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Sweden dumps climate agenda and scraps green energy targets

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posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

The human will try to get away with as much as possible until it starts obviously killing their powerful who are the only ones who can make big collective decisions about the way we live. If it hits them personally then it makes them want to change and they make us change with them. It has always been like that as the strongest is the boss.

Obviously great change is happening with energy and fuels. It has been too rushed and has made too many errors, enough to cauuse backlashes like these. The Ukraine war has put too much pressure on Net Zero and is killing it.

I always knew Net Zero was an illusion. It is 666 territory. I hope all the West abandons it. This is coming from someone who does not like oil one bit. I refuse to even drive a car because I don't want to give Prince M my money for his stash of ridiculous billions. You all give him your money if that is what you want. It is killing you as he profits though. I am really fit and healthy. All the people who are my age around me look terrible. They are all damaged, obese and grey. The wages of environmental sin is DEATH, too, slowly.

I will not stop your cars. Drive them if you like, but I see already that people are starting to work out they are dying because of their own habits and sins against creation. To pollute a creation that does not belong to you is a terrible sin in itself with terrible consequences. The Bible said we are stewards. We are not the owner. When the owner comes to check out his garden what do you think HE will do to the stewards HE left in charge who have destroyed it so?

Evolution will stop you though you as you slowly begin to understand that you and your kids are being killed by what you do and what you bring to the earth. If it gets too bad GOD will stop you in a very quick and horrible way. It is in HIS power to do that as the impacts and environmental cataclysms of the past clearly demonstrate through the science of geological study.

On the upside cycles and e bikes plus other forms of less energy guzzling "wheels" are starting to loosen the grip of the motor car tyres upon the road of progress.

Don't ban oil, outgrow it and replace it instead as the means become available and as our survival and the earth's demand it. We can't go back to simple Eden as we will be slaughtered by the Angel's sword that guards it. The only way out is through.

In evolution's domain their is room for Greta, me and you. We will be scored on our performance. We get back what we give. Look what I have got back and compare it to what you are getting back in terms of our attitude to and use of oil.

edit on 7-7-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: Merman

Gaia is not dying. Stop the lunacy.

edit on 7-7-2023 by starviego because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: starviego
a reply to: Merman

Gaia is not dying. Please stop the lunacy.

I do not call it gaia. It is not conscious or sentient. It is as much a serial killer as mother. Do I need to further explain that? It is a biological machine. Did I say it was dying? I said WE ARE DYING. YOU ARE DYING. The fat people are dying because they pollute the earth in order to have a modern standard of life.

Will you deny there is a huge cull of Americans right now? I see it. You have been dying in your many millions too early from cancer, blocked arteries and prescription drugs as well as junk food, coc aine, alcohol, sugar as you drive everywhere and never walk anywhere, as the cars poison you. If you are happy with that just carry on. Evolution is not happy about it and is trying to change your behaviour. It will kill you if you do not listen. Your lifestyle is killing you and a few other species. The earth can survive even a huge meteor impact.

As you are so unhealthy it is making you paranoid and mentally unhealthy too. You falsely accuse vaccines for the deaths, Jews, migrants and the powerful for all your woes your own lifestyle inflicts and dispatches you with to Sheol. The migrants who ovewhelm you are your own sins returning. You invaded first and now must be invaded as life never stops happening. The meek keep inheriting the earth as the vain perish by the swords of their own lifestyles and ignorance. There is no escape from the karma that this universe dishes out upon us if we behave in destructive and violent ways. It always gets us back.

Nature could go all the way back to the beginning and do it all over again as there is still enough time left for this planet and the solar system to have a brand new diverse eco system even if the earth was almost wiped out today.

You have offended me. That is very barbaric and ignorant to use a word like "lunacy" and to then misunderstand totally what I communicated. I am very well read. You are capable of only a one line ignorant response it seems? I challenge you to write your own considered proper response to this thread and what has happened in Sweden instead of trying to bully and offend. How dare you say that. It is low life behaviour, dude. Try to use your mind to reason and form intellectual communiques. It will help you not be see so lazy in your mind, okay. I will not respond any longer to what you say as you have shown me ignorance and have tried to bully me by using a word like "lunacy". There is nothing lunatic about what I wrote. It is clearly and intellectually presented.

You must be very rude to treat strangers like that. I do have a lot of clout with certain Jewish associates, more than you will ever know and more than I will ever let you know. I have visited here to attempt some quality communication with this community.

