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Shadow People and The Hat Man | Who are they? What do they want?

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posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 10:35 AM
I lived in an apartment for two years that was loaded with shadow people. The whole family experienced them.

Our bedrooms were upstairs and if you needed to go to the kitchen in the middle of the night, which was in a L in the back of the house, we would run through the connecting rooms. These things would dart at you as you walked through.

They caused us no physical harm. But we were all terrified of these things. They had an evil presence to them.

When we moved from that location to a house we purchased we found it was quite haunted. But by Caspers. They seem to love and protect us. We were very fond of them, even though they would crash and bang at times or change radio stations.

Fortunately we left the shadow people behind.

a reply to: Lysergic

posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 11:25 AM
I have had several experiences with The Grim Reaper, didn't know what it was at first.
I had opened a beauty salon several years back, and took a business card template down the road to a very old printing company, they did the printing for the local churches.
I had never been there before, and when I walked inside the building all the lights were off. I saw some ancient presses at the back which were not running and was just going to leave when I saw a light coming from a doorway on the right. I went inside to an office with a few desks, no one about. But there was a black thing in the corner of the room, shaped like a man, and I was trying to make out what it was, then realized that it was not normal and was turning to run when I heard a voice behind me, "Hi, can I help you?"
I screamed and turned to see a very tall older man, pink-cheeked and smiling, with blue eyes and white hair.
I was trying to ask him what that thing was in the corner of the room, but when I looked, it had disappeared.
I thrust my business card at him and gave him my order and ran out of the building.
Because I refused to go back there, my brother picked up the business cards and said he saw nothing.
About a week or so later, I was reading the local paper and saw this older man's photo, he had passed away. It was then that I realized what that black shape was, The Grim Reaper.
It has appeared to me a few times more, and always signals the death of someone right in that area.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: Antimony

I have had Sleep Paralysis since the 2nd grade. It accelerated in in 2018 after we witnessed our 1st UFO. I never knew that SP was SP until 2019 when I began to communicate with member SLED735 and she told me it was Sleep Paralysis. RIP SLED735! Since the 5th grade I was visited by the "hoodie". In 2022 I made contact with Dr. David Hufford who then had Dr. Sheila Pryce Brooks of York University in London UK interview me by Zoom call relating to my SP. Dr. Brooks said that the "hoodie" is the Guardian of the Threshold:

Dr Sheila Pryce Brooks

Guardian of the Threshold

In December 2018 his visitations began to accelerate along with my hearing while wide awake muffled music and people talking just beyond audible comprehension. That along with footsteps. The music and people talking may be demons according to Louis Proud in his book Dark Intrusions. They are trying to locate you and tune you in.

DARK INTRUSIONS: An Investigation into the Paranormal Nature of Sleep Paralysis Experiences

The above seems to correlate to another book written by Father Vincent Lampert as he also mentioned the noises. Hes a Vatican trained Exorcist.

Exorcism: The Battle Against Satan and His Demons Paperback – September 24, 2020

In 2021 we had Father Robert Morey bless our home. A Vatican trained Exorcist. He said that I have been under a Spiritual attack since the 2nd grade. He told me that if I start going to church again, pray to the Rosary, get a bible and read it along with the book Manual of Spiritual Warfare that I would be under the protection of the Catholic church.

To date in 2023, since January 2019 only a handful of SP episodes. The muffled music and people talking stopped along with the footsteps in 2019. The "hoodie" was last seen in January 2019. Post hoodie was a beautiful 28 to 30 year old something woman in 2019 in a black Victorian balloon dress, hat and veil, two other girls and a boy. That's about it.

However we continue to have continued disruptions and zapping of our electronic equipment, WIFI email and phone calls either never go out or aren't received by others. Another just happened yesterday and what I saw on one security cam last week in January 2023 is either Ball Lightning emerging from the ground or something else.

Back in 2018-2019 I began to pray to God and Jesus. Why I ended up with Father Morey at our home in 2021 was I met the beautiful women in SP in real life as a salesperson quoting remodeling on our home. I spoke with two priest and 3 PhD's about her. All feel that she isn't evil and she was a Twin Flame. Dr Brooks said that she also may be an Angel incarnated., sent to assist and guide me on my journey as we both can sense each others energy as a deep Spiritual connection. Its not sexual.

21 signs you have a deep spiritual connection with someone

I was always on the fence about all of the above. No longer. I suggest you contact Dr. Brooks as per her web site.

