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Amazing interview heralds the beginning of disclosure? Whistleblower reveals.... + updates

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posted on Oct, 27 2015 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Amazing new thread heralds the return of the "disclosure is near" narrative.

posted on Oct, 28 2015 @ 11:51 AM
The thing about Corey Goode is that :

1. He has no credentials. He is not a high ranking military member, political figure or corporate CEO. The chess president who claimed to have visited extraterrestrials has much higher credentials than him.

2. He is interviewed by other far-out conspiracy theorists, such as David Wilcock. Being on Ancient Aliens doesn't give him credentials. In fact, there are things on ancient aliens that have been proved as a hoax or lie. David has also projected hoaxes such as the "ascension" 2012 myth.

3. He misleads people away from real UFO research. Many people will navigate to strange and interesting stories over hard evidence and science. He claims to visit real ETs on consistent basis but refuses to provide any evidence because he thinks it will lead people away from the messages in his stories. Really Corey? You think your 17,000+ likes from your facebook followers will be jeopardized by releasing photos or videos? His followers are already invested in his stories. I doubt they will become over-bearing skeptical analysts by the release of photos or videos.

4. He uses the imminent and overused notion of disclosure to justify his actions and keep his audience on the edge.

In conclusion, he is a fraud. If I had the opportunity to hang out with extraterrestrials and was able to take photos/videos, I would release them to ATS. Regardless of what skeptics might say.

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE
Brother, why misquote me and make thyself the phool?
CoRey Goode and mac and Types with Fingers and Waller Joel are the same persona, It's well known. A fact which has not met fate with your ears or rears, so sad,, so true.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:38 AM
Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 5: Raiders of Lost Technology - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

At last, Corey Goode exposes the secret source of information which enabled German scientists to construct the first space-bound vehicles. Long ago, in an ancient and forbidden land, arcane secrets were hidden away lest they fall into nefarious hands. But these secrets would not remain hidden forever. Led by their extraterrestrial contacts, members of German esoteric societies and Nazis daringly trekked deep into the Himalayas to discover the secrets that would launch humanity into space.

Corey and David tie in previously discussed aspects of the early German secret space program. There were several expeditions to discover ancient technology by this group during the early 20th century, some of which is revealed in popular works of fiction such as the Indiana Jones films.

The Ancient Builder race, which was the first group to colonize the solar system, left vast quantities of extremely advanced technology where ever they went. Much of this was rediscovered by ancient human and extraterrestrial groups in Earth's deep past, allowing them developed technology modern humans mistook for god-like mystical powers.

As one example, apparently there were three Arks of the Covenant that had extraordinary powers; able to melt rock, levitate stone, heal the body, replicate food and offer some sort of protection from attack. The German group was initially trading some of this technology with the different ET groups until they learned these were actually highly advanced devices working off of consciousness itself.

The Germans made considerable advances as a result of their alliances, eventually building bases in Antartica as an attempt to continue the program after the loss of World War II. The Germans were very successful in developing technology that allowed them to colonize the Moon and elsewhere in the solar system. The Americans discovered the Antarctic base and sent Admiral Byrd to there to investigate. The Germans attacked Byrd’s armada with advanced energy weapons, forcing him to retreat after several encounters. The Americans decided to keep their space program and ET contacts secret, which the Germans used to their advantage by threatening to disclose the truth to the masses by flying over Washington DC in the now infamous 1952 UFO event.

Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 5: Raiders of Lost Technology - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:47 AM
German Secret Societies Hid Ancient Super Weapons from Nazis

This of course relates to the above posts and others, and answers an extremely logical question, which is "well, if the German secret societies had access to such technology, why did they not give it to the Nazis and win WWII?"

While there is extensive literature about the role of the Thule Society in Hitler’s rise to power, there is less known about the Vril and “Black Sun” (German Schwarze Sonne) societies. The Thule Society was created on August 17, 1918, and the Vril Society formed soon after as an off-shoot. The latter was formed by female mediums who used their psychic skills for communication with ancient subterranean or extraterrestrial civilizations.

