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Shadow People and The Hat Man | Who are they? What do they want?

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posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
This one was pretty benign, but there are some shadow people sightings that are more intense. More real. These encounters can be traumatic and in some cases: violent. I should know. Because it happened to me.
Hardly benign. They, especially the more passive Hat Man, observe the habits of the living, waiting for an opportunity to terrorize (usually while they're asleep). A Hat Man sighting is usually followed by an influx of normal shadow people, or seeing normal shadow people may suggest an escalation. Sometimes they wait for someone in a person's life to leave the house, after familiarizing themselves with the likeness of said person (including their distinctive pitch, accent, gait, footsteps, etc.), only to appear to them afterward. I suspect that they may attach a part of their essence to the individual they plan to substitute, and it gradually envelops them in a dark aura of sorts, which is then re-assimilated by the shadow.

originally posted by: Lysergic
Some people believe that shadow people are the spirits of the dead or demonic entities, while others think they may be a form of extraterrestrial being or inter-dimensional entities.
Both deceased spirits and daemons can be perceived in a shadowy form. Deceased spirits may appear as such if they lack strength to render themselves visibly of if the person perceiving them lacks clairvoyance. Therefore, one must distinguish between departed spirits (I call them shades) and the spirits impersonating their likeness. Some are pitch black, others have a smokey appearance.

Shadow people as extraterrestrials can be ruled out. The prevailing narratives would have people believe that inhabitant of other worlds are the aggressors. If one subscribes to Copernican tenets, the Copernican scientists (not mystics) maintained that the stars and planets were free of imperfection and knew nothing about the phenomena deemed as evil. They adopted views from the ancients (particularly neo-Platonists), the latter maintained that evil beings were mainly imprisoned in the earth's atmosphere. They questioned how Christians could worship heaven, but not the stars contained within. If one is Christian, one must submit to the authority of Paul, who declared that the malevolent "spiritual forces" were concentrated in the "heavenly places" and that they utilized "the power of the air".

As for inter-dimensional beings, only a handful of them seem to have an understanding for time/space, the rest just tell people that time doesn't exist in their world and the living take it for granted.

originally posted by: Lysergic
Some people have reported feeling a sense of peace or tranquility when in the presence of a shadow person, and others say that they have even been helped or protected by these entities.
Only to get them to lower their guard, or to the point that they lose consciousness so that they can occupy the person. Uncontrollable euphoria (especially symptomatic of bipolar, rapidly going from anger, sadness, and happiness) is usually indicative of a malevolent being.

Shadow people which help the living either have ulterior motives or are not proper shadow beings.

Angels, if they exist, have no need to reassure people to not be afraid, since they're usually mistaken for humans. This is not merely an unsubstantiated biblical passage, there are many testimonies of helpful strangers who knew a lot about a person. It's unlikely that all of these witnesses were clairvoyant or highly observant.
edit on 27-1-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: hjesterium

Ok, where do you get all this from? Shadow People are just as varied as we are when it comes to their behaviors.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: hjesterium

Ok, where do you get all this from? Shadow People are just as varied as we are when it comes to their behaviors.
Five years of restless investigation + interviewing hundreds of users about their experiences.

Only the hooded types are varied. Hat Man and normal shadow people (insofar as they're not being mistaken for deceased spirits) all behave similarly, more or less. Profit and recompense, that's their chief motive. Most seem to lack autonomy and carry out orders like the rest of their kind, others assume leadership roles. I surmise that the different types of hats (fedora, top hat, bowler, cowboy) indicates rival gangs or has to do with specific time periods (i.e. Victorian, Old West). Trenchcoats were increasingly used around the world wars. Not all of them wear trenchcoats, some appear with cloaks.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: hjesterium

I've been at this for decades. You'll see after a while what's going on.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: hjesterium

I've been at this for decades. You'll see after a while what's going on.
Perhaps we may have started off on the wrong foot. And I may have come across as presumptuous. Let's share some insights obtained from our studies.

Were there any hat man types which had some color to their clothing? Aside from shadows commonly having red eyes, have you heard of any with green eyes? Have you documented sightings of static figures?

