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BREAKING - Jury Reaches Penalty Verdict in Boston Marathon Bombing Trial - Livestream

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posted on May, 15 2015 @ 06:14 PM
His sentence was passed down, justly IMO. I do not want to go down the road this thread seems to be taking. So, before that happens, I am voluntarily excusing myself from this thread. I do this due to my personal involvement in this event. I have close friends that were forever changed by that day, one of which lost a real leg, from a real explosion, perpetrated by a convicted murderer.

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: Rosinitiate

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: Rosinitiate

originally posted by: Annee

I can't even fathom what kind of mind has determined this is a staged conspiracy.

An educated non manipulated critical thinker. I know, I know, they're rare but have not quite gone by way of the Dodo.

Not believing something despite over whelming evidence, just for the sake of bucking status quo and claiming to be a critical thinkinker , is actually quite the opposite....


Overwhelming evidence? You clearly don't have the faintest idea what the meaning of "overwhelming" is.

Besides, I've learned long ago never waste my time arguing anything that is tied to a national taboo. Peoples sensibilities get all frazzled, which incidentally is how scumbags can pull things off like 911. Enjoy the bull# sandwich though, yum yum.

Mmm its easy to throw out accusations like that........

Yet you have no proof to the contrary that he didnt do this, so wheres your proof to counter claim the evidence that he did!

You've been here long enough to know there are countless threads and countless posts presenting evidence for and against them being patsies. I watched the play by play live on ATS up to and including the apprehensions. I have engaged in those discussions at that time and not going to waste time rehashing it on a thread about the verdict.

Therefore I simply disagree with the murder sentence because I don't think he was responsible, period. In fact I believe his mom seeing how his dad has verified past interactions with certain alphabet agencies as did the older brothers "fiancée".

It's your brain though, believe what you want.

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: Kapusta

yeah youre being objective, or you could show the face shots of him carrying it.....

why are you being so dishonest when you know there are these pics out there...

right you mean his bag hes carrying in his right hand that the pic does not show ?

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

or possibly his bag that he dropped after the bomb exploded ?

as i have circled in the pic .

edit on 15-5-2015 by Kapusta because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Kapusta

God Speed Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Straight to Hell, if there is one, I hope...

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: Kapusta

I know you're not talking to me but the difference is time perspective. The pictures of him w the bag are taken before the pictures w out the bag

You can't just bring up pics w out context

The fact remains for chronological order shows when he had it and when he didn't. And the pics you showed earlier were deliberately obscure on who it was in the pictures

That poster seemed to prove that you were wrong. There are pictures as proof of him being there w the bag that exploded

You can't explain that away or his confession, full stop

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: Lgbtlivesmatter
a reply to: Kapusta

That poster seemed to prove that you were wrong. There are pictures as proof of him being there w the bag that exploded

Weird, we must have been reading different threads yet managed to post in the same one. I'm going with time slips.... *looks to ensure house still exists.*
edit on 15-5-2015 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 08:00 PM
You know as far as patsies are concerned what is the case is they are often NOT innocent.

Even though they may have been set up for the fall, more likely than not they are part of conspiracies on some level

Oswald may be the classic patsy who was part of some kind of plot

As well the 911 dupes and Bin Laden

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: Kapusta
He Will join the other Patsy's in History.

God Speed Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Another BS theorist creating false doubt...or trying to.

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
You know as far as patsies are concerned what is the case is they are often NOT innocent.

Even though they may have been set up for the fall, more likely than not they are part of conspiracies on some level

Oswald may be the classic patsy who was part of some kind of plot

As well the 911 dupes and Bin Laden

I'd say that is a gross oversimplification. There could be some very patriotic people who think they are doing their civil duty to assist government officials *cough* FBI *cough* in terror drills to better prepare local law enforcement.

Alphabet agency: "here's the backpack with a fake bomb. It will just buzz and smoke don't worry. "

Patsy: ok, sure no problem happy to help.

Alphabet agency: sucker

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: Kapusta

i'll humor you. so he didn't drop his backpack.
then why was he riding around with his brother shooting at cops and throwing pipe bombs.
you know ordinary people, just don't carry pipe bombs with them when they go out.

and don't say it was made up bs. plenty of homemade video from witness in the neighbor hood where the shootout happened.

edit on 15-5-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: Lgbtlivesmatter
a reply to: Kapusta

I know you're not talking to me but the difference is time perspective. The pictures of him w the bag are taken before the pictures w out the bag

You can't just bring up pics w out context

The fact remains for chronological order shows when he had it and when he didn't. And the pics you showed earlier were deliberately obscure on who it was in the pictures

That poster seemed to prove that you were wrong. There are pictures as proof of him being there w the bag that exploded

You can't explain that away or his confession, full stop

show me pics of the bag that exploded ?

