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Reddit Pizzagate shut down

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posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: Fools
Reddit Pizzagate shut down. Kanye taken to hospital in handcuffs...what's next?

Reddit pizzagate community has moved here:

This is probably the most bizarre thing on this earth. It's as if Charlie Manson has been running the show this whole time from prison huh?

Pizzagate is in effect a propaganda campaign concocted by and propagated by radical American Conservatives in an effort to harm the reputations of Democrats and, I suspect, to incite violent ingrates to take some sort of action. It is marinated in filthy lies. Investigators who reviewed this nauseating propaganda found that attribution of pictures and other elements was manufactured by these radicals who know well, after having successfully assisted the rise of a proto-Fascist, that most people do not check their facts if something rubs up against their cognitive bias just right.

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyElohim

originally posted by: Fools
Reddit Pizzagate shut down. Kanye taken to hospital in handcuffs...what's next?

Reddit pizzagate community has moved here:

This is probably the most bizarre thing on this earth. It's as if Charlie Manson has been running the show this whole time from prison huh?

Pizzagate is in effect a propaganda campaign concocted by and propagated by radical American Conservatives in an effort to harm the reputations of Democrats and, I suspect, to incite violent ingrates to take some sort of action. It is marinated in filthy lies. Investigators who reviewed this nauseating propaganda found that attribution of pictures and other elements was manufactured by these radicals who know well, after having successfully assisted the rise of a proto-Fascist, that most people do not check their facts if something rubs up against their cognitive bias just right.

If Snopes is all you got for evidence.... you have absolutely nothing.
edit on R412016-11-23T13:41:56-06:00k4111Vpm by RickinVa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: RickinVa

originally posted by: JohnnyElohim

originally posted by: Fools
Reddit Pizzagate shut down. Kanye taken to hospital in handcuffs...what's next?

Reddit pizzagate community has moved here:

This is probably the most bizarre thing on this earth. It's as if Charlie Manson has been running the show this whole time from prison huh?

Pizzagate is in effect a propaganda campaign concocted by and propagated by radical American Conservatives in an effort to harm the reputations of Democrats and, I suspect, to incite violent ingrates to take some sort of action. It is marinated in filthy lies. Investigators who reviewed this nauseating propaganda found that attribution of pictures and other elements was manufactured by these radicals who know well, after having successfully assisted the rise of a proto-Fascist, that most people do not check their facts if something rubs up against their cognitive bias just right.

If Snopes is all you got for evidence.... you have absolutely nothing.

I had no doubt that this was real after I saw the mountains of evidence, but as soon as I noticed Snopes stepping in I knew that they were panicking. I wonder if Snopes realizes how much credibility they have lost, even among their die hard supporters.

@ Snopes, ty for helping confirm that this is in fact happening.

I consider Snopes "Fake News" and it should be taken down.

edit on 23-11-2016 by DigitalVigilante420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: FatherLukeDuke

Funny how the shill accounts were the ones to post names and addresses. It was a clear attempt from TPTB to violate TOS by doxxing and get the sub shutdown.

We need to keep fighting this.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: DigitalVigilante420
Didn't take them long to derail this important thread...

At this point, if you are denying any possibility of this being remotely possible, I question your humanity.

I will step away from the defenders of child abusers and focus on the topic at hand.

This is so sickening, the fact that Reddit and other sites such as 4chan can't even discuss this topic is absolutely ridiculous. They are pretty much admitting fault. Many people who were "asleep" woke up to the shenanigans that the media is capable of, and this same media is labeling this as "fake news". A lot of people who would have previously believed said outlet, aren't falling for it this time, thank goodness. We need as many people on board as possible to get the wheels moving. This train isn't stopping.

I wonder how long until ATS is approached and told not to discuss.

Hopefully this site can't be swayed, it seems there are powerful cards at play...

