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Russia wants to ban internet memes that mock Vladimir Putin

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posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Nibbles

Sorry, I thought I was in another thread....

Um, yes, I said as much. Hand it out equally. I made slight distinctions as to Russias special brand of BS.

Stir the pot? This practically begs as much. Mandate stopping internet memes about him? Is he mad? He just gave millions of people who dont even have to dislike him reason to play and play....laugh and laugh...

Its north Korea type absurdity.Venezuela type absurdity.

Can you blame me? Its like Bush all over again, just Russian and with more power over his respective country.

The list though, no the US and especially not the west in general cant really fit into that list I made. Another list SURE, that one, no. Thats Russias list. All Russia's.

edit on 4 14 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: Nibbles

Sorry, I thought I was in another thread....

Blumming heck Tad... keep off the peanut butter I say?


posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:02 AM
I would like to add this :

and this :

*cough cough*


a reply to: Nibbles

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: Nibbles

My god, the things ATS has shown me. I never thought I would hear the Rasputin song ever again in my life. LOL

You just made the thread right there.

I am still singing it!


posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: Nibbles

My god, the things ATS has shown me. I never thought I would hear the Rasputin song ever again in my life. LOL

You just made the thread right there.

I am still singing it!


Getting old are we?



posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 03:40 AM
Here's one I whipped up in 2 minutes when Putin was "missing", along the "where's waldo" theme:

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: DeadSeraph
Here's one I whipped up in 2 minutes when Putin was "missing", along the "where's waldo" theme:

And here is a quickie that I whipped up too entitled, where is Barack obama? :


Ps. Sorry, I am crap at editing a golf ball into the picture
edit on 14-4-2015 by Nibbles because: Bad spelling

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 07:37 AM

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Nibbles
If I may politely ask?

Doesn't the US (and also other countries) also do this too?

Or are we here on ATS all just having a pick at the old "bear" again to stir things up?


a reply to: tadaman

The US does not ban memes, what a silly question.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 11:57 AM

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 05:22 PM
lol seems more like russia's updating it's libel and slander laws in the internet age.

this of course interferes with western agit-prop efforts

but, shhhh...

lot's of impotent 'muricans celebrating their 2 minutes hate under big brothers watchful eyes.
none of them would post the stuff they post, against president barry O.

lest DHS,FBI, or the SS come calling...

posted on Apr, 15 2015 @ 04:17 AM
I'll totally mark these tomorrow out of 10. It will be using some odd system that only I really know about with bonus points for awesome.

If someone has posted more than one I'll just use the one I like best.

Regarding this singling out Russia ... I'm not sure about that. Some ATS members are actually pro-Russia, and I think even the majority of those ones would be against this. And Obama? Have you seen what people post about Obama on ATS? I think at one stage he was accused of being Bin Laden and that's probably not even the worst one.

Many countries have laws on this type of thing. For me that's not an issue, but creating laws to protect already powerful people from criticism? That's another matter.

Has anyone ever been busted for making an Obama meme?

posted on Apr, 15 2015 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: AdamuBureido
lol seems more like russia's updating it's libel and slander laws in the internet age.

this of course interferes with western agit-prop efforts

but, shhhh...

lot's of impotent 'muricans celebrating their 2 minutes hate under big brothers watchful eyes.
none of them would post the stuff they post, against president barry O.

lest DHS,FBI, or the SS come calling...

posted on Apr, 15 2015 @ 01:54 PM
Crimea wasn't enough?

posted on Apr, 16 2015 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Greathouse
9/10 for presentation
3/10 for being offensive (putin probably like this one)
5/10 for the jacket

a reply to: greencmp
6/10 for presentation
4/10 for being offensive
6/10 for oddness

a reply to: Sublimecraft
I chose the picture of Putin riding two animals
9/10 for awesome
9/10 for awesome
9/10 for what the hell is this

a reply to: TinfoilTP
Meme hunting.
8/10, would enjoy again

a reply to: DeadSeraph
7/10 for Wally / Waldo
8/10 for originality
7/10 for special mention

I like the commissar of memes and various pun jokes. Special mention to Sakashima for having amusing animations.

* Sublimecraft
* DeadSeraph
* TinfoilTP

Prizes ... ummm I can make odd pictures of Bruce Willis. I know some origami. I'm also in possession of a dancing alien named Fred. If I get a U2U I will message back some kind of psychotic multiple choice based on my talents and then you can do what you like with the result.

If there is some incredibly specific request that is within Pinke powers I'll consider it though my powers are somewhat limited. Congratulations on keeping Putin in power ATS.

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: Pinke

Here is Putin in a heated discussion with Prime Minister Medvedev:

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