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Sweden dumps climate agenda and scraps green energy targets

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posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: EternalShadow
a reply to: AlienBorg

Greta be damned! Lol

Slowly but surely the retards are returning to reality! It'll be a ego busting painful wakeup but LONG overdue.

btw Greta is Swedish!
The irony!

I wonder how she feels her own country has decided to follow science and reason. But in fairness Sweden never went through the woke route. If you remember they handled the pandemic very well and never had any lockdowns.

Well, let's ask her!

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: AndyMayhew

So you’re still not aware of UN agenda 2030 and haven’t heard anything about net zero targets that various governments are aiming for?

Funny how they don’t talk about actual pollution, about things like how glyphosate and micro plastics are now everywhere. It’s always carbon this and carbon that, and carbon credits and ESG scores..

They talk about carbon dioxide as if it's a pollutant. When in reality it's a fertilizer.

CO2 increases atmospheric temperature. This impacts on weather which in turn impacts humans.

Even if it also aids plant growth*, would most humans prefer a) current plant growth and no further increase in severe heatwaves, droughts and floods or b) slightly better plant growth but with even more severe heatwaves, droughts and floods? You think only about the grass and bracken. Some humans selfishly think more about themselves.

* it's not quite as simple as the elite tell you. For example, more CO2 = less nutritional plants

I think you've confused what the 'elites' have been telling the public so many years. As I said a few posts back, carbon dioxide is presented as a pollutant when in reality is a fertilizer. Even a grade9 student is able to understand this simple fact or the fact there is no way to transition between genders.

CO2 is also a poison

You need to learn the meaning of the word context. Increasing CO2 may help weeds grow, but that does not mean it's good news for humans (or the crops we eat)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: TheToastmanCometh

I flunked chemisty. Twice. Can you fill me in like I'm 5?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Sweden elected a Right wing government last year , this is a result of that.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

As I said a few posts back, carbon dioxide is presented as a pollutant when in reality is a fertilizer

Not when it's in the atmosphere , Venus has a mostly CO2 atmosphere but it doesn't seem very fertile , and it's very hot.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: AndyMayhew

So you’re still not aware of UN agenda 2030 and haven’t heard anything about net zero targets that various governments are aiming for?

Funny how they don’t talk about actual pollution, about things like how glyphosate and micro plastics are now everywhere. It’s always carbon this and carbon that, and carbon credits and ESG scores..

They talk about carbon dioxide as if it's a pollutant. When in reality it's a fertilizer.

CO2 increases atmospheric temperature. This impacts on weather which in turn impacts humans.

Even if it also aids plant growth*, would most humans prefer a) current plant growth and no further increase in severe heatwaves, droughts and floods or b) slightly better plant growth but with even more severe heatwaves, droughts and floods? You think only about the grass and bracken. Some humans selfishly think more about themselves.

* it's not quite as simple as the elite tell you. For example, more CO2 = less nutritional plants

I think you've confused what the 'elites' have been telling the public so many years. As I said a few posts back, carbon dioxide is presented as a pollutant when in reality is a fertilizer. Even a grade9 student is able to understand this simple fact or the fact there is no way to transition between genders.

CO2 is also a poison

You need to learn the meaning of the word context. Increasing CO2 may help weeds grow, but that does not mean it's good news for humans (or the crops we eat)

In what context is carbon dioxide a poisson?
Only activists and the woke push these narratives.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: AlienBorg

As I said a few posts back, carbon dioxide is presented as a pollutant when in reality is a fertilizer

Not when it's in the atmosphere , Venus has a mostly CO2 atmosphere but it doesn't seem very fertile , and it's very hot.

You make some unfortunate comparisons. Venus Vs Earth

Earth is fertile and needs plenty of CO2. Activists try to reduce it to zero.. but well before you reach this level in their confused minds, below a specific point photosynthesis will fail and life will extinct on earth all together.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: AlienBorg

Sweden elected a Right wing government last year , this is a result of that.

They did great!

The right wing government seems much more realistic than the woke.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

You make some unfortunate comparisons. Venus Vs Earth

I don't think so , Venus was once a different planet to what it is today.

Venus and Earth arose near each other within the Sun’s formative solar nebula. The two worlds must have come from roughly the same building blocks. As astrobiologist David Grinspoon of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, wrote in the book Alien Seas (Springer, 2013), “Unless some tremendously efficient process dried Venus out completely, it must have started with more water, perhaps even an Earth’s ocean’s worth of water — perhaps 10 times this much.”