My situation isn't over yet and is TBD
edit on 18-1-2023 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 18-1-2023 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 18-1-2023 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 18-1-2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

See my Post below to Antimony:

a reply to: Antimony

I have had Sleep Paralysis since the 2nd grade. It accelerated in in 2018 after we witnessed our 1st UFO. I never knew that SP was SP until 2019 when I began to communicate with member SLED735 and she told me it was Sleep Paralysis. RIP SLED735! Since the 5th grade I was visited by the "hoodie". In 2022 I made contact with Dr. David Hufford who then had Dr. Sheila Pryce Brooks of York University in London UK interview me by Zoom call relating to my SP. Dr. Brooks said that the "hoodie" is the Guardian of the Threshold:

Dr Sheila Pryce Brooks

Guardian of the Threshold

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 09:40 AM
Mammoth OP dude.

a reply to: Lysergic

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 11:39 AM
One of my first or if not the first memory in life was seeing The Hat Man. Woke up in the morning and saw it standing in the room. Didn't really look scary, just weird and it slowly faded away.
Later in teen years was quite surprised when found out that this exact shape is a more common phenomenon.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

When I was younger i witnessed these shadow people. I was suffering from nightly sleep paralysis and one night while paralyzed i saw my covers slowly cover my face and when i ripped the blanket off there were 4 black shadowy figures standing at the foot of my bed and in a split second they were gone.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: RonnieJersey

See my Post below to Antimony:

a reply to: Antimony

I have had Sleep Paralysis since the 2nd grade. It accelerated in in 2018 after we witnessed our 1st UFO. I never knew that SP was SP until 2019 when I began to communicate with member SLED735 and she told me it was Sleep Paralysis. RIP SLED735! Since the 5th grade I was visited by the "hoodie". In 2022 I made contact with Dr. David Hufford who then had Dr. Sheila Pryce Brooks of York University in London UK interview me by Zoom call relating to my SP. Dr. Brooks said that the "hoodie" is the Guardian of the Threshold:

Dr Sheila Pryce Brooks

Guardian of the Threshold

I really don't understand what this 'Guardian of the Threshold' is, but I have always had this 'sixth sense' or whatever you want to call it, got it from my British Grandmother who was a very strange person, she knew what was coming in the future.
Apparently this Grim Reaper figure has been seen for hundreds of years before a death occurs, so it must be coming from somewhere, it is just the most horrifying thing.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 04:22 PM
Just a thought that might have no relevance. I was watching a video on the 4th dimension. The video noted that 3d objects cast a 2d shadow, and claimed 4d objects would cast a 3d shadow.

Maybe something there for the idea of higher dimensional beings. Wouldn't explain seeing these shadows in the dark, etc., but and interesting potential wrinkle all the same.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: jwlaffer

It's a neat theory about 4D objects. What I have discovered was that Shadow People are more like a Cuttle Fish in the way that they hide. The notion that they can go through objects and float is just a play on our eyes vs what they really are doing.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

My only real experience with shadow people is I constantly saw them out of the corner of my eyes all around me when I was on a very high dose of and antidepressant which didn't work for me.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 06:17 PM
For me, the shadow people, I generally see a normally not physical figures that resemble humans, but more like floating, dark energy with eyes that resembles a very large spider, taking up 1/3 of the wall on the corner of a room. For the record, I'm not paranoid of spiders or scared of them
and they don't bother me so it's not like I'm having dreams or manifestations coming from my dislike of them.

I do get the paralysis of fact, the ability to not move, and can sense the presence very strongly, almost like they're very close to me, but visually they're at the corner of the room, taking a massive amounts of space in the wall, not looking down, but more like a diagonal corner of a room from me. The room also 'feels' heavy. I can tell the figure is a spider because the face/body/legs manifest with shadow type feature, like shadow type, not solid physical spider features or just the eyes but the multi legs visible of the spider moving independently on the wall looking directly at me. Closing eyes makes their presence feel closer. I have to force myself to move or force myself to stare at it to 'snap' out of it. If it's not a spider shape, it a 'presence' with it basically being shadowy type of smoke evaporation but not physical shape.

a reply to: Lysergic

edit on 18-1-2023 by RetsuUnohana because: spaced 2 sections apart

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 07:00 PM
I've seen crowds of shadow people outside at night, and they always give me a strange vibe when they start approaching, so I skeedaddle out of there.

I had some a few years ago who would manifest in my apartment, but they seemed more benevolent, like they were checking up on me.

I have a neighbor who has one in his apartment he's named Fred, and Fred apparently has the ability to turn on the gas stove at random, and tends to freak his roomate out.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 07:15 PM
I identify as a shadow person.

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

They want people to be vaxxed.

