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Gaddafi speech:'America hanged Saddam and we might be next!

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posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: jimmyx
this guy was insane....go read some of the hundreds of accounts of how he treated his own people....anyone defending this psychopath is naïve to say the least

He might have been a evil twisted dictator.

But he was still 10x better than ISIS and what we have now!

That part of the world does not share the same values as us. Its seems they needed to be under a thumb of a dicator as giving them "freedom" seems to have turned them into one barbaric out of control mob!
edit on 7-9-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

+7 more 
posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 10:32 AM
There is no better example of the power of Western media to influence public opinion than Gaddafi. To most Libyans as well as Arabs and Africans he was real man of the people, a revolutionary leader who raised his country up from being dirt poor to prosperity shared by all. Yet ask the average American today and they believe Gaddafi was an evil-so-and-so, tin pot dictator and terrorist.

Contrast his image with those of a "hero" like Nelson Mandela who thanks to Bono everyone thinks was a saint, a grandfatherly always smiling man of peace who spent decades in prison for being a "political activist". He spent decades in the clink for his involvement in terror bombings and deaths of dozens if not hundreds of civilians, not for his opinion of Apartheid.

IDK how the average Westerner can fight the power of the media when it's reach goes to every institution and tv set in the country. The military industrial complex is joined at the hip to the mega banks and anyone that gets in their crosshairs is destined for death. Gaddafi's execution saddened me personally and the extremist death squads masquerading as liberators under the control of the West continue to destroy and destabilize the Middle East.

By the looks of it we are losing the war on terror.
In fact the terrorists are now marching in to Europe pretending to be war refugees.
Who's to blame is the CIA and MI6 who have trained and financed these groups since the Mujahideen began fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan 35 years ago.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: jimmyx
this guy was insane....go read some of the hundreds of accounts of how he treated his own people....anyone defending this psychopath is naïve to say the least

He might have been a evil twisted dictator.

But he was still 10x better than ISIS and what we have now!

That part of the world does not share the same values as us. Its seems they needed to be under a thumb of a dicator as giving them "freedom" seems to have turned them into one barbaric out of control mob!

I think you are being bashful. We "gave them freedom" by arming one barbaric out of control mob and turned them loose on Gaddafi and his people. Those people "rising up" against Gadaffi where using brand new, out of the box weapons supplied by 3rd party western contractors, and even went to Libya to show them how to use them. Gaddafi stated that those were not his people that were fighting him, "it was Al Qaeda" he stated when interviewed.

I remember the news footage from then. Western reporters embedded with the rebels (Al Qaeda) and they were shooting guns off in the background like a bunch of cowboys from the old films. They were not behind cover or shooting at anything notable, just shooting. And the reporter was reporting like they are engaged with Gaddafi forces. Didn't the Russians offer satellite recon to show the whole thing was BS?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

originally posted by: jimmyx
this guy was insane....go read some of the hundreds of accounts of how he treated his own people....anyone defending this psychopath is naïve to say the least

Members have already posted numerous accounts of his actions towards his people? Try paying attention rather than spitting off your knee-jerk "Gaddafi is psychopath" hate bile. We backed a bunch of savages to remove him. Look how he died. You support that type of behavior? If so, I would say you are the psychopath.

those "savages" you speak about were his own people, many that probably had relatives or friends brutalized by I support that kind of behavior? of course not....but it's not exactly like there were civilian courts setup to give him a fair trial...I guess you think the U.S. should have flown into Libya with thousands of troops, and put them in harms way, just so he could have a fair trial.

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

originally posted by: jimmyx
this guy was insane....go read some of the hundreds of accounts of how he treated his own people....anyone defending this psychopath is naïve to say the least

Members have already posted numerous accounts of his actions towards his people? Try paying attention rather than spitting off your knee-jerk "Gaddafi is psychopath" hate bile. We backed a bunch of savages to remove him. Look how he died. You support that type of behavior? If so, I would say you are the psychopath.

those "savages" you speak about were his own people, many that probably had relatives or friends brutalized by I support that kind of behavior? of course not....but it's not exactly like there were civilian courts setup to give him a fair trial...I guess you think the U.S. should have flown into Libya with thousands of troops, and put them in harms way, just so he could have a fair trial.

No, those were not his people. They were Al Qaeda. His people were the ones that lost everything after the west backed Al Qaeda to take over the region. No more paid for education, no more grants for farmers, no more no-interest loans... nothing. I am sure the the people of Libya are thanking their Deity for the graceful intervention by western powers that made it possible to live the life they currently live. A terrorist hell hole is what they always wanted for their country. not free education and no-interest loans, just terrorists. Good Job western allies, for saving the Libyan people from Gaddafi and his free public services. Terrorism IS better than Communism after all, isn't it?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
There is no better example of the power of Western media to influence public opinion than Gaddafi. To most Libyans as well as Arabs and Africans he was real man of the people, a revolutionary leader who raised his country up from being dirt poor to prosperity shared by all. Yet ask the average American today and they believe Gaddafi was an evil-so-and-so, tin pot dictator and terrorist.

Contrast his image with those of a "hero" like Nelson Mandela who thanks to Bono everyone thinks was a saint, a grandfatherly always smiling man of peace who spent decades in prison for being a "political activist". He spent decades in the clink for his involvement in terror bombings and deaths of dozens if not hundreds of civilians, not for his opinion of Apartheid.

IDK how the average Westerner can fight the power of the media when it's reach goes to every institution and tv set in the country. The military industrial complex is joined at the hip to the mega banks and anyone that gets in their crosshairs is destined for death. Gaddafi's execution saddened me personally and the extremist death squads masquerading as liberators under the control of the West continue to destroy and destabilize the Middle East.

