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A tough question for chemtrail believers.

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posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 11:03 PM
I'm a noobi in the Chem trail conspiracy but that picture is nothing compared to what most of us has seen. Most if not all those clouds are clouds and not Chem trails. I lived in Norfolk and everytime when there were ten or more criss crossing lines as far as the eye can see and the next rain...every time. EVERY TIME. Just makes you think why. For what reason. Norfolk is a large shipping dock. Keep the water level high for more ship traffic and trade. Made perfect sense.

That picture is of nothing.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: ConscienceZombie
I'm a noobi in the Chem trail conspiracy but that picture is nothing compared to what most of us has seen. Most if not all those clouds are clouds and not Chem trails. I lived in Norfolk and everytime when there were ten or more criss crossing lines as far as the eye can see and the next rain...every time. EVERY TIME. Just makes you think why. For what reason. Norfolk is a large shipping dock. Keep the water level high for more ship traffic and trade. Made perfect sense.

That picture is of nothing.

You have missed a few bits of info which will help you understand what's going on up there.

The UK is right underneath the flight paths from north America to Europe. That explains the number of contrails you see.

As for the rain. Simple: contrails usually form ahead of a weather front. So when there are lots of lingering trails, that means a rain system is on its way in. And that explains the fact that it often rains a day or two after contrails are seen.

Finally, I'd LOVE to hear how you think rain can keep the water level high in the know that its connected to the rest of the worlds seas and oceans right? It would have to be biblical amounts of water to make any difference at all.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
I couldn't stomach reading the whole thread but OP, the picture you are posting doesn't show anything but clouds.

I hate to break it to you but they come in all kinds of weird shapes and sizes. I just put in 'Striated Clouds' in google and got hundreds of pictures with clouds that would really rattle your bones because they look much worse than those you posted.
Yet that's all they are, clouds.

In the olden days, before planes, people knew how strange cloud formations could be.
In a way, they knew more than some people today.
Even I know [if I had looked at that sky from the photo]; that the biggest worry looking at a sky like that would have been a change of weather.
Whenever I see clouds like that, I know the sunny days are over mate.

It scares me. It really does, how people who have more info on their hands than we ever had back then, don't see the woods for the trees.

Clouds. Wow. They don't all look like fluffy sheep. Must be chemtrails.

If chemmies took just 5 mins to research what they post they would change their mind about clucking that "post" button.

They would discover

-why it often rains a day or two after contrails are seen

- how far tiny particles will travel when released at 35k feet

-how much water a typical persistent contrail

-how little weight compared to what would be needed ant plane around in 2017 can carry

-how to track flights and be surprised by just how many planes are overhead.

-that ground based pollution is omnipresent and will taint any samples they collect that have supposedly come from the trails above them, even though the high altitude winds would have taken those aerosol particles for a looooooooong ride.

-that cloud seeding is not a secret and not something sinister.

-that the guys that make their living pushing this crap have lied to them countless times and will continue to do so since they dont seem bothered about it even after its pointed out and proven to them.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: intrptr

No it is an artificial created cloud by condensed water vapor.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

Dr. David Keith

Might not be chemtrails from a plane yet, but we have some research projects ready to roll.

Solar Geoengineering research project starting soon.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: network dude
Here is a picture I took last weekend over the ocean. Lots of trails. Now, if this was the Pacific, then there might be an argument. But this was the Atlantic. So the trails you see won't affect anyone but a few boats, some fish, and eventually England......maybe.

So these are obviously what believers call "chemtrails" because they persist in the sky. (never mind that cirrus clouds are also present, indicating the sky is ripe for persistent contrail formation, that is always ignored by believers)

What are these trails going to accomplish? Why were they sprayed? I'd like to know the thought process that it takes to justify believing these lines were intentionally put there.

Thanks in advance.

Where are the chemrails in the picture ?


posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: defiythelie
a reply to: intrptr

No it is an artificial created cloud by condensed water vapor.

Condensed on what?

