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Freemasons - What can you share?

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posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: MykeNukem

Isn't Xenu a fictional character worshiped by Scientologists? Sure i heard that name when watching a documentary on them.

Yea, reading it back, it was a bad joke, lmao.

I know many FM's and they're all good people, except AugustusMasonicus, everyone EXCEPT him.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem

And Kevin. He's a mofo.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: MykeNukem

And Kevin. He's a mofo.

Yep, also Karen, but she's OES.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: Madrusa
a reply to: network dude

Obviously they are not going to tell you the truth only some lame version regarding the three pillars and three degrees of ascent, it was only the awareness of that general symbolism i expected you to be familiar with, you are there to be transformed into minions of Tzeentch not learn truth.

Obviously i'm not a Mason or i wouldn't be able to enjoy laughing at their antics and silly secrets, the first time one crosses the threshold of a Lodge one has entered the magical realm of Tzeentch were jobs you would never have got might become available, were crimes you may have been prosecuted for nor no longer are, a magical realm of transmutation were you corrupt society from within, every individual that enters is changed for the worse, they did mention you'd be changed right?

"Do not ask which creature screams in the night. Do not question who waits for you in the shadow. It is my cry that wakes you in the night, and my body that crouches in the shadow. I am Tzeentch and you are the puppet that dances to my tune..." —Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways

so you aren't a freemason, but you know more than the freemasons do? Have you ever heard the term "Hubris"?

Here is the deal. I can only speak to what I know. I am a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason. So I am aware of the teachings of the Blue Lodge in NC and the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction. Nowhere in any teachings I have heard sound remotely close to what you are talking about. It's possible that in some other version of Masonry that is considered clandestine to AFAM masonry, they teach all about what you think they do. So I cannot tell you it's totally a lie. But I can tell you and anyone else, that what we learn and teach is benign, based on the Bible, and all centered around morality, friendship, and brotherly love. That may sound uninspiring, but I assure you, once you grasp it as it's taught, there isn't any way to spin it in a bad light. Unless you are a total dickface.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: network dude

I know a lot more through historical research than a Free Mason could be expected to, if you don't want to even acknowledge that it is an esoteric tradition involving three pillars at the most basic level then any normative discussion is beyond expectation, and that's down to your conditioning.

There is nothing benign about the Bible and being based in Judeo-Christian tradition, there is nothing benign about orchestrating Zionist World Goverment, all Bible based moral and fraternal orders including Judaism, Christianity and Islam require submission to their idea of God and their elite Chosen status, this exceptionalism is a trait of Sethian based religions which set themselves against the World and is so deeply ingrained in your Order you simply take it for granted, the World would be a lot better off without this.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: Floralbalm

Source a man working for MI6, 33rd degree Mason.

1. Freemasonry is a proxy of the Order of Malta.

Really now ?

Actually the Order of Malta is just a degree on the York Rite side of the house , so why a 33rd degree Scottish rite Free Mason would claim such a thing is beyond me and it sounds like classic disinformation meant to send you in circles.

and everything else you said does not require an " MI6" agent , its just internet rumor accumulated over decades.

Such a disgrace. You have no clue. I have been very hesitant to share that. Especially. On this board.

Everything you say is a projection of your truths on me, but what I have shared is the truth and your hierarchy explained also does not fit reality.
My source exists. Retired.

You are probably a disinformation agent yourself as I know I am not one and have shared actual truths that hardly come out ever.

I haven't been decades on the internet and I am more a real life person anyway. I don't even have a tv.
You are just assuming things about my character, and not some things but ALL things you said about me are assumptions to discredit me.

So what is your interest in discrediting me?

I hope people notice how fast and quick someone can be discredited by another person, who makes baseless claims about me, assumptions totally off the hat, totally wrong..

It seems you yourself have had decades of internet rumor. That remark comes from your own consciousness about your own consciousness, because, well, you don't know me.

If you would have seen the people I have spoken to, met, sat among, you would want to hear all the stories. And that is the truth.

I am hardly sharing anything even(!!!). These are just the abaolute basics.

And you are wrong about them, not me.

Order of Malta being below the Scottish Rite, you have clearly just read books. Freemasonry is a lower level organisation of the church of satan my friend. Definitely not it's top.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
1. An old friend i know told me the main objective is "to make good men, better".

That is the common phrase used.

2. The chequerboard floor represents the chequered walk of life, the good and bad that we all experience.

Yes, we recognize that there is good and evil in the world.

3. There are only 3 degrees, Apprentice, Journeyman and Master.

Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft (Fellowcraft), and Master Mason.

4. There could be more degrees however these are reserved for nobility and royalty.

There are a number of concordant and appendant bodies, but they are not just for nobility or royalty. Some are by invitation, but I haven't ran into a Masonic one that requires one to be noble or royal to be invited.

5. The vast majority of time spent in a lodge is just socialising.

Depends on your Lodge.

6. Lodges are obliged to donate to charity.

Charity isn't a primary purpose, but it's a byproduct of doing good.

My other question is why the Queen is so prevalent in lodge imagery?

