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It’s all scripted! Ebola outbreak and rapid vaccine response clearly scripted. US Gov owns patent!

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posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:11 PM
A couple of links about the government patent for Ebola and some George Soros connections:

Why Does U.S. Government Have PATENT RIGHTS on the EBOLA VIRUS?

The patent mentions that the one of the uses for the invention is for vaccine. Also, they mention attenuation which is vaccine language and are pretty specific. I really think this patent is for a vaccine and maybe that is why they are flying one of the currently infected US Citizens to Atlanta where this was apparently developed. I am not not an expert on this but am thinking they may have developed a milder form of Ebola so that our immune systems can develop antibodies and fight the disease - which is I believe the way vaccines work.

I may be wrong, but I skimmed thru the whole patent and towards the bottom it really seem apparent they are developing a vaccine. Do a find on "vaccine" and it comes up a lot on the patent. "In another aspect, the invention provides vaccine preparations, comprising the inventive hEbola virus, including recombinant and chimeric forms of the virus, nucleic acid molecules comprised by the virus, or protein subunits of the virus. The invention also provides a vaccine formulation comprising a therapeutically or prophylactically effective amount of the inventive hEbola virus described above, and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier."

Another thing that smells very fishy is how George Soros' name turns up when doing searches for this topic...

WHO ebola murder Glenn Thomas MH17 cargo bay decomposed bodies - Google Search

WHO ebola murder media coordinator Glenn Thomas - Google Search

In getting the truth, you HAVE TO stay perfectly rooted in established FACT, which is: They stated 108 aids researchers were aboard via the “boarding log”, were forced to redact it, which means THERE NEVER WAS A BOARDING LOG AND EITHER JOE NEVER EXISTED OR THEY KILLED HIM AND LOADED HIM IN WITH THE CORPSES ON FLIGHT 370 BECAUSE HE WAS INCONVENIENT.

They blew this psy op so badly there is no going back for them, the only accurate statement was there was a shoot down with rotten bodies aboard. The rest is BULL#.

Soros also has links to the non-elected, far right, banker-controlled Ukrainian government, implicated in MH17 crash killing Glenn Thomas

George Soros, his Ebola bioweapons lab and the death of WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas in the Ukraine

Some dots for you to connect:

• George Soros’s foundation funds the Kenema bioweapons lab at the focus of the Ebola outbreak, and which is about to be closed, apparently amid an investigation.

• WHO media coordinator Glenn Thomas was highly likely involved in fielding media and other inquries about how WHO view and what it planned to do about the controversial Kenema lab. Was Glenn Thomas aware of hard evidence showing that the lab was faking positive diagnoses for Ebola — Tulane University? — in order to justify forcing people to undergo treatment which would give them Ebola? Did he refuse to go along with the cover up?

• The mainstream media is silent about the Kenema bioweapons lab closure as well as about the order to Tulane University to stop Ebola testing. So, what other channels are there left for this information to enter the public domain or be spread through social media networks if WHO does not release the information or take action?

Connecting these dots, does it seem likely to you that billionaire Soros had:

a) a motive for killing WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas to stop the news spreading through official channels that the Ebola outbreak was orchestrated in a Soros-funded lab;

b) a motive for silencing him very soon;

c) the means of silencing him by staging a fake air crash in the Ukraine?

d) the support of the Bilderberg, global elite?

Interesting is the complete silence of the mainstream media on the closure of the Kenema lab posted on the Sierra Leone Ministery of Health facebook site.

It is the total media blackout and silence which red flags the key, global stories. The key story of 21st century is that we have entered an era of biological warfare. The main warfare is not conducted between nations but between the elite and the people of the globe using also vaccines, weaponized viruses and mass deception.

George Soros, his Ebola bioweapons lab and the death of WHO a spokesperson

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: JHumm

Sarcasm accepted.