In his book, The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection, Peter Moon describes that Black Sun society as comprising leading figures from Heinrich Himmler’s SS.

According to Goode, the Black Sun society cooperated closely with the Thule, Vril and other secret societies in forming the breakaway German faction in Antarctica and South America. The implication is that while the Black Sun society was formally linked to Himmler’s SS, its primary loyalty was to the Thule, Vril and other secret societies.

This leads to a fascinating conclusion. Himmler believed that the SS Black Sun society had successfully infiltrated the German secret societies, and would share the secrets of the latter’s advanced space and technology programs underway in Antarctica and South America. This led to Himmler’s and Hitler’s firm belief that superweapons would eventually be developed and released in time to win the war. Instead, a decision had probably been made by the Thule, Vril and other secret societies to sacrifice Hitler’s Nazi regime, and the Black Sun did not pass on the technologies.

German Secret Societies Hid Ancient Super Weapons from Nazis

edit on 8-11-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: grammar, syntax and context

edit on 8-11-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:58 AM
Occult Origins of the German Secret Space Program, Thule Society and the Vril Women of World War II - Repressed History

Prior to the 20th century, the average man or women toiled away in factories and work houses. Machines that were once invented by minds seeking to free humanity from monotonous labor now hindered the lives of millions in advancing industrial nations.

According to the below article, several free thinking individuals well versed in spiritual concepts of the day, as promulgated by the Theosophy society, conceived of a world of free and abundant energy, able to finally liberate humanity from servitude; despite the negative connotation with theosophy today.

The Vril Society was a group of mediums inspired by Theosophy and a contemporarily book entitled: 'The Coming Race', apparently the source of the Aryan philosophy that galvanized Nazi idealism. Contact was made through the Vril with beings claiming to be extraterrestrials from the Aldebaran star system. They professed to have benevolent intentions for humanity, and supplied the Vril mediums with advanced technical drawings that allowed German engineers to complete a working device.

During the 1920's, Dr. W.O. Schumann, of the Technical University of Munich, successfully engineered an over-unity engine capable of propelling German craft, directly as a result of these drawings provided by the Vril. His statements on the nature of how this device worked resemble Walter Russell, the visionary spiritual scientists that inspired Nikola Tesla.

The device appears to work like John Searl's SEG, an over unity motor capable of producing strange side effects such as healing, antigravity and heat reduction around the device when throttled; it gets cold instead of hot when greater loads are applied.

What maybe more intriguing about this story is the intended uses of this technology. The Vril society wanted to travel to Aldebaran and further relations with the race there, whereas the Thule society wanted to use the technology to power civilization, but a more secretive group, apparently infiltrated both and had different intentions.

Some have said this darker group was the Order of the Black Sun, and their goal was to weaponize the technology into spacecraft capable of crushing the enemies of the seemingly all powerful Nazi empire. But when the allies began to defeat the Germans, this group began to breakaway from Germany, and apparently settled in South America and Antartica.

Occult Origins of the German Secret Space Program, Thule Society and the Vril Women of World War II - Repressed History

edit on 8-11-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 09:11 AM
Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 6: We Were Never Alone - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

Corey Goode reveals a secret which shook the very foundation of the German’s burgeoning secret space program – we were never alone. As the Himalayan texts were studied by the scientists who toiled to rebuild ancient technology, they discovered that they were not to be the first human civilization venturing into space. Perhaps this is what bolstered their resolve to quickly expand operations to the moon.

According to Corey Goode, the German secret space program had its beginnings in the early 20th century, developing out of occult societies and related contacts with advanced civilizations. These civilizations have been in the solar system for thousands of years, have an imitate association with Earth's history.

The Germans eventually explored the Moon discovering many older settlements and bases they used as temporary installations before creating their own.

Yes, these secret teachings go back many millennia and are highly guarded [by the groups]. A lot of this information is in the Vatican vaults. The jesuits and other groups still have access to it. There are many other libraries of this sort [as well], especially in Europe, that these secret societies have access to, [where] ancient mystery school teachings [are kept]. These go all the back and have several different ancient languages in them that translate [other] older and older texts [from much further back in history]. [These texts] talk about technology of people and beings that came from the heavens; [extraterrestrials].