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: hjesterium

The red eye thing is similar to animal eyes at night, and how they seem to glow. Here's a picture of a shadow person that I have been given permission to post and talk about.

Story behind this picture can be found HERE

As you can see in this picture, the shadow person in the lower left corner seems to have blue eyes, but I will say that the room where this was taken was lit by blue lights. This seems to be a great picture of how reflections from the eyes can seem to glow in different colors. I have seen some pictures that has the shadow person with green eyes, but I will note that those pictures are also in rooms that are lit by florescent bulbs. So, there might be a correlation between the two. I have been promised a picture of a shadow person that was taken in a photography darkroom. A sodium light was used in the room. If this picture is real and not some crappo HOAX, I'll see if I can get permission to post that.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
As you can see in this picture, the shadow person in the lower left corner seems to have blue eyes, but I will say that the room where this was taken was lit by blue lights. This seems to be a great picture of how reflections from the eyes can seem to glow in different colors.
That's extremely fascinating! Then do you suppose their actual eye color may be grey/neutral?

But that doesn't explain why their eyes glow red in a pitch black room, seldom when artificial lighting is turned on.

The biggest block that I run into about openly talking about these cases is how fearful the people that have had the events are about them. Not fearful as in the events were fearful, but rather in how they fear others will judge them for having these experiences.
I've noticed this too! A lot of them publish compelling cases, only to shortly remove it afterward due to embarrassment. It's striking how nobody really shared their testimonies until it was popularized on a radio talk show.

Though there are some cases where electronic interference and inexplicable sounds occur when someone is thinking about or trying to tell the world about them.

I don't mind skeptics who try to explain away phenomena with logic (sometimes it's better for a victim of a haunting to not give it any attention) or who offer advice for mental health treatment, but there's something wrong with the scoffers employing ridicule and accusations.

Researching this subject usually incurs the risk of unwanted attention, psychological attacks, and physical harm. Has any harm come to you in your line of work? Do you feel more tired than usual, even after a good night's rest?

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 12:06 AM
Shadow people put off a aura,that makes people in our reality frightened for soem reason. OR is that just the bad ones who like to pick on lowly humans?

posted on Dec, 10 2023 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

I've had several encounters with shadow people..... some terrifying, some where I just noticed their presence and accepted they were there because I got curious, to one experience making me laugh. Either way, it is something that feels not of this world when I have seen them

posted on Dec, 10 2023 @ 08:39 PM
I feel like I’m reading a novel with every comment. JHC.

Do the shadow people hold you down on your bed?

You can’t break free from them?

You scream out but have no voice?

Asking for a friend.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: nerbot

I haven't found anything yet

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 02:58 PM
When I was seventeen years old I was sent in error by my local council to live temporarily in a bail hostel in our town - a halfway house for people leaving prison & re-entering society. I had never committed a crime & was a vulnerable kid when all was said & done, thrown in amongst murderers, rapists & even paedophiles. I have no idea how they botched my placement but I had no choice other than to adjust to the situation as best as possible. This was a very dark time in my life.

One night, after securing the bedroom door as usual, I went to bed (these were doors which were deliberately crafted to be able to withstand aggressive attempts to break into the room by fully grown men, who may want to rob or attack another resident). So I secured the door & went to bed.

In the middle of the night I was awoken into a hypnogogic state of mind - I was experiencing moderate sleep paralysis & couldn't really see properly, my vision was blurred. Suddenly I felt the body of a woman sitting astride me, as though we were about to have relations. In my dazed state of mind I reciprocated when she leaned forward to kiss me. As I kissed her, she transferred a ball of hard gel around the size of a golf ball into my mouth - before I knew what was going on the ball had somehow propelled itself down my throat & gullet into my stomach. This caused me to wake violently, back in the room fully conscious, no woman in sight.

Over the next six hours I experienced severe stabbing, slicing pains in my stomach, accompanied by the sense of something like a massive worm wriggling & moving into my abdominal cavity, having somehow cut through my stomach lining & sealed it up again once it propelled through into the abdominal cavity.

