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Disabled vet rips cop who told him he couldn’t park in handicap spot because ‘You can walk’

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posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 02:13 PM
The cop was an asshole and a bully and the vet had every right to be pissed.
I would be vexed too - really hope the fat asshole cop gets in some real trouble but I highly doubt it.
That vet filming was correct in everything he said - good for him.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 02:19 PM
And people still wonder why we don't trust cops and why there are protests in Ferguson and Baltimore and everywhere else.

Respect is earned. If you're a disabled vet, you've earned it.

If your a fat, hardass out of shape cop who likes to harass disabled Vets you haven't earned it.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: Echo007

Being handicapped can mean a lot of different things. COPD can get you a handicap placard. My Father had one. He could walk into the store, and walk around for a bit, but after a while He'd need then "little rascal" complimentary scooter that the store provides to finish his shopping. It wasn't that he couldn't walk...he couldn't breath if he walked to long. Some days that was the distance from his car to the store. Some days it was a lot further. It all depended on the day. He passed 8 years ago, so it no longer is an issue.

My mother also has a placard. She's had 4 hip replacements (3 on one side and 1 on the other) she wears hidden leg braces and is almost blind, but you wouldn't know it by watching her walk into a store.

There a degrees of being handicapped, and none of them allow or prevent you from using the handicapped space if you have been issued a placard.

You have the placard? You can use the space...end of story.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

I probably look 'fine' at first glance, try breathing through a straw and see how 'disabled' you feel after a few paces.

edit on 10-8-2015 by ClydeBuilt because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

I didnt know Big Worm from Friday went in to law enforcement ?

He must have thought the guys phone was food and tried to grab it lol

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

All I can say is: out-friggin-standing...
I just received my DV plates in the mail today; and I'm in the same boat. I may not "look" disabled...on the days when I'm not laid up in bed in too much pain to move - and on the days I CAN get out of bed, if we need to go into town for something I fully intend to park in the handicapped spot unless I'm really feeling froggy..

If a cop feels that I (or anyone) is erroneously in possession of disabled veteran plates (which in the State of Texas is equivalent to a handicapped placard) to the best of my knowledge they are fully authorized to investigate/report it..they are NOT authorized to harass and detain..
instead they should take it up with the State and/or the department of veterans affairs.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

Micromanaging at it's finest !!!

Another big government fail.

So having law enforcement is now big government?

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

Here is the thing that pisses me off. I have had 21 major surgeries from a GSW to the neck & chest with 1/3 of my neck blown off, and broken back, herniated discs, broken pelvis, femur, tibia, and shattered scapula from other incidents. I have titanium plates and screws in my pelvis, femur, and a titanium rod inside the tibia. All are secured with titanium screws from 2" - 3" long. I had a body bag called for me in 84, written up as a fatality by the state police in 96, given my last rites in 2003 in the hospital, spent 2 weeks on life support and the doctors told the family I was brain dead. Lucky they didn't pull the life support. I live in severe pain every singe GD day! However, if you look at me from outside, I am 6'-1" 220lbs and walk normally. Other than scars, you couldn't tell I had been so beaten up.

I could claim disability and qualify for a handicap placard and can get all sorts of stuff, from a permanent free hunting and fishing license to free insurance from Medicare, and money from SS. My doctor last visit assumed I was on disability and when I told him I wasn't he said he has lots of people on disability that have nowhere near the damage I have and he said he has a lawyer that works with him and he would do all the paperwork for me. However, I want to work and make something for my future, not just exist.

The problem with this cop is HE IS NO DOCTOR and he DOES NOT have ANY RIGHT to decide if this man is handicapped, can only walk a few hundred feet before experiencing serious pain, or any thing at all medically. This moron couldn't be a doctor if he tried! This guy has a lawsuit that the city will settle to make it go away. And the cop should be seriously reprimanded. Who made him the defacto doctor on the street with a gun?

People have a problem when it comes to disability in society. If they saw me blown apart, mangled up, etc. they would know what the deal is. You cannot look at a person from outside and determine what is going on inside, physically or mentally. This really gets me angry because I hear so much BS from people about disability and they know nothing about it in most cases. Yes, there are people on disability that probably shouldn't be, but again I cannot make that determination and have to leave it to the professionals that can make that determination.

edit on 10/8/15 by spirit_horse because: typos

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

That's really sad that you have to do that. My SO's ankles are full of metal, and some days she's OK and other days is pure agony. She has a handicap placard for her car she sometimes uses if it's really icy and her ankles don't feel great.

I can already see some people thinking "why does SHE get to park in the handicap spots?" In fact, I've seen some people eyeing us when we go shopping together.

People need to mind their own business. You can't "see" all handicaps. If someone is so obviously handicapped that you can see it easily, they probably aren't driving themselves someplace anyway!

Humans make way to many assumptions about those around us. People always assume everyone else thinks and acts like they do, and goes through the same things in life they do.

You know what they say about making assumptions...

