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Sounds from Hell!!

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posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 12:22 AM
Found this streaming audio from a "The Truth About Hell" website.

It tells the story of some oil drillers who were drilling down into the crust. The drill hit an open cavity so they stopped and turned the drill tip instruments on, apparently they heard screams from hell itself.

I remember playing it for the first time, freaked me out. But I was younger, it was mid-night and I was alone.

Even though it freaked me out, I don't buy it. Just another hoax. I don't believe the location of hell to be in the centre of the earth. Another dimension perhaps, but not on earth.

Here's the link if you want hear it yourself:

What do you think?

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 01:32 AM
I think it's funny!
I also think it's a load of #. Anyone can mix the sound of a room full of people talking with some halloween screaming sounds.
Hell, Pink Floyd has done more impressively weird things!

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 01:57 AM
Not only that but the mid-range alto "voices" are on a constant loop.

Didn't the movie Jacob's Ladder include a similar 'scream' sound when the demons were shown (with faces sprinting from side to side).

At best they may have stumbled upon some kind of an inhabited underground city. But this is some pretty crappy evidence to serve as proof that hell exists literally beneath us. Where's the video?

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 01:03 AM
I agree, alot of people have bought it though.
They certainly arn't denying ignorance

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by StationsCreation
I agree, alot of people have bought it though.
They certainly arn't denying ignorance

While many places may feel like hell on earth.
I do not believe that hell does exist on Earth.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 02:29 PM
Or in this case... IN the earth. I believe it to be a seperate dimension

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 02:41 PM
I read about this a while ago in the Weekly World News. proceed with extreme caution

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by MorningtonCrescent
I read about this a while ago in the Weekly World News. proceed with extreme caution

I was about to say the exact same thing! lol

show of hands: who really thinks hell is at the center of the earth?


posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by MorningtonCrescent
I read about this a while ago in the Weekly World News. proceed with extreme caution

Why is that?

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 03:00 PM
Why? It's a tabloid!

These are the people that bring you wonderful stories like:


Do you consider them credible?

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

Originally posted by MorningtonCrescent
I read about this a while ago in the Weekly World News. proceed with extreme caution

Why is that?

I would say it is because this particular periodical regularuly makes wild claims that are beyond belief.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 03:05 PM
poorly crafted hoax.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 03:19 PM
Don't you guy's get it ??? We are living IN hell right now !!! ... ... ...

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by TheyWatchYouToo
Or in this case... IN the earth. I believe it to be a seperate dimension

Hell in the meaning Gehenna will be a lava lake big as a country. A nessasary evil in order to recreate everything new. Hell in the meaning Hades is a place below the Earth. If it's inside the Earth or below the planet it doesn't say, but the ancients believed it was below their feet. There is said to be nine gates to Hades or She'ol, physical or spiritual I don't know, but Yeshuah is holding these keys.

The idea that God would judge humans to live inside the Earth I find absurd. Satan perhaps, but humans? No. When humans do that to other humans they act like beasts. When God does that to another god, he is showing us that he is like us. Or said in another way, when God decides when Man has obtained wisdom enough to be called a god, God himself will show us that he agrees by confining Satan to his prison for one millennium. In the end Man will be tested and refined one last time and the rest will be among his new angels helping him out with his next big project together with the good among the resurected. A New Creation. A New Heaven And A New Earth. It all starts again. It's either one small step up the ladder or one giant leap into painful nonexistence. And the real funny thing is, that it's all free and it's all up to ourselves where we choose to go somehow. It has nothing to do with what symbol you have hanging around your neck or what color you might have on your face, how successful you are or how much pain you have suffered. When we die we must have lived a life that somehow benefits God. Who is Love. That we have loved. Him. Not made monuments for him or painted his picture, but that we have shown in our lives that we have been like him, that we are indeed wise. That we have had compassion for the suffering, helped the needy, strengthened the weak, you know the drill. That we have tried to be good in our own way. That we have treated our fellows like we would've liked to be treated ourselves, even if we were kicked in the face, or someone put forth lying accusations against you and killed you for it. People don't learn, they grow. You can read all the books in the world and still be unable to forgive.


posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 03:36 PM
"Legend: Scientists drilling in Siberia went too far and ended up punching a hole through to Hell, where the screams of the damned drifted up to them.

Status: FALSE.

Example: [Brunvand, 1993]

Geologists working somewhere in remote Siberia had drilled a hole some 14.4 kilometers deep (about 9 miles) when the drill bit suddenly began to rotate wildly. A Mr. Azzacov (identified as the project's manager) was quoted as saying they decided that the center of the earth was hollow. Supposedly, the geologists measured temperatures of over 2,000 degrees in the deep hole. They lowered super sensitive microphones to the bottom of the well, and to their astonishment they heard the sounds of thousands, perhaps millions, of suffering souls screaming. "

"Though it's impossible to pinpoint when the news story about a well in Russia transformed into a story about scientists breaking into Hell or who was responsible for that transformation, we do know that in 1989 the TRINITY BROADCASTING NETWORK (TBN) aired a "Scientists Discover Hell" story and placed the event as happening in the Kola Peninsula. A Norwegian schoolteacher visiting California heard that broadcast and took the story back to Norway with him. He then mailed it to a Christian magazine in Finland. In the form of a letter from a reader, it reached a Finnish missionaries newsletter. From there it returned to the United States, reaching both the TBN people and other evangelists who then claimed they had gotten it from a respected Finnish scientific journal.

In the spring of 1990, the legend as we now know it appeared in both Praise The Lord (February) and Midnight Cry (April). Debunkings of it showed up in Christianity Today (July) and Biblical Archaeology Review (November). Even so, the Weekly World News ran the story in 1992, this time setting it in Alaska and claiming thirteen oil rig workers were killed when the Devil came roaring up out of the ground. "

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 03:38 PM
This was posted on ATS some time ago. It's a crude attempt to scare people into following Christianity. It's easily debunked though, first of all, nobody drills that deep, it's not possible, and second, the audio is of poor quality, and as mentioned before is on a loop.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 03:40 PM
This was posted a long time ago. Sadly, it is another hoax. Just about all strange sudio recordings are.

Soryy to burst your bubble.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 04:12 PM
So scary. When this hoax first came out were religious fanatics jumping all over this like it was real? I can imagine an angry Sunday school teacher playing this to her kids when they are misbehaving.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 04:47 PM
What I wonder is who the eh hell is that American guy holding that speech? He seems very agitated almost like a street preacher. Perhaps it was Martin Luther Kings turn to step down into Hades and remind them of their stupidity that day? Squeesed in between Mother Mary and Peter? God knows.....

About that loop. Isn't Hell supposed to be an endless loop? I just can't see Jesus before me sitting there with that timeline when he's bored, boasting of the great loop he made for old Adolf that day: "That must be one for the top ten, ha?"



posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 08:26 PM
Hi Im the new guy, just joined last nite, alot of religions around the world believe that hell is below us, run by some sort of dragon/reptilian evil. Gives a bit of credit to this underground race of "native terrans" mentioned in brantons "omega files" and "project redbook.

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