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Originally posted by Satyr
Actually, there has been a hell of alot more time and effort in convincing the masses of creationism. But, it's religious cult activity, and not scientific logic that attempts to do all the convincing. Only those who really want to believe can, in the lack of reasonable logic. Creationism is the blind leading the blinder.
Originally posted by mikromarius
I would say the exact same thing about evolutionism. Only an idiot can believe that in our time. I can understand that science 100 years ago couldn't believe in human controlled cloning and gene manipulation etc. but today? Give me a brake! Who's blind and who's blinder and who sees the truth for what it is?
However I do agree that up through the ages there have been said much BS in the name of creationism. But whether you like it or not, the creation stories of the bible are still the same 2500 years after it was written down and it still is valid scientifically, only we haven't been able to believe in creating life, find a universal cure for disease, stopping the ageing process and living in Heaven like the bible discribes. Until now. Today we can travel to the other planets, we can clone and improve species. At this very moment, perhaps the astronauts on ISS are eating dinner in orbit around the globe. I can send you a message across the globe in seconds and if I had the money, I could travel by air and touch down in your back yard within hours. In 100 years. Where would we be then? And in 1000? Or even 1 million years? I doubt this is the only planet we live on.
Originally posted by evildoer
Originally posted by mikromarius
"If someone had put just as much effort in making a theory based on creation in the light of science, this would be even more substanciated in facts than the evolusion theory."
That's your opinion. Proof?
If you calculate the possibility using the knowledge we have the chance for life to have started by itself here on Earth is less than 1. My calculator would have rendered it zero! In other words it is logically "impossible" for life to have emerged by itself. However with the knowledge we have today of what we are capable of ourselves and humble estimates on where we will be in the near future, the possibility for life on Earth to have been created by a manlike species from another planet is not just possible, but likely. Even most likely. Even the odds of God to choose exactly this planet among the hundreds of billions of other planets in the universe are in the favour of the Biblical accounts vs. the chance model.
"There are so many fundamental breaches to the evolusion theory that if it had been presented today as is, it would probably have been widely rejected."
Yeah, I'm sure. You have nothing.
"Look at the time when this theory was presented and see how important it was for the new world in the image of science to come up with an alternative to the Church. Anyone who has eyes and a sense of form understands that the lifeforms that live today can not have evolved naturally by chance, without the direction of a master designer. "
Obviously not, or the theory of evolution wouldn't be so popular.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heared! Using your form of argumentation you actually speek against your own case! 1000 years ago, most people believed the Earth was flat. It was the most popular theory. The idea that people could walk upside down was perposterous even in the eyes of science! You just showed yourself as someone who believes whatever is the most popular idea.
"Within a hundred years we Earthlings may have created oceans and an athmosphere on Mars and started the cultivation of the planet. And within a 1000 years this planet could indeed be the "new Heaven and a new Earth" ready to inhabit angelic humans, cloned fauna and a new rece of humans under our control. Think for yourselves:"
I have no clue what the point of this is or what it has to do with evolution. Sounds like a fairy tale with all this "angelic humans" and crap.
What I say is that the bible says God is exactly like us. We share the same genetics and have the same potential: God created us in his own likeness and image. If it is possible for us today, it was possible for God back then. And as I have shown above. It is also the most likely thing to have happened.
"Isn't the stories of Genesis more credible than evilution, all in all?"
No, because scientific research proves otherwise. You just choose to believe Genesis because it makes you feel more comfortable.
Scientific research prooved that the earth was flat just a couple of hundred years ago. What is your point? Are you not even willing to see Genesis 1 through the eyes of science? No, you don't believe in science, just whoever shouts the loudest and who is on the front page. Show me one shred of proof that that disprooves the story of Genesis 1. One tiny shred of proof!
"Give me one single argument that says we humans will not try to cultivate a new planet when this one becomes unstable due to pollution and perhaps a new ice age or a burning inferno triggered by let's say the Yellowstone super caldera which alone has the potential of wiping all life off this planet within days, weeks or months? And give me one single argument that we wouldn't follow more or less the same procedure as God did here when we read Genesis 1?"
There is no point in giving either argument as they have nothing to do with the theory of evolution. Do you know what you are talking about?
That's bull# and you know it. Have you looked at what this thread is about? It is about how stupid the evolution theory is and how it is OUT of the picture! Then what's the alternative? Creation. And I blow on the fire saying there is much more evidence that points towards creation by space travellers much like ourselves. Do you believe it is possible to make an athmosphere if you have water? Do you believe that it is even possible to create whatever chemical element and molecule you'd like artificially through particle engeneering using lasers and magnetic fields? Do you believe in cloning and gene manipulation? Well if you can say yes to this, then you believe that the biblical accounts are indeed valid seen from a scientific viewpoint, and you even believe that everything the bible says in Genesis 1 is possible. Even far more likely than the evolution theory which is a bunch of crap.
Originally posted by mikromarius
I would say the exact same thing about evolutionism. Only an idiot can believe that in our time. I can understand that science 100 years ago couldn't believe in human controlled cloning and gene manipulation etc. but today? Give me a brake! Who's blind and who's blinder and who sees the truth for what it is?