Anyone who doesn't think this scenario is credible or possible is terribly uninformed.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: NavyDoc

While I have to agree with that to keep my mind at peace, my conspirators mind always take the best of me, is not first time in our history that our government has actually done nefarious things on its citizens.

I can only imagine when it comes to secret labs in certain regions in the world.

But what can I say, my conspirators mind plays tricks on me all the time.

I would posit that if there was something nefarious going on, it wouldn't be at a location as well known as USAMRIID and we would not even know about it.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

Thank you for that short video detailing the patent. Good info, although the speaker seems totally baffled as to why the US would want to own a patent to a virus.

If you simply think this through to its logical, legal conclusion, it means that the US owns the person who has the virus.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:23 PM
and then there was the top Immunoligists,,(Immunology is a branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune system in all organisms)
that were disappeared,,
"100 researchers may have been on flight MH17"

or aliens.

edit on 9/23/2014 by BobAthome because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: NavyDoc

I provided a link to the patent itself.

Are you saying the patent is not real?

Sorry, you got that totally wrong.

And here is further and more recent evidence of human Experimentation in the US:

1970 Funding for the synthetic biological agent is obtained under H.R. 15090. The project, under the supervision of the CIA, is carried out by the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the army's top secret biological weapons facility. Speculation is raised that molecular biology techniques are used to produce AIDS-like retroviruses.

1970 United States intensifies its development of "ethnic weapons" (Military Review, Nov., 1970), designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA.

1975 The virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) . It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses. It is also here that retrovirologists isolate a virus to which no immunity exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T-cell Leukemia Virus).

1977 Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

1978 Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men.

1981 First cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine

1985 According to the journal Science (227:173-177), HTLV and VISNA, a fatal sheep virus, are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship.

1986 According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (83:4007-4011), HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements, except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists.

1986 A report to Congress reveals that the U.S. Government's current generation of biological agents includes: modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all existing vaccines.

1987 Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.

1990 More than 1500 six-month old black and hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental.

1994 With a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man-made.

1994 Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War .

1995 U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.

1995 Dr. Garth Nicolson, uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.

1996 Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.

1997 Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons use & Gulf War Syndrome.

edit on 23-9-2014 by antoinemarionette because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: BobAthome

There is also the matter of the highly specialized and secure facilities required to work with Ebola. Most companies don't keep those around because people get really upset to find out that there is a level 4 bio-containment facility in their neighborhood and tend to fight having them built. It's a lot of NIMBY and red tape for private companies to deal with.

My husband's facility is only level 2, maybe 3.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

untill they turn on the fans, or is it vacum pumps?,, u know up a level.

level 3 level 4,,
i would imagine.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:51 PM
Yeah sure they OWN the patents....just like they spread it from the bio warfare lab near the epicenter of the outbreak........
They may have some other patents too
Incurable TB
and a host of others that seem to be showing up from time to time....

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: antoinemarionette
a reply to: NavyDoc

I provided a link to the patent itself.

Are you saying the patent is not real?

Sorry, you got that totally wrong.

And here is further and more recent evidence of human Experimentation in the US:

1970 Funding for the synthetic biological agent is obtained under H.R. 15090. The project, under the supervision of the CIA, is carried out by the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the army's top secret biological weapons facility. Speculation is raised that molecular biology techniques are used to produce AIDS-like retroviruses.

1970 United States intensifies its development of "ethnic weapons" (Military Review, Nov., 1970), designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA.

1975 The virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) . It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses. It is also here that retrovirologists isolate a virus to which no immunity exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T-cell Leukemia Virus).

1977 Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

1978 Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men.

1981 First cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine

1985 According to the journal Science (227:173-177), HTLV and VISNA, a fatal sheep virus, are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship.

1986 According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (83:4007-4011), HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements, except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists.

1986 A report to Congress reveals that the U.S. Government's current generation of biological agents includes: modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all existing vaccines.

1987 Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.

1990 More than 1500 six-month old black and hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental.

1994 With a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man-made.

1994 Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War .