Any Jesuits on here? I think I know who is....

In 1871 an anonymous author wrote "The Coming Race" a work that was publicly accepted as science fiction, but secretly drew the attention of occult groups such as the Theosophy society. The Vril and Thule societies of pre Nazi Germany believed this was not fiction and worked with other groups to initiate contact via mediumship. Maria Orzich later made telepathic contact with a being via automatic writing, which apparently supplied her with plans for a device based on what the book called 'Vril Energy'. It was these contacts that apparently helped the German secret space program develop their first antigravity craft.

The Movie Iron Sky, about a secret breakaway space-faring Nazi civilization:

Life imitating art? Or did the art imitate life?

Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 6: We Were Never Alone - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 12:10 PM
Wow insane

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
The Movie Iron Sky, about a secret breakaway space-faring Nazi civilization:

Life imitating art? Or did the art imitate life?

Almost certainly some kind of imitation going on.

The idea of Nazis in space goes back at least 55 years (probably longer) long before the 2012 movie and these secret space program yarns.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 03:41 PM
German Secret Societies Colonized Mars in 1940s

In his latest interview on Gaiam TV’s Cosmic Disclosure, whistleblower Corey Goode describes in detail the attempts by a secret German space program to establish bases on Mars during the Second World War era. He claims that during the subsequent colonizing effort, the Germans fought fierce territorial battles with resident Martian species that inhabited large lava tubes that ran throughout Mars subterranean regions.

Goode says that during the early 1940’s, while the Second World War was still being fought, German secret societies –Thule, Vril and Black Sun – had successfully established a base on the moon, and used that as a launching pad for missions to Mars. Travel time between the Moon and Mars was several hours for the Germans. Goode contrasted this with the contemporary secret space program which has cut this travel time down to a matter of minutes!

Goode previously described the power of the German secret societies in Hitler’s Germany. The Thule, Vril and Black Sun societies had created a space program that was wholly independent of the Nazi SS effort to weaponize flying saucers for the war effort.

These German secret societies had established bases in Antarctica and South America that escaped the bulk of the fighting during the Second World War. Well-hidden and protected in these remote locations, the Germans had forged ahead in developing advanced space travel technologies using antigravity and space-time portals.

German Secret Societies Colonized Mars in 1940s

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 03:56 PM
Analysis and Transcripts of............

Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 7: Remnants of Ancient Mars - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

According to Corey Goode, the early ventures of the German-led secret space program (SSP) encountered many astonishingly old artifacts and ruins as they explored the Solar System. The Ancient Builder race, as it is termed within the SSP, left artifacts and structures everywhere in our star system, including the Earth.

The early German SSP settled on Mars and encountered many difficulties there. Their first bases were set up in the equatorial regions of the red planet, which are also the most electrically active. They also interacted with several insect-like beings that had settled in ancient lava tubes, ideal for establishing bases.

According to previous episodes, the Ancient builder race existed well before nearly all other groups began their activities in the solar system. They built a huge number of extremely advanced settlements, including the ancient stargate system found by the SSP. The Agarthans, which according to CG, live below the surface of the Earth, an old race of humans that believe the Ancient Builder race are the guardians of this section of the universe. Apparently these high beings of spiritual attainment assist lower races as they evolve. The construction of star gates and ancient sites seems to be part of this guardian effort

I think we're getting to a point in human consciousness where it's getting pretty ridiculous to try and hide what's in front of our face when we look at Mars. Plenty of people have taken satellite views of Earth and Mars, putting them side-by-side, and geologically proven they have the same type of activity on them.

I'm remembering one insider, Daniel, tell me that he saw a picture of astronauts waving next to pyramids on Mars and that there was a very nice sharp line of the pyramid going up. So it appears that you're kind of confirming that their [are] certain pyramids where there's still some sharpness visible from the ground.

