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Is This Just A Troll... Or Is It Actually The Craziest Thing Going On Right Now?.?.?

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posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 10:50 PM
I just saw this on Facebook and immediately came on here in hopes someone else posted it. So thank you for that. I’m curious if this is just a big troll though.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 11:04 PM
We also have been having some pretty creepy things going on in Michigan the past few months. That meteor that hit. News kept on saying a different area it landed,people were saying the sky turned green, or they heard a boom, saw a “shooting star”, the ground shook like an earth quake. But everyone I’ve spoken too Even what I read on Facebook all had a different story. T

That seemed weird. Then I think 3 or so weeks ago someone posted a video I believe near mackinaw island and it was random lights swirling in the sky shooting around. Tried to find the video for the past half hour and gave up

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: dashen

What's this about piano wire?

Put the you know what, in the you know where! 😂

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: grey580
Seriously 4-18!?? Well.... time to have the birthday bash in the bunker, damn aliens can never give me a break ugh....

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Its the location of this bizarro radio broadcast:

Have you heard the other video on this? It sounds more like "Trump April 26th" instead of "Trump will go 26th" and what is really creepy is when they play it backwards it says "Head wound for that mark"

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 01:32 AM
God, this thread is what I miss about ATS !! S&F.

+6 more 
posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 01:48 AM
Well, I guess some of y'all didn't really look very hard. (Heck, and I don't even know Twitter at all)

Total LARP / fakery.

The kid is an Indonesian kid living in NY. He's played other similar scams and games before with voicemails and other stuff. 90% of the responses are all just other kids (all youngsters) playing along. Some of his responses are from friends in Indonesia and nearby Malaysia. He's a strange kid too (very). He's also got some gal (a friend maybe) who's in on it with him.

Doesn't really seem to have any motivation other than to generate traffic and conversation. He plays coy, like he doesn't know what's going on (but he does). He's done this other times too, always the same shtick. I only had to hunt around for a few minutes to figure out what was going on.

Unfortunately...nothing to see here. Sorry.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 02:17 AM
Anyone else notice in the video during the coordinates, the 9 is pronounced as nine rather than niner? That seems to scream hoax as it’s not in keeping with the NATO phonetic alphabet used through the rest of the “message”

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: Hazardous1408

They are taking over 4-18-18

Aliens are coming 4-18-18?

Just marked my calendar.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 02:22 AM
There is always the what if.

If they plan to take over on the 18th of april you might see some discloser to prepare us?

I always wondered what it would be like.

Dark skies with ship coming out like independence day

War of the worlds with ground metal beasts etc

Always wondered how it would go.

Will they bring eternal life?

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 02:42 AM
So its 32 days from now.. What a fast encounter, i think we not ready for face another creature from other world

Tqx for sharing its creepy as hell

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 03:24 AM

originally posted by: tasher882
That meteor that hit. News kept on saying a different area it landed,people were saying the sky turned green, or they heard a boom, saw a “shooting star”, the ground shook like an earth quake. But everyone I’ve spoken too Even what I read on Facebook all had a different story.

Here in western Washington we had something fall in the mountains out here last week or so. I heard the boom. It woke me up. I thought it was thunder. My wife had me go around to find that nothing bumped the house.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 04:20 AM
It seems the play is on, first the terrorists now alien invasions.
What did I miss, Oh yea they skipped the asteroids?

Never the less it makes this all very dubious and interesting, ill wait and see how it develops on the way with a beer and salty popcorn.

Let the investigation begin

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

The aliens aren’t coming. They’re already here.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
Fingers crossed it's an ARG. We haven't had a good one of those on here for years.

YouTube Channel- Magiczny Swiat Ani I have a feeling just might be a new one. Well it is either an ARG or a deranged persons art class videos.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:11 AM
Isnt this kind of crap what got Orson Wells in trouble ?
Known perpetrator of hoaxes as FlyingClayDisk has already stated.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: ignorant_ape

Dont go saying that in that other thread or the whole place will want to piano wire you.

That other LARP is stronger than this LARP ... visit that other (stronger!) LARP.

Long live to LARPs!

Add ...
We are not so rude and piano wire business is subcontracted.
edit on 17-3-2018 by JanAmosComenius because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Its a troll, but can you be mad when they put so much effort into being entertaining?
Things like this are my main reason for conspiracy sites, just brilliant entertainment

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: Banquo

There's so many other errors too, it's hard to even count them all. Clever stunt though; amusing even, in some ways.

There are, however, some interesting / odd things to be picked up from all of this...

1. I find it troubling how many kids openly and willingly, even if jokingly, talk about 'killing themselves'.

2. Clearly aimed at people who do not speak English as a native tongue (at least the message itself). Likely targets SE Asia, where any reference to MH370 carries far more than just a casual reference. Anything even remotely attributable to MH370, even if indirectly, gets significant attention and airplay.

3. Obviously takes advantage of the mystique of Numbers Stations, of which there are many still broadcasting in SE Asia.

4. No government or military would take the time to spell out such a simple message using the phonetic alphabet, nor would they use the phraseology used in the message...just to send it as a prerecorded voicemail blast-o-gram. Neither would any authority ever put out such a long message using phonetic code. Plus, the usage of "SOS" has seldom if ever been used in an audible format. It is reserved almost exclusively for morse code and in conjunction with very brief messages, hence the abbreviation. So you would never see something like this used in conjunction with a long text message like the one here.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 08:49 AM
Can he move the takeover date up to 4/14/18. That way I can skip filing my tax return this year ( I owe). Hopefully our new alien overlords will not require us to pay taxes.

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