The next morning, feeling very weirded out & stressed, I went into the TV room to distract myself from what had happened. I could still feel the thing wriggling about, and indeed I could even see its movement through the skin of my belly, in the same way a pregnant woman will see her abdomen distort when the baby kicks or pushes against the lining of the womb. The next thing I knew, a guy who was manifesting with demoniacal glee entered the room, laughing to himself & rubbing his belly as he pointed at me & said "It's Beelzebub!" At the time I had no idea what he meant, but years later I realised he was communicating that a demonic entity had been implanted into me, a thorn in the flesh, a messenger from Satan.

For years afterward I would continue to experience the diabolical movement & pain caused by this entity, often manifesting after I had awoken from particularly terrifying nightmares. And again, often I would not only feel its movement, but I would actually see it pressing outwards from my abdominal cavity in the manner described above. After many years as a Christian, following a conversion a couple of years after my experience with the Succubus demon which had implanted the creature, the phenomenon gradually diminished in power & eventually went away completely. It is my belief that God has delivered me from this demonic entity, though I don't know exactly what its purpose was in the first place, other than to cause existential fear, which it did in spades.

So there you go - a truly unique & totally true tale of an encounter with a Succubus. I've searched the web left, right & centre, forward & backwards - I can find no trace of anyone having a story such as the one I have related here. i believe it was a genuinely unique demonic attack which was intended to cause me to be so distressed that I might suffer a psychotic break or even commit suicide. Thank God it did not achieve its purpose in my life.

edit on DecemberSunday23012CST03America/Chicago-060002 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
It is my belief that God has delivered me from this demonic entity, though I don't know exactly what its purpose was in the first place, other than to cause existential fear, which it did in spades.

Your outcome belief, was the purpose. In Illumination, we refer to this as "seeding the problem, to sell the cure"

Experiences of existential "reflection" like you are describing, are a type of spiritual gateway

Within which, lays a test of the soul

Notice the polarised nature of your experience:

"You had a door locked, to keep you safe from unsavory men that may wish to enter"
Reflects to:
"There was a woman who you felt comfortable enough with at first, that you inadvertently let her inside your body"

Within these types of reflected gateway, we are tested against a reflection of our very own soul. But in its darkest and nastiest form

But this alignment does not "cause" the existential fear, as you stated. It does not need to, because those fears already exist within you. It merely targets them, like picking at a sore or wound, which is not being attended to

The purpose of targeting and triggering these types of pains and fears, is to draw your attention to them

To see if you will confront your fears and pain, and deal with them

It is a test, to see how you react

To see what path you take, once your eyes are opened to the darkness within you

How you react, generally determines the path you take from that point in life

For many people this leads them to religion, or some type of spirituality

But as I stated at the start of my reply, it is most likely (and probably), that the entities/intelligence many call "demons" that trigger these types of experiences, are the very same as those called to in religion as "angels", that then save you from it

Within my own experiences (one of which was nearly identical to yours) I reasoned the offer of being saved by "Jesus Christ" as being a far greater darkness to my soul, than any other types of pains, fears or regrets they could lay upon me

I would never, ever, allow someone to suffer and die for me. Or pay an existential cost that was mine to pay. No matter who it was. No matter why they would want to do it

Not even Jesus Christ

To me, those that would accept such an offer, do not understand what "love" is

"Love" is to put someone, or something else, before yourself

It seems to me illogical that any could claim to love someone, when they were choosing to put themselves before that person, to save themselves from their own fears

I, personally, would rather endure a lifetime of torture and see my soul destroyed, than ever allow someone to suffer or die in such a way because of me

More to the point, I would never align myself with a system based on the persecution of a person or soul such as Jesus Christ

To me, such a system cannot claim to be of "love". They do not even understand the concept of true sacrifice. Which is ironic, when their entire system is based around the example of one persons sacrifice

A simple example, that you are supposed to follow

I would endure an entire lifetime or torture and pain, fighting at the cost of my eternal soul if necessary, to save a soul like Jesus Christ

Before I would ever let them sacrifice anything for me

"For what good is it, to gain the entire world, at the cost of your own soul? How can you live with yourself. Knowing you let someone else suffer, so you didn't have to?"

