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More Shame n' Judgement Please

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posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

That does not alleviate the fact that a young boy claiming to be a "transgender" is exposing himself to young females, and these same females are being forced to expose themselves to him.

I do not doubt the trans-child is embarrassed. Imagine if 99% of the people who are not transgender have to be embarrassed because of that 1% (actually less than 1%) of the other children are "transgender". Does using feelings as justification work when I use it against your argument?

The instances have already been documented in the Chicagoland area, please read the whole thread. Transgender BOY became aroused and displayed his erection to the female locker room. Some are embarrased and some are not. Feelings cannot be the justification here.. this is what is wrong with PC.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Open_Minded Skeptic

Yep, two very different things indeed that cannot be discerned by anyone other than the child claiming to be "transgender". This is why it must be taken into the hands of responsible adults to make the decision. Kids will lie and they will deceive. If a boy feels like a girl, get an operation, until then use the appropriate facilities.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: chadderson
a reply to: buster2010

No, it is not the only way to keep them from forced exposure to the opposite sex in the nude. I suppose if you are counting rape as the reason they are being forced into seeing the opposite sex nude, you have a valid point. In this instance children are being forced to exposure of the opposite sex in the nude by public schools that I pay for with my own tax money, which I have taken a stance against.

Ever hear of something called peer pressure? Children are exposed to nudity of the opposite sex in public schools it was even happening back when I was in school decades ago.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: buster2010

Can you cite an example or instance to back up your claim. Are you talking about somebody whipping out their genitals in front of someone else to make them feel uncomfortable?

We are talking about a space dedicated to a specific sex, and having that space invaded by the opposite sex under the guise of "transgenderism".

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: chadderson

We are talking about a space dedicated to a specific sex, and having that space invaded by the opposite sex under the guise of "transgenderism".

Why do you keep insisting that all transgender youth are evil kids being purposefully deceitful so they can ogle other students?

There is obviously no way to change your mind due to your personal prejudices. All I can say is that in this country, people are innocent until proven guilty.

Good luck in your endeavors to marginalize people you don't understand. Have a good day.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: chadderson

The whole reason I created the thread, is because there are people that are attempting to force children into being exposed in the nude, to the opposite sex. _naked

In the Netherlands people can be naked in their gardens, the beach and recently the gym. But in America, even chocolate sculptures can't be without clothes. What gives?

“Nudity is considered quite normal nowadays”

It’s popular in northern Europe but rather frowned upon in the south: public nudity is viewed differently across the world. In this interview, Maren Möhring, cultural historian at Leipzig University, offers insights into a controversial issue.

Why Japanese people are comfortable with nakedness

Another reason why Japanese are accustomed to being naked is Japan’s love of bathing. It is common for children to bathe with parents in the home. Moreover, everyone gets naked at an onsen or hot spring. Although most etiquette books recommend a small towel to cover the necessities, anyone that has really been to an onsen knows that this rarely happens. Men let it hang out as if it was a competition while older women in their separate adjacent hot spring are giving the younger crowd a clear view of what they have to look forward to when they age. Bathing and walking from bath to bath is done with little shame.

While sexuality is not encouraged in most Western religions, Japan’s native Shinto religion is more open-minded. Shinto religion stresses the importance of kami or deities in nature. Like it or not, we were each born because someone did the nasty. It’s completely natural. This is not considered gross, but is celebrated at Shinto shrines or festivals with large phallic objects. Furthermore, Shinto and Buddhism, both practiced and often blended in Japanese beliefs, do not consider most forms of sexuality to be sacrilegious.

It's how you were raised. Our culture mostly frowns on nudity and sex

When I was in art school, there was a girl in my class that thought she was rather avant-garde, wild, free...

When we had our very first session of life drawing, upon finding out that we would have real live nude models she freaked out and tried to get an exemption from the class

I can only suggest that you try to look at things from a different perspective and realize that sex and nudity are natural - not dirty

Kids could care less - until we teach them to care. We live in a time where we're beginning to understand that people are born how they are born - but, more importantly that that - we do have the ability to change how we think

Every single child that is born in this world should be welcomed and allowed to be who they are. We can teach children to accept each other - and if that means kids occasionally see a penis - then they see a penis. The world will carry on and kids can grow up to be healthy, accepting and balanced

edit on 12/13/2015 by Spiramirabilis because: yikes!

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

Having males and females together in the same locker room, in the nude, is wrong. This has nothing to do with thinking transgender kids are evil, where did you get that idea? Because I am laying out the facts, and have done so throughout the 5 pages of this thread that you have not taken the time to read, you label me prejudiced and that I believe trans-kids are evil. If one cannot swim, they should stay out of the water... on the same note if one cannot debate, they should stay out of the ATS forums.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

The countries you are referencing are highly PC, although you make a valid point in saying it is all about how you are raised. From experience and empirical evidence, exposure to the opposite sex in the nude amplifies the sexual desires in the heterosexual crowd. Advocating the mixture of opposite sex in the nude in children would bring about more sexual intercourse and sexual exploration. We live in a society with enough single parents and enough people leeching from the welfare system, this would further exacerbate that problem.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: chadderson

If one cannot swim, they should stay out of the water... on the same note if one cannot debate, they should stay out of the ATS forums.

