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UK Wants Unemployed Youth to Do Unpaid Work for the State. State Sponsored Slavery or.....?

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posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: greencmp

Exactly, taken to its logical conclusion this is nothing more than class division and will all end in tears, most lightly the poor sods than they managed to rope into the scam tears.
edit on 17-2-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:27 PM
I would think it would work, IF the following:

1) If the individual can not work due to medical reasons, they are not penalized.

2) They should not be required to work a full 40 hour week, unless the amount of "pay" equates to minimum wage.

3) The program helps those involved in trying to find an actual full time employment.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:28 PM

Popped away for 5 minutes and second page is underway.

BRB after I have a read. Thanx for the input.


posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: eriktheawful
I would think it would work, IF the following:

1) If the individual can not work due to medical reasons, they are not penalized.

2) They should not be required to work a full 40 hour week, unless the amount of "pay" equates to minimum wage.

3) The program helps those involved in trying to find an actual full time employment.

All good points and a positive approach to the issue IMO.

It could work if laid out correctly but will it be? Doubtful. Greed will rear it's ugly head somewhere along the line and the people won't have a say as to how it will work, they will be told how it will be and where to report for work.


posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: eriktheawful

The program helps those involved in trying to find an actual full time employment.

There isn`t enough work anymore, that`s the big joke of it all.

Sure they can fiddle around with success numbers in those cases, but the reality is that automation has replaced too many jobs and it will only get worse.
edit on 17 2 2015 by BornAgainAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: BornAgainAlien
a reply to: jude11

Slavery is working forced against only enough money to pay rent and eat.

It depends on how much money you earn if it`s fair or not.

With automation more and more jobs disappear, and the rest can be filled in with slavery is the ultimate wet dream of our masters.

It`s simply a trick to work around "not paying enough" by letting the slaves work a few hours less a`s something which waits us all in the future.


As mentioned the premise is sound if it's equal pay for equal work. Unfortunately that won't be the case. The Govt. will say "Fair? Where's the profit in that?"


posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: jude11

What happens to the people drafted into these schemes that does not turn up for the state sponsored chain gang one morning, because that extra £10 they add on to there JSA had to go on electricity or gas? Or towards a new pair of cheap Primark shoes for one of the poor souls School wanes, instead of towards there weekly travel card which i should also add £10 will not cover. Do "they" then sanction 70% of there state benefit due to absenteeism/non participation? YES is the answer im afraid.

How can they take away 70% of what "They" deem is only sufficient to live from in the first place would probably be a more pertinent question?
edit on 17-2-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:40 PM
I know there is a lot of objection to this, most loudly the protest that in a country with minimum wage laws that there are questions of the fairness and legality of it. I tend to look at it from the perspective that young people within that age range will quickly see that they would do better to accept a full time minimum wage job rather than stay on public assistance for much less and still having to work for what they get. A lot of young people pass up possible job opportunities due to the fact that they think they are "too good" to do this or that or refuse to work for minimum wage- they'd rather live off the taxpayer's money than do something so "beneath" them. It wouldn't take long for their ire to be awakened and for them to realize that those jobs they deemed "beneath" them might not be so bad after all. I'm not saying all young people are like that- far from it- but I've lived long enough to witness this sort of attitude in many of them.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: jude11

In reality because of technology we all should be able to work less days a week and would be able to enjoy ourselves more...but that`s not what the 0,01 % is power, and they sure like their power over the rest of humanity.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Elton

You are wrong there mate, housing benefit for under 25s is being stopped this will be a new type of benefit and will just be enough to feed you, don't work then you don't eat, I think it works out at £1.73 an hour, I earned more as a 18 year old in 1977. Slavery that's what it is. If the power that be think youngsters will accept this then they are more out of touch than I thought,

As I said before Benefits are a safety net but not for the poor for the rich, you take this buffer away then hungry people with nothing will come for yours.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:46 PM
1. Where are they going to find 50,000 jobs? The kids are unemployed as it is.
2. They get told to do free labour. Who's legitimate job will they be taking? Will that next person be unemployed then shoved onto the scheme?
3. How many of these companies (gov cronies) are going to be chomping at the bit to fire their already underpaid staff and get some government paid free labour?

Just a few points that come to mind...

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:47 PM
Even if they're not paid, they'll *own* the means of production just the same.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: jude11

What happens to the people drafted into these schemes that does not turn up for the state sponsored chain gang one morning, because that extra £10 they add on to there JSA had to go on electricity or gas? Or towards a new pair of cheap Primark shoes for one of the poor souls School wanes, instead of towards there weekly travel card which i should also add £10 will not cover. Do "they" then sanction 70% of there state benefit due to absenteeism/non participation? YES is the answer im afraid.

How can they take away 70% of what "They" deem is only sufficient to live from in the first place would probably be a more pertinent question?

Difficult questions and myself being Canadian have to admit to not knowing all of the pitfalls of a proposed program in the UK.