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
a reply to: Kapusta

i'll humor you. so he didn't drop his backpack.
then why was he riding around with his brother shooting at cops and throwing pipe bombs.
you know ordinary people, just don't catty pipe bombs with them when they go out.

and don't say it was made up bs. plenty of homemade video from witness in the neighbor hood where the shootout happened.

more MSM regurgitation

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn

originally posted by: Kapusta
He Will join the other Patsy's in History.

God Speed Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Another BS theorist creating false doubt...or trying to.

Ill just use a Quote from other "BS theorist" as you say, to reply to your well thought out reply .

To America and the World,

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our grievances over the way in which we are being depicted by the mass media due to our views regarding the case against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the accused Boston Bombing suspect. As Americans, as well as World citizens, we deserve to have our voices heard and our message delivered fairly and accurately, and not through the media’s manipulative, agenda-driven lens.

For supporting our belief in Dzhokhar’s innocence, we have been labeled as “pathetic”, “psychologically broken”, “crazy”, “evil”, “delusional”, and “disgusting”, among other things. We have been forced to endure a seemingly endless barrage of hateful messages, death threats, and wishes for death and/or suffering to befall our loved ones. We are hounded and harassed daily. We have also been labeled as “fangirls”, in a blatant effort to discredit us and our message by implying that our motivations are somehow sexual and/or immature in nature. Why? Because we dare to question the “official narrative” released by authorities & the mainstream media with respect to what happened on that fateful day in April, and the Tsarnaev brother’s role in it. By portraying us in such a disparaging way, the media have created a smear campaign aimed at negatively shaping the public’s attitudes towards those of us who defend Dzhokhar’s rights, and the basic principles of justice in America.

We make no apologies for our firm belief that Dzhokhar, like any other US citizen, should be provided the rights guaranteed to him by the United States constitution. As such, he should be afforded due process under the law and “the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.” Although Dzhokhar has yet to stand trial or be convicted of any crime, the media have peremptorily tried, convicted, and proverbially hanged him – as well as those who support him.

You should know that Dzhokhar’s supporters span the globe and represent a multiplicity of ages, races, ethnicities, religions & countries – both male and female (incidentally, being female does not negate one’s capacity for reason). We are deeply sympathetic to the victims of the Boston Bombing and their families. We, like everyone else, want to see whoever is responsible for committing these horrendous acts of senseless violence apprehended and held accountable for their actions. However, we reject the official narrative portraying Dzhokhar as the perpetrator of these acts based on hearsay presented by the media, inconsistent and wildly varying “official statements”, and a lack of visual & physical evidence to support his involvement. We maintain that a transparent, independent investigation into the Boston Marathon Bombing is important and necessary for the following reasons:

I can list those reasons if you would like but ill just assume it would be in vain really .
edit on 15-5-2015 by Kapusta because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2015 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: Kapusta

wrong again, i should have known that a terrorist sympathizer couldn't tell the truth if it was right in his face.
plenty of videos shot by people in the neighborhood posted on twitter and you tube.

here are a few. not some " MSM regurgitation " if you listen in some of them you will hear people say explosions and bombs, and you can her them.

there's one more out there somewhere that shows them lighting the bombs and throwing them. i couldn't find a copy of it that hadn't been used by some msm, don't want to be accused of raplhing on ya again. it was posted on twitter

here is the twitter link, i tried to find it, but just find the pictures, i don't use twitter so i may not know what to look for.
there are some on youtube, but seeing how your a sympathizer, they don't count because some news board casts used it.
here's is a copy of it that's been edited by the poster, that is right up your ally he's a false flagger and maybe a sympathizer to.

then there's this, a video of a bunch of different cameras angles from different businesses showing the two. then they focus on the murder you sympathize with.

watch from the 3:36 mark to the 7:50 mark.

at the 3:43 mark you see your boy walk up with the backpack slung over his right shoulder, walk up beside the tree, you see at 3:44 and 3:45 mark his right arm goes down and he no longer has his pack on his shoulder.
then all through the video you see him with out it. the at 6:49 mark he gets a call and you see him answer it.
he talks about 20 seconds going by the counter in the bottom left hand corner, call starts at about 4:48:46 lasts until about 4:49:08.

at 4:49:25 the first bomb goes off, he then beat feets it looking back a couple of times. you can clearly see that he has no back pack. so the picture you show with what ever that is, is just plain old apologist sympathizing horsesh@@.

at the 7:55 mark right where he was standing the bomb goes off. pretty damning in my eyes. but i'm not a sympathizer, so you will just say it's bs.

oh and here is a still from the video at the 8:58 mark. this is just before your little bs picture. see no backpack and if he would have thrown it on the ground, the fellas in the yellow shrits would have seen him.

edit on 16-5-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2015 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: howmuch4another

Why does that not strike me as odd that that is the only choices or purpose jury were able to give? I read that in the US, juries can nuifiy the charge if they so choose.