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 04:59 PM
They are an effect of peripheral vision switching off an on

Our peripheral vision often turns off when we are exhausted, or the body is in the process of waking up, or going to sleep

Light function is internalised towards "sleep function", where only our primary vision functions remain active. Meaning that we start seeing through tunnel vision, without peripheral vision. Though we may not realise it

When higher visual function is restored, we are often caught off guard by being able to see peripherally, where our brain still expects to see shadow

This causes the brain to panic momentarily, looking for the shadow, which it is sure was there a split-second before

The reason our brain interprets this shadow as being in the form of a person, is because of how our brains are tuned to look for threats within the darkness

Most of the time, when we are shocked in such a way, it is by a person creeping up on us

We expect a figure instinctively. If something is there? It must be some type of person

This happened to me for many years when I was sleep deprived. I would go on average 4-5 days at a time, with little-to-no sleep

I experienced this phenomena constantly, both while awake, and during micro-naps, which is how I learned to understand what it is

As soon as you al become consciously aware of what it is, you stop seeing the figure of a person, and simply see a peripheral band of shadow running down the side of the vision instead

Sleep paralysis of similar

You body and mind are just momentarily out of sync, with one waking up faster than the other

The paralysis is directly linked to the fear response

Because you are vulnerable, your body perceives threats within the shadows

You also panic that you may lose all bodily control, which is why things like breathing become constricted

Compounding these issues, is a strange phenomena, where I believe your out-of-sync body, may get a glimpse of your own reflected consciousness

The body momentarily feels and perceives your mind as being a foreign entity. Because it is out of sync

Again, as with the shadow people ... Once you become aware that you are seeing a type of out-of-sync reflection of your own mind, the phenomena stops

The trick is to switch off the fear

I would wake up, unable to move, with a 7-8 foot tall figure looming over me in bed ...

I would feel the fear "creeping over me" that I was supposed to fear ... But instead of feeling it, I analyse it subjectively and switched it off

As soon as I did this, I regained control over my body. As if switching off the fear, gave me the control back of my body

And instead of being afraid of the figure looming over me ... I ignored it, rolled over and went back to sleep

Reasoning, that if it was going to hurt me, it would have done it already

I could still feel "the fear" standing over me from behind ...

But I just told it, if it was going to do something, do it ... Otherwise f@$k off ... I'm trying to sleep

I have not had this type of paralysis since

Though ... I have woken up (completely and consciously) in other dimensions, in other bodies, and as other people. Where I am able to see, hear, smell, touch, taste, as someone else. I am even able to feel their emotions, and experience their thoughts, at the same time as I still feel my own

Like being awake as two individual conscious minds, at the same time, superimposed on top of each other, on someone elses body

Very hard to explain, unless you have experienced it

But this is is a completely different phenomena. I refer to this as remote viewing. Real remote viewing, where you are awake and conscious, as another person, experiencing them as real and awake as if you were within your own body

Not the simple astral projection, that most people confuse for being remote viewing

Hope this helped
edit on 19 1 23 by Compendium because: Spelling, etc

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: Compendium

They are an effect of peripheral vision switching off an on

I read your whole post, the first sentence sums it up.

Now I’m going to tell my story of the shadow man.

I was six years old and my sister was 8. Our rooms were right next to each other sharing a wall. With mine being on the right and hers on the left. We were sleeping one night when at around midnight, I wake up to my sister calling my name.

She says ‘KK! Darth Vader is in my room!! Come quick I’m scared!’ I get out of bed and loop around the door to look directly in front of me (not in my peripheral) in the corner of the room and lo and behold Darth Vader was standing there! But he had red eyes and an absolute menacing presence. I stood there and stared for about 5 seconds. Then looked at my sister and told her to get the heck out of there and come sleep in my room! She bounced out of her bed and ran into my room with me.

We’ve talked about this experience recently and both remember it the exact same way.

Now for some context. I realized later in my life after researching shadow / hat man people, that it wasn’t Darth Vader, and didn’t even look exactly like him. He was tall and black with a cape and hat and red eyes. We were 8 and 6 and I believe Darth Vader was he only point of reference that we had, to describe something of this nature.

This phenomena can’t be compartmentalized into a box. It goes outside the realm of just the human mind.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Red-eyed entities or emanations are a completely different phenomena to what is accurately referred to as "the shadow people"

Though it is understandable that they could be conflated

What you described is closer to what is referred to in Jewish, Slavic and other folklore as a "Golem"

Watcher type entities with glowing eyes

The modern conception is that they were historically said to be made out of "clay or mud", but this seems to be a misunderstanding of them being said to "manifest directly from (or out of) the Earth"

Somehow over time "manifesting from the Earth" has been confused to mean that they are very literally made of Earth, like clay or mud

It could also fit with "the mothmen", depending on what year you saw them, and where

Though similar phenomena of glowing-eyed harbingers and "gatekeepers" are common throughout most history, mythology and folklore

The most commonly encountered entities with glowing red eyes, are said to be more canine in their appearance, often referred to as hellhounds. But regardless of form, a common belief about entities with glowing eyes, is that they are a type of keeper or guard of a particular path. Historically, they could even be connected to the modern concept of the werewolf

Traditional "shadow people" do not have any type of glowing features. They are completely made of shadow, nothing else. Hence the name

There is also a similar phenomena known as a Wraith

Wraiths are, essentially, a type of echo within cycles of time. Which is why they are often seen as shadowy versions of known people, just before, or after, that persons death

Did anyone within your circle of family or friends die on, or around that time?