1995 U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.

1995 Dr. Garth Nicolson, uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.

1996 Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.

1997 Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons use & Gulf War Syndrome.

It's a patent to a vaccine, not the virus. The question is did you actually read the text of the patent in it's entirety and, did you understand it?

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:00 PM
Scripted most likely based on the fact that MH17 was shot down specifically to kill one person "Glenn Thomas"
Bill Gates - Kenema - New Ebola Strain MH17

Glenn Thomas, a leading consultant in Geneva, an expert in AIDS and, above all, Ebola Virus, was on board the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines cut down on the border between Ukraine and Russia. Glenn Thomas was also the coordinator of the media and was involved in the investigations that were bringing to light the issue of trial operations of Ebola virus in the laboratory of biological weapons at the hospital in Kenema.Now that this workshop was closed by order of the Government of Sierra Leone, more details emerge about the interests that hidden behind its management. Bill and Melinda Gates have connections with biological weapons labs located in Kenema, the epicenter of the epidemic of Ebola developed from the hospital where they were going clinical trials in humans for the development of its vaccine, and now, following the opening of an informal survey, it appears the name of George Soros, through its Foundation, is funding the laboratory of biological weapons. Glenn Thomas was aware of evidence showing that the lab had manipulated diagnosed positive for Ebola [on behalf of Tulane University] in order to justify a coercive medical treatment to the population and to submit it to an experimental vaccine that, in fact, sent their Ebola. Glenn Thomas had refused to go along with the cover up, unlike some who work at our Institute of Health and are now are well aware that Glenn Thomas was murdered. The official channels of media have never reported a single news about the presence of the laboratory of biological weapons in Kenema, much less the disposal of closing or the order to stop the testing of Ebola by Tulane University. So, what other channels are left as this information becomes public domain, and are spread through social networks, even though the WHO and health care institutions refrain from releasing information and act?

Population Council (Eugenics Council) Bill Gates Foundation Lucis Trust

Lucifer Publishing= Lucifer

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:03 PM
This is a conspiracy forum. I get that.

I myself don't believe that Ebola was spread intentionally. If they were working since the late 70s in Africa with Ebola - according to the patent text, to find a vaccine- They had plenty of time to be evil with it. If so, why now? Doesn't make sense. If they were going to purposefully spread the virus, you would think that they would have developed a good vaccine/antidote for it first, right?

That brings up another point: If they have been working on a vaccine since the late 70s... about 45 years now, and haven't found a practical one that is easy and cheap to mass produce - that's a very bad sign. What about 'the ultimate weapon', Ebola survivor blood?

Besides, any US patent is only good in the US itself. Probably the territories thereof are included.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: BobAthome
a reply to: ketsuko

untill they turn on the fans, or is it vacum pumps?,, u know up a level.

level 3 level 4,,
i would imagine.

It's a bit more involved than that ... as in, bio suits with a fully contained air supply that is either in a tank or plugged into the wall or environmentally sealed work boxes that have waldo gloves that are likewise sealed off to the outside world that the researcher puts his or her hands in among other measures.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: antoinemarionette
a reply to: NavyDoc

I provided a link to the patent itself.

Are you saying the patent is not real?

Sorry, you got that totally wrong.

And here is further and more recent evidence of human Experimentation in the US:

1970 Funding for the synthetic biological agent is obtained under H.R. 15090. The project, under the supervision of the CIA, is carried out by the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the army's top secret biological weapons facility. Speculation is raised that molecular biology techniques are used to produce AIDS-like retroviruses.
The key word here is "speculation." Speculation is not evidence.

1970 United States intensifies its development of "ethnic weapons" (Military Review, Nov., 1970), designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA.

1975 The virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) . It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses. It is also here that retrovirologists isolate a virus to which no immunity exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T-cell Leukemia Virus).
1977 Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.
"Contamination does not mean deliberate. That is an assumption isn't it?"

