fire

I highly doubt it was the French. They would’ve surrendered by now .

( sorry I just couldn’t pass that up )

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