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 07:59 AM
For the argument that after Chem trails there is rain. I'm in central Florida and have seen "chem trails" the past two weeks. No rain in sight. We're dry and in extremely high conditions for brush fires. I would love for it to be true, cause fighting brush fires gets boring and comes with a bad headache from all the smoke.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Irishtruckie83
For the argument that after Chem trails there is rain. I'm in central Florida and have seen "chem trails" the past two weeks. No rain in sight. We're dry and in extremely high conditions for brush fires. I would love for it to be true, cause fighting brush fires gets boring and comes with a bad headache from all the smoke.

Its not get rain Its just very common.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: Irishtruckie83
For the argument that after Chem trails there is rain. I'm in central Florida and have seen "chem trails" the past two weeks. No rain in sight. We're dry and in extremely high conditions for brush fires. I would love for it to be true, cause fighting brush fires gets boring and comes with a bad headache from all the smoke.

The reason is that the type of air (at altitude) that precedes a rain-bringing weather front is the type of air that is also conducive to persistent contrails.

That simply means that there could often be persistent contrails a day or so before that front moves in (that front is usually a ore-existing thing, and moves in from elsewhere).

However, it should be pointed out that is not the same as saying that every time there are persistent contrails, that means a rain-bringing weather front is moving in.

edit on 2017/4/16 by Box of Rain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: Azureblue

originally posted by: network dude
Here is a picture I took last weekend over the ocean. Lots of trails. Now, if this was the Pacific, then there might be an argument. But this was the Atlantic. So the trails you see won't affect anyone but a few boats, some fish, and eventually England......maybe.

So these are obviously what believers call "chemtrails" because they persist in the sky. (never mind that cirrus clouds are also present, indicating the sky is ripe for persistent contrail formation, that is always ignored by believers)

What are these trails going to accomplish? Why were they sprayed? I'd like to know the thought process that it takes to justify believing these lines were intentionally put there.

Thanks in advance.

Where are the chemrails in the picture ?


step on, right click on image
step two, click save image as
step three, pick a location to save image for retrieval
step four, open image in paint.
step five, view multiple persistent contrails above horizon and elsewhere.

I am truly sorry that ATS only allows photos of this size. had I known there were this many lazy people, I would have skipped the photo.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: Irishtruckie83
For the argument that after Chem trails there is rain. I'm in central Florida and have seen "chem trails" the past two weeks. No rain in sight. We're dry and in extremely high conditions for brush fires. I would love for it to be true, cause fighting brush fires gets boring and comes with a bad headache from all the smoke.

if you watch the way the weather comes in, it skirts FLA if it comes from the Gulf and Texas. But the air is still saturated with respect to ice. I hope those fires die out soon. I had to drive through them in 1999.

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Azureblue

originally posted by: network dude
Here is a picture I took last weekend over the ocean. Lots of trails. Now, if this was the Pacific, then there might be an argument. But this was the Atlantic. So the trails you see won't affect anyone but a few boats, some fish, and eventually England......maybe.

So these are obviously what believers call "chemtrails" because they persist in the sky. (never mind that cirrus clouds are also present, indicating the sky is ripe for persistent contrail formation, that is always ignored by believers)

What are these trails going to accomplish? Why were they sprayed? I'd like to know the thought process that it takes to justify believing these lines were intentionally put there.

Thanks in advance.

Where are the chemrails in the picture ?


step on, right click on image
step two, click save image as
step three, pick a location to save image for retrieval
step four, open image in paint.
step five, view multiple persistent contrails above horizon and elsewhere.

I am truly sorry that ATS only allows photos of this size. had I known there were this many lazy people, I would have skipped the photo.

Pity, I dont have the intellectual capacity of some, then i'd be able to know for certain that people 1000's of miles away are in fact lazy and dont have only basic computer skills, or that they only have basic computer knowledge or they are older people who are just not 100% up all the capabilities of a computer.

