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Wikileaks Cable Disclosure: What The Media Is Not Telling You

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posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Sheol


it is obvious that these leaks had an agenda, and the agenda is clear to see.

The agenda wasn't to inform the public, because US knows the public will always stay submissive.

What is the point of informing a public which will not take anything seriously and who will justify anything with the help of MSM.

Even installing brutal dictators by removing Democratically elected leaders of foreign nations are justified by MSM, and the Western public easts it all.

The best slaves are slaves by choice.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:28 AM
Just one more thing, thank you for all the Flags and Stars but I'm disappointed with the lack of participation by members in the thread. It would mean more to me if members participate in the thread instead of silently giving away Flags & Stars. People's input is more valuable to me whether positive or negative. Without your comments it is all meaningless.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by DEEZNUTZ

If it was a big deal then the US and its proxy states would keep quiet, easily brushing the info under the table and destroying any attention, or credibility.

That is the tactic the US/Israel and the West have been using for a long time.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by Sheol

it is obvious that these leaks had an agenda, and the agenda is clear to see.

The agenda wasn't to inform the public, because US knows the public will always stay submissive.

What is the point of informing a public which will not take anything seriously and who will justify anything with the help of MSM.

Even installing brutal dictators by removing Democratically elected leaders of foreign nations are justified by MSM, and the Western public easts it all.

The best slaves are slaves by choice.

It's not the fault of Wikileaks that media is not reporting neutrally. The cables are there on the website for all to is the MSM which is not reporting them.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:35 AM
The coolest aspect of it is.

The MSM,which most of us watch,will give the go ahead.

Elections make no diff,polls are taken seriously.

The only time dumb asses are allowed to make decisions,is in an opinion poll.

Opinions:Everybody are like arseholes has one,and they all stink.........
edit on 2-12-2010 by chiponbothshoulders because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Sheol

It's not the fault of Wikileaks that media is not reporting neutrally. The cables are there on the website for all to is the MSM which is not reporting them.

No new information and no informed public.

Wikileak in the above sense equates to complete failure


obvious agenda and intentional leak by the government to divide the powers rising in the east, by doing so make it easier for US to grab and hold on to power until it recovers economically. I say dis-info propaganda, you say legit but failure.

Either way can't be proven.

The best thing to do regarding Wikileaks is to stay neutral.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by oozyism

I believe the leaks aren't designed to wake up the American people. I say this with the upmost respect to my friends to the South but the majority of the American people are a lost cause. Look at the recent elections! Republicans let UI benefits expire because they weren't paid for, however they still demand $700 Billion in tax breaks for the rich which they have no problem not paying for.

You see what I mean?

I believe the leaks are meant to wake up the rest of the world as to what is involved with being aligned to US foreign policy initiatives. Jean Chretien our Prime Minister at the time refused to send troops to Iraq because the intelligence was faulty and Canadians mostly felt that way also. We took a lot of flak for that but turns out to be the right decision.

The cables about Canada are kind of funny if you ask me. "Inferiority Complex"???? Why because we're educated enough to think for ourselves and not do everything our Masters tell us to do? We're anti-American on some issues because we get screwed quite often by US economic policy. During the Presidential elections I laughed when the candidates were all over NAFTA and how bad it was for the US. Oh Really! Remember the Softwood lumber dispute and how the US wouldn't abide by WTO ruling after ruling in Canada's favour. That dispute cost me an $85000/year job. The industry has never recovered to what it was and never will.

As I said it's the BANK cables I'm interested in. As I've been a news junky for over 20 years much of what was in the cables was nothing new.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by oozyism

I believe Assange has told them what's in the "INSURANCE FILE" and that if anything happens to him or other wikileaks personnel then it's game over. With the "Information Age" it would be impossible to hide all of this.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:42 AM
Great analysis of this highly orchestrated event. It will be interesting to watch it unveil. What a farce this world is!

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by DEEZNUTZ
reply to post by I AM LEGION

Great job OP, well put together and I think you're right about China. They are master chess players also, of course they would tell South Korea they no longer support North Korea knowing full well that SK will run and tell their US masters. China does not want a US presence on their border and would rather put up with NK as it is today than have that.

Thank you for you're comments. I would further state that it's not only China but Russia as well. As one of the cables spell it out

Lavrov cautioned that Russia did not perceive Iran in the same way as the U.S. Iran for Russia was "much more than a country which might cause concern in the international community [....] but Iran and Russia were historical and traditional partners and neighbors, with a "rich bilateral agenda." "

Russia also has it's self interest in their mind that any sanctions or military action against Iran will also effect their trading ties.
edit on 2-12-2010 by Sheol because: Quote tag

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by DEEZNUTZ

The rest of the world is awake, why do you think there is so much hate all across the world for US?

The rest is US proxy states, practically part of the US empire, and US propaganda flourishes in those places wildly.

Although some parts of Europe is waking up, that process will take a long, long time, because US propaganda still has heavy presence.

Europe was invaded by US after WWII, Japan was invade by US during WWII, S-Korea after WWII.. blablabla..

I hope you get what I mean.

Middle East was transfered to US controlled through Europe, since most of Middle East was under British control, including Palestine.

Africa also, I can show you a map which shows the ownership of Africa to different European countries.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:11 AM
It re-affirms what I already believe to be true; our CIA, Military and Government are in cahoots with the tyrants of the world and the "bad guys" throw rocks from time to time to make sure the money keeps flowing.