However I do agree that up through the ages there have been said much BS in the name of creationism. But whether you like it or not, the creation stories of the bible are still the same 2500 years after it was written down and it still is valid scientifically, only we haven't been able to believe in creating life, find a universal cure for disease, stopping the ageing process and living in Heaven like the bible discribes. Until now. Today we can travel to the other planets, we can clone and improve species. At this very moment, perhaps the astronauts on ISS are eating dinner in orbit around the globe. I can send you a message across the globe in seconds and if I had the money, I could travel by air and touch down in your back yard within hours. In 100 years. Where would we be then? And in 1000? Or even 1 million years? I doubt this is the only planet we live on.
Originally posted by Satyr
Yep. Everything seems to advance, except creationism. You'd think that in 2000+ years there would be at least one new shred of solid credible evidence, but there isn't.
Science never "proved the world was flat". That was just popular belief. Most beliefs, such as that, were enforced by religious fanatics who would lie, cheat, steal, and kill, if anyone challenged their theories.
Oh yeah, BTW, the moon is not a planet.
Scientific research prooved that the earth was flat just a couple of hundred years ago. What is your point? Are you not even willing to see Genesis 1 through the eyes of science? No, you don't believe in science, just whoever shouts the loudest and who is on the front page. Show me one shred of proof that that disprooves the story of Genesis 1. One tiny shred of proof!
Originally posted by Kano
Also according to the bible isnt the earth only like 7,000 years old?
Pretty sure theres plenty of evidence that runs counter to that idea.
Originally posted by mikromarius
How about science now explaining cloning and genetic engeneering and even performing it in practicality? How about flying machines and space crafts? Everything written in Genesis 1 is possible today. It is scientifically accurate if you also take into account that there is a Creator involved who can travel through the galaxy and is more advanced than us technologically.
And who were the scientists back then? They were mostly "religious fanatics" as you put it. They were the only ones with access to the knowledge.
Today the scientific realms are mostly populated by "ateistic fanatics" who refuse to believe in such a thing as there being other civilisations in space capable of travelling through space using technology that by far surpasses our own. That my friend is perposterous!
And I wasn't speeking about the moon either. I was speeking about Mars.
Originally posted by Satyr
Originally posted by mikromarius
How about science now explaining cloning and genetic engeneering and even performing it in practicality? How about flying machines and space crafts? Everything written in Genesis 1 is possible today. It is scientifically accurate if you also take into account that there is a Creator involved who can travel through the galaxy and is more advanced than us technologically.
None of this has anything to do with the bible, IMO. It's quite a stretch to imply this.
And who were the scientists back then? They were mostly "religious fanatics" as you put it. They were the only ones with access to the knowledge.
What knowledge?! It was a guess, based entirely upon the fact that they didn't fly out into space! They had no concept of gravity, therefore they just blindly assumed there's no other way we could stand here on earth.
Today the scientific realms are mostly populated by "ateistic fanatics" who refuse to believe in such a thing as there being other civilisations in space capable of travelling through space using technology that by far surpasses our own. That my friend is perposterous!
I don't think this is true at all. In fact, there are still many scientists who believe in god. I don't consider them real men of science, though.
And I wasn't speeking about the moon either. I was speeking about Mars.
I was talking about your statement claiming we can travel to other planets. We haven't even been to any planets at all yet.
Originally posted by evildoer
Originally posted by DaRAGE
"#n oath this is a great topic. Evolution has been disproved. It is a load of #. There is no evidence of macro evolution, only alterations in the various genes of which becomes the dominant. But those genes were already there just not the dominant ones in the species, and the species which had more dominant genes to survive the world better survived. "
It has been disproved? By who? Please don't say Kent Hovind.
The way genetics works baby...Genetics....
You cannot tell me that just say for instance....the world becomes a really dusty place all of a sudden, and stays that way for millenia....that we humans are going to develope some special kind of lung through evolution that would help us deal with all the dust better, or something like that. It cant be done. It cant be added. Our genetics cannot do that. A gene just doesn't decide to make up new material for new cells to do new stuff because of the environment they live in has changed...
Sperm/eggs cant change the genetic material that is already there. It cannot be done.
You tel me how it is done. It cant. The way genetics works is that in a billion years just say....we are going to not be humans....we are going to be back to single celled organism's through genetic degradation. WE coul dvery well jsut be a bunch of sludge. We aren't going to be growing wings to fly about in the sky, or growing more arms etc. WE are going to devolve not evolve. Everything about genetics points to it.
Now it's ur turn to prove macro evolution correct. You wont be able to. Arguement ended.
