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A snowflake feels the heat at work.....

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posted on Jun, 30 2016 @ 09:30 PM
One of the most important things that a final year college should be teaching is the concept of "pick your battles". In a corporate environment, there are a LOT of politics and interpersonal dynamics that must work synchronously or the company loses money. The ability to choose the correct battles to graciously lose vs hold your ground is so important. In this case, they asked and lost this battle.

Learning Opportunity #1: Ask yourself, is fighting this battle again worth losing your job over? Is it important, really important? Will it earn or cost the company money or reputation?

Learning Opportunity #2: Learn from the mistakes of choosing incorrectly in opportunity #1. Assess where you went wrong, adapt, adjust and then overcome by understanding a company is in the business to make money.....period. They are not there to make any of the employees lives better or more fulfilling. In the wondrous global economy (that's sarcasm of the less astute reading this) if a company is not making a profit, then cost cutting will follow. And, those that make the cuts will be rewarded.

Is this "fair"?
Is this mean?

No, but then that is learning opportunity #3

Learning Opportunity #3: Make the company more money and you might be spared (if you do not make your manager look bad in the eyes of his superiors).

That is a summary of life in the corporate world. If someone out of college thinks they could do better, then by all means start your own company and run it that way. But, do not be surprised if you find you will soon turn "to the dark side" to keep from closing the doors and laying off the entire staff.

edit on 6/30/2016 by Krakatoa because: spelling

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: amicktd

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: amicktd
I think if you have nothing better to do than whine about a whiner online behind an avatar, its time to get a life. There has to be a more interesting story out there somewhere.

... Look at what you wrote, and think about it...Hard...LOL

I did and still think the same thing...LOL

Then you should probably take your own advice?

I'm not creating snowflake threads over 1 individual and applying that logic to an entire generation. So I'll stick by with what I originally said. Funny thing is the individual wasn't even whining. They were on a site to ask other managers the best way to approach the situation in the future.

It's funny how a lot of die-hard conservatives expect everyone to be just like them. Well maybe everyone doesn't want to be just like a bunch of hypocrites.

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
a reply to: stosh64

But I still agree with the OP, this ability to change things needs to be earned.

And maybe that is what the boss should have sat down with the newbie and said.

Why should the boss have to say that?

What happened to respect for authority and sense of perspective?

Respect goes both ways.

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: amicktd

It's funny how a lot of die-hard conservatives expect everyone to be just like them. Well maybe everyone doesn't want to be just like a bunch of hypocrites.

Like a bunch of Special Buttercups

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: amicktd
The problem is people spend to much time on the internet. Go out and experience the world once in a while because I guarantee you won't run into this attitude much. It's easy to read blogs and find ways to demonize an entire generation when you can search online.

Sadly you are incorrect.
I work for a University. This is the prevailing attitude for the majority of this generation that I interact with.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 09:05 AM
I attended college and not once seen this type of behavior, which proves my point. These stories are cherry picked online.

But, as expected I'm suppose to believe personal experiences, instead of actual reseach on the topic. The snowflake thing has been debunked numerous times in numerous threads. If I remember right, I think Krazyshot laid out some good research on it. I don't know why I'm even relaying the info since it seems nobody cares about the actual truth anyways.

ETA: Since were using personal experiences as proof. I was an instructor in the military for 3 years. Not once did I run into this type of behavior. So that alone proves my point again.
edit on 5-7-2016 by amicktd because: (no reason given)

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