If you offend me I will just walk away and shake the sin of you off my clothes. Better you engage me politely and intelligently instead of so rudely. Do you want your life be invisible to me or do you want me to acknowledge you?

Collective "you" being used here, not blaming any individual. You are all to blame. You are the universal obese dudes with a car and you really are to blame.

edit on 7-7-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: Merman
... you ...have tried to bully me by using a word like lunacy.

Sorry. Maybe I should have said 'snowflake.'

originally posted by: Merman

Except that more people experienced better health and longer living spans after the Industrial Age than before, when most people died in middle age.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: starviego

originally posted by: Merman
... you ...have tried to bully me by using a word like lunacy.

Sorry. Maybe I should have said 'snowflake.'

originally posted by: Merman

Except that more people experienced better health and longer living spans after the Industrial Age than before, when most people died in middle age.

Yes I know that too. All the babies used to die and now thewy don't. However, in my life time I am watching all that we gained being lost because we are toxifying ourselves and the environment. You can't argue with that. The kids are dying with cancers now. Look it up. That is genetic damage because the parents could not successfully carry over the information without some fatal errors and weaknesses. Watch as it happens. It is only just beginning.

When St John tells you that people will end up with cancers and covered in sores for their sins he is being truthful. It will happen if we become that ignorant and polluting of this world. We are not allowed to destroy without consequence. We will be stopped by hook or by crook.

I am certainly no snowflake. I am a very strong willed guy and very muscular. I spend my time paddling in the ocean on a kayak, mountain biking, vaping ganja, flying my drone. I am gentle. I pride myself upon my gentility. You seem to want to just insult me. No more words for you now. Insult away. I know who is looking like the more foolish between us.

You offended me intellectually. You have not offended me in any other way. I am quite a crazy and fearless person. I do things that would probably make you quiver in fear. I am not one of those woke people. I don';t do woke. They are as much fodder for a cause as those who give billionaire Trump their money as they kill themselves with fentanyl as their lives have become so pointless and painful due to the mismanagemet they vote for time and time again. It has evolved to become all about money because all of you are obsessed with it and put it first. It naturally follows you will end up with leaders who put it first, even before you, as the consequence of your priorities.

Look to home. Look to yourselves for some blame instead of projecting it on everybody else. I must go about my business now. I have spent much longer with this thread than intended.

Dude, I think you have misunderstood me. I am not woke. I am not Just Stop Oil. I am the one who told them to drop the Net Zero. I communicate almost daily with reps of the Rothschilds. I wormed my way in to stop them killing themselves and they believe me based on the trail I have left in my wake. I love them you see. I want them to win and be a good thing for the human race. I am a realist. I don't want you and I to die or to get poor and have to give up all that we have gained. However, there are many who will blame and project. They are the ones who will destroy us as they scapegoat the very ones who made our lives so easy and rich in the first place. To me it is just blind progress of the blind human as they develop their malformed compromised consciousness that is paradoxically unable to manifest acurately enough not to destroy its hosts and everything else as it makes its blind way through history and creation.

"Be seeing you"!

edit on 7-7-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 03:21 AM

originally posted by: Merman

originally posted by: starviego

originally posted by: Merman
... you ...have tried to bully me by using a word like lunacy.

Sorry. Maybe I should have said 'snowflake.'

originally posted by: Merman

Except that more people experienced better health and longer living spans after the Industrial Age than before, when most people died in middle age.

Yes I know that too. All the babies used to die and now thewy don't. However, in my life time I am watching all that we gained being lost because we are toxifying ourselves and the environment. You can't argue with that. The kids are dying with cancers now. Look it up. That is genetic damage because the parents could not successfully carry over the information without some fatal errors and weaknesses. Watch as it happens. It is only just beginning.

When St John tells you that people will end up with cancers and covered in sores for their sins he is being truthful. It will happen if we become that ignorant and polluting of this world. We are not allowed to destroy without consequence. We will be stopped by hook or by crook.

I am certainly no snowflake. I am a very strong willed guy and very muscular. I spend my time paddling in the ocean on a kayak, mountain biking, vaping ganja, flying my drone. I am gentle. I pride myself upon my gentility. You seem to want to just insult me. No more words for you now. Insult away. I know who is looking like the more foolish between us.