Originally posted by mikromarius
Well your opinion can't count if you don't see that what God has explained in Genesis 1 is the whole truth about the universe and everything. You can't see the death and height of God unless you know how to unlock the door. Genesis 1 discribes the big bang, how God created Heaven before he created the planets. It describes advanced genetic engeneering much like designers today shape their things. Take car design for instance. The modern car designer first shapes an original in clay. Then this full dimentional clay model is scanned into a computer who generates a computerised cad drawing or a 3D model of this shell. The engineers then can construct a chassie within it's boundries, find an engine that fits or create a completely new one, make the interiour etc. etc. If you were to create a completely new lifeform, Genesis explains a very good method. And somehow this method is widely used by designers and architects today. Computers and engineers to do the rest. First you make a model that you're likeing, then you scan it and study it on a computerscreen as an image and determin the size and shape of the bones, guts, even how many hairs should be on the body etc. etc. Then you press print to mothercell and you create two mother cells if you want them to procreate, containing perfect matching DNA, place them in tubes and let them grow until they have reached their preferred size. When they're fully "baked", you take them out of the life water, breathe through their nostrils, and pling, you have two human beings capable of reproducing themselves without the use of technology, just plain old love, rocking and rolling, like males and females have been doing for millions, yes billions of years. This is creation and procreation.
Now for the cloning that is explained in the next chapter. God took some bone and flesh tissue out of the Man and with that he shaped the wife Man desired, that he didn't find in the eyes of any of the other creatures God had already designed for his honor. God took a part of Man's DNA and out of that God created Woman. One would probably need some female DNA to be able to clone a man today because of this in order to build a healthy skeleton for the man. For Man wanted someone he could call his own, a woman in his own likeing whom he could feel true love for. And God cloned the Woman by taking some of Man's DNA out of the Man. And a little later Eve saw the light of day. All of this is accurate with the knowledge we have about our DNA today, stemcell and cloning research. If this has nothing to do with the Bible, I suggest you go buy yourself a pair of glasses and a brain. For the Bible explains what we have used thousands of years to figure out ourselves. How can an ancient book describing the age of the universe, advanced genetic engeneering and human cloning way before Man was capable of understanding it, be dismissed just because you don't know how to read it? Find someone who can, and you will hopefully see that the bible describes what science now, thousands of years later, has prooved to be correct.
But if they had studied the bible they would see that it does indeed explain how the Earth moves in circles around a center as Isaiah says in 40:22, and if they had cast away their Sol worship they would also understand that the God that has his throne above the orbit of the Earth, is not the star in the sky we call the Sun or Sol, but that he is infact outside the universe. Heaven is a veil that God put between him and his Creation. The stars are his eyes. In our Solar system we have one star that is situated in the center of our system, and another that is closed until the day God gives it Light. This unlit star is what we call the biggest planet in our system, but it's not a planet, but a gass giant, not unlike the the Sun, and the beast has called this star Jupiter after the god of their heaven, Zevs. They worshipped a closed eye, not him who sees through them and gives them their light. Maybe one day God decides to wake up his second eye and look uppon us with both his eyes open in order to judge the depth of our knowledge and the height of our knowledge. Somehow I don't want to be anywhere near the Earth when that happens, for he will have seven days to catch up with, and who can be standing on this Earth when God examines our good and bad deeds. When everything that is veiled in darkness will be put into the Light. And two moons will witness the seven days from the creation of this world to the destruction of the Great Red Dragon and the Realm of Death. And further how God will create everything new, upgrade the rightious to angelic status, and maybe in the end create new humans in his for us uncomprehensible image. That day the world will be flat indeed and square in shape. A gigantic city shaped like a cube that descends uppon the Earth from Heaven and our God and Creator. Blessed are those who can enter. But woe to them who are shut out. In that city there will be no need for light of Sun, Moon or stars, for God and the Lamb will be their Light and they will live together as a kingdom of angels, together with their King and their God. This city will be many times larger than the Moon and even the highest mountain will be like a grain of sand beside it. This city is the cap stone of our Earth, and even Egypt and Sodom will have to swallow their pride and walk away in shame.
If you had read what I said, you could see that I said we have the technology to travel to Mars, but such a mission would need to have a purpose and a possibility to survive for a long period of time with limited resources: Discovery of water is the only thing we need in order to dig up the money, design and build the rocket, train the crew, plan the mission and set off to the new Earth which will be supervised from the New Jerusalem in the end that has such a strange name made up of the lives of the elect who have won their victory in power of the blood of the Lamb and been blessed with seeing the Plan of God. They are like a relay race. Like a chain of divine souls whose salery is to be allowed to work for God and to live to witness his magnifficent work and his rightious judgement. Who will see his New Creation and the destruction of evil. These sacred souls will be taken up in the air, to God. We will see them all in the end following the Rightious and Truthful Word of God whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose tongue is like a sword, they will follow on white horses with Joy and Victory on their banners: "Joy to the Lamb and his God, for the Word of God has won. He has defeated his enemies with Love!" The Beast and it's False Prophet will be cast alive into the Lake of Fire and Satan will be tied up in chains and locked away for 1000 years, until the day when God will put his people to the test one last time before the Great and Terrible Day of the Final Judgement.
I'm sorry, but one fake skull and a made up story will not change the fact that evolution not only exists, but is the only logical explanation.
Evolution still makes more sense.
Originally posted by Gazrok
Disbelieving evolution is like disbelieving that the sun isn't a star, but some deity. It isn't faith, it isn't just "theory"'s simple common sense...
Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer
youll notice that it would have been near impossible for this beetle by simple natural selection and genetic mutations to 'evolve' it's defense mechanism.