These last few weeks have me depressed. I always knew this was happening but for it to happen for so long on such a large scare right in front of our faces is insulting. I fear something big will happen with the intent to distract us from this disgusting mess. All I know is that I am glad to see an army of people militantly doing whatever they can to expose these scum.

I'm trying to inform people in my personal life and they act as if I am crazy.

I can't even talk about this with people, how the # are we going to save these kids?????

Going to be hard to help them when everyone dismisses it as "fake news"

Well said. We need to keep digging. Keep educating

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: RickinVa

originally posted by: JohnnyElohim

originally posted by: Fools
Reddit Pizzagate shut down. Kanye taken to hospital in handcuffs...what's next?

Reddit pizzagate community has moved here:

This is probably the most bizarre thing on this earth. It's as if Charlie Manson has been running the show this whole time from prison huh?

Pizzagate is in effect a propaganda campaign concocted by and propagated by radical American Conservatives in an effort to harm the reputations of Democrats and, I suspect, to incite violent ingrates to take some sort of action. It is marinated in filthy lies. Investigators who reviewed this nauseating propaganda found that attribution of pictures and other elements was manufactured by these radicals who know well, after having successfully assisted the rise of a proto-Fascist, that most people do not check their facts if something rubs up against their cognitive bias just right.

If Snopes is all you got for evidence.... you have absolutely nothing.

Yes, I've heard this from your sort ever since you all invested yourselves thoroughly in lying. I am unsurprised that you are committing the basic logical failure of thinking I must present evidence. You are the ones with extraordinary claims who are causing harm to businesses (because this stupid theory alleges that there is an underground network of tunnels, other nearby businesses are being harmed as well) in your furious effort to demonize and destroy people based on absurd allegations with no evidence. This rancid circle-jerk may technically be libel, and considering that people's lives are being hurt by these lies, there may be consequences. And I hope that there are. Severe ones.

I of course realize I'll not be winning any sort of popularity contest here. And I don't care. I'll not stand silent while any standard of truth is twisted beyond recognition to service the craven agenda the American Right has approvingly given the Nazi salute to.
edit on 23-11-2016 by JohnnyElohim because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: DigitalVigilante420

Snopes is absolutely fake news and cannot be trusted. You cannot use any information on that site to prove or disprove anything.

Where there is smoke, there is fire and I don't believe for a second that all of it is made up. History has shown us what elites are capable of - why would anyone give them a pass in this regards is beyond me. Doing this to children is the absolute worst form of evil I can imagine. I hope they pay dearly.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: CCKP72
a reply to: DigitalVigilante420

Snopes is absolutely fake news and cannot be trusted. You cannot use any information on that site to prove or disprove anything.

Where there is smoke, there is fire and I don't believe for a second that all of it is made up. History has shown us what elites are capable of - why would anyone give them a pass in this regards is beyond me. Doing this to children is the absolute worst form of evil I can imagine. I hope they pay dearly.

Snopes provides sources to support their claims. You do not. Your opinion on their legitimacy is of no value whatsoever.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: JohnnyElohim

If you are trying to defend Pizzagate - you have your head in the sand. Why not try to do some research yourself on this topic and stop relying on some dodgy website to do your thinking for you.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: CCKP72
a reply to: JohnnyElohim

If you are trying to defend Pizzagate - you have your head in the sand. Why not try to do some research yourself on this topic and stop relying on some dodgy website to do your thinking for you.

I did. It's manufactured. By conservative radicals. Like yourself, perhaps -- when people making threats and unfounded allegations on Reddit hold more water for you than a site that explains painstakingly from what they draw their conclusions, you just might be a shill. And that's the polite assumption.
edit on 23-11-2016 by JohnnyElohim because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: DigitalVigilante420
I had no doubt that this was real after I saw the mountains of evidence

"mountains of evidence" lol!

"When this pizza shop owner tweets about 'pizza'...... what if he actually means 'RAPE'!!!!"

