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Ukraine/Syrian Wars And What Is Behind It

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posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 05:05 AM
Seeing a lot of crap is being told about what`s behind the Ukrainian/Syrian Wars, I`ll give you the simple version (leaving out the Ukrainian resources and Monsanto (which also had a role in it, but were not the main reason)).

Ukraine/Syrian Wars And What Is Behind It

What has happened is the following...

Early `08, Putin warned not to make Georgia and Ukraine "NATO States" (and told, in the case of Ukraine, that they would take Crimea and Eastern Ukraine).

The US supported Ukraine’s bid to join NATO launched in January 2008 as an effort to obtain the NATO Membership Action Plan. Russia strongly opposed any prospect of Ukraine and Georgia becoming NATO members. According to the alleged transcript of Putin’s speech at the 2008 NATO-Russia Council Summit in Bucharest, Putin spoke of Russia’s responsibility for ethnic Russians resident in Ukraine and urged his NATO partners to act advisedly; according to some media reports he then also privately hinted to his US counterpart at the possibility of Ukraine losing its integrity in the event of its NATO accession.According to a document in the United States diplomatic cables leak Putin “implicitly challenged the territorial integrity of Ukraine, suggesting that Ukraine was an artificial creation sewn together from territory of Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, and especially Russia in the aftermath of the Second World War.


Later in `08, an with Israeli and US armed Georgia provoked war with Russia (which it won in a couple of days).

An independent inquiry ordered by the European Union has concluded that Georgia violated international law and triggered last year's war with Russia by attacking the breakaway region of South Ossetia.


Georgia does not act militarily without the assent of Washington. The Georgian head of State is a US proxy and Georgia is a de facto US protectorate.


A few years later NATO made a deal with Russia to have a no-fly zone over Libya, which US/NATO used to topple Gaddafi, while Russia just made a deal to have a naval base over there...Russia wasn`t amused so to speak.

The Russian navy could significantly expand its presence in the Mediterranean after it emerged yesterday that Libya's leader, Muammar Gadafy, has offered Moscow the chance to open a base on its coastline.


Russia surprised some by moving quickly at the weekend to support the UN resolution slapping tough new sanctions freezing Gaddafi's assets and banning travel. But yesterday, the Russian ambassador to Nato in Brussels, Dmitry Rogozin, betrayed strong Russian ambivalence about outside military action. "If someone in Washington is seeking a blitzkrieg in Libya, it is a serious mistake because any use of military force outside the Nato responsibility zone will be considered a violation of international law," he said.


Next in line was Assad, also an ally of Russia, and having already a Russian military naval base, and blocking gas-pipelines from Qatar to Europe (which would side track Russian sales to Europe), Russia supported Assad with military hardware. And with the help of Hezbollah and Iran, Assad was winning from the US paid African/Muslim mercenaries, so US wanted to start doing Air-strikes. Only that got blocked by Russia with the chemical weapons disposal deal.

Quatar wants a gas pipeline to Europe – through Syria. The Turks want the Quatar pipeline to Europe – through Turkey and Syria. Assad has blocked this pipeline. So now the Turks and Quatar both support the imported al Qaeda fighters who are trying to overthrow Assad.

Iran does not want the Quatar pipeline to Europe. They want their own pipeline to Europe – via Syria. So the Iranians are supporting Assad. But this proposed line goes through Lebanon (and then under sea to Europe) bypassing Turkey - who now want to get rid of Assad.


US/The West being pissed and wanted to let Russia pay for it, activated its 5th column in the Ukraine by causing an uprising after deliberately giving Yanukovych a very poor EU deal...all what was needed to be done after the rejection of that deal was to activate the Soros funded 5th column (in this case, some right-wing nationalist groups).

Russia was caught a little bit of guard, because after Georgia they thought the message was clear. Only the US was expecting Russia was going to do the same as with Georgia, and by so looking like the bad guy which should have given Putin domestic public backlash together with economic sanctions.