By the looks of it we are losing the war on terror.
In fact the terrorists are now marching in to Europe pretending to be war refugees.
Who's to blame is the CIA and MI6 who have trained and financed these groups since the Mujahideen began fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan 35 years ago.

Yeah, I honestly think that the biggest block to change at any level is the fact that the media is totally owned and used as in instrument of power and propaganda.

Without something to counter the mass reach that this instrument has, we may never reach a critical mass to change how things are.
edit on 7-9-2015 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

originally posted by: jimmyx
this guy was insane....go read some of the hundreds of accounts of how he treated his own people....anyone defending this psychopath is naïve to say the least

Members have already posted numerous accounts of his actions towards his people? Try paying attention rather than spitting off your knee-jerk "Gaddafi is psychopath" hate bile. We backed a bunch of savages to remove him. Look how he died. You support that type of behavior? If so, I would say you are the psychopath.

those "savages" you speak about were his own people, many that probably had relatives or friends brutalized by I support that kind of behavior? of course not....but it's not exactly like there were civilian courts setup to give him a fair trial...I guess you think the U.S. should have flown into Libya with thousands of troops, and put them in harms way, just so he could have a fair trial.

No I think the USA and NATO should have not go involved AT ALL.

Nor should we have got involved in Iraq or any other place in the GD ME.

We should not have sold weapons or enforced no fly zones or invaded anywhere.

Gadafi may have brutalized his people. But the new regimes over there are even worse! And worse ISIS scum are spilling over our borders thanks to us letting the cat loose.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx
this guy was insane....go read some of the hundreds of accounts of how he treated his own people....anyone defending this psychopath is naïve to say the least

Oh ok ! Preferably something written by an un bias source ? Can you provide me with that?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Kapusta

It really did not matter if this man was good or bad for his people or the region in the end.

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:23 PM
If you want to hassle and destabilize me you will cause confusion, you will play al Quaeda in it´s hands and encourage armed bunches of rebels.
The following will happen:
You will be flooded by a wave of immigration from africa which splashes from libya over europe.
Nobody will be there anymore to stop them.
Al Quaeda will reach your doorsteps.
In Tunisia and Egypt a political vacuum came into being,
The islamists today can entry your countries from there.
The holy war will flash over to your direct neighbourhoods in the middle east.
Anarchy will extend from pakistan and afghanistan to northern africa.
Source: Peter Scholl-Latour: Der Fluch der bösen Tat, Berlin 2014, S. 269

So, in 2015 it is IS, and not al quaeda anymore...
And the US thought, as it seems:
No problem, kill him, destabilze the whole region, negative impacts will hit europe, not us...
edit on 7 9 2015 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:39 PM

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
If you want to hassle and destabilize me you will cause confusion, you will play al Quaeda in it´s hands and encourage armed bunches of rebels.
The following will happen:
You will be flooded by a wave of immigration from africa which splashes from libya over europe.
Nobody will be there anymore to stop them.
Al Quaeda will reach your doorsteps.
In Tunisia and Egypt a political vacuum came into being,
The islamists today can entry your countries from there.
The holy war will flash over to your direct neighbourhoods in the middle east.
Anarchy will extend from pakistan and afghanistan to northern africa.
Source: Peter Scholl-Latour: Der Fluch der bösen Tat, Berlin 2014, S. 269

So, in 2015 it is IS, and not al quaeda anymore...
And the US thought, as it seems:
No problem, kill him, destabilze the whole region, negative impacts will hit europe, not us...

You must remember! "France led the charge" against ISIS.

edit on 2015 by BlubberyConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

That's exactly what's going on today, South of America's border. Smuggling guns (Fast & Furious) into Mexico, into the hands of narcoterrorists, who effectively control the deserts in Southern Arizona and New Mexico.
Mexican and Central American economies are in shambles, resulting in a Northern Exodous into the US, thereby putting more pressure on resources which are already strained.
It's a vast, worldwide plan. One which takes time to work. The people aligned against us have all the time in the world.
On top of that, every religious nutter is running around wailing about "Shemitah!"
Jeez... What a mess we're in.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Boeing777

Huge anti-terror rally for 17 victims by the 'world leaders', I wonder how many victims came from ''liberating'' Libya? (ignoring the other country's Nato attacked).

At least countless more many years after when many die(d) trying to get to Europe in unsafe boats.

Hypocrites? Also look how the street is all blocked from people from all directions, because they don't feel safe otherwise but on the same time doing foreign policies/wars which is a cause for much terror, deaths and chaos with no end in sight.
edit on 7-9-2015 by Pluginn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: Kapusta

Gaddafi speech:'America hanged Saddam and we might be next!

Oh now remind me of who it was that celebrated by dragging Gaddafis dead body through the street of Tripoli ?

Oh yeah that was the Libyans.

'His' people just loved Gaddafi to death!

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: neo96

No those where terrorists funded/armed by Nato country's for doing the dirty job.
Later on they went to attack Syria trying to take out Assad (and ISIS was born!)

edit on 7-9-2015 by Pluginn because: (no reason given)
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posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: neo96

I'm sure they love ISIS too.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: neo96

Most of them were mercenaries. Even the guy who was shoving the stick up Gaddafi's arse after he got captured had a Egyptian accent.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Boeing777

I'm so glad I never watched that footage.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: neo96
And have we forgotten Americans did not try or hang Saddam ? It was the Iraqi courts and people that did.

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