Just curious, how many of you studied the Salem witch trials in history class? Or have any memory of the satanic panic ?
edit on 23-11-2016 by wirehead because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 02:50 PM
All I know, with this whole pizzagate revelation, I am now 100% certain that this world is run by pedo satanist. And David Icke was right all along. For years hes been saying it and now I am 100% certain its true. Can't wait to leave this experience.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 03:01 PM
@d_seaman from twitter wrote this.

As I approach 31 years of age, it's not only confidence I possess, but a simple mathematical understanding that nearly all of my major controversial stories have - in hindsight - proven to be spectacularly correct.

This is part of what convinced me #PizzaGate is real, and perhaps only a glimpse of something larger, but very much in need of non-partisan public analysis and investigation and prosecution. I can't think of an issue more pressing.

It is important to note that I didn't come across PizzaGate initially; the code words and creepiness and connections to DC pizza shops all came from others.

All I did, in effect, was doublecheck that this data really was coming from the social media accounts of people closely connected to the Clintons/Podesta - and then double check and analyze the veracity of the Wikileaks email batches. And then consult with people familiar with some of the terminology.

Similarly, my groundbreaking NSA and drone program coverage was not based on my own personal findings, instead it was an amplification of facts I had chosen to independently confirm, and then amplify using my platforms.

Some in the media have even referred to me as an 'amplification journalist,' which is fitting. That's what I do, by design: I don't have the resources of an investigative news bureau. Instead, when something is bubbling to the surface, I provide the kind of useful service that things like Politifact and Snopes are presumed to provide, but don't.

I independently verify or discredit.

I go where the evidence leads me. And especially with #PizzaGate, I entered this with an open mind: in fact, I was hoping another explanation would emerge, as I found "they're all pedophiles!!! The Clintons are Satanic pedophiles in a secret cult!!!" so outside of what I was expecting that I realized to put my name behind this, as others had done, would be to face immediate scorn.

But, as a person who verifies and discredits, it's not my job to tell you what I wish were the case ("wish-casting"). It's my job to tell you what actually is.

And, with complete certainty, #PizzaGate is real.

By that, do I mean I understand the intricacies of their network or how certain pizza shops are intertwined? Do I understand the intricacies and all the rituals of their secret cult? Do I know all of the members of this group? No, of course not, and I do not claim to possess such information.

All I've done, again, is to independently verify and then amplify.

I don't have all the answers.

I don't know what this means for society, or who will lose their careers or titles or go to prison as a result.

That's not my job. But I will tell you, as a man who was not previously particularly religious, after concluding my verification of this story I now pray daily to God. I pray for our country to be forgiven for its sins, and for those who chose to look the other way in law enforcement and in media to be forgiven - not by any of us, we shouldn't and mustn't forgive. I pray they are forgiven by God. Because this is so bad, it can undo a competent adult: it can make you cry and sob for a very long time.

But if there's any silver lining, it is that we now know. And to know a thing is better than to not know a thing, because now it can be investigated further, and stopped.

Strength in numbers. Intelligence in numbers. And yes, meme magic is real.

Now that's what I know for fact. Since some of you seem to also desperately want my opinions/speculation, here is that:

a) Elite human sacrifice cults have actually existed throughout history. The Aztecs were not nice people to those they sacrificed. I'd argue, based on some limited data, these cults have mutated and gone underground because the West has found human sacrifice to be increasingly unacceptable over the centuries. Secretive is now the only way, for them.

b) Child sex/abuse by those in positions of great political power have actually existed throughout history. I'm sure some ancient Roman senators and generals would be thoroughly at ease with an evening at the Podestas or Clintons.

c) Part of your outrage is stemming from the fact that you believe you are a 'modern' living in 'modernity.' As did I, to an extent. How is this possible, right under our noses? In the modern age? With social media and well-funded law enforcement agencies and ubiquitous surveillance and smartphones... how is it POSSIBLE?