I often see Wraiths within the thin light of early morning, or evening. What they call the "Twilight" or "Witching hours" when the barrier between the spectrums of our physical world are pulled thin by the forces of the solar cycle within the planets sphere

I see them walk up my driveway. Or moving around me

I even see wraiths of animals like large etheric birds flying above me in the thin western light at sunrise

I once saw a massive pitch black Wraith the size of a bear, jump up land on the branch of an old tree in my yard. Something which seemed to be able to fly

It was so big and its presence was so thick, that when it jumped off the branch and flew into the air, it actually broke the branch off the tree

The best way to describe this phenomena, is to say that you are seeing a type of "echo" of someone, or something living, which either was there at a relative cycle in the past. Or will be there at a relative cycle in the future

Some cycle alignments are massive, thick and dark. Others are thin, looking like a simply trick of light

Also, the phenomena can be based in both "pain" or "love"

Those based in pain feel negative and can be scary

Others in love, can easily be mistaken for some type of divinity, Angels or God

One hulking humanoid figure I encountered similar to what you described was at least 8-10 feet tall, with eyes that burned like red fire

It stood on two legs, like a human. But when it ran, it ran on all fours, like it was part canine or feline

It pinned me to the ground, and when it did, it's hand (or paws) were so big, that It could hold me with just the span of its thumb and index finger, which easily wrapped around my entire chest to touch the ground

It didn't seem to want to hurt me though, it just 'held me in place' for something else

A brilliant white light that appeared over its shoulder, that was so bright it was blinding

I looked at the light. It blinded me. Then I woke up. Alone and unharmed

I learned later though other "cyclic" experiences, exactly what I believe my particular version of this phenomena is. But it is nearly impossible to explain, without writing full chapters of theory on how cycles of manifested reality work

All I can say for sure, is that even though this particular version could stand upright on two legs and looked human, it was actually more feline in nature

I would not assume to think your experience was exactly of the same nature as mine, but I would hazard a guess that most types of golems are related directly to felines


Also, slightly off topic, but relative in nature, there seems to be some type of mechanism for dark energies (or some type of negative spectrum frequencies, or a type of "anti" matter), which bleeds through into our world, through creatures like bats

I have heard bats screaming in trees like they are being tortured, and seen a massive type of black shapeless energy, forcing itself through them, out into this world. Almost like they were giving birth to it, or bleeding it through from another dimension or place

The second it manages to pull free from the bat, it tears away at speed, as if it is sucked into the atmosphere. And the bat instantly stops screaming, as if it is no longer in pain

It looks like some type of amorphic black energy passes through them into our world, like it uses them as a gateway

I used to see it happening all the time. Back when I was being stalked by owls and bats everywhere I went (particularly, a pair of barking owls, that I affectionately named as Ishtars pets, keeping an eye on me)

Bats would go out of their way to swoop right down and fly within a meter of my head, and I could literally focus on them (if I saw them coming first) and make them instantly change course. If I looked at them angrily, they would act almost like they had been shot, or I hurt them. Nearly falling out of the sky. Something to do with focused electromagnetic resonance from my body, interacting with the atmospheric resonance, and their cryptochrome reception. If I had to guess how it works

Does not happen as much any more. "Ishtars" pair of barking owls only turn up now, when there is extreme violence, and/or people die

If there is big fight outside the pub, they will be sitting outside hooting/barking. As if they are either excited by what is happening, or they are unhappy about it

I noticed a group of teens out breaking into houses one night, the owls followed them around the suburb

I could tell exactly where the criminal kids were all night, by where the hooting/barking of the owls was coming from

Almost like they were following the kids, and reporting back to me, so I could track them home, and later give their address to the Police (who ended up arresting and charging them)

I think they are actually good in nature. They just only turn up when there is really dark energy in the air

Either way, I digress. Just something similar I though may/might be interesting

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 12:58 AM
What came first, the hat or the hat man? What if the whole style of wearing hats originated centuries ago from people seeing the hat man and totally jacking his look? Now we all wear hats because of the Hatman, and what if that's not even a hat but a peculiar stretched head shape. I have seen them many times without the hat though. With red glowing eyes was the scariest. I've even felt hot air from them that made my clothing rise.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

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