1978 Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men.
"No kidding you first test a vaccine on a high risk population. You neglect to mention that the subjects were volunteers and given the vaccine under informed consent laws."

1981 First cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine
"Again, speculation is not evidence. Patient zero of the AIDS outbreak was identified."

1985 According to the journal Science (227:173-177), HTLV and VISNA, a fatal sheep virus, are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship.
"Yes, that's true. How is that evidence of intentional governmental tampering and infection?"
1986 According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (83:4007-4011), HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements, except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists.
"Typical logical falsehood. Take one connection then extrapolate an unfounded one on it. Again, "speculation."

1986 A report to Congress reveals that the U.S. Government's current generation of biological agents includes: modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all existing vaccines.

1987 Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.
"However, having a research facility in and of itself is not proof that they were violating the treaty. Defense is part of NBC warfare."

1990 More than 1500 six-month old black and hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental.
"If true, this would be a severe violation of the law. I'd like to see some evidence, however."

1994 With a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man-made.
"One is a bacteria and the other is a retrovirus. The accusation does not even make sense. And even if the bacteria had some HIV virus proteins on it's surface, it still is not proof that it's man-mad. Assumption, speculation, false premise, and illogical leap."

1994 Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War .
"Rockefeller is an idiot, but this is not a secret. Remember the movies of soldiers watching nuke blasts in the desert in the 50's? Examples of past action is not proof of action today, however. That is an illogical leap."

1995 U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.
"True. We wanted their data and we especially did not want the Russians to get it. However, getting their data is not evidence we used it, the data can also be sued to defend from NBC attack. Getting their data is not, in and of itself damming>"

1995 Dr. Garth Nicolson, uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.
"Evidence? We just have an unfounded accusation here."

1996 Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.
"Yep, from the Iraqi stockpiles that were blown up. You can't use this and say that the US was using them on their own troops."
1997 Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons use & Gulf War Syndrome.
"Which is not proof that anything nefarious was done by our government. Consider the huge amount of heavy metal and petrochemical contamination of the battlefield. The syndrome could be any number of things. Not proof that we used them, however."

I don't see any proof here at all. A lot of logical leaps and attempts to connect things without connections and a few unfounded claims.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: MarkJS

The other thing is that if the government patents it, it makes it much more difficult for just any company to start working with it without the government knowing about it and being able to monitor what's going on.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: NavyDoc

The patent " claims U.S. government ownership over all variants of Ebola " -- not just the vaccine.

The gene.

..."the patent also claims ownership over any and all Ebola viruses which are “weakened” or “killed,” meaning the United States government is literally claiming ownership over all Ebola vaccines" as well as the Ebola gene itself.

Please note:

The controversy went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court which ultimately ruled that human genes cannot be patented. But the Supreme Court decision actually protected patents on gene sequences for viruses and other pathogens.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: MarkJS

The other thing is that if the government patents it, it makes it much more difficult for just any company to start working with it without the government knowing about it and being able to monitor what's going on.

That's true- if a company is in the US or in a US territory.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: PowerStruggle

Incredible article! Thank you.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: boogeywoogey

No, as today Ebola is not air born, only by contact with the infected is transmittable.

Another good article I read is that Ebola can not proliferate in the US, that is why it has never been cases of infection in the US, I need to research more on that, is something about our weather and environment, that is why a vaccine was encouraged, various research labs had taken tax dollars since 2003, but because is not profits to be made, the vaccine has been a slow one to develop by big pharma, still the sad thing is that it is been a problem in Africa for decades.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: antoinemarionette

Yeah. Because if someone DOES have the prime patent on CANCER....Im gonna SUE them for about 10-11 of my dead relatives and friends.

That patent owner must be very proud...."Yep! Thats me! I own the disease CANCER, (smile, smile, blush, blush) Thank you. Thank you very much! So, if you'd ever like it again....Ill be glad to sell you some it."

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