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Serious - Abductee Chat forum - 2018

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posted on Apr, 7 2018 @ 11:02 PM

originally posted by: jaynkeel

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: katerinaGrace
Wow the way people are posting here,one would swear that all these cameras and surveillance equipment costs 2cents a dozen. There are many people who cannot afford stuff like that. Anyway,be that as it may,i am an abductee. Some of us are quite a bit older,in our 50's and 60's.Before the internet. We had no damn clue What was happening to us,just that something was severely wrong with our lives. That we were different from most other people,in a horrible way we could not begin to define,even to ourselves.Thank heavens for the internet,or we would never have had a clue,till our dying day,what it was that was wrong,with our childhoods,our teenage years,our young adult years,our proper adult years,or with even some of our children.It is a grievous shock to finally being able to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together.Many many hours and days of "But it Can't be,surely!!!" and then again remembering all that you do,and seeing the experiences of other abductees online. And realizing it actually really is unfortunately,the Only explanation that makes Any kind of sense.

The injuries you wake up with,the marks,the bruises,the puncture holes,the strange memories that you never forget,not like a dream which eventually fades,but a memory,of an event.In my case,human military and medical places and people,with one or two instances of seeing what looked like greys amongst them.

Definitely,some of us have been taken by night,by use of some ungodly technology,and put back,often much the worse for wear. Sometimes so injured that it takes days to properly recover. Someone asked in an earlier post,if humans attack their abductors,if they fight back against whoever takes them. I think some do,i think i have,or else they are just bullies who like to injure people for #s and giggles. But i have been so injured sometimes that when i woke up,and for days after,it did feel like i have been in a physical altercation.I should know,because in the normal world,in my past i have been,so i know the feeling afterwards,whether you win or lose the fight.

If you are interested PM me and I will tell you how to document the abductions tangibly to record them hardcopy and also how to dissuade them from will likely want to protect your entire family but that's another story.

I relate to some of your reactions to your events.

Fear not...they are in large simpletons with technology we don't understand....once you understand how things work they no longer wish to interact with you because you become extremely dangerous.

I call bs enough with the pm crap lay it out for all of us to read...

Come on...give it some effort....give us a couple of your guesses based on tips provided so far.....we didn't always have electronic equipment to work with and everyone knows what a double-blind study is do your due diligence and at least try to post some suggestions instead of the schoolyard challenge of 08038771464077318&selectedIndex=274&ajaxhist=0

I mean giving an option as basic as sprinkeling flour or icing sugar around your windows and on the floor around entry points is better than just opting out and begging for more with a schoolyard challenge.

posted on Apr, 8 2018 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: n120by60w

Does astral posession by an e.t./dimensional count?

posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: BestinShow
a reply to: n120by60w

Looking forward to your response ATS...

I’m looking forward to the posts that include GoCam/Security footage.

The rest can settle for Tier 2 Status...


posted on Apr, 11 2018 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: 3n19m470

Because apparently if you do not have it on video or sec cam,it didn't happen,and you are an attention-seeking or delusional liar or fruitcake.At best,you are not worthy of much notice.

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 10:13 PM
If we look back at the last 100 years…
It is astounding what we have accomplished.
We were convinced that the earth would be covered by 15” of house poo due to our use of horses for transportation…
Now we think that we are true masters of 1/3 of a water covered planet.
We are reaching for the stars, yet our deep seas are a mystery….

My families’ abductions & my personal abductions have brought me to a place in life of just pure wonder.

I no longer must ask for personal proof… Yet others struggle for truth. It can drive you to despair…

I know personal truth can be attained and is allowed.
Stand back for a moment and ask yourself, “What would truly be a personal truth for you?”
Be aware that the truth may only be yours and not to share.

I had experienced toe to toe experiences that would be enough for some.
Yet I required something to hold in my hand. Something that I could ponder on and think about.
I talked about this in pervious conversations. White Leaves on a healthy tree in the middle of the summer was given to me… ( I did not ask for this just something I could hold.)
Your proof might be simpler or more complex. Until you decide what would give you a grounding for your beliefs to evolve then we just remain stuck.

I see some looking for pictures and film… They already exist. They are spirted away by beings or governments for a multitude of reasons. Some are just buried online by hundreds or thousands of like postings that just all but make it impossible to locate.

I have had a Mufon investigator ask, “Describe these pre courser Orb’s that form out of no ware.
Size? Color? I would Just like to see one myself. “

I smiled and asked him if he really wanted that…
“If you really mean it… “
“There is a 2 to 3” Black orb that just formed and is hovering just above your right shoulder.”