These aren't new cults. And although it is beyond my comfort level to investigate this aspect, I think you know very well why this was done right under our noses: select members in the media and law enforcement have apparently been compromised, either through past membership in the cult, or through blackmail/coercion.

d) A final silver lining for you: Trump wasn't supposed to win. Clinton staffers were celebrating with champagne the morning of the election, I've heard, so confident were they in a victory. The stuff people are posting about him being "part of the gang" too are simply nonsense: Trump isn't into kids. Isn't into Satanism. Not even a little bit. It's typical Clinton disinformation, which is unfortunately becoming so commonplace any of us can spot it right away: they accuse their enemies of that which they do. Clever, until everyone finds out, as America has.

In no uncertain terms, Trump's election and the Wikileaks batch of John Podesta's emails are America's second chance - a chance to turn it all around, or at least save some of these kids. This is a second chance for the world, too. Unfortunately I do believe U.S. foreign policy, for at least the last 8 years, has been partially guided by Satanic prophecy/vision, which is probably not a good thing.

What Trump needs from us is noise. We can't be silent about #PizzaGate because the second Trump so much as mentions it, the mainstream media - what's left of it - will truly work to destroy him. You think their past hoaxes & character attacks were bad? You've seen nothing. They'll push for impeachment and civil disobedience; I suspect the media has become a control mechanism for protecting some of the cult's interests.

They've lost all credibility this past election cycle, but their programs still reach into many homes and lives via the television and "news" paper.

I can't stress this enough: TRUMP WASN'T SUPPOSED TO WIN. He's not one of them. He ain't perfect, but he's not one of them, and that's important.

Learning of this when we did is a gift, an incredibly precious gift. Use it well.


posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: Gothlander

Actually, that sounds a lot like what JohnnyElohim is saying.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: daskakik

I've lerkd this site for some years and just signed up the other day so I don't know who that is. I remember watching a youtube vid of David Icke saying this world is run by pedo satanist. Iv'e always kept an open mind and told myself it could be possible. But now with the revelation of pizzagate I know David Icke was spot on and we live in a sick world. So I am starting to look more into his vids and stuff.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Gothlander

It is usually a good thing to read through a thread before participating. In any case he is the member who made the first post at the top of the page.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: Gothlander
a reply to: daskakik

I've lerkd this site for some years and just signed up the other day so I don't know who that is. I remember watching a youtube vid of David Icke saying this world is run by pedo satanist. Iv'e always kept an open mind and told myself it could be possible. But now with the revelation of pizzagate I know David Icke was spot on and we live in a sick world. So I am starting to look more into his vids and stuff.

Welcome aboard! I just joined myself. When I first watched David Icke I thought he was a nut. Then slowly, much of what he discusses has been coming true, agenda 2030, control of media, surveillance control, endless wars instigated by the west, the Rothschild and soros connections, and lastly a very corrupt satanic child torture network intertwined within governments and elite around the world. There is a pile of evidence. I'm convinced this is very real. Icke like anyone has his flaws, but I admire his courage and tenacity to "open minds" about the corruption.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: daskakik

No, I know what this topic is about. This all first came out on twitter via wikileaks. I was following this stuff as it was coming out from the very beginning. Smart dudes from sites like reddit and 4chan connected the dots and not only uncovered a child trafficking ring in D.C., but they connected dots to a world wide ring. Disgusting world we live in.
edit on 23-11-2016 by Gothlander because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Gothlander

No, what?

You said you didn't know who JohnnyElohim was so I linked his post.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Oh, no. If he is denying pizzagate is real then he has a different view than me. I'm not really good at getting into these arguments and am not looking to get into any with him. Just stating that I believe this stuff is real. And it's a reason I signed up. I just wanted to help spread awareness of pizzagate. I read a little of Johnny post and he says it is Republicans trying to make Democrats look bad or something. I don't think its about dems vs repubs. Both sides have pedo satanist.

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