You offended me intellectually. You have not offended me in any other way. I am quite a crazy and fearless person. I do things that would probably make you quiver in fear. I am not one of those woke people. I don';t do woke. They are as much fodder for a cause as those who give billionaire Trump their money as they kill themselves with fentanyl as their lives have become so pointless and painful due to the mismanagemet they vote for time and time again. It has evolved to become all about money because all of you are obsessed with it and put it first. It naturally follows you will end up with leaders who put it first, even before you, as the consequence of your priorities.

Look to home. Look to yourselves for some blame instead of projecting it on everybody else. I must go about my business now. I have spent much longer with this thread than intended.

Dude, I think you have misunderstood me. I am not woke. I am not Just Stop Oil. I am the one who told them to drop the Net Zero. I communicate almost daily with reps of the Rothschilds. I wormed my way in to stop them killing themselves and they believe me based on the trail I have left in my wake. I love them you see. I want them to win and be a good thing for the human race. I am a realist. I don't want you and I to die or to get poor and have to give up all that we have gained. However, there are many who will blame and project. They are the ones who will destroy us as they scapegoat the very ones who made our lives so easy and rich in the first place. To me it is just blind progress of the blind human as they develop their malformed compromised consciousness that is paradoxically unable to manifest acurately enough not to destroy its hosts and everything else as it makes its blind way through history and creation.

"Be seeing you"!

What do you mean by saying you communicate every day with the Rothschilds?? And why have you come to ATS to tell us what you do?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 03:28 AM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
a reply to: AlienBorg

Greta be damned! Lol

Slowly but surely the retards are returning to reality! It'll be a ego busting painful wakeup but LONG overdue.

btw Greta is Swedish!
The irony!

I wonder how she feels her own country has decided to follow science and reason. But in fairness Sweden never went through the woke route. If you remember they handled the pandemic very well and never had any lockdowns.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 04:08 AM
The only "globalist climate agenda" I'm aware of is the one perpetrated by money-obsessed mega-rich ostriches with a brain the size of a small dead whelk (and their dumb acolytes) who still deny we're adversely (from a human perspective) affecting the climate

Nuclear power reduces our impacts. And some would argue it remains our most sensible short-term solution. It's not a rejection of climate science at all.

Of course, the billionaire elites won't be happy cos nuclear doesn't burn oil or coal .....

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 05:11 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
The only "globalist climate agenda" I'm aware of is the one perpetrated by money-obsessed mega-rich ostriches with a brain the size of a small dead whelk (and their dumb acolytes) who still deny we're adversely (from a human perspective) affecting the climate

Nuclear power reduces our impacts. And some would argue it remains our most sensible short-term solution. It's not a rejection of climate science at all.

Of course, the billionaire elites won't be happy cos nuclear doesn't burn oil or coal .....

The more efficient forms of energy are fossil fuels and nuclear energy. The more reliable too giving great amounts back to cover our energy needs. The rest are just supplements and shouldn't be promoted as energy solutions.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: AndyMayhew

So you’re still not aware of UN agenda 2030 and haven’t heard anything about net zero targets that various governments are aiming for?

Funny how they don’t talk about actual pollution, about things like how glyphosate and micro plastics are now everywhere. It’s always carbon this and carbon that, and carbon credits and ESG scores..

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: AndyMayhew

So you’re still not aware of UN agenda 2030 and haven’t heard anything about net zero targets that various governments are aiming for?

Funny how they don’t talk about actual pollution, about things like how glyphosate and micro plastics are now everywhere. It’s always carbon this and carbon that, and carbon credits and ESG scores..

They talk about carbon dioxide as if it's a pollutant. When in reality it's a fertilizer.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: AndyMayhew

So you’re still not aware of UN agenda 2030 and haven’t heard anything about net zero targets that various governments are aiming for?

Funny how they don’t talk about actual pollution, about things like how glyphosate and micro plastics are now everywhere. It’s always carbon this and carbon that, and carbon credits and ESG scores..

They talk about carbon dioxide as if it's a pollutant. When in reality it's a fertilizer.

CO2 increases atmospheric temperature. This impacts on weather which in turn impacts humans.

Even if it also aids plant growth*, would most humans prefer a) current plant growth and no further increase in severe heatwaves, droughts and floods or b) slightly better plant growth but with even more severe heatwaves, droughts and floods? You think only about the grass and bracken. Some humans selfishly think more about themselves.

