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This Country Just Abolished College Tuiton Fees

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posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey

but too many people are unwilling to take them, instead opting for government assistance or ridiculous student-loan debt to get a degree that will end up not netting much more income in the long run.

thats it right there.
i debated for pages in a thread about mcdonalds workers wanting $15 an hour.
fact is, there ARE jobs to be had in that area. there ARE jobs that pay MORE than mcdonalds and walmart.
i see news articles and stories full of people bitching about their hourly wage. they always work some low level BS job at a fast food joint or something.
dont get me wrong. working is to be respected no matter where you food work is hard man. those people bust their ass.
i worked fast food when i was first job. i think back too how much i hated it.
for me i would much rather be on a factory or a mill or something even if the wages were the same. thats a personal thing.

still though. you have able bodied people out there either working jobs for crap wages or going to college to get degrees that will not net them a job with better wages to they wind up at a fast food joint anyway.

some people just dont want to work even though the bitch about their wages. im sure of this...ive seen it over and over again.
i dont think it is a stretch to say that the foundry i was at went through 400 people just in the summer months. hundred of people that never even made it till the first pay day.

in my area, the foundry is THE place...the ford plants have pretty much shut down. the steel mill has been at reduced capacity for 10 years.
there are lots of manufacturing plants around and they hire all the time. you could walk in those places and get a job no problem and start at $8 an hour. get through your 90 days and be at $9. that is not great money by any stretch but it is better than $8.50 at mcdonalds for 25 hours a week.

2 other big plants around here that hire all the time are shur-tech(duct tape and such) and invacare(wheel chairs)....
either one of these places bring people on with zero experience for $8-$9 to start. again, not fantastic money but you also work like 50-60 hours a week,
better than fast food. better than wal mart.
those jobs can be had all the time....

theyre not hard shur-tech you might be on a packaging line....throwing rolls of tape in a box, staple it up, tag it up and send it down the line...
what the hell is so hard about that?

people dont want that though.

they dont want to work at the foundry where you have to wear metatarsal boots, glasses, ear plugs, a hard hat, and a respirator....
they want to work at mcdonalds so they can talk to the other crew members all day. so they can have their cell phone on their hip and text their friends and check facebook.

dont get me wrong....i didnt WANT to put those hours in at the foundry. its not like it was my life dream.
im married though. i have children. bills. responsibilities....
so, i did what i had to do to take care of them.
i put in the hours and the work. i moved my way up....better position/more money...and on and on....

it just bothers me when i see/hear people complain about not making money and about their crappy bothers me cause work is out there.

i use my brother as an example. i told him to apply and they hired him.(nothing to do with me)

he was 19...we went from slinging za's at little caesars for $7.75 to the lawn and garden department at lowes for $8.25 to the foundry for $15.50
not bad for a 19 year old with no degree and no real work experience......

i rambling

i stick by what i said though

manufacturing and engineering
material science
six sigma

there is work in those areas...i dont see the work going away anytime soon

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: CardiffGiant

Let me ask you a question....

Since working for 8-9 an hour isn't really that bad at 60 hours a week....

Are you ok with making 8-9$ an hour? Is that what you make or are you just telling other people that it's not that bad?

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: onequestion

8-9 dollars an hour is better then nothing.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: thesaneone

I just think it's funny when people suggest that it should be ok for others when it's unacceptable for themselves.

And I agree its better then nothing. But I disagree with the ever encroaching slave paradigm. Wages should be increasing with inflation not decreasing.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: CardiffGiant

Let me ask you a question....

Since working for 8-9 an hour isn't really that bad at 60 hours a week....

Are you ok with making 8-9$ an hour? Is that what you make or are you just telling other people that it's not that bad?

let me be more clear. i dont think 8-9 an hour is that bad when you are working 60 hours a week and you used to work part time at mcdonalds...its not bad if you are just starting out like fresh out of high school. its not bad for a transitional job or if you are moon lighting..
unless you are woking 20 hours overtime its hard to support a family on 8 bucks.

thats my point though. there are jobs out there that you can walk into with no experience that pay that from the start. put a few months in even and youre above that rate. move up the ladder within the job and youre above that rate.
unless youre going to be a manager at mcdonalds youre not going to really even break the 10 dollar barrier...

at a manufacturing type job you can crack 10 bucks an hour pretty easy with little or no experience.
people dont like to work at those places cause they cant text all day and do facebook updates...

to answer your question no i do not make 8 dollars an hour.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: CardiffGiant

Could you survive if you had to make 8-9-10$ an hour right now?