Recognizing her as the Sovereign doesn't mean she is involved in Freemasonry (hint: she's not).

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: Lora73
Freemasons come from all walks of life.

a reply to: Grenade
Here's a link about all of the various concordant bodies (each one is a separate hyperlink):

a reply to: Grenade

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: noonebutme

originally posted by: Floralbalm
Source a man working for MI6, 33rd degree Mason.

Ah well, a man from MI6 you say? Oh jeez, then your post MUST be accurate!

Hear that, @AugustusMasonicus? This guy knows someone from MI6! Therefore it has to be true.

I don’t really know too much about Masonry practiced in the US, but here in the UK, The Blue Lodge has 3 degrees: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason.

After that there’s Royal Arch which has the 4th degree and gives a more ‘accurate’ description of the 3rd degree from Craft.

Then there’s the Yorke Rite, which I believe has all these degrees up to 33, which AugustusM already alluded to, is very often little participation to attain the degrees.

As for all the nefarious Hollywood horsesh*t you people believe in - well, I don’t know. My lodge is nothing like what you believe it to be. Just a bunch of like minded, wanting-to-do-good chaps who enjoy the company of other like minded fellows. We pay our lodge fees and alms during LOI, about £35 for a sh*t festive board meal (yeh i know, i don’t believe it either!) and then have a drink in our bar afterwards.

No one sacrifices animals or babies or is part of the made-up NWO. It’s actually pretty boring at times.

I wish I never was curious and never looked behind the curtain because all you find there are serial killers, dead bodies in mills, drugs, raped and eaten children and aristocrats running the underworld.

You watch too much tv

The truth comes out.

Maybe, but not from you by the sounds of it.

I just want to point out to people that multiple people are very intensely discrediting me.
Even calling other masons in the game.

So here we see all the lower level masons and cia folks popping out of the woods.

I have shared utter truth from real live events. Not one bit has been made up and especially the explanations about the checkered floor are not mentioned anywhere in their counter arguments, because they know historically, academically, I am right.

Anyone who researches King Solomon's first temple and the floor will see that.

Novus Ordum Seclorum on the freaking dollar bill

Which translates to

New World Order


This Order exists for over 2000 years now. The self proclaimed masons on this forum even try and debunk such simple facts of history.

Please take your dollar bill, what does it read?
New World Order in Latin that is, that is how far back it goes.

So anyone debunking this stuff, while proclaiming to be a mason, even calling in other masons on me to debunk more, is either:

1. The lowest level mason on earth, that is only allowed to visit the lodges at the lowest level meetings.
2. Someone actively trying to surpress truth.

I think it's both here.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Floralbalm

no bullsh!t, nobody told us any of that. What degree is that in?

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: Floralbalm
1. Freemasonry is a proxy of the Order of Malta.

Incorrect. Freemasonry has nothing to do with the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. There is a degree that commemorates the Knights Hospitaller and their journey to the island of Malta, but we have no allegiance or affiliation with the Catholic Order.

The main objective is performance of what they call higher statesmanship or, put plainly, to subvert society:

Actually, Freemasonry says to do the complete opposite.

Yes, that is especially North-Korea.

Freemasonry does not exist in North Korea.

It makes good men, bad men and then makes them worse men, then makes them the worst men.

Incorrect again.

Of course, youngsters in lower degrees have no clue about the true inner workings, it's different chapters or what is the agenda for higher masons.

What degree are you? What do you define as "lower degrees" vs "higher masons"?

They just don't know it.

But you do?

2. The "checkerboard".

This is a Magick Holodeck.


Solomon was the most successful king of Israel, yet he was also the one that got an Egyptian wife.

If you are meaning Sheba, she was from Ethiopia.

So; Magick Holodeck, not checkered floor. What is Magick? Satanism, wizards, witches performing occult voodoo-type rituals. Western version.


There are 33 degrees.

Within the Scottish Rite, not all Freemasonry.

Freemasonry itself consists of only 3 degrees. All other degrees are concordant, not superior.

Their biggest achievement is that they killed Jesus.

The Romans, not the Freemasons.

At each lodge worldwide, in the back at the left corner (or right) you can see a spear standing.

Wrong again.

Atheists are never found in the higher ranks.

Are never found in Freemasonry.

Yes, their logo is G which stands for a certain demonic entity, not God.

Wrong again.

They want a real believer, then convert them to satanism.

There is no Satanism anywhere in Freemasonry:

Sidenote: No women allowed at the most important meetings, almost no men of colour to be found in higher positions.

Freemasonry is a fraternity. Fraternity from the Latin word "fraternus" meaning "brotherhood."

As for the men of color comment, that simply isn't true and I can name many men of color who have held and do hold prominent positions in Freemasonry.

Can you imagine, that these lodges are the places where real decisions are made and not one woman is included.

Freemasonry doesn't make political decisions nor interferes with political decisions. Freemasonry is apolitical.

There goes emancipation and diversity, at lower levels it is just a show.

We don't use the term level to denote advancement or rank in Freemasonry:

Only the real kings and queens of this world, symbolically speaking here, hold higher degrees up to 33.

