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Climate change denial strongly linked to right-wing nationalism

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posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:16 PM
This is no surprise to many of us, however those who are on the fence on human induced climate change to step back and look at the actual science instead of making it a political issue.

Climate change denial strongly linked to right wing nationalism

Scientific awareness of the greenhouse effect, and human influence on the climate has existed for over three decades. During the 1980s, there was a strong environmental movement and a political consensus on the issue, but in recent years, climate change denial – denying that changes to the climate are due to human influence on the environment – has increased.

”Two strong groups have joined forces on this issue – the extractive industry, and right-wing nationalists. The combination has taken the current debate to a much more dramatic level than previously, at the same time as our window of opportunity is disappearing.”

It also important to dismiss claims that addressing climate change is some sort of agenda to control the world or whatever claim that causes a knee jerk reaction for those who want to deny science for political ideology/dogma.

I will leave this thread with a clip of Ted Cruz trying to debate a retired admiral on the issue. Note how Cruz uses the word alarmist over and over again, and the chart he uses is clearly using cherry picked data points.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: jrod

Is there left wing nationalism or is that an attribute only of the "Right"?

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:28 PM
I would file this under "No sh&%, Sherlock" ...

but know a few folks on this site who might benefit from considering the possibility that all the scientists are telling the truth as they know it. Those ol' scientists have been correct every time there was such general consensus (or correct me, please).

I wish to heck it wasn't true, as I don't foresee consensus or being able to tackle it globally before mass death and mayhem, but what can you do against denial and mule-headedness of the nth order?

I know, "taxes, control, NWO, God, scientists don't know, really" blah, blah...

bottom line is we are up a poopy creek without a mode of locomotion.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: pavil

Really? Can you please contribute to this thread, not try to push this thread off topic.

It is clear that the far right refuses to address man made climate change. Look who Trump picked for the head of the EPA and department of energy. Loom what Rick Scott has done in Florida, a state that is starting to be effected already.

Environmental protection should not be looked at as road block for corporate profits.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

the paraphrasing consensus was

does man have an impact on the weather
if it warmer now then it was a couple of hundred years ago

ice age ended and it yes its warmer
yes, people do impact the world

they don't take into account, sun spots, and 50 million other things. THat's why none of the "scientific" models ever prediect

+7 more 
posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: jrod

This is not a believe / don't believe subject. There is lots of middle ground.

Many of us just don't like being forced to give our money to India and China under some twisted logic that it will make things better while they are allowed to still pollute.

You know what we can all agree on? Clean air, clean water, clean soil.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:38 PM
This should be in the pit.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:39 PM
Does just accept the science also apply with vaccines?

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: jrod

wake me up when you find out how long will it take to reverse the so called global worming

and also please for the love of God explain to me why is the elephant in the room is never mentioned which is the deforestation that is happening as we speak, no one is talking about this man mad thing that is preventing the trees from sucking Co2

and by the way I'm not a right wing nationalist

edit on 23 8 2018 by Dr UAE because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:40 PM

Climate change denial strongly linked to right-wing nationalism

and common sense.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: pavil
a reply to: jrod

Is there left wing nationalism or is that an attribute only of the "Right"?

Left-wing nationalism, leftist nationalism or socialist nationalism describes a form of nationalism based upon social equality (not necessary political equality), popular sovereignty and national self-determination.[1] Left-wing nationalism typically espouses anti-imperialism.


The chest thumping nationalism that is often discussed and can cause wars is almost exclusively a right wing thing, in every country.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:41 PM
Politicians need to stop acting like scientists and vice versa.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Kharron

Left wing nationalism sounds a lot like Nazis.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:55 PM
That must make Climate change supporters ultra RIGHT WING nationalists.

Tell the world what they should be doing.

Controlling the air,land,water, and every resource there in.

Because you don't get any more totalitarian than that.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: jrod

I have never disagreed that humans are destroying our environment, I have disagreed as to how, and that carbon and carbon credits are not sufficient as culprit and cure.

Big agriculture and globalism, in the physical sense are destroying our soil, water, air thats surely obvious when you live on an organic farm inbetween 3 conventional big ag farms.

I as an independent voter that has found himself on the same side of the fence with those you are calling extreme right due to the insane ideaology of the globalist left...dont think you have a full view or understanding of everyone who simply does not agree with "Al Gores" climate change.

There are certainly a vast number of contributors to the actual climate, particularly our own planet, the sun and God knows how many other factors.

Carbon climate conspiracy as I like to call it is a scam to line pockets and ingratiate the unelected United Nations with an international tax base.

I smell fraud

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 03:57 PM
When this is what you have been hearing, :

15,000 Scientists: Climate Change Is Already Past The Point Of No Return

you kind of have to laugh and wonder, why the F should we care? Apparently the largest driving factor is burning fossil fuels. We have been told time and again, how alternative energy's just aren't worth while, and there doesn't seem to be any new way of moving people on the horizon. So we are left with the big question, are you trying to get the big prize by signing up more new members than everyone else?

Seriously, if I believe or I don't believe, nothing changes. And if you believe in this and it makes you feel good, then super. You aren't alone and that's good. It may all be just like you say it is, but the only way I win, is if it's not, so I'll silently hope that you are wrong, and whatever unforeseen force that changes the global climate reverses itself and we all go back to worrying about the incoming Ice Age. (at lest then, I can keep my beer cold)

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: Kharron

except when it comes to you know the Nazis, the Soviets, and the Chinese, but all other times nationalism is right wing

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: jrod

At this stage of the circus, I'd be more interested in seeing who believes the flat earth theory &/or the holographic/simulation universe theory......versus's their political ideology - Both those theories have convinced LOTS of folks that we are the Truman show and so a new type of denial, about LOTS of things, is so hot right now...........

Why will these 'things' just not go away from the ongoing human discussion about life?

Why do humans believe the things they believe?

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: jrod

Are you trying to link this article with the United States?

From your link:

With Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, as a hub, the world’s first global research network into climate change denial has now been established. Building on a brand-new research publication showing the links between conservatism, xenophobia and climate change denial, the network will study how the growth of right-wing nationalism in Europe has contributed to an increase in climate change denial.

No part of their research has anything to do with the US. Just wondering then, what Ted Cruz has to do with this article & the research. He is a European right-wing nationalist?

What dimension is it?

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Why do humans believe the things they believe?

PT Barnum called so many years ago.

' There's a sucker born every minute.'

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