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When will racism die?

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posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:59 PM
Racism will only stop when there is no more religion

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:03 PM
Remember, the term "racism" and "racists" were invented with a political purpose in communist Russia in the 1920s. The political purpose was to turn a people against themselves in order to achieve political gain.

So knowing that the term was created as a political weapon, take a look at its use ever since. It has almost always been as a political weapon.

Don't get suckered into the trap. Every time its used in any sort of media, you ought to know immediately that there is an agenda being played out against YOU, regardless of what your skin color or ethnicity is. It's a tool to divide and conquer. And it has worked exceedingly well in many nations on multiple occasions since its inception. The US being a good current example.

Take everyone as an individual. If they call you a racist for taking someone as an individual, know that they have been well indoctrinated. If you feel like calling someone a racist because you can't stand to see them taking another individual as they are, then consider your own indoctrination, you might just be perpetuating the term for no reason. If someone is prejudice because of race, they too, have been indoctrinated.
edit on 23-4-2014 by Galvatron because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:03 PM
When we learn to look at content of character.

Hmmm, wonder who said that?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: urbanghost
Racism will only stop when there is no more religion

Racism doesn't have a damn thing to do with religion, unless you are trying to make a point by calling out those whom are hypocrites!

We have those in all walks of life and categories.......

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: gosseyn

Good well said.. It's funny because race mixing is usually an evolutionary advantage. Black people don't get skin cancer white people don't cyceil cell.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

Agreed. Some religions have used racism and raicists have played off religion, but there's nuthing about the religions that are inherently racist.

I'm an athiest....

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:13 PM
You want the mushy answer or the real answer? The fact is racism/prejudice will never die. It is built in our DNA it's been going on since the very beginning and will be here until the very end. It sucks but it's human nature, whatcha gonna do?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:13 PM
I grew up in the deep south during the 1970's. There is a pretty good argument that racial tensions, though lower publicly than it had been in the 1960's, were some of the worst between blacks and whites. I had an uncle that was so racist that he couldn't speak to a black person even on his death bed. I saw a hatred in his eyes that I've seen in the eyes of a young black woman who was upset because her brother was dating my cousin. I've seen that look in the eyes of a person at a tea party rally when illegal immigration was brought up. I've seen that hatred in the eyes of "katrina victims" who wanted to blame all of their woes on white people.

It doesn't matter what race you happen to be, racism is an easy means to lay blame on someone else for the shortcomings in one's own character and life. If you can't find a job, well, it must be that fact that your black, or there are too many "mexicans" running around or you can't get an education because you aren't brown enough. No matter the flavor, the hatred is the same.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: urbanghost
Racism will only stop when there is no more religion

Racism doesn't have a damn thing to do with religion, unless you are trying to make a point by calling out those whom are hypocrites!

We have those in all walks of life and categories.......

Religion has everything to do with racism. religions are like clans and help us divide the world into people who are in our group and people who aren’t. This thinking spreads from religion to other social categories, such as race. So, two things that at first don’t seem related are connected by our general tendency to think in an “us” versus “them” fashion.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: urbanghost

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: urbanghost
Racism will only stop when there is no more religion

Racism doesn't have a damn thing to do with religion, unless you are trying to make a point by calling out those whom are hypocrites!

We have those in all walks of life and categories.......

Religion has everything to do with racism. religions are like clans and help us divide the world into people who are in our group and people who aren’t. This thinking spreads from religion to other social categories, such as race. So, two things that at first don’t seem related are connected by our general tendency to think in an “us” versus “them” fashion.

So if we kill everyone that isn't thinking the same, then no more racism!


Labels, like the ones you are using to identify "religious folks" is the reason why racism will always exist.

edit on 23-4-2014 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: rigel4

I don't think it takes thousands of years.... I bet in America in 50 years. There's too few "whites or blacks" to hold sway in a political party. By too few I mean, too few that don't have mixed race children or grandchildren.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: urbanghost

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: urbanghost
Racism will only stop when there is no more religion

Racism doesn't have a damn thing to do with religion, unless you are trying to make a point by calling out those whom are hypocrites!

We have those in all walks of life and categories.......

Religion has everything to do with racism. religions are like clans and help us divide the world into people who are in our group and people who aren’t. This thinking spreads from religion to other social categories, such as race. So, two things that at first don’t seem related are connected by our general tendency to think in an “us” versus “them” fashion.

So if we kill everyone that isn't thinking the same, then no more racism!


Labels, like the ones you are using to identify "religious folks" is the reason why racism will always exist.

What labels are those? I said religions not religious people and why do you have to kill them? just get rid of the religion.
edit on 23-4-2014 by urbanghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: jheated5

Tribalness is built in. At some point with global travel getting easier and easier. We' ll be too mixed up everywhere to care about race. I agree it'll just change to something else but...

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: urbanghost

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: urbanghost

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: urbanghost
Racism will only stop when there is no more religion

Racism doesn't have a damn thing to do with religion, unless you are trying to make a point by calling out those whom are hypocrites!

We have those in all walks of life and categories.......

Religion has everything to do with racism. religions are like clans and help us divide the world into people who are in our group and people who aren’t. This thinking spreads from religion to other social categories, such as race. So, two things that at first don’t seem related are connected by our general tendency to think in an “us” versus “them” fashion.

So if we kill everyone that isn't thinking the same, then no more racism!


Labels, like the ones you are using to identify "religious folks" is the reason why racism will always exist.

What labels are those? I said religions not religious people and why do you have to kill them? just get rid of the religion.

Yeah, just tell people to stop believing in God.

I'm sure they'll just say, "Okay".

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: beezzer
So you need organized religion to worship your god?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: urbanghost

Religion plays zero part in racism.

Catholics/Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists etc. etc. have followers of all the 3 main Human races.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: urbanghost
a reply to: beezzer
So you need organized religion to worship your god?

Does it matter?

Do you feel compelled to destroy organized religion because you don't want others to believe or think differently from you?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: xuenchen
that is irrelevant or are you saying only white people are racist?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: beezzer

Dude you had at least two Athiests ponce on the guy who said that religion was inherently racist. You just painted us with a way broader brush..... I think it's only because of religions " we're all gods children" stance that it's survived in the modern era.

Bad form..

Almost as bad as the poster who said religion was racist.
edit on 23-4-2014 by ArtemisE because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: ArtemisE

IMHO as the mixed race population rises sooner or later well get to the point where the amount of people who can claim they are any of the presently recognized races are no longer in the majority.

That will take 1 million years or so.

The 3 main Human Races are not completely melded yet.

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