a reply to: queenofsheba
Whoah I'll be ready now. I'll be ready when my train pulls in.
I know my time ain't long around here.
& I can't live this life again.
Walking down the streets you might run across a smiling face.
But they'll stab you in the back as soon as you turn & walk away
& I.. Oh Lord it's bringing me down.
edit on 26-7-2014 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)
Tonight I saw a little brown eyed beautiful dark haired girl come in with her daddy and I caught her eye and smiled and waved. She shyly smiled back
and I walked over to say hi, and her daddy was sitting there looking kind of lost, so I asked him how his night was going and he said he'd just had a
really bad experience down the road. I said, "I'm sorry to hear that" and he proceeded to tell me about it, how he and his little girl were ignored
and weren't waited on as they should have been. Pretty soon, all my coworkers were over there talking to them and hopefully instilled in them that
mostly there are good people out there. So, for all of you who think your "little" job doesn't make a difference; it does. Just keep on
smilin'....(and ps...for you who wonders why I do this...it's because I choose life, you should try it sometime)
on 26-7-2014 by queenofsheba because: cuz I said so
Sometimes at 5:00 am in the morning...and the insanity won't stop you choose left or right....knowing me I plowed through the middle... but if it led
me back to me then that's all that matters. Besides, just love this woman's voice...crazy strong and I'm feeling it.