He was setting on the couch beside my wife and I in our arm chairs.
He turned to look and was startled… He swatted at it and it just kind of rolled to the floor at his feet.
Then my Springer Spaniel took off after it, chasing it across the living room floor, then down the hallway barking as he ran. The Black orb just skittered along the floor in front of him with him in hot pursuit.

This is a reason that we really want to think about what we ask for.
He and his mother “a self-professed abductee” accompanied him on the couch.
They stood up apologizing... Then proceeded to all but run out of the house.
If anyone would be prepared for just a precursor event a seasoned Mufon Investigator should have been.
Are we ready for it if we ask for it… (No going back after the Blue or Red Pill….)

Go pro’s, Camera’s may or may not work…
A few of my wide-awake abductions were accompanied by a shift in the surroundings. High energy shifted the light in the room to a blue hue. Another time it melted the oil out of a power pole nearby.

So, if investigators really take a look at an abduction seen even months later there is trace evidence in some cases. Soil becomes acidic, abduction site Soil sometimes can no longer support normal surrounding plants. I have found that saplings die, or the leaves turn white. (New Bucky Balls in the soil if you want to spend some money looking.) Proof is all around us… If we really look… We just in most cases just want fluff…

When they set upon the crop circles decades ago. They captured a group of hoaxers on camera. They did not focus on another formation that was also captured that was not from hoaxers taken at the same time. Many times, we are just trying to prove what we think. We are not open minded about where the data is taking us.

God? Angels? The future US? Aliens? Extradimensional beings? The Military Complex?
Heck a mixture of all of them…

I don’t know if I will live to see the truth shown to the public. I can hope although.
I concluded that, “My God can make the world any way he sees fit.”
Who am I to question his reasons for the way he made things work.
But, I do have the right and am allowed to ask why…

So to begin… I can see that things have evolved over the years here at ATS.
Tech is an issue for some. I was the king of tech… Ask away… I can get specific.

In my past jobs I worked in Elemental analysis. I worked with Gates, Mac, Waz, Norton in the early days of computer science. I ran cities for the phone companies. I turned up the first PC’s for Nuke plants. I taught fighter pilots & astronauts. The rover on Mars right now is one that I worked with at LECO. I was privileged to touch the actual superstructure of the international space station.
We can banter about flight, earth changes….
We can talk about creating a network of gopro’s if you want to get simple…
What’s on your minds….
Please don’t waste my time or yours I would like to accomplish something here…

- Watcher

1 10101010

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: paracelsus

I some abductions I was able to interact.
We developed tools that new abductee's could utilize to interact in our previous chat here.

I used my ability to clear my mind to mess with them.
Realize their mind control is Bisync!!!!
Clear your mind and you can become aware of their thoughts.
It will not make them happy... But...
I was allowed to complain over time...
Interact over the decades....

It depends on what you are going for...
I just wanted to mess back at a time that I felt that i had no control.

I payed for it a couple times.
But I thought it was worth it for the interaction...

- Watcher

1 10101010

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Play nice you two...
I respect your views...
Respect others...

Many of us that speak out have been taken out or taken down $$$,,,
I was hit for 500K...
Pay that one off... I did...
I refused to become a slave although...
I was allowed to live...

Some are taken out...
I won't talk about that...

Corso was also at Holloman...
They let him go graceful into darkness...
But, Many of us that were there can't speak...
I have been allowed to speak out now and then.
But I have also been reeled in a few times during our last Forum

I hope that we are one day made whole again for what has been taken from us.
I don't see that happening although..

So treat this as a special time here...
I don't know how long I will be allowed to speak framk'ly...
I am taking the risk here...
Are you?

- Watcher

1 10101010

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: slider1982

Thanks for the post...

A psychiatrist once told me.

"Ensureing a person knows that you can come and go at will, and there is nothing the person can do about it."

That is the worst thing you could do to a person...

Some abductees just want and need protection...

At a very intense point in my families abduction experiences all I wanted was protection...

If we could develop something that would prevent or minimize these events I am sure it would be helpful...

- Watcher

1 10101010

posted on Apr, 22 2018 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: katerinaGrace

katerinaGrace You are singing to the the choir!

Thanks for your post...

- Watcher

1 10101010

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: katerinaGrace
Wow the way people are posting here,one would swear that all these cameras and surveillance equipment costs 2cents a dozen. There are many people who cannot afford stuff like that. Anyway,be that as it may,i am an abductee. Some of us are quite a bit older,in our 50's and 60's.Before the internet. We had no damn clue What was happening to us,just that something was severely wrong with our lives. That we were different from most other people,in a horrible way we could not begin to define,even to ourselves.Thank heavens for the internet,or we would never have had a clue,till our dying day,what it was that was wrong,with our childhoods,our teenage years,our young adult years,our proper adult years,or with even some of our children.It is a grievous shock to finally being able to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together.Many many hours and days of "But it Can't be,surely!!!" and then again remembering all that you do,and seeing the experiences of other abductees online. And realizing it actually really is unfortunately,the Only explanation that makes Any kind of sense.