Honduras's President was "kidnapped" unconstitutionally by the military and the US state department knew it. That's when I knew Obama was like all the rest -- when he continued to send financial aide to that country after the military take-over. The "constitutional crisis" and accusations of drug smuggling (hey, there are 6-year-olds leaving the country on foot -- you think drugs are the big problem?) -- were all about the President trying to guarantee minimum wages and some worker safety at the sweat shops.

Is our press covering this? No. They MIGHT cover how Wikileaks is a threat to national security -- but not how it's a threat to a corrupt Empire in its death throws that is being consumed by parasitic robber barons. No, we get to hear about some hollywood scandal as if it were front page news.

It's just depressing -- Wikileaks puts out the equivalent of the "Pelican Briefs" every other month -- and our country yawns. Only people paying attention care -- but nobody in a position to do anything. In fact -- we are the same people who probably realized the "terrorist plot foiled" recently was to make sure the FBI got to bend the constitution more.

I just don't see anything bringing people to justice, and this country is being run by Multinational Corporations who will willingly shorten the lives of thousands of children and citizens to make a buck and spend the left-over profits on commercials touting how "BP brought jobs" to the Gulf Coast. Yeah -- jobs for prison labor that made them more tax write-offs then they spent ...

Don't bother asking me for links -- I don't think convincing people is going to change anything...

oh well, I suppose none of this is new.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Sheol

Does anyone have any idea why the word "cable" is being used here? In the old days a cable was a telegram. Surely these are not telegrams???

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:30 AM
Are we beginning to see some positive results from the cables?

Imagine if a cable like this, as an example, hadn't been leaked. At what point would we have seen another Iraq WMD equivalent? Sure, 'experts' can make mistakes and even have agendas. But with more people informed and looking at a particular situation, the better the chances shenanigans like this gets nipped in the bud pronto. The way I see it: The more eyes on the ball, the less likely it gets dropped.

If more and more cables unfold like this, it will be harder and harder to paint this as a bad thing. Maybe, just maybe, people will begin waking up from their MSM induced comas. Lives just may be saved. Wars not fought. And if there is justice in the world, criminals prosecuted. I can dream, can't I?

edit on 2-12-2010 by Cablespider because: spelling

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by Sheol

Wait, we're going to give Israel 30 billion dollars in the next 10 years!!?
When will this madness end? Israel is so obviously failing to demonstrate that they are cooperative with anybody, including the US. The fact that we pay them $$$ forever without a vote on it just shows how hypocritical we are. This is no Democracy in America, it is a flagrant Plutocracy. I'm disgusted.

You can never trust the media these days. Their limiting of information is tantamount to creating propaganda as a psy op. I'm thinking the USA is headed towards uncertain times, and Israel's security is not looking good. I bet they bomb Iran then get attacked by Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Libya, who know who else. I'm sick of playing this game. If there was a vote, most people in the US would vote to stop giving them so much money. Why should I pay for Jews to go on a holiday to Tel Aviv? Makes no f'n sense. It never has.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:42 AM
why does isreal have to be so scared that they need the u.s.a. to bomb iran. why dont they do it themselves!!!!

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:16 AM
WikiLeaks asked the US for help redacting potentially injurious information. The US refused. spx

Index of Censorship

28 Nov 2010

Index on Censorship has obtained copies of correspondence between whistleblowing website Wikileaks and the US embassy in the United Kingdom, which took place between Friday and Sunday. They reveal Wikileaks editor in chiefs last-minute attempt to seek the cooperation of the United States government in redacting information from the latest controversial release of documents.

Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent, who represents Julian Assange in the UK, is a trustee of Index of Censorship.

26 November
Julian Assange, Editor in Chief, WikiLeaks
US Ambassador to London, Louis Susman

Subject to the general objective of ensuring maximum disclosure of information in the public interest, WikiLeaks would be grateful for the United States Government to privately nominate any specific instances (record numbers or names) where it considers the publication of information would put individual persons at significant risk of harm that has not already been addressed. PDF

27 November
Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser, United States Department of State
Julian Assange, Editor in Chief, WikiLeaks

We will not engage in a negotiation regarding the further release or dissemination of illegally obtained U.S. Government classified materials. PDF

28 November
Julian Assange, Editor in Chief, WikiLeaks
US Ambassador to London, Louis Susman

I understand that the United States government would prefer not to have the information that will be published in the public domain and is not in favour of openness. That said, either there is a risk or there is not. You have chosen to respond in a manner which leads me to conclude that the supposed risks are entirely fanciful and you are instead concerned to suppress evidence of human rights abuse and other criminal behaviour. PDF spx

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:19 AM
(Reuters) - Wikileaks website founder Julian Assange is in Britain and police know his whereabouts but have refrained so far from acting on an international warrant for his arrest, a British newspaper said on Thursday.

Reuters Link

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:22 AM
Does ANYONE!!!! See how this is playing into THE UNITED STATES HANDS!!!!, it doesn't matter if this isn't being reported on MSN....

Why does Iran pose such a threat... it doesn't...

What these people don't like is that Iran understands the culture, economy, military and religion of the region... it's horse #...

You're telling me that Arab neighbors who have billions of dollars invested with Iran see Iran as a threat... get real...

more BS.... all this information doesn't make any sense, it really doesn't... really for years the Middle East really wanted the United States :Western World, to save them from Iran??????
... That entire region doesn't want the Western World interfering with THEM....


Why doesn't anyone just go to these supposite countries that want the US to wipe out Iran and ask them themselves? Man serious how many disinfo agents have infiltrated ATS were common sense goes the way of the dodo
edit on 12/2/2010 by FoxStriker because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:24 AM
Can any1 elaborate on this "electromagnetic spectrum" stuff?

That sounds odd and out of place....

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