Just like on the Moon, our moon - this gets into a whole other topic. [But], our moon is an artificial structure. On top of [this super structure] is hundreds and hundreds of feet of regolith and smashed meteor matter, that [has] built up over many millennia. Phobos has its own gravitation field and it pulls debris on top [of this structure]. Underneath this debris is [the] super structure.

Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 7: Remnants of Ancient Mars - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

So, the Germans could travel from the moon to Mars in several hours during WWII but they couldn't bomb Moscow or New York?

They were able to fight aliens on Mars but couldn't make it to Britain or America to fight?

Don't you see how silly this story is?

posted on Nov, 14 2015 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: DelMarvel
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

So, the Germans could travel from the moon to Mars in several hours during WWII but they couldn't bomb Moscow or New York?

They were able to fight aliens on Mars but couldn't make it to Britain or America to fight?

Don't you see how silly this story is?

Good point, but the secret societies wanted nothing to do with the Nazis, and wanted to breakaway from the German people which it considered impure, and wanted to start a "purer" smaller but more powerful society.

Just like the secret societies we have here - Masons, Jesuits, Rosicrucian's just to name a few - they do what is ultimately best for their agenda and don't care about Republicans, Democrats etc. Do you think Republicans infiltrate the Jesuits, or that Jesuits infiltrate the Republicans?

posted on Nov, 14 2015 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

originally posted by: DelMarvel
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

So, the Germans could travel from the moon to Mars in several hours during WWII but they couldn't bomb Moscow or New York?

They were able to fight aliens on Mars but couldn't make it to Britain or America to fight?

Don't you see how silly this story is?

Good point, but the secret societies wanted nothing to do with the Nazis, and wanted to breakaway from the German people which it considered impure, and wanted to start a "purer" smaller but more powerful society.

So, the German "secret societies" had their own research facilities, scientists, aircraft designers, industrial infrastructure including labor and factories and testing and launch facilities that were not detected by the Nazis or the allies? And were able to secretely recruit pilots and soldiers for a war on Mars in the middle of World War II?

ETA: Oh, and access to tremendous amounts of fuel of some kind and the infrastructure to handle it.

If you derive some enjoyment or meaning in life imagining this could be true then I guess it's whatever floats your boat.

But it's not true.

edit on 14-11-2015 by DelMarvel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2015 @ 06:21 PM
I read, "The Mars Record, 1 & 2," by Michael and Stephanie Relfe at least twice years ago so going over Corey Goode's material wasn't surprising to me. Michael and Stephanie have been through hell. Two other people I am aware of who have written and spoken extensively about breakaway civilizations (though I don't think they are actual "experiencers") are Catherine Austin Fitz of the Solari website and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell who has a YouTube channel, a website and has written books. Those two are independent but are friends and often collaborate at seminars and in discussions. Both are grounded, knowledgeable and respected people. I'm not very familiar with what they have discussed up to this point about the subject. I'd probably have to subscribe to their material to find out.

I can understand how people can't fathom the actual logistics of such claims. It boggles the logic mind.

I'm open to finding out more and at the same time I'm not a true believer or an outright skeptic. I have an esoteric mind so all things are possible to me. I haven't seen an indigo blue sphere and no Blue Avians have shown up in my dreams as far as I can remember.

edit on 14-11-2015 by tweetie because: added a comma

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: DelMarvel

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

originally posted by: DelMarvel
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

So, the Germans could travel from the moon to Mars in several hours during WWII but they couldn't bomb Moscow or New York?

They were able to fight aliens on Mars but couldn't make it to Britain or America to fight?

Don't you see how silly this story is?

Good point, but the secret societies wanted nothing to do with the Nazis, and wanted to breakaway from the German people which it considered impure, and wanted to start a "purer" smaller but more powerful society.

So, the German "secret societies" had their own research facilities, scientists, aircraft designers, industrial infrastructure including labor and factories and testing and launch facilities that were not detected by the Nazis or the allies? And were able to secretely recruit pilots and soldiers for a war on Mars in the middle of World War II?