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: thesaneone

I just think it's funny when people suggest that it should be ok for others when it's unacceptable for themselves.


if youre talking about me i never said that.
i have been trying to make a point that there are loads of jobs to be had in the manufacturing industry that pay well. more than what someone would make at a fast food joint.
a lot of people just dont like to do the work...

i know i was long winded but thats really all i was trying to say

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: CardiffGiant

But right now you wouldn't work for that low wage?

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: CardiffGiant

Could you survive if you had to make 8-9-10$ an hour right now?

if i was making $10 an hour and getting 40 hours a week i could probably scrape by but it would be tight.
i would have to cut a lot of things out...

thats my point though. its hard to survive on that kind of money. fact is that is the kind of money you will make working fast food or something like wal mart.
people complain about those wages(not you) and rightly so....
people complain(not you) that there are no other jobs to be had but i dont think thats true.

maybe in certain pockets depending on where you live.
fact is there are jobs that pay more...another fact is people dont want to work them. i have given examples...

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: CardiffGiant

But right now you wouldn't work for that low wage?

i didnt say that either so please stop trying to bait me into some sort of argument or debate.

i would do anything i had to do...of course i would work for that low wage....i would work for $5 an hour if that is all i can find. i know there are jobs out there that pay more than that though...
that has been my point this whole time so again, please stop trying to lure me into some sort of argument.....

i would shovel # for pennies if that is all i could find...

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: CardiffGiant

You won't answer the question and I'm not luring you into anything.

Its ok though. You could just say, "no I wouldn't work for 10$ an hour"

You'd probably lose your house your nice apartment your girlfriend.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: onequestion

You won't answer the question and I'm not luring you into anything.

Its ok though. You could just say, "no I wouldn't work for 10$ an hour"

You'd probably lose your house your nice apartment your girlfriend.

i did answer the question and you are tying to lure me into an argument...either that or you are being a jerk on purpose.
why do you have to act like that?

read my posts again....i didnt doge at all. i answered you...

let me answer again since you must have missed it

YES i would work for $10 an hour

i would work for LESS

^^^^thats an answer
edit on 7-10-2014 by CardiffGiant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: CardiffGiant

I'm not being a jerk your literally name calling.

You could have just directly answered the question right off the bat and avoided an issue.

It's funny because most of the people who advocate low wages don't make those wages they make substantially more.

It's also funny because those same people refuse to look at cost of living, quality of life, and the growing income disparity between the rich and the poor.

Now stop name calling and saying I'm starting an argument if you want people to simply agree with everything you say then your on the wrong site.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: onequestion

You could have just directly answered the question right off the bat and avoided an issue.

It's funny because most of the people who advocate low wages don't make those wages they make substantially more.

It's also funny because those same people refuse to look at cost of living, quality of life, and the growing income disparity between the rich and the poor.

if you want people to simply agree with everything you say then your on the wrong site.

ummm. i did answer the question. i answered it in my very next post after you asked. not my fault you missed it.
i dont want people to agree with everything i am saying..
maybe you misread or your comprehension is off. i dont know.
i also am not advocating low wages. matter of fact i said its near impossible to survive on those wages.
doing what you have to do is one thing. bitching about low wages but refusing to work at other places that pay well is another.
i never said you complained about it. i am talking about the hundreds of people that quit after two days..
i am talking about the people in the news stories complaining about making low wages or only getting 20 hours a week.

i know i can get long winded but there are jobs out there that pay decent wages. those jobs can be had with little or no experience. you might have to work your way up a bit and log time on the job but you can find jobs with starting pay at a higher rate that you would make after several years at fast food.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: onequestion

It's also funny because those same people refuse to look at cost of living, quality of life, and the growing income disparity between the rich and the poor.

How so? You don't think people with money look at things like cost of living, quality of life?

Or are you saying that people who work hard for a living are not worried about the ones who complain all day from their living room not looking for work but excuses?

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: thesaneone
a reply to: onequestion

8-9 dollars an hour is better then nothing.

So is a $.25

Is it in societies best interests to sit idol as Americans become poorer and poorer by the decade?

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:21 PM
Investing in your future is the best thing you can do to insure the well being of your country. Germany is smart for doing this, it will be a great return on investment. The USA Federal government is currently making profit on college tuition and we are now ranked 24th in education, we will not have much of a future.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: haviahabia

No it's not which is exactly my point.

Quality of life is the most important part. Period.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: thesaneone

Who's complaining all day not looking for work dude?

WHat are you even talking about?

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
Investing in your future is the best thing you can do to insure the well being of your country. Germany is smart for doing this, it will be a great return on investment. The USA Federal government is currently making profit on college tuition and we are now ranked 24th in education, we will not have much of a future.

I completely agree Ldragonfire.

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