I am merely seeing this from a "Perfect" scenario stance. And that is Fair pay for Fair work = Fair living.

The big "IF" of course is that the Govt. plays Fair as well. And that is the problem...because they don't know the meaning.


posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: jude11

I wouldn't go so far as to call it slavery, they are being paid out of government funds that we all contribute to. I would however suggest that there should be a minimum wage, and I think this is how their plans collapsed last time. They did try this before with private corporations getting that slave labour if I recall correctly, and it was widely condemned across the country.

I'm as liberal as you get, but even I cannot just ignore the reality that there are a lot of people in this country, specifically young people, who do not want to work. I know this to be a fact, because I have young relatives who spend all day sitting on their lazy behinds playing computer games.

I have had blazing arguments with them, and I have absolutely no respect for them, because they know that I have to pay taxes for them to do bugger all. I wouldn't mind so much if they were doing something, anything at all, to improve themselves or better their chances at a half decent life, but they're not. They refuse to lift a finger for themselves and EXPECT the country to pay for them for the rest of their lives.

Of course this is by no means the majority, but there are far too many people who think the rest of the country should pay for them.

I was unemployed when I was in my teens, and I hated it. I knew that there would come a day when I would want my own home, a partner, a career and eventually a pension that I could actually survive on. When I turned 19 I started working 12 hour shifts in a warehouse for £2.50 an hour, because I would rather do that than nothing. I now run my own business from home and make more in five hours than I did on 12 hour shifts as a security manager.

I left school with nothing, but I got my act together and decided that I wanted to be a valuable part of society and have a half decent life. That's what we need young people to want, but for whatever reason there are too many who just don't give a f**k about their futures and think that the rest of the world owes them something.

If this is what it takes to get them off those buttocks and into being a functional member of society, then I'm for it. Why should the rest of us pay for the lazy to do nothing, when the genuinely incapacitated are seeing cuts to their genuinely deserved support?
edit on 17-2-2015 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: pavmas

And I would just like to add the elite are a lot more stupid than you think, by all means, treat people as slaves, by all means starve them if that's what you want to do, but if you want to treat people that way then don't give them the tools to fight back.
By this I mean education, every poor person know how to count, 65 million in the Uk how many police do you think there are, how many troops , how many troops and police combined, not 1% of the population that's for sure.

What I'm saying 5 people walk into a pub with 50 people in it and piss them off and see if you make it to the door and I don't care how well you are tooled up.

Those people in power don't think right just to busy being mean' starting wars all over the world whilst keeping their own people in poverty, look at Rangers in Manchester if you want to see how quick the police run, and this was only a football crowd. Governments want people to be civilised whilst they treat them worse than animals, just does not add up.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: pavmas

The USA government have figured this out that's why the ordered all these bullets and giving them to staff at IRS etc as if they will defend the country, A government has a duty to care and treat all its people decent not punish some and let others do as they please as anything else will lead to downfall and you just have to look at history to see that.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: jude11

Buddy IF our UK government play fair then im all for the scheme. But "They" wont play fair and "They" wont pay the people evolved the minimum wage, that's pretty much a given.

And like someone else suggested where are they going to find 50,000 jobs? Possibility this type of indentured servitude taken to its logical conclusion could adversely affect our already floundering job creation schemes already in-place. Considering if our government can make people work for an extra tenner on top of there benefits that's essentially the new minimum wage IMHO.
edit on 17-2-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 06:03 PM
Tell those posh bastards, wankers the lot of em, to to bugger off!! We shall be slaves no longer!!!

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 06:10 PM
If there is valid work for these people to do within the community then they should be paid an appropriate wage.

They will be treat and viewed as little better than criminals who do this type of work now as a punishment.

One step away from the return of the workhouse.

Cameron and his cronies are evil people who seem intent on demonising and victimising the the most needy and vulnerable in our society.
They are hell bent on continuing their agenda to take us back to some Victorianesque society along with all the social injustices and inequalities that went with it.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Governments have no money, ok lets just say they dropped one tax just one, lets say 21% Vat tax, you keep 11% and give the youngster the 10% to maybe satrt a business put some by for a property, just create some kind of future, but no you want him to work for just enough to feed himself, When I left school, so many were plasters, many were, brickie's, many were joiners and some went on to further education, Maggie Thatcher ended the apprenticeships so out kids hung around streets and then when there was a lack of tradesman we bring in people from abroad and call our own young lazy .

Youngsters today get a sub standard education they are been offered dead end jobs no way can they have a future, buy a car a house etc, my own grandaughter just completed 2 years at to become a nurse and 1 week before she was to take an exam they pulled the course saying that they did not have the funding to carry on (this is the # they are doing) do a search see how many this has happened to, When the tories came to power the first thing they did was pull the travel money from kids attending tech coll, a measly £40 a week and the kids had no way of getting to their courses, ( do you remember that) they are trapping our young in poverty in ways not seen for hundreds of years in the UK.

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