But Putin didn`t do what he was "supposed" to do, namely, go in full force, and now his approval rating is sky high. The plan along was for him to lose public support, so there could be a Colour Revolution in Russia to topple him...only that plan has failed (for) now.
edit on 11 3 2015 by BornAgainAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

Pepe Escobar's " Pipelineistan and the New Silk Road(s)" back in May of 2013 went in to detail much of the pipes and political/military aspects that he saw at the time.

" Ask Western elites - oh, those were the days, in the 17th century, when the rise of European sea powers led to the collapse of the caravan trade and the end of the Silk Road as Europe found a cheaper - and safer - way of trading between East and West.
Now, centuries after Tang armies establishing nodes all over
Central Asia as far as Khorasan in northeast Iran, the 21st century Silk Road(s) are back. The camels now wear iPads, with the Persian Gulf as a high-tech caravanserai. Si chou zhi lu ("Silk Road" in Mandarin). What's in a name? Trouble. A lot of trouble. At least if you ask the Pentagon, which places most of these roads - from the Persian Gulf to Central Asia and even the South China Sea - smack in the middle of its famous "arc of instability". In parallel, in rising Eastern latitudes, it's Dream Team time: and the name of the game is Eurasian integration. "

A good piece to read as it will show the reader how reliable and accurate Pepe is . I like his style and humor as well .

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

sweet article to the point easy to get ur head around.

can u expand more please.. so what would in ur opinion be achieved if Putin was toppled

IPad camels that is hilarious !!
is that for real?

edit on 11-3-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien
A delightful tale, comrade! Did you know that there is a dedicated Short Stories board for this sort of thing?

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 05:49 AM
We need to move on from oil.
Seems like oil and religion are root of all evil.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

Yes, in the less simpler version The Grand Chessboard comes into play about why Putin needs to go, but the trigger why Ukraine started so quickly after the failed call for Syrian air-strikes comes from the Putin chemical deal, and that came from the actions in Libya against Gaddafi.

The loot which was up for grabs in the Ukraine had also some influence, but Putin is the real target.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: MimiSia

I`ll try to give a re-cap about the The Grand Chessboard and what it means.

The Tri-Alliances between Russia/China/Iran and between Hezbollah/Syria/Iran need also be broken up for US/Israel/Saudi Arabia.

And to keep China at bay in the future, Russia (or another Eurasian country) can`t be strong in the centre of the (chess) board (between Asia and Europe), with Chess you need to control the centre.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

You've done an excellent job of piecing this together! Good going.

One question I have to ask; I've seen hints or glints of information to the effect that when the USSR surrendered control over Ukraine and other regions that had been under the Warsaw pact, they made some deal with "someone", maybe the US, that they'd agree to a "free" Ukraine, if Ukraine agreed to return the Russian nukes based in Ukraine and if Ukraine agreed to maintain an "independent" government with the term "independent" meaning that Ukraine agreed to refrain from joining NATO. As a result of the Poroshenko election, Russia views his election as outside the bounds of that agreement and thus feels free to "liberate" Russian speaking portions of the Ukraine.

Have you seen anything on this or can you shed any light on this business?

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

what I understand from the chessboard article is that Eurasia is not ideal scenario for USA . so why risk pushing one another into eachothers arms. it sounds like no one thought the plan really through. or is this incorrect
edit on 11-3-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: TonyS

There was a spoken promise already in the early 90s that NATO wasn`t going to close in on Russia when Russia was going to give up Eastern European countries.

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances is a political agreement signed in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994, providing security assurances by its signatories relating to Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The Memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.

The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine as well as those of Belarus and Kazakhstan. As a result Ukraine gave up the world's third largest nuclear weapons stockpile between 1994 and 1996, of which Ukraine had physical though not operational control. The use of the weapons was dependent on Russian controlled electronic Permissive Action Links and the Russian command and control system.


With the Orange Revolution `03 and with the coup in early `14, the US broke that promise actually, because it went against the political independence of the Ukraine.
edit on 11 3 2015 by BornAgainAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: MimiSia

Even Brzezinski himself and Kissinger have now come to the conclusion that it didn`t go according to plan.

Brzezinski: “We Must Guarantee to the Russians That … Ukraine Would Not Seek To Join NATO”
edit on 11 3 2015 by BornAgainAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

Star and flag OP

It is obvious to anyone following what's going on in this world that US empire is conquering the world and that Russia stands in their way

Will Russia stop them, or will Russia be just a speed bump ?