The injuries you wake up with,the marks,the bruises,the puncture holes,the strange memories that you never forget,not like a dream which eventually fades,but a memory,of an event.In my case,human military and medical places and people,with one or two instances of seeing what looked like greys amongst them.

Definitely,some of us have been taken by night,by use of some ungodly technology,and put back,often much the worse for wear. Sometimes so injured that it takes days to properly recover. Someone asked in an earlier post,if humans attack their abductors,if they fight back against whoever takes them. I think some do,i think i have,or else they are just bullies who like to injure people for #s and giggles. But i have been so injured sometimes that when i woke up,and for days after,it did feel like i have been in a physical altercation.I should know,because in the normal world,in my past i have been,so i know the feeling afterwards,whether you win or lose the fight.

I envied the tech we have at our fingertips now. In many instances I had to build censers to investigate our experiences.
What I found was not what i expected although.

Over the years my finances effectively were attacked…
My ability to spend hundreds at the drop of a hat was removed as an option.
But, at one point,
I before I really had a clue,
I thought that I would put my foot on the tech that would crack this stuff wide open.

I had access to 15-20 thousand dollar data scopes. Power and grounding isolation equipment…
Paranoia took me down the road to building tank circuits that allowed me to isolate passive bugs placed in my home.
They were in the tuned in the high gaga hz range at a time that no one in the civilian realm.
These passively used the existing telecom system to transmit the data/information my home elsewhere.

My step into tripping up the tech’s that were simply observing what was happening to me and my family brought me to a conclusion that I was only following the path already taken and by others before me.

I was able to get a magnetometer at one point that helped me more than a little in my search for clarity our situation…
It pointed out to me that founding members of the UFO organizations names started showing up on documents that I was requesting from the USGS mapping group. They had their hands in making the maps. I was retracing what they already had accomplished decades before….

At the end I was offered a laser measuring device to point at a craft to accurately measure the distance to it…. That is what I was told…. A stinger or toe can also target to a laser point… I am not stupid.

Events that changed my life unfolded. With help from MUFON I and my families put our lives back together.
They took their piece of flesh by not allowing me access to the tapes of my sessions with them.
Looking back over it, I would say it was a fair trade. My family can now function.
At the time we were a mess.

I am here to tell you although we use electro mach devices and so do these beings. They can be tripped up.
EMF can be monitored. Gravitational and Magnetic changes can be monitored.
There are trends and normal levels that are affected during UFO & other expenctances.
Costs are horrendous although.
Keeping one small area fully covered for what purpose?
Justification that a few meters are surveyed for what outcome.

The bedroom I had bunker'ed my family in during one occurrence brought me to the conclusion that we maybe slipping into a reality that is outside time. Or just somehow paused. Kind of side stepping any actions that could be taken in what we call reality. Because we simply slip in and out for an instant. Yes!!! The event can be monitored but to what effect. There is no time in our realm to affect any action.

- Watcher

1 10101010

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 09:22 AM
Interesting how people out themselves. Corso was a complete fraud.

Touting Corso as truth means...well, you know.

posted on Apr, 23 2018 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Yes cause Mog from Zog knows were all the security cameras are

I have no doubt some claimed abductees really do believe they were taken others will be liars and hoaxers and of course with everything ufo in this day and age with more cameras around than ever the claimed evidence is always poor

posted on Apr, 25 2018 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: Maverick7

Wow... I have been out of the loop since shortly after he first came out.
What he was saying pretty much synced up with my experiences out there.
I really was hopeing they were letting some high ranking guys leak a little truth..
I am sad to hear that his story did not play out well...

Do you have a link to the a good source for his story / debunk....

I was at Holloman 1977 - 1980.

F4 T38's F16 - Roswell 117... Gosh I hate to think what they have up there now...

From what I was reading about him last I thought a lot rang true...
I was hoping that they were going to start lifting off the finger on from the necks of the Abductees when I saw him coming out... I got disillusioned shortly afterword and had dropped out for a while.

What we encountered out there reaffirmed the documentary clip inclusion from the USAF funded then unfunded project.
Not so astounding until it hoverd less than 50' over us....

Then the stuff hit the fan...

We all have partial recall but should we believe what we remember?
The flashbacks?
The screen memories?
It just makes a mess out of trusting yourself or any one else.
I was lucky enough to be with a group...
Most are not...
Over the years we hung on to each other...

A lot has been thrown at us...