Anyone that disagrees with you - I'm guessing - is bad at debating?


You should maybe take your own advice - most of the posts in this thread have been very reasonable

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: chadderson

The countries you are referencing are highly PC

They aren't politically correct. I think you (along with many other people - on both the left and right) have no clear understanding of what political correctness actually means

Many people around the world don't believe nudity or sexuality are wrong - it's really just that simple
edit on 12/13/2015 by Spiramirabilis because: tiny little things...

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Exactly. Kids will see body parts. Parents are extremely naive if they think they won't. Body parts are not evil. If you teach a kid that seeing body parts is evil, that kid will grow up to have a major complex. Bad parenting.

What's that saying? Guns don't kill, people kill. Penises on their own don't hurt anyone either.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

So many people will condemn Muslims for making their women cover up - but then go on to pitch a fit because their little girl sees a penis

Everything is a matter of degree


posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

Not quite, buddy.

Europe is the capitol of PC and political correctness is a 'left' thing to begin with, unless you can show me otherwise

I don't think nudity is wrong, it is simply not a positive thing to force upon kids going through puberty. Childhood pregnancy is a bad thing. Single parents are less than ideal. I am an advocate of children coming after a heterosexual marriage.

Keeping the opposite sexes separated when nude is a good thing in that regard. Would you agree?

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

Your post does not constitute as a response to the content I have posted. I see it is your own opinion, but if you are trying to refute what I said I would have to ask you to stay on topic to do so.

Again, I never called body parts evil. Exaggeration.

Penises on their own do hurt people. When your daughter wants to engage in intercourse because of the delight she gets to set her eyes upon, what do you say then? "Mind your own business"? good luck with that.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: chadderson

You're worried about a transgender female getting another girl pregnant in a locker room?????

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:41 AM
Sociology 101 - A society makes their own social mores and taboos. In our society, nudity and open genital exposure is taboo. Our society, as a whole, set that taboo. Separating men and women in public restrooms is a more that we have accepted as a society.

We are at a crossroads today.

The information highway has shown us that there are things out there in the big bad world that were heretofore hidden and not discussed. Most in the elder generation say homosexuality did not appear rampant and some don't even know about transgenderism, because society didn't openly talk about such things. It's a new world and either those things are on the increase, or people are feeling more comfortable in openly declaring their differences and feeling empowered as a group to make demands.

The rest of us have to decide how it fits in with our social mores and social taboos as a culture and as a society. The PC crowd doesn't like the thought of anything other than total acceptance of whatever the minority demands. Another crowd just wants them to stay hidden or in the background and not expose us to their "issue".

Then there are those in the middle that would like a discussion on what we can do to accommodate all of our society. This, of course, means educating, informing, accommodating, researching the medical and psychological causes of such conditions. You can accept people, but realize that something may be "in the water" and find definitive answers to possible causation. That middle argument is what will be argued. The PC crowd will scream that "it is not a condition nor issue" and the other crowd will scream that they don't want to have to deal with this minority and their "issues".

The middle ground must push forward.

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

First of all, a girl cannot impregnate another girl. Secondly, even boys that claim to be transgender become aroused amidst nude females, as I have stated to you twice now. Third, witnessing the genitals of the opposite sex brings about innate feelings of desire, especially in the age bracket of puberty.

I am saying co-ed locker rooms where opposite sexes are exposed nude to one another is a bad thing, because it brings about unwanted things such as childhood pregnancies, single mothers, and STD's.

Seeing is a stimulant. Kids in puberty are firecrackers as it is, add a stimulant to the mix, things get bad quick.

Let me cite my own experience. The first time I saw a girls breasts I was entranced. The image stayed in my mind for WEEKS. One may even call it haunting, the way it stuck to my mind and fascinated me. The same will go for the young girls seeing a penis.
edit on 13-12-2015 by chadderson because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: queenofswords

Indeed, and here we are. Where do you stand on the situation, fellow ATS'er?

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: chadderson

So let me get this straight: you're saying that the transgender female who still has a penis and is in a girl's locker room is responsible for your daughter getting pregnant by a heterosexual cisgender guy in the back seat of his car?

posted on Dec, 13 2015 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

You are speaking of a boy, with a penis, that thinks he is a girl... not a girl who still has a penis.

I edited my previous post that was directed to you, if you want to take one more look at it, i was not expecting you to respond so quickly.

But yes, amplifying the sexual feelings by witnessing the opposite sex creates a hunger. This hunger translates to childhood pregnancy, single parents, and STDs.

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