posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 06:42 AM
Mikro, this is an excerpt from your post on The Hell's Voices, Regarding God, and what should be the requirement of Heavan:
It has nothing to do with what symbol you have hanging around your neck or what color you might have on your face, how successful you are or how much
pain you have suffered. When we die we must have lived a life that somehow benefits God. Who is Love. That we have loved. Him. Not made monuments for
him or painted his picture, but that we have shown in our lives that we have been like him, that we are indeed wise. That we have had compassion for
the suffering, helped the needy, strengthened the weak, you know the drill. That we have tried to be good in our own way. That we have treated our
fellows like we would've liked to be treated ourselves, even if we were kicked in the face, or someone put forth lying accusations against you and
killed you for it. People don't learn, they grow. You can read all the books in the world and still be unable to forgive.
I really agree with you, I think people should be less hung up on things like believing in Jesus, and be more focused on being a decent person,
helping those that you can, and treating others the way you wish to be treated.
I know personally that if in the end, it all came down to if I believed in and accepted Jesus or not, than what the hell was the point of being nice
in this life, lol.
It seems an acenine requirement to get into heavan, just accepting an believing in Jesus should be good enough? BULLSH*T
The person who lives a life of being really a nice person, thinking more of others welfare, less hung up on themselves. Giving when someone has the
courage to ask, or just doing so out of seeing a need. Welcoming others when they are shunned for inadequacy. Treating others the way you wish to be
treated. By Biblical terms all of these very great things are all for not, if you don't Accept Jesus as your Savior. Go fry.
However, I can be the foulest human being, murder, rape, manipulation, lying. As long as when it's all over, and I accept Jesus as my Savior, and
maybe make a half-hearted effort to repent. I get a one way ticket to heavan!
Yeah, Right!
Aren't we supposed to learn something in this life about being a decent person. Option 2, has nothing to do with that, it's just be an evil bastard,
then embrace God, and everything is A-OK.