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: Soshh
A delightful tale, comrade! Did you know that there is a dedicated Short Stories board for this sort of thing?

I'll take his research over your warmongering one every time

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 06:47 AM
Interesting that the OP mentions the US / Israeli backed Georgian attack against Russia aligned areas. More so given that the Georgian leader who instigated that misadventure has just been given Ukrainian citizenship and taken on as an adviser to Poroshenko.

It's a funny old world, isn't it.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Britguy

It's pathetic isn't it mate,it's all there for everyone to see but the MSN is In bed with western governments so they continue the lies

How many times we seen on this site people deceiving others reading threads here that Russia invaded Georgia

The official government of Syria we recognise is the Syrian national council,and funding for that comes straight across the pond

FSA we funded and trained were not able to achieve their and our goals of creating a new regime in Syria because NATO were not allowed to bomb a path to victory for them like they did in Libya

So new bad guys are created,bad guys that or some reason we can't eliminate and even have the ability to sell oil:-/

As for Ukraine,it's doing what Georgia did and if it carries on for too long they might actualy bring Russia in:-/

Guess that's NATOS plan,thy want to see Russia playing it's hand and showing the world it's new military tools at its disposal

If Scotland split from the UK and then started to kill its English leaning citizens do you think our government would do nothing? Would be the same if roles reversed and the English army started killing Scottish people in England,I would expect Scottish troops would cross the border to save the innocent just like English troops would do the Same

But of course Russia isn't allowed to do this

What a crazy world we live in when the bullies become the victims in the eyes of our repulsive governments and feeble journalists print what they are told too

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 07:53 AM

a reply to: BornAgainAlien

you seem kind of neutral on this issue (meaning you are not leaning towards who you think is right and who you think is wrong if anyone at all is the bad guy in ur opinion that is)
so pls if I ask and I am totally of the track let me know. so q. USA was planning to control "Moscow " ? ever since I was a kid I saw Russia and china specially geographically as a perfect strong combo. I am not sure why Russia china don't really consider eachother "allies" (not war wise )I don't know history too well. but to me it is such a natural match. on map it almost looks like they "got eachothers back". what was (is) USA thinking if anything ? Putin would back down or he would not see this coming? revolution to topple putin is a silly plan in my opinion,not ? they (russians)love him(Putin) !! they point out economic statistics , infrastructure stats etc etc that show Putin raised the bar of the standard of living. I guess unifying of Russian people is simple, people have strong bonds I would say it is because it is a traditional historical country. china very similar they seem to love xi jinping also very traditional country. Putin and xi jinping seem to get along very well (personality match) and u guess they both complain about USA they both think usa can be quite unfair. I mean if Eurasia is a risk why not try to win one over (Russia or china even if you fake it) by fostering relationship type of thingy way would be way more effective not?
edit on 11-3-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: Whereismypassword

i try to explain this to my friends (25-30 y olds ) but they just don't seem to see that as an issue!! I really hit a panic button at one point. I literally am allianated from my friends and family over this. they say stuff like oh u worry too much.. is nothing.. u are exaggerating.. u are so negative.. at some point I was also apparently bipolar. I don't get it . when 9-11 happened let's not go who did or didn't cause it. when it happened the world collapsed to knees . it was the most unthinkable unforgettable and unforgivable moment (someone is to blame don't care who ) cost of lives= 2900 . and then we have Ukraine 5200 if not more. some of my friends here in AU didn't even have a clue this is happening. my parents and friends in EU didn't even have a clue. what is the world thinking Russia will just sit there and have a cuppa? or two? it seems like it is a way to strike emotionally and morally where it hurts. so wrong.. economically Russia does not give a flock about trade with Ukraine (just look at the numbers where does Ukraine sit on Russia's trade list). I understand Crimea was strategic move but let's not forget there was a "lease" contract in play (until when did Ukraine Russia had the Crimea port deal 2030? )that was almost certainly not a sealed deal under poroshenko (for some reason I somehow dont believe poroshenko is the bad guy here either he seems to be pushed into stuff) and crimea wanted Russia so. anyway what do people thing Putin wants in little eastern ukraine ( it is more like quarter eastern Ukraine ) 300000 people ran into Russia as refugees. Ukraine freezes eastern Ukraines bank accounts to "proof who is the boss here "or what? or chuck a bomb on people waiting on food (a Russian origin billionaire was giving out food there why the hell would it be Russians who through the bomb. am I wrong for seeing this as a major issue that can lead to a global one?