Additional evidence for oceans came from the Soviet Venera 8 lander, which touched down on Navka Planitia in 1972. The spacecraft carried a gamma-ray spectrometer that took measurements of the air during descent, along with two precious-mineral readings from the surface. The instrument detected potassium, uranium, and thorium — a cocktail of elements also found in granite. Infrared imagery from subsequent missions has yielded hints of granite mountains, as well. Granite forms in the presence of water, making this a possible sign of long-gone ancient seas in a more temperate era

edit on 7-7-2023 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: AlienBorg

You make some unfortunate comparisons. Venus Vs Earth

I don't think so , Venus was once a different planet to what it is today.

Venus and Earth arose near each other within the Sun’s formative solar nebula. The two worlds must have come from roughly the same building blocks. As astrobiologist David Grinspoon of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, wrote in the book Alien Seas (Springer, 2013), “Unless some tremendously efficient process dried Venus out completely, it must have started with more water, perhaps even an Earth’s ocean’s worth of water — perhaps 10 times this much.”

Additional evidence for oceans came from the Soviet Venera 8 lander, which touched down on Navka Planitia in 1972. The spacecraft carried a gamma-ray spectrometer that took measurements of the air during descent, along with two precious-mineral readings from the surface. The instrument detected potassium, uranium, and thorium — a cocktail of elements also found in granite. Infrared imagery from subsequent missions has yielded hints of granite mountains, as well. Granite forms in the presence of water, making this a possible sign of long-gone ancient seas in a more temperate era


Don't tell me the Venus people didn't understand climate change and its consequences and through their own emissions destroyed their planet...

You seem to have confused a few things in your mind.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

We know that CO2 causes warming , we also know that unlike some gases C02 hangs around for a long time so not putting CO2 into the atmosphere makes sense , not cutting down trees at the rate we are would help but the fact is we and the buildings we live in are heat generators and as we expand the problem will only get worse , no amount of tinkering around the edges while bankrupting countries is going to change that.

King Canute already showed us the futility of trying to command Nature.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Merman

You don't have much grounding though in the reality of the universe. The universe is not make believe. Truth is more real and tangible than matter will ever be. You should have done a lot more reading and it would have given you an anchor in human development;

If anything I am still way too much grounded in reality to achieve any meaningful breakthrough.
Truth is the opposite of real, because as abstract concept in its core nature truth is always derivative and relative, a purely 'mental' meta construct of reality.
Reading only gets you so far, at some point you need to dare to experience it yourself. understand the unfolding story that Prophets, philosophers, authors, generals, playrights, poets and scientists are telling us as our collective experience in time and space unfolds casting the Tashlikh bread of our existence. There is nothing random about it. It is a forced evolution. If it was left to humans they would have stayed in Africa as they are well lazy and only change when it is killing them not to change. Evolution is clever like that.

I find pretty often that people speak to me out of the mist of spacetime seperating us, I feel like I can see them through their art, work, words, actions and I am far from disregarding that.
I enjoy and appreciate it. Because if there wouldn't be & have been other searchers, humanity would be truly lost and what you write about humans would be true.
Not that can't sympathise with the sentiment. I call humans Guano Sapiens bat# wiseman.

Nothing in the universe is random or chaotic, Peeple. We are the only chaos. It is what the Hebrew Bible describes as a compromised consciousness that is paradoxically unable to handle the power of its manifestation; ORIGINAL SIN.

I believe too that what appears random is in reality just lack of understanding the mechanics on our end. Because even the best computer can't create true randomness.
To me that means if it were a true aspect of the multiverse it would popp up in many places like maths does.
I am not familiar with that interpretation of original sin.
All consciousness is compromised to me that isn't something limited to humans.
Because consciousness always wants more, always wants to push the limits and idealy conquer every niche, because consciousness is life.
I'd see the Garden Eden as place before the birth of the human race, before our consciousness 'gained' its independence from the God Consciousness of the multiverse, to have its own experience and 'career options' lol 'development perspectives' or whatever you want to call it.

...Don't talk about the process, don't analyse the process, don't fix it if ain't broken.
Like everybody I occasionally need a few encouraging words, so it's not like I am entirely ungrateful, but:
I don't need to win the Blue Ribbon. If someone figures it out before that'd be great too.
So: roll up your sleeves and get crackin', because despite your condescending attitude you haven't figured it out yet either.


posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

They did great!

The right wing government seems much more realistic than the woke.

Yeah, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Albeit on the surface having more electable parties than two, Sweden is very much stuck in the false two party illusion paradigm. Fully in lockstep, playing the same long term game. Even soon to join NATO. Something that would’ve been inconceivable before the madness of the last few years.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
Is this why Greta got arrested again?