In the US, a Mason can get the 4th to the 32nd in a single weekend. And hundreds of men each biennial get invited to the 33rd. There are other groups that are just as, if not more, prestigious than the 33rd. I really don't get the obsession anti- and non-Masons have with the 33rd.

They have printed books not for official release. I have read them you would be astonished by their workings.

Uh huh...

This is also why on ANY documentary about lodges, the closets of the real library are always closed.

Wrong again.

They have no problem with killing anyone who is in their way.
They use contract killers.

Wrong again.

Umbrella Corporation Resident Evil.
Look at the logo.
Then go to these lodges.
Same logo's to be found.

You do know the difference between science fiction and reality right? It seems that you don't.

So we have, in order of hierarchy:

None of those groups are in Freemasonry's hierarchy nor is Freemasonry over the Lions or Rotarians.

All these youngsters defending such a "noble cause" well I can tell you that my source was MI6, big in smuggling blood diamonds out of Africa.

An uncorroborated MI6 source doesn't mean anything you've said is right.

I don't think you could be more wrong, but you may take that as a challenge.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: hopeisasound
You are greatly mistaken about Freemasonry. We are not Luciferian nor does Freemasonry ever say God is the oppressor of humanity. You are free to prove me wrong by citing from our rituals. I'll wait.

And before you jump on the "you're not high enough" logical fallacy, I hold a degree in an invitational body that only 0.03% of Masons currently have received.

Nothing about our rituals are shameful nor is blackmail employed in Freemasonry.

Any member that denies this is either not privy to the info or are lying.

Nice false dichotomy.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: NightFlight
Why you shouldn't be a Freemason:

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: Floralbalm

I meant you no disrespect , But do you think your the first person on ATS to claim they have inside information from a 33rd degree Freemason ?

Mate it's really very simple , People Fear what they do not understand .

edit on 18-4-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:32 PM
Where's Pinnochio when you need him

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: nOraKat
That is incorrect.

a reply to: Madrusa
That is incorrect.

Freemasonry isn't a cult:

a reply to: Madrusa
Yeah, none of this has to do with Freemasonry. Nice try though.

a reply to: network dude
Hold really still. His vision is based on movement...oh...wait...that's a T-Rex. #.

a reply to: Madrusa
You cited from Sethian Gnostics, now cite from Masonic ritual that supports your claims.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: Floralbalm
I just want to point out to people that multiple people are very intensely discrediting me.

The common denominator is that you're wrong.

So here we see all the lower level masons and cia folks popping out of the woods.

Our "levels" (sic) are irrelevant as you are not a Mason of any "level".

I have shared utter truth from real live events.

You have shared false propaganda.

Not one bit has been made up...

It has as I pointed out.

...and especially the explanations about the checkered floor are not mentioned anywhere in their counter arguments, because they know historically, academically, I am right.


Novus Ordum Seclorum on the freaking dollar bill

Which translates to

New World Order

No, it doesn't. It literally translates as "new order of the ages."

This Order exists for over 2000 years now. The self proclaimed masons on this forum even try and debunk such simple facts of history.

Freemasonry hasn't existed for 2000 years.

So anyone debunking this stuff, while proclaiming to be a mason, even calling in other masons on me to debunk more, is either:

What Mason has called in other Masons? Most of us have been on here for years. You're the new one to the forum.

1. The lowest level mason on earth, that is only allowed to visit the lodges at the lowest level meetings.
2. Someone actively trying to surpress truth.

Nice false dichotomy. I'm not a "low level mason" nor am I suppressing the truth. I'm correcting your lies.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: Madrusa
I know a lot more through historical research than a Free Mason could be expected to...

That's the hubris he was talking about.

originally posted by: Floralbalm
My source exists. Retired.

So you say.

So what is your interest in discrediting me?

The truth.

I am hardly sharing anything even(!!!). These are just the abaolute basics.

Prove it.

Order of Malta being below the Scottish Rite, you have clearly just read books.

Incorrect again.

Freemasonry is a lower level organisation of the church of satan my friend. Definitely not it's top.

Incorrect again

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 08:31 PM

a reply to: Floralbalm

edit on 18-4-2022 by Dalamax because: Nvm

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 01:10 AM

originally posted by: Madrusa
a reply to: network dude

Obviously they are not going to tell you the truth only some lame version regarding the three pillars and three degrees of ascent, it was only the awareness of that general symbolism i expected you to be familiar with, you are there to be transformed into minions of Tzeentch not learn truth.

Obviously i'm not a Mason or i wouldn't be able to enjoy laughing at their antics and silly secrets, the first time one crosses the threshold of a Lodge one has entered the magical realm of Tzeentch were jobs you would never have got might become available, were crimes you may have been prosecuted for nor no longer are, a magical realm of transmutation were you corrupt society from within, every individual that enters is changed for the worse, they did mention you'd be changed right?

"Do not ask which creature screams in the night. Do not question who waits for you in the shadow. It is my cry that wakes you in the night, and my body that crouches in the shadow. I am Tzeentch and you are the puppet that dances to my tune..." —Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways

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