I wonder if the reason that a jury was involved at all; was because somebody wanted history to record that there he was tried by a jury, or, is this law in the US?

posted on May, 16 2015 @ 03:32 AM
As many people know I am against the death penalty for anything, no matter the crime. In my belief the death penalty makes those who impose it no better than the condemned person.

Having said that, this article, and the lines I have bolded, perfectly sums up some of the reasons why the death penalty should be abolished worldwide.

******ATTENTION****** - Before people jump on my back and call me a terrorist sympathizer, or that I am claiming his innocence or some ridiculous nonsense like that I would like to squash that here and now by saying that what the two men did was abhorrent and the remaining perpetrator deserves to rot in jail for eternity (which, by the way, will cost less than executing him - for those about to jump on my back and claim the opposite) - but to impose a death sentence lowers everyone else to his same level and stinks to High Heaven of hypocrisy.

Death penalty is 'easy way out' says Boston runner Bobby O'Donnell

Fairfax Media contacted O'Donnell about 3pm on Saturday, about 30 minutes after he finished the gruelling course through the Blue Mountains, and broke the news to him about Tsarnaev's death sentence.

"Oh my goodness," O'Donnell said.

He was not so sure about the wisdom of the death sentence.

"At first, after it happened, of course I wanted him to die. But in Boston this has been on the news just about every day since."

He had heard the plea of Bill and Denise Richard, whose eight-year-old son, Martin, died in the bomb blasts and whose seven-year-old daughter, Jane, lost her leg.

"It takes so long for a death penalty to come through," O'Donnell said, "and it's going to keep dragging it out and keep bringing back these negative thoughts and emotions every time they turn their television on.

"So, after a while, I shifted my opinion.

"Putting him to death, in any case, is not justice. It's not going to bring back those three people who died or do anything for the people who lost their limbs.

"And if you did something awful, and you were on the hook for life in jail or to be put to death, it seems to me that being put to death would be the easy way out. I'd be happy for him to sit in a cell for the rest of his life."

O'Donnell, like the bomber, is 21. He was 19 when, in April 2013, he entered the Boston Marathon. It was O'Donnell's first marathon, but it was cut short when two home-made bombs – planted by Tsarnaev​ and his brother Tamerlan​ – exploded at the finish line, killing three people and injuring 264.

O'Donnell was less than a kilometre from the finish and, amid the pandemonium, a spectator mistakenly told him the grandstands had blown up.

"My family was in the grandstands – my girlfriend Jessica, my mum, my dad, my nanna, my aunt, my cousin … in that instant I thought I had lost them all," O'Donnell recalls in a powerful speech on YouTube.

edit on 16/5/2015 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2015 @ 04:32 AM

originally posted by: Kapusta

originally posted by: lambros56

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: Kapusta

According to you and the MSM hogwash you have been eating .

Then by all means explain to us the reason why the verdict isn't the right one?

I mean you call it all us the way.

I agree with Kapusta.
There's plenty of videos out there that shows it was staged.
I found this interview by John B Wells really good and think it's worth taking the time to watch and then give your opinion.
Unfortunately I can't post the video but here's the link....

here you go buddy .

Thanks for that.
The problem is all the believers on this thread won't watch this interview because they don't have time to do the research.
Instead they'll argue on this thread with only the back up of mainstream manipulation.
They ask for proof of this guy being a patsy but when it's offered....they ignore the post.
Maybe watching a two hour interview of how this was a staged event is too much research for some people so they just go by what they've seen on the odd news clip.

it's a shame people shy away from evidence when it's offered.

posted on May, 16 2015 @ 10:38 AM
just wanted to add this.

for the people that say this is a false flag and the people that were injured and others were role players, and that this murderous piece of sh@@ terrorist is a patsy,
think about this.

all those people have to know other people, whether now or from their past. how come no one has come out and say i know that man or i know that woman i use to work with him, he's been a double amputee for years. or i went to school with her, she only had one leg then, or me and the dude with the cowboy hat use to party over at the bar, or the guy with the rip up britches was my childhood friends.

even if they were in witness protection, as widely as these videos and pictures have been distributed, seen on tv, not one person other than people that do indeed know them has said anything about them. something that big would not be kept secret for long.

posted on May, 16 2015 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: lambros56

There's plenty of videos out there that shows it was staged.

No there are videos out there claiming it was staged...none of them have ever been able to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, and that includes the one you linked.

I found this interview by John B Wells really good and think it's worth taking the time to watch and then give your opinion.

My opinion is he has only his conspiratorial mind telling him it was nothing has been shown to back the claim.

If you can find something that is concrete and not just someones conspiracy theory then you may be onto something, but until then it wasn't staged.

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