"Whoever seeks to save themselves, will actually be lost. And whoever chooses to lose his own life, for the sake of those like Jesus Christ, will find life"

You are told very clearly in the Bible what you need do:

24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

It is a test

If you choose to be "saved", you have actually failed the test

They are testing which souls are willing to sacrifice everything, for creation and the greater good

Looking for souls worth giving something greater to

If a soul is willing to give something as beautiful as Jesus Christ up so easily, to save themselves, then why would you trust them with something greater?

They are looking for souls who would sacrifice themselves, to build something greater. Not those who would consume, in order to ensure they persist

You must go through the trials and tribulations yourself. You must free yourself from your own fears and pain. You must pay your own price and make amends for the things you have done

There is a very real "God" behind everything that is happening here

But it is not what you think it is

And there is a very real Jesus Christ "cycle" returning in this world

But it is not with the Church, or its followers. Nor will it align with them upon its return

It actually exists and persists in spite of them


I don't know what's wrong but I'm on fire,
It seers through my hands, leaving skin on wire
Awake in this womb with a crown sting in my self
When I listen, the same cry plays on

We're slaves
In this medicated cage
Make a decision to face this change
To rules they don't explain
So why do we obey?

Politics, religion, your vision's the same
You played us, as both a cancer and a cure
Which reminds me that it's just a game
You're alibi's a sales pitch
You pretty boy, pretty face, dolled up again
A star for us to adore
And you man you've got to be more
Cause this effects all

It's nice to know you're with us today
I've seen you in the fall along the way

I spit in the mouth of the god
Who whispers in the minds of the children
You've been sold again

Set fire to the hive as you flee
It's fiction, a faceless illusion
You've been had again

You swing this wrecking ball
A violent pendulum
To hypnotize them all

The writing on the wall
That we keep missing
A structure built to fall
Still we all obey

It's nice to know you're with us today
I've seen you in the fog along the way

I spit in the mouth of the god
Who whispers in the minds of the children
You've been sold again

Set fire to the hive as you flee
It's fiction, a faceless illusion
You've been had again

There's no second chances here
There's no second chances here
There's no second chances here

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
I believe it was a genuinely unique demonic attack which was intended to cause me to be so distressed that I might suffer a psychotic break or even commit suicide. Thank God it did not achieve its purpose in my life.


They scared you away, so they did achieve their purpose

These gatekeeper are, essentially, the Seraphim guarding access to the ark of the covenant (which is the heart)

The heart can align to a greater "arc" of forces, from the source of creation, which holds this world together

But things as pure as this cannot be tasted by a heart that is full of fear

You must purify yourself, in order to be allowed to pass

Hence the "burning ones" flying around the throne (your mind) singing "Holy, Holy, Holy". Meaning they torture you with your own impurities

Hence them also being referred to as "the burning ones", not the "cuddly friendly ones"

You are supposed to challenge them, endure whatever torture they throw at you, making amends for the pains of your past, purifying your thoughts and cleansing your body

If they use a fear against you? Confront that fear and overcome it

If they use a pain of your past against you? Make amends for what you did, or apologise, or do what you have to, so that the memory can no longer hurt you

The idea is, that eventually, they have nothing to hurt you with

You become honest, blameless and true within yourself

You fear nothing and nobody, including God. Because you have no reason to

Your soul becomes as light as a feather

You still speak of your fears, what could have been, and what you think you were saved from

With all due respect, this means you weren't actually saved from anything, your heart is still full of fear

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: Compendium
You must purify yourself, in order to be allowed to pass

Whenever I was asked by the Priest whether I would like to be baptised, I would joke that I've already been baptised by fire so it is a little late for all that. The better ones got it.

22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!


posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 05:13 AM
Shadow people have been reported all over the world over many years.

There is no scientific evidence for the existence of these entities but people are keep reporting them.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: Kosimir
Shadow people have been reported all over the world over many years.

There is no scientific evidence for the existence of these entities but people are keep reporting them.