Pity that, perhaps one day.


posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 04:35 AM
Whether or not they are actually spraying stuff, the fact that these water vapours can cause weather fronts is bad enough. Forget your fridge or your deodorant, how about global warming/climate change/extreme weather caused by contrails (not saying chemtrails). If these are introducing weather potential directly into the atmosphere where there wasn't any, then this is weather manipulation (unintended or not). And with air travel on the increase then this is going to be more of a problem.

Re the chemtrails - we know that there are patents for and active weather modification going on (could seeding for events etc). We know that the governments/military test things on the populace (without their knowledge or consent). With the recent official announcements about spraying to hold back global climate change or to block the sun, are they just telling us whats possibly been going on for years?

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: YarlanZey
Whether or not they are actually spraying stuff, the fact that these water vapours can cause weather fronts is bad enough. Forget your fridge or your deodorant, how about global warming/climate change/extreme weather caused by contrails (not saying chemtrails). If these are introducing weather potential directly into the atmosphere where there wasn't any, then this is weather manipulation (unintended or not). And with air travel on the increase then this is going to be more of a problem.

Re the chemtrails - we know that there are patents for and active weather modification going on (could seeding for events etc). We know that the governments/military test things on the populace (without their knowledge or consent). With the recent official announcements about spraying to hold back global climate change or to block the sun, are they just telling us whats possibly been going on for years?

Well yes,, even us chemtrail debunkers Will agree that the big increase in persistent contrails is unfortunate.

But short of the world's population going off cheap air travel, nothing will change that situation.

Personally, I don't mind them in the slightest and I'm much more concerned with ground based sources of pollution damaging the earth's environment.

Look into how much pollution big cruise ships put out.I took a trip to Norway on a very large one last year and was horrified to learn how damaging they are after I read an article on my return.

Won't be doing that again soon, I can tell you that.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: YarlanZey
Whether or not they are actually spraying stuff, the fact that these water vapours can cause weather fronts is bad enough.

You are getting the "cause" and "effect" mixed up.

Persistent contrails are not causing weather fronts. It's just that they type of air that precedes some weather fronts is the same type of air in which a contrail might persists after a plane flies through it. If a weather front was approaching, but there were no planes flying (no planes to leave contrails), that weather front would still come, even without the contrails.

It is true that persistent contrails can produce cirrus clouds that block some sunlight, which does have an effect on local weather. However, that's not the same as saying that they are creating weather fronts.

edit on 2017/4/19 by Box of Rain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: YarlanZey

Re the chemtrails - we know that there are patents for and active weather modification going on (could seeding for events etc). We know that the governments/military test things on the populace (without their knowledge or consent). With the recent official announcements about spraying to hold back global climate change or to block the sun, are they just telling us whats possibly been going on for years?

weather modification or (cloud seeding) as it's normally called, is not a secret, not hidden, and nothing at all like contrails. It's done above existing clouds and unless they are using rockets to seed the clouds, you likely wouldn't see it from the ground at all, or know the rain you were getting was artificially induced.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 07:26 PM
ive been on this topic since it hit the scene, and i must say I'm not convinced. i used to live literally down the gravel road from a geoengineering airport this is normal stuff.
edit on 20-4-2017 by maplesyrupdrinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: maplesyrupdrinker
ive been on this topic since it hit the scene, and i must say I'm not convinced. i used to live literally down the gravel road from a geoengineering airport this is normal stuff.

What's a geoengineering airport?

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 01:59 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: YarlanZey

Re the chemtrails - we know that there are patents for and active weather modification going on (could seeding for events etc). We know that the governments/military test things on the populace (without their knowledge or consent). With the recent official announcements about spraying to hold back global climate change or to block the sun, are they just telling us whats possibly been going on for years?

weather modification or (cloud seeding) as it's normally called, is not a secret, not hidden, and nothing at all like contrails. It's done above existing clouds and unless they are using rockets to seed the clouds, you likely wouldn't see it from the ground at all, or know the rain you were getting was artificially induced.

Cloud seeding is so hush hush that the companies doing it advertise on YouTube.

As a side point. Isn't it funny that chemtrail believers will accept any YouTube video warning about them, but won't believe other videos that explain and clearly show what cloud seeding is about?

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