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What if we (Conspiracy Theorists) are all actually just crazy?

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posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 03:37 PM
I only skimmed tis post so appologies if I missed something. Heres my 2 pence worth (Im English, 2 cents for the statesiders)

I belive that a conspiracy can be found in any situation but some are more speculative than others.

Yes any randon act or news story can have have loopholes, statements or issues that can be picked apart and a conspiracy can be generated from it. Although often interesting to look into and discuss there are far bigger "conspiracies" that can be overshadowed by these day to day sensationalist storys that are nothing more than a smoke screen for the bigger issues.

Those that watch and learn over the years can soon seperate the wheat from the chaff and focus on the bigger picture whilst keeping abreast of the mainstream distractions.

I personally think that we all know the difference and if we do not we will learn to.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 03:50 PM
I hope everyone understands that I'm not saying that all conspiracy theorists are crazy, or that being a conspiracy theorist is wrong (despite my thread title).

There just seems to be an overwhelming number of extreme conspiracy theorists these days. Maybe there's always been a lot of them around, and I'm just noticing it.

I just know that in the beginning, I was one of the hawks, watching and dissecting news stories, and essentially disbelieving anything and everything I heard from those in authority, and now I'm the guy reading threads, and shaking my head at the apparent lunacy that's on display.

It's most likely that I've been overexposed to the more far-reaching theories (usually put forth by the unprepared, and ill-informed), that I've grown jaded. I don't know, but I feel that some of these self-proclaimed visionaries (not a reference to the post above mentioning visionaries), and purveyors of the real "truth", are either flat out lying, or delusional.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 04:10 PM
EVERYTHING is a is just a question of to what degree.

...and you can quote me on that

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: rival
EVERYTHING is a is just a question of to what degree.

...and you can quote me on that

I believe you are right.

What if the conspirators are all part of the same operation?

"In fact, I point out that all the conspiracies in history - especially during the last 5000 years - are actually different aspects of the same conspiracy. Some people fixed on one aspect of the conspiracy, and say this is the problem, others say another thing, but the thing is all the conspirators work together. All the conspirators are part of the same operation. And this is what people find very reluctant." ~ Eustace Mullins

Here's an interesting snip from the book Armageddon Conspiracy by Mike Hockney:

‘What if all the conspiracies we’re familiar with are subsets of a much bigger conspiracy?’ Gresnick replied. ‘A superconspiracy, if you will. Each minor conspiracy theory gives us a tantalizing glimpse of the superconspiracy – a taste of the truth but no more than that. So, we’re always left with unanswered questions and room for new conspiracy theories. But, with the superconspiracy, every smaller conspiracy is explained, every answer given, every loose end tied up. All along, there weren’t separate conspiracies, just one huge, misunderstood conspiracy.’

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: ProfessorChaos

I wanted this thread to be a bit more profound, but I guess what I'm wondering here, is: Am I the only one that feels this way?

I suppose we are all a tad crazy though I'm not so sure how it applies to what is a conspiracy or what isn't. It used to be a fact that all news media would have known what was really going on, even stuff that is locked up under 30 year rules whatever, and there was/is stuff that would never be printed, a real history. It's different now with 20 years of the 'social' internet, really very different, that's what we need to take into account, and there is a responsibility with that for all of us.

Thing is, in major events, there can be conspiracies within conspiracies, 9/11 IMHO is one on a grand scale, ATS in that respect, have one caveat and that is the, 'no planes' idea should not become a Meme on ATS, something I happen to agree with, that does not mean that mainstream media didn't piss about with the pictures that they had, nor does it mean necessarily that the planes brought down the towers in themselves and in some views, nor should they have been able to. So it goes on.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: ProfessorChaos

Nutter here.

I've no problem outting myself. In fact, I did a thread on my nuttyism about 20 days after I joined ATS.

Sometimes when I talk to others about conspiracies I just tell em that "I believe it all and none of it."

Does it make sense? Hell no! Does the world make sense? F$$$ no!!

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: ProfessorChaos

You are not alone. I started asking myself similar questions after spending about thirteen or fourteen years now (started early) fascinated with conspiracy theories. I would say after 9/11 is when I really got into the types of conspiracies you allude to though. The Illuminati/New World Order ones. William Cooper's Mystery Babylon had a profound affect on my mindset in those regards. "Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage." A good way to describe how I felt. (Thank you Smashing Pumpkins). I've spent a lot of time with conspiracy theories involving satanism, Illuminati, robotic agenda etc. in the music industry. Maybe you were one of the people following "The Industry Exposed" when that guy was still working on that series. I don't agree with all of the conclusions but there was some information that I found significantly important to analyzing the bigger picture. One that stands out are some comments made by Nikolas Schreck about using music, and certain tones and frequencies they (Church of Satan iirc) sought to use to "open the wolf in man" and break the Judeo-Christian hold on western civilization. Specifically using music that appeal to the youths. He said that in the late 80s or early 90s. A goal like breaking Judeo-Christian mindsets only fueled my beliefs (at the time) in some of the religious conspiracy theories. I'm fairly knowledgeable on the Nephilim, giants, and shape shifting spirits that are the ultimate puppet masters and controllers of TPTB and UFOs. I never believed one theory for fact and have always kept an open mind about everything. So my views have always fluctuated in one sense or another but the common denominator was New World Order.

My interest in conspiracy started having a negative affect on me. I guess the only word to summarily describe it would be fear. Hearing about TPTB and the movements they make towards the NWO would give me anxiety. I have no love for the feeling you get when you feel the world is against you, the deck is stacked in their favor. Nothing you can do will change it. Your parents, or their parents did nothing to change it. Anyway I stopped paying attention for a long time and to get my fix focused on cryptids and UFOs and such.

It was going back and looking at all the stuff I had paid no attention to did it hit me. These people are crazy! Suddenly everything was a hoax or staged event! Everything. Every celebrity death was an assassination! Here a shill, there a shill, everywhere a shill shill. Old Uncle Sam had a farm e-i-e-i-o. So yeah, I started questioning my own beliefs more.

I don't believe a lot of what I used to but I do believe there is a New World Order conspiracy, among others. I just try to be more critical when I look at and research things. Could I be wrong on things? Absolutely.

From one conspiracy theorist to another:

edit on 27-9-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: changes before video

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 10:31 PM
We're crazy? Hold on, let me unbuckle my white jacket so I can contemplate this for a moment....

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 03:00 PM
...then, the question itself (by definition), is a crazy one...


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