ETA: Oh, and access to tremendous amounts of fuel of some kind and the infrastructure to handle it.

If you derive some enjoyment or meaning in life imagining this could be true then I guess it's whatever floats your boat.

But it's not true.

Good points again. However, we are talking about developing small anti-grav craft, not aircraft carriers or battleships. The Germans had thousands of secret bases around the world, loved bunkers, caves, tunnels. Finding the design/blueprints for the technology would have been the hard part. After that they could have worked in secret with a few hundred scientists, engineers, tool and die makers, machinists - sure, it wouldn't have been easy, but how many secret projects were the Nazis working on? Hundreds at hundreds of locations. There would have been challenges but nothing insurmountable.

After all, didn't the US do this with the stealth fighter? Keep it secret from most of their own military? The US did the same thing with the Manhattan project - which involved tens of thousands of people - and there never was a leak and the rest of the military and population did not know about it.

So your premise is interesting, but certainly not even close putting this idea into the "impossible" pile.

Also, I'm not sure why you seem to have an emotional attachment in forcing a consensus, after all any conclusions you or I come to are just opinions..........

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: tweetie
I read, "The Mars Record, 1 & 2," by Michael and Stephanie Relfe at least twice years ago so going over Corey Goode's material wasn't surprising to me. Michael and Stephanie have been through hell. Two other people I am aware of who have written and spoken extensively about breakaway civilizations (though I don't think they are actual "experiencers") are Catherine Austin Fitz of the Solari website and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell who has a YouTube channel, a website and has written books. Those two are independent but are friends and often collaborate at seminars and in discussions. Both are grounded, knowledgeable and respected people. I'm not very familiar with what they have discussed up to this point about the subject. I'd probably have to subscribe to their material to find out.

I can understand how people can't fathom the actual logistics of such claims. It boggles the logic mind.

I'm open to finding out more and at the same time I'm not a true believer or an outright skeptic. I have an esoteric mind so all things are possible to me. I haven't seen an indigo blue sphere and no Blue Avians have shown up in my dreams as far as I can remember.

There are quite a few Mars whistleblowers whose stories are quite consistent. We have two choices - one, they are faking their stories - for virtually no fame or fortune, and to get harassed and ridiculed; two - they feel this is an important truth to tell the public.

Here is an article which list some Mars whistleblowers, it doesn't even mention the two most recent prominent ones, Randy Cramer and Corey Goode:

Mars whistleblowers are surely but surely stepping forward

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

originally posted by: tweetie
I read, "The Mars Record, 1 & 2," by Michael and Stephanie Relfe at least twice years ago so going over Corey Goode's material wasn't surprising to me. Michael and Stephanie have been through hell. Two other people I am aware of who have written and spoken extensively about breakaway civilizations (though I don't think they are actual "experiencers") are Catherine Austin Fitz of the Solari website and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell who has a YouTube channel, a website and has written books. Those two are independent but are friends and often collaborate at seminars and in discussions. Both are grounded, knowledgeable and respected people. I'm not very familiar with what they have discussed up to this point about the subject. I'd probably have to subscribe to their material to find out.

I can understand how people can't fathom the actual logistics of such claims. It boggles the logic mind.

I'm open to finding out more and at the same time I'm not a true believer or an outright skeptic. I have an esoteric mind so all things are possible to me. I haven't seen an indigo blue sphere and no Blue Avians have shown up in my dreams as far as I can remember.

There are quite a few Mars whistleblowers whose stories are quite consistent.

And they could all be comparing notes. There is a group of people pushing this story who are all in contact with each other. And all the stories are on the internet.

originally posted by: PlanetXisHEREWe have two choices - one, they are faking their stories - for virtually no fame or fortune,

Ah, but they ARE getting some attention. If even a few people believe your story about being a Space Warrior and Heroic Whistleblower and show up at the conference that's a big ego boost.

originally posted by: PlanetXisHEREtwo - they feel this is an important truth to tell the public.

