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Skinwalker Ranch and the Mystery 1.6GHz Signal

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posted on May, 9 2024 @ 03:40 PM
I have a conspiracy theory about the History Channel's 'The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch' (where all this 'mysterious' 1.6gHz radio signal comes from).

A conspiracy theory on ATS, imagine that!!!

Okay, so it goes something like this: There's a dude on the series who always flies in to the ranch in his Airbus H130 black helicopter (fitting color). I guess the guy's name is Fugal. So, what I think is they're using the money from the series to pay for the helicopter and maintenance (and more). It seems they run an aviation charter business, and the show probably helps cover expenses of ownership and maintenance of their helicopter and other aircraft. They are also seem to be big players in the LDS church along with operating real estate sales. Therefore, it stands to reason they would be big proponents of the show, selling it at every opportunity.

In fact, there was even an article in KSL news out of Salt Lake late last year where they trump up the whole Skinwalker Ranch mystery. KSL is well known to never miss an opportunity to profile prominent LDS persons, and Fugal wasted no time in trumping up the Skinwalker angle when KSL interviewed them.

If you look at a satellite image of the Skinwalker property you will see the most notable feature of the tiny ranch is the recently added helicopter landing pad. Oh the drama! Nothing more dramatic than having a big turbine helicopter swoop in for dramatic effect, a black one no less!

PT Barnum was right.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Brandon Fugal owns the ranch. He's an uber wealthy real estate guy. His brother pilots the helicopter. He also drives a Lamborghini.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

When it comes to their equipment ….It would be nice if they did a quasi in depth sidebar episode 1/2 hour ‘show and tell’ on the equipment they use …even those pieces of equipment that have not been shown on-screen. This way….when they throw around basic equipment technical vocabulary…..viewers might have a rudimentary understanding of what they are using.


Trust me, they will never do this! I can assure you of that. In fact, they intentionally obfuscate what gear they're using for the specific reason that they don't want technically knowledgeable people to call BS on the whole show (kind of like I am doing here).

If they were ever to air something like you describe, even non-technical people would immediately see how over the top all of this illusion truly is. It would be patently obvious to even the casual observer.

In the one program I watched they even had some guys launching sounding rockets up into the sky to conduct one of their kooky non-experiments. Even casual observations quickly revealed these were nothing more than toy model rockets (similar to Estes rockets you can buy at most hobby shops). It was at this point I was told my snickering was too loud and to turn the channel.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: yeahright

Yeah, I saw that in the KSL article.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Thanks for the reply, and great information.

One of the consultants they had in there last year mentioned that they had never tried to demodulate any of the "supposed" signal that was on the 1.6Ghz carrier. Their answer to him was "they did not see any data in the signal" !!!

That spectrum analyzer you show is the same equipment used by AT&T when I did consulting there. We used it to develop and debug communications software and reverse engineer old laboratory instrumentation that had no documentation. This unit can strip out any modulated data on a carrier frequency and attempt to format it with known protocols or you can write your own controls. The only thing we had trouble with were certain proprietary encrypted formats, but we could certainly tell if there was some kind of data encoded in the demodulated stream.

They never did any of that , which is certainly another huge red flag for the lack of scientific scrutiny.
The things engineers certainly would do first, they DO NOT do, and I think exactly for the reasons you mentioned... there would be no season 6.

edit on 9-5-2024 by charlyv because: sp

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: yeahright
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Brandon Fugal owns the ranch. He's an uber wealthy real estate guy. His brother pilots the helicopter. He also drives a Lamborghini.

After listening recently to Mr Fugal being interviewed by Matty Blake I don't care for Mr Fugal. You would think that a person who has personally achieved so much he would be a superior thinker. But, in my opinion, he failed in this respect because he admitted being a member of, and supporting financially, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Talk about being a mentally-conditioned slave! His mind is not his.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 08:04 PM

A new season of Ghost Adventures starts 5/15

If you ever watched this show….you would know it’s about the paranormal.

Well…..the season opener is titled Skinwalker Invasion…….a 2 hour episode….the team investigates a person said to have been at the Skinwalker Ranch and apparently has had a “Hitchhiker” event that’s terrorizing him and those around him at his home and property.

As far as I can tell…..none of this is filmed at Skinwalker Ranch.

I take this show with a grain of salt… spite of my better half liking it.

I mention this only because of the “Hitchhiker” effect……so my curiosity is tugging at me….perhaps that in itself is paranormal 🤔

Anyway…just a heads up….

edit on 9-5-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1

A new season of Ghost Adventures starts 5/15

If you ever watched this show….you would know it’s about the paranormal.

Well…..the season opener is titled Skinwalker Invasion…….a 2 hour episode….the team investigates a person said to have been at the Skinwalker Ranch and apparently has had a “Hitchhiker” event that’s terrorizing him and those around him at his home and property.

As far as I can tell…..none of this is filmed at Skinwalker Ranch.

I take this show with a grain of salt… spite of my better half liking it.

I mention this only because of the “Hitchhiker” effect……so my curiosity is tugging at me….perhaps that in itself is paranormal 🤔

Anyway…just a heads up….


Sweet!!! Sounds cool thanks for the heads up I guess that's next Wednesday

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