So? What do they do in their free time? Play a little euchre? Day at the spa? I guess if they use energy they have to get rid of waste and use the “bathroom” in some fashion? My kid loves Pokémon, but I wonder why the cartoon never deals with the trainer having to clean up after a 600 pound Pokémon takes a dump on the front lawn?
edit on 19-12-2023 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-12-2023 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: Kosimir
Shadow people have been reported all over the world over many years.

There is no scientific evidence for the existence of these entities but people are keep reporting them.

So? What do they do in their free time? Play a little euchre? Day at the spa? I guess if they use energy they have to get rid of waste and use the “bathroom” in some fashion? My kid loves Pokémon, but I wonder why the cartoon never deals with the trainer having to clean up after a 600 pound Pokémon takes a dump on the front lawn?

I don't get what you're trying to say.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: Kosimir

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: Kosimir
Shadow people have been reported all over the world over many years.

There is no scientific evidence for the existence of these entities but people are keep reporting them.

So? What do they do in their free time? Play a little euchre? Day at the spa? I guess if they use energy they have to get rid of waste and use the “bathroom” in some fashion? My kid loves Pokémon, but I wonder why the cartoon never deals with the trainer having to clean up after a 600 pound Pokémon takes a dump on the front lawn?

I don't get what you're trying to say.

It’s pretty simple. Things need power. Like my cats. They eat, and as a result they poop. They also shed and claw the furniture.

On the flip side, I get a kick out of dragon ball z. And the attacks that look like nuclear bombs going off. How many pizzas would a character have to eat to get the energy to make a death ray from their eyes? Or make an energy ball attack.

I like Full Metal Alchemist because it acknowledges even if your dealing with spiritual power it still needs to come from someplace.

I don’t care if you label something demonic. It has to “eat” in some fashion to “function” and that would require it to “poop”. Then it must dwell in some space in some fashion.

It’s the same problem with big foot. No fossil record of bigfoot, no evidence of breading populations. Think of just six or seven 7 foot creatures weighing at 500 pounds living in close vicinity to bread, and the poop they would leave behind. Look at it this way. Think if six or seven NFL line backers were living off the land in 50 acres just pooping on the ground. The impact to the environment would be very noticeable and smelly over the year.

It’s the same with shadow people being a life form in some fashion. They must eat and waste in some manner. And do they spend all their time just hanging out in peoples bedrooms?

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: Kosimir

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: Kosimir
Shadow people have been reported all over the world over many years.

There is no scientific evidence for the existence of these entities but people are keep reporting them.

So? What do they do in their free time? Play a little euchre? Day at the spa? I guess if they use energy they have to get rid of waste and use the “bathroom” in some fashion? My kid loves Pokémon, but I wonder why the cartoon never deals with the trainer having to clean up after a 600 pound Pokémon takes a dump on the front lawn?

I don't get what you're trying to say.

It’s pretty simple. Things need power. Like my cats. They eat, and as a result they poop. They also shed and claw the furniture.

On the flip side, I get a kick out of dragon ball z. And the attacks that look like nuclear bombs going off. How many pizzas would a character have to eat to get the energy to make a death ray from their eyes? Or make an energy ball attack.

I like Full Metal Alchemist because it acknowledges even if your dealing with spiritual power it still needs to come from someplace.

I don’t care if you label something demonic. It has to “eat” in some fashion to “function” and that would require it to “poop”. Then it must dwell in some space in some fashion.

It’s the same problem with big foot. No fossil record of bigfoot, no evidence of breading populations. Think of just six or seven 7 foot creatures weighing at 500 pounds living in close vicinity to bread, and the poop they would leave behind. Look at it this way. Think if six or seven NFL line backers were living off the land in 50 acres just pooping on the ground. The impact to the environment would be very noticeable and smelly over the year.

It’s the same with shadow people being a life form in some fashion. They must eat and waste in some manner. And do they spend all their time just hanging out in peoples bedrooms?

Never said it's something demonic.
All I said was there are people who have seen them and have the experience of the sightings but there is no scientific evidence to prove they are real. The sightings continue though so it's either a lie or there is more into this.

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