And you've left out a third possibility--they're mentally ill.

For example, the website of one the "whistleblowers" you've listed above. Everyone can judge for themselves.

edit on 15-11-2015 by DelMarvel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Why are you posting this image?

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 11:07 AM
It is good not to buy into this info without discernment. We must not incorporate it into our belief system, as so many do, and attach our identity and self concept to it, thus when we are attempting to defend it we are really just defending our ego-self.

We must remain open minded. I'm willing to discuss this info with anyone who is a least open to the possibility this info is true, no matter how remote you believe that to be. If you are not open to the info, nothing I say will matter.

In that light, here is the person who exposed "Shane The Ruiner" to be a fraud or at least extremely inconsistent and his story full of holes, so can see that in previous C. W. Chanter videos from a few months ago. "Shane The Ruiner" had been one of Corey's biggest detractors online.

Anyway, here is a video of C. W. Chanter analyzing Corey himself.

In my opinion, C. W. Chanter is one of those people who is not open to the possibility of an ET interaction with Earth. As I have said before, if you take decades, centuries, millennia of millions of UFO sightings, tens of thousands of abductions, crop circles, animal mutilations from around the world; strange astronaut musings, hundreds of related quotes from politicians, scientists and other VIPs - you would have to be in denial to not realize something is going on. It is just a matter of putting the pieces together. So I guess C. W. Chanter is like I was five or more years ago, hadn't really looked at the evidence.

So here is his video on Corey, and Corey's response below.

Corey's response to the above video:

I do respect your opinions and those of all skeptics who do so in a non-mean spirited manner. I am disappointed however that you once again did not do the proper research on the full spectrum of data and seem to pick and choose things (much out of context) from an interview that was heavily managed by producers and I was told to heavily compress my info, keep it simple for those in their audience new to the info for time constraint reasons. There were much better interviews you could have based your critique on (In5D, Coast to Coast & few others). We need to remember that opinions are like rear ends, everyone has one and they all stink, lol... Some of my opinions and reactionary responses to people who would purposely misrepresent and twist my information and words (& make up outright lies) back when I wasted my time on forums indeed shows how human I am and no more special than anyone else (As I have declared multiple times). Internet forums (& blogs/anyone can start a blog) can be a very poor place to spend your time or acquire accurate information. In all cases with relationships built on forums people will like you until you contradict them or violate their UFO Religions (You see people have their POV changed in forums by being ganged up on often.. “You must conform or be banned”) and there indeed are many people with mental illness issues that spend their time there speculating and entering circular debates to stir up controversy just for kicks. I have been consistent in my reports/testimony (Yes it has evolved but not contradicted) and as highly detailed as ALL of the information is it would be unlikely I would be able to keep up with all the details. People who lie always get caught up in their lies and trip up over the details as we saw with certain individuals (BS/Lies are too hard to keep up with and remember, it always catches up with them).

I fully believe everything I am reporting as real physical experiences. So that either makes me telling the truth and for real, "AI Mind controlled" as Webre/B. Loves say (Unlikely) or am delusional. Being an INFJ personality type (Look it up) I have a strong moral compass and spent a lot of time pondering and making sure I wasn't "Nuttier than squirrel poop". After the shared experiences that my family has witnessed as well as a few others (To their amazement) and the physical contact that was experienced convinced us all it was real. Any responsible person would go through the process of processing these experiences and questioning them. You are not always 100% on the money with your views but you do make points that people should think about in their discernment process. I have no ill will or hard feeling towards you and love you as you are. No one is above manipulation no matter how intelligent they are and many times hubris causes the most intelligent people to be the easiest people to be manipulated from what I have seen happen to researchers (Some who you mentioned). Transcripts are translated in 11 languages on my web site by volunteers and are free to all. Most people have been let down so many times by PsyOps (Or charlatans) aimed at researchers that went viral (Damaging their reputations) that they are more skeptical than ever. I believe that at least in part it was done by design by those who infiltrated the Esoteric fields since they began: Keeping Your "Reality Bubble" Permeable

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