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: roadgravel
In all fairness though, it's safer to harass a person over handicap parking then chase real criminals.

Probably because he couldn't chase most criminals. He needs a handicapped sticker for his car.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: blood0fheroes

LOL, in Texas if someone were to rile you over HC parking with the Disabled Vet plates, that person would likely have onlookers trying to beat the holy hell out of them.

DV plates are just about the only plates that change the way I drive. Im aggressive, but not to DV drivers. And im pretty outspoken against the military. Its just that anyone with a DV plate has paid their dues.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: roadgravel

originally posted by: Night Star
For those who may not know, a disabled person who doesn't drive can get a parking card because others are driving them places. You don't need a drivers license, just an ID card.

So a non disabled person can drive the car alone and park it in a HC space? Doubt it.

No, but when the disabled person rides in the car, they can take their placard with them.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: Echo007

They give almost anyone a handicap placard these days. If you don't use a walker or wheelchair, you shouldn't be given a handicap placard period.

You have to at least use a cane and a doctor has to sign paperwork in order for you to get a card.

Not exactly. At least in Texas, as well as most states I'm assuming; if the veteran has a service-connected rating of 50 % or greater from the VA, then they qualify for DV plates and/or a standard handicapped placard.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Where I am it is most certainly legal for a placard to be used when someone else is driving for you.
Here is a link to the TX law:
Look for the red exclamation point down the page.
If the placard is used when the disabled person is NOT in the vehicle, then yes, it is a violation and risks loss of placard priveledge for the disabled person.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I can relate. Not so much in being outspoken against the military per se, more what they are used for...I was awakened to the truth shortly before my son was born 5 years ago; I still chose to re enlist anyway due to personal debts and having no other way to pay them. Two months later is when I was sure is funny that way.

Eta: Not that I believe I will have to overly worry about it; the town we normally do our shopping in is voting soon to reduce the police force from five officers to three officers..
edit on 10-8-2015 by blood0fheroes because: edit to add

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: roadgravel

originally posted by: Night Star
For those who may not know, a disabled person who doesn't drive can get a parking card because others are driving them places. You don't need a drivers license, just an ID card.

So a non disabled person can drive the car alone and park it in a HC space? Doubt it.

A handicap person can carry a card or placard with them if someone else is driving. The card/placard needs to be placed where it is visible.

I always dropped my mom off at the front of a store, then parked in a non-handicap space --- so the handicap space would be available to someone who really needed it.

That's courtesy. Not everyone is courteous.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: blood0fheroes

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: Echo007

They give almost anyone a handicap placard these days. If you don't use a walker or wheelchair, you shouldn't be given a handicap placard period.

You have to at least use a cane and a doctor has to sign paperwork in order for you to get a card.

Not exactly. At least in Texas, as well as most states I'm assuming; if the veteran has a service-connected rating of 50 % or greater from the VA, then they qualify for DV plates and/or a standard handicapped placard.

What people don't understand about disabilities is ---- exhaustion is a major factor. Most stores/malls are air conditioned and have seating to take breaks.

My mom knew which stores/malls were comfortable for her. Including accessible restrooms.

It was the walk to her car, along with carrying her purchase that exhausted her.

There are many disabilities, such as heart problems, breathing problems, etc ---- where exhaustion and heat (or cold) could kill you before you got to your car.

It's between the doctor and patient.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:47 PM
I have never had any trouble with my parking. The cops get a little testy about my Hoveround...LOL. The VA cops don't like us racing in the parking lot officially but enjoy it

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: roadgravel

I see a lot of people without canes, etc using handicapped. Maybe they are just taking advantage of the card hanging in the vehicle.

If I'm out grocery shopping or some other shopping place, I use the store carts, not the motorized ones, but a regular shopping cart. It gives me something to hold on to and lean on. I don't bring my cane. If I am out and don't know how much of a distance I'll need to be walking like visiting someone in a hospital or whatever, I need my cane. I have spinal problems and nerve damage in one leg. You never know when the worst of the pain will kick in. It can get so unbearable you cry. So I have learned not to push myself on my better days. If I am waiting for my friend or relative who isn't done their shopping, I sit and wait on a bench in the store.

By having the parking card, I found that I can do a bit more before having so much pain that I can't do anything at all. Before I would have to walk all across a parking lot before even starting to shop so I was very limited. It has been a tremendous help. I don't look handicapped/disabled, but I am.

Your doctor has records of all your physical problems and has to sign paperwork in order to get a card.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

So...One thing is clear as of late...we need better trained cops and better screening. A couple of years ago I had a cop actually scream and curse (the F-word like 4 times) at me claiming I didn't come to a full stop at a stop sign...a parking lot stop sign...and I had my 4 year old daughter car??? Which was a good thing cuz it forced me to be calm as cucumber despite the raving cop. It was bizarre. I told my daughter that sometimes adults throw tantrums for no reason. I understand cops have a hard job...but keeping their cool is #1 on the job description! It wasn't the handicap guys job to keep his cool, it was the is literally his job and he failed.

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