Nuclear is kinda scary after Fukishima. I like my BlueFin Tuna not glowing. Nobody talks about that disaster much anymore. I guess it's all ok now? /s Maybe why cancer is on the increase? COVID vax or Fukishima or 100 other things, including smoking tobacco.

Oh, we are all gonna die!~

I think there are risks in any energy technology.

But compare the total of all deaths from nuclear contamination, to the total of all deaths due to fossil fuel pollution.

Fossil fuel air pollution responsible for 1 in 5 deaths worldwide
your article is complete bunk and written by the globalists who have an agenda.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: Merman

originally posted by: starviego
a reply to: Merman

Gaia is not dying. Please stop the lunacy.

I do not call it gaia. It is not conscious or sentient. It is as much a serial killer as mother. Do I need to further explain that? It is a biological machine. Did I say it was dying? I said WE ARE DYING. YOU ARE DYING. The fat people are dying because they pollute the earth in order to have a modern standard of life.

Will you deny there is a huge cull of Americans right now? I see it. You have been dying in your many millions too early from cancer, blocked arteries and prescription drugs as well as junk food, coc aine, alcohol, sugar as you drive everywhere and never walk anywhere, as the cars poison you. If you are happy with that just carry on. Evolution is not happy about it and is trying to change your behaviour. It will kill you if you do not listen. Your lifestyle is killing you and a few other species. The earth can survive even a huge meteor impact.

As you are so unhealthy it is making you paranoid and mentally unhealthy too. You falsely accuse vaccines for the deaths, Jews, migrants and the powerful for all your woes your own lifestyle inflicts and dispatches you with to Sheol. The migrants who ovewhelm you are your own sins returning. You invaded first and now must be invaded as life never stops happening. The meek keep inheriting the earth as the vain perish by the swords of their own lifestyles and ignorance. There is no escape from the karma that this universe dishes out upon us if we behave in destructive and violent ways. It always gets us back.

Nature could go all the way back to the beginning and do it all over again as there is still enough time left for this planet and the solar system to have a brand new diverse eco system even if the earth was almost wiped out today.

You have offended me. That is very barbaric and ignorant to use a word like "lunacy" and to then misunderstand totally what I communicated. I am very well read. You are capable of only a one line ignorant response it seems? I challenge you to write your own considered proper response to this thread and what has happened in Sweden instead of trying to bully and offend. How dare you say that. It is low life behaviour, dude. Try to use your mind to reason and form intellectual communiques. It will help you not be see so lazy in your mind, okay. I will not respond any longer to what you say as you have shown me ignorance and have tried to bully me by using a word like "lunacy". There is nothing lunatic about what I wrote. It is clearly and intellectually presented.

You must be very rude to treat strangers like that. I do have a lot of clout with certain Jewish associates, more than you will ever know and more than I will ever let you know. I have visited here to attempt some quality communication with this community.

If you offend me I will just walk away and shake the sin of you off my clothes. Better you engage me politely and intelligently instead of so rudely. Do you want your life be invisible to me or do you want me to acknowledge you?

Collective "you" being used here, not blaming any individual. You are all to blame. You are the universal obese dudes with a car and you really are to blame.

people are living longer than ever. I guess that sort of blows this entire bull# post to pieces. Fat ppl are dying because they ate too much junk, not because I drive a car. Give your head shake.
edit on 7-7-2023 by macaronicaesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: AlienBorg

We know that CO2 causes warming , we also know that unlike some gases C02 hangs around for a long time so not putting CO2 into the atmosphere makes sense , not cutting down trees at the rate we are would help but the fact is we and the buildings we live in are heat generators and as we expand the problem will only get worse , no amount of tinkering around the edges while bankrupting countries is going to change that.

King Canute already showed us the futility of trying to command Nature.

The issue with your argument that you've expanded is the false connection between what happened on Venus and what will happen to Earth if humans don't stop their emissions. If you really believe humans will make Earth like how Venus is now then you must have read a lot of these woke articles. But I warn you they're not based on reality or truth but some weird form of belief. Earth and Venus are not related.

It wasn't the people of Venus who made the planet the way it is now. Physical processes lead to its current state. The same may happen to this planet and humans have no control over it.
edit on 7-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:30 PM

originally posted by: starviego

originally posted by: Merman
... you ...have tried to bully me by using a word like lunacy.

Sorry. Maybe I should have said 'snowflake.'

originally posted by: Merman

Except that more people experienced better health and longer living spans after the Industrial Age than before, when most people died in middle age.
. His entire argument destroyed in 3 lines.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: gortex

There have some international protests against Sweden.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 02:12 AM

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: InTheEther
a reply to: gortex

There have some international protests against Sweden.

Same way Sweden was condemned for not having lockdowns?

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