Wow again...

- Watcher

1 10101010

posted on Apr, 25 2018 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: wmd_2008

WMD if you are really looking for good footage...

There was a brand new 100K plus new camera that a film crew was using for the first time in South Haven Michigan at the beach a few years ago. Some fluff broadcast on what was going on at the beach...

The crew finished up and stayed to party with the beach crowd. The got very good video from less than a mile with the new camera. I saw it live... The local police and air traffic tracked north for hours. The local TV station was taken off air mid live broadcast. They were down for days as court cases ragged on who owned the film...

The poor camera man was beset by the powers that be and the craft was filmed again near his home in 3 rivers.
He dropped from the grid, the radar guy disappeared. The cops that followed the craft will still talk about it.

The investigators from the east coast did a very big work up on it. They did not get the film. They called it the Holland Michigan something or another.

The craft broke into multiple targets over the Allegan Forest... Quite a high amount of strangeness... That late after noon into the night.

The one I saw myself at Holloman was very much like what was captured on the South Haven incident...

I payed for a FCC TV station ownership trace that I later sent up to the guys at Black Vault.
It was more than I could deal with. I tried to come at it sideways to create a paper trail for someone to follow.
It got to messy for me.

If you are really looking for a challenge that one was not really covered well by the rather long investigation that the - Maybe - UFO hunter or something like that did. They did get the low hanging fruit although..,
I know first hand most people don't have a lot of time or money to really run these things down...

The film had 10 to 15 seconds of dead on in focus 60 to 70 per cent of the picture field taken up by the craft.
Very clear video... Almost too clear...

It rang true to me. Why shut the station down mid broadcast for a hox???

- Watcher

1 10101010

posted on Apr, 25 2018 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: n120by60w

WMD if you are really looking for good footage... There was a brand new 100K plus new camera that a film crew was using for the first time in South Haven Michigan at the beach a few years ago. Some fluff broadcast on what was going on at the beach... The crew finished up and stayed to party with the beach crowd. The got very good video from less than a mile with the new camera. I saw it live... The local police and air traffic tracked north for hours. The local TV station was taken off air mid live broadcast. They were down for days as court cases ragged on who owned the film...

can you possibly link something to get readers started.

Court cases, TV broadcast shut down mid broadcast, police and air tracking.

There should be 100s of sources.

Could you supply 1?

posted on Apr, 25 2018 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: n120by60w

Interesting post. I am fairly new to forum and read some of your previous posts. As a new comer, curious your thoughts -

What was the goal of your abduction? I hear many speculations, but what did you ascertain?

What species of extraterrestrial beings have you experienced?

Do you continue to interact with these beings?

Is there any more tangible proof that you can alert us too....and I know many will say, look it is in front of us if we only look.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 02:14 AM

originally posted by: JackHill

originally posted by: odzeandennz
I wonder why aliens never abduct scientists, great music composers, super athletes, or great thinkers or 10 year olds so smart they're physicians practicing, and use their dna or analyze their biology since they are the cream of the crop.

Makes me wonder that's all.

"Abductions should be like this and like that, so if it's not, then it doesn't happen".

"Humanizing" the phenomena is a big mistake.

That is probably one of the best replies. To think that ETs would not interfere with our primitive technology is ridiculous. People have tried everything to capture video footage or photos and have failed. ETs easily handle our tricks and likely laugh at us for trying. Give it up -- they do not want to be photographed, caught on video, recorded or in any way proven to exist. That is the bottom line -- they are part of our bizarre reality and cannot allow exposure to any significant degree, lest the world descend into chaos.
edit on 26-4-2018 by Visiting ESB because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: openmindedskeptic1219
a reply to: n120by60w

Interesting post. I am fairly new to forum and read some of your previous posts. As a new comer, curious your thoughts -

What was the goal of your abduction? I hear many speculations, but what did you ascertain?

What species of extraterrestrial beings have you experienced?

Do you continue to interact with these beings?

Is there any more tangible proof that you can alert us too....and I know many will say, look it is in front of us if we only look.

I can answer some of that:

The goal is the mass production of human looking hybrid beings that responds to the alien agenda, in order to insert them into our society.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: JackHill

Interesting. When you say mass production, are you implying 1000's? I assume there is no discernible difference with the normal populace? How would one know they are in the presence of a hybrid? Are there areas with higher concentrations...assume you would say in areas of Govt. influence, wealth, etc.

posted on Apr, 26 2018 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: JackHill

Interesting. When you say mass production, are you implying 1000's? I assume there is no discernible difference with the normal populace? How would one know they are in the presence of a hybrid? Are there areas with higher concentrations...assume you would say in areas of Govt. influence, wealth, etc.

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