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: MimiSia

you seem kind of neutral on this issue (meaning you are not leaning towards who you think is right and who you think is wrong if anyone at all is the bad guy in ur opinion that is).

(pssst, don`t tell some, they might not believe you).

China and Russia have not been such close friends in the past. But both realize they need each other with being in the cross-hairs of the Western elites. So they now have been driven towards each other and their corporation has intensified because of all this (there were 33.000 Chinese working in Libya when the NATO attack began and China was going to make big investments in the Ukraine).

The opposite as what should happened in Russia has also happened, Putin is now even more popular because of it. And it doesn`t go as nearly as bad over there as media tries to portray it...

Back from Moscow

Not to say it goes outstanding in China too economically right now, a lot of problems are appearing over there are also will be questionable that China could take over The World as some seem to think.

The West is also not in a good shape, and we would be better off if they started to cooperate. But there are forces driving US foreign policies who`s only take on things is, that they still can be the only rulers in this World...and the strategy for that has been always taking out opponents...if you have to do that, you`re not nearly as strong as you pretend to be...I think they are horribly wrong and don`t have a good grasp on things...they make more the actions of a dying empire (very dangerous and desperate moves).

edit on 11 3 2015 by BornAgainAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: BornAgainAlien
US/The West being pissed and wanted to let Russia pay for it, activated its 5th column in the Ukraine by causing an uprising after deliberately giving Yanukovych a very poor EU deal...all what was needed to be done after the rejection of that deal was to activate the Soros funded 5th column (in this case, some right-wing nationalist groups).

Russia was caught a little bit of guard, because after Georgia they thought the message was clear. Only the US was expecting Russia was going to do the same as with Georgia, and by so looking like the bad guy which should have given Putin domestic public backlash together with economic sanctions.

But Putin didn`t do what he was "supposed" to do, namely, go in full force, and now his approval rating is sky high. The plan along was for him to lose public support, so there could be a Colour Revolution in Russia to topple him...only that plan has failed (for) now.

So this is why you think the Ukraine conflict is happening right now? Wow what a shallow analysis. It's all revenge for Syria you say.

Nothing to do with:
- Russia losing a major piece of it's Eurasian Economic Union.

- Strategic military industries Russia depended on residing in East Ukraine.

- Rumors that Russia had nuclear weapons stored and ready for use in Crimea.

- Yanukovych being so corrupt the EU wasn't going to pay him off directly to join, unlike what Russia did by giving him $3 Billion.

- Ukrainians wanting to join the EU like many other Eastern European countries.

- Russia's Sevastopol base being guaranteed for another generation so Russia wouldn't be upset.

None of that was important in causing the conflict in Ukraine. You say it was all just the US getting revenge on Russia for Syria. Well, everyone is just going to have to seek the truth themselves I guess.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

For the US/Anglo establishment there are some unintended consequences to this phase . This rhetoric about a EU Army is not really about a war machine as much as a message to Washington that if push comes to shove then the EU will collapse and the major economic players will move towards the east where business and growth can be realized .

There is a very good chance the Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal will need to move that way out of shear poverty but Germany and France would make a good fit into the market .Say good by to NATO and the Gladio cells . There will be no coalition of the willing to over throw Putin let alone Russia .

It's hard to say what kind of moves the west actually has left in their bag .Seems that the best thing that Putin could do at this point is take the shovel out of Washington's hands but I think he's going to let the neo-cons keep digging until they reach China and realize that the great chess board game was really not their forte .

There should be a good fire sale on X US military basses around the world after this episode in Empire closes . Time for the west to lick their wounds and heal with some humility IMO ....peace

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