* it's not quite as simple as the elite tell you. For example, more CO2 = less nutritional plants

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:15 AM
I'm very firmly of the opinion that we already have energy technologies which far outshine even nuclear as an option to generate limitless energy for the use of all nations, but they have been hidden on shelves by massive buyouts, covered up by assassinations & theft of materials, destruction of equipment & so on - all to protect the bottom line, to line the pockets of the energy giants, to keep this world in a state of antiquation that it should have outgrown at least fifty years ago, had it not been for the interference of bad actors. The recent Greer 'Disclosure' revelations go some way to proving this fact, and I sincerely hope that we will soon see a groundswell of support for this idea, so that we start really exploring the frontiers of what is possible, rather than kow-towing to a bunch of industry fat cats who want to dominate the world & ultimately destroy its peoples.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

CO2 boosts plant productivity
Rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere drive an increase in plant photosynthesis—an effect known as the carbon fertilization effect.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: AndyMayhew

So you’re still not aware of UN agenda 2030 and haven’t heard anything about net zero targets that various governments are aiming for?

Funny how they don’t talk about actual pollution, about things like how glyphosate and micro plastics are now everywhere. It’s always carbon this and carbon that, and carbon credits and ESG scores..

They talk about carbon dioxide as if it's a pollutant. When in reality it's a fertilizer.

CO2 increases atmospheric temperature. This impacts on weather which in turn impacts humans.

Even if it also aids plant growth*, would most humans prefer a) current plant growth and no further increase in severe heatwaves, droughts and floods or b) slightly better plant growth but with even more severe heatwaves, droughts and floods? You think only about the grass and bracken. Some humans selfishly think more about themselves.

* it's not quite as simple as the elite tell you. For example, more CO2 = less nutritional plants

I think you've confused what the 'elites' have been telling the public so many years. As I said a few posts back, carbon dioxide is presented as a pollutant when in reality is a fertilizer. Even a grade9 student is able to understand this simple fact or the fact there is no way to transition between genders.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:24 AM
Its no wonder that plan is being abandoned. It was unattainable and did more harm than good. And everyone knows it.

biden has increased his mandate for 50% EV's by 2030 to 60%. But there are a few problems biden won't address publicly. One is that this move will devastate the US automotive industry. Two is that our power generation stations are incapable of generating enough electricity to charge that many EV's, even if we ran ever single plant, including fossil fuels, at max capacity. Hell, many states can't meet their energy needs now, even while borrowing energy from neighboring states. Three, even if we somehow magically manage to produce that much electricity the entire power grid from coast to coast would have to be retooled to handle transmitting that power. Four, even if we managed to retool the entire national grid nearly every home would have to be rewired to handle that amperage needed to charge multiple EV's. Five, that energy demand, along with all the associated retooling costs, would drive the cost of electricity so high most families couldn't afford it. The inevitable government subsidizing would help but the taxes to pay for those subsidies would bankrupt the rest of us.

And the kicker to all this unachievable nonsense? The expected net global drop in temperature is: .0002 degrees. Two ten-thousandths of a degree. Gut the automotive industry, bankrupt the majority of citizens, destroy the ecology by mining minerals six times more devastating to the environment than fossil fuels, line the pockets of politicians and lobbyists, all for two ten-thousandths of a degree. Yep - that is definitely a democrat policy. Expensive, bloated, self-enriching, and completely useless from a practical sense.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: AndyMayhew

So you’re still not aware of UN agenda 2030 and haven’t heard anything about net zero targets that various governments are aiming for?

Funny how they don’t talk about actual pollution, about things like how glyphosate and micro plastics are now everywhere. It’s always carbon this and carbon that, and carbon credits and ESG scores..

They talk about carbon dioxide as if it's a pollutant. When in reality it's a fertilizer.

* it's not quite as simple as the elite tell you. For example, more CO2 = less nutritional plants.

What effect will blocking out the sun have on plants?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: AlienBorg

CO2 boosts plant productivity
Rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere drive an increase in plant photosynthesis—an effect known as the carbon fertilization effect.

Common sense

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Very rare these days!!

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
Is this why Greta got arrested again?

Nuclear is kinda scary after Fukishima. I like my BlueFin Tuna not glowing. Nobody talks about that disaster much anymore. I guess it's all ok now? /s Maybe why cancer is on the increase? COVID vax or Fukishima or 100 other things, including smoking tobacco.

Oh, we are all gonna die!~

I think there are risks in any energy technology.

But compare the total of all deaths from nuclear contamination, to the total of all deaths due to fossil fuel pollution.

Fossil fuel air pollution responsible for 1 in 5 deaths worldwide
How very of the times to claim.

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