I see this thread has been reborn, but not much improved, the usual suspects again. Alas, sans ears, sans eyes, sans tongue, always have I played the
fool, but rarely do I also play the douchebag, and of which I have done both, and have quite expectantly excelled at both.
Who would have thunk it eh? Its so quaint, so perpendicular, so lemon. Oh Yes! its definitely lemon, the only word that comes to mind when I think
of this thread is... "lemon"... Sour stuff, but goes good with some sugar.
But alas I have none, I am sugarless And also I have better things to do, then be wasting to much time in this thread again, so why the hell did
I even post this?... Only I know. And I would answer my own questions again, but that would be redundant.
See through in the sunlight
She wore lemon
But never in the daylight
She's gonna make you cry
She's gonna make you whisper and moan
And when you're dry
She draws her water from the stone.
Well, I'm going through a rather rough patch right now. There are financial woes, serious illness in my family, a weird lawsuit against me, and I'm
just trying to hold everything together for everybody. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but as a Christian I just keep plugging along and trying to do
what's best. This song describes how I feel, and the help I've been praying for. It's also not some slow, boring song, but is actually quite catchy.
Give it a try!
edit on 3/4/14 by dontaskmeimfrommars because: add sentence
I suspect you are trying to imply that it's a massive circlejerk? And I agree, but I'm proud to part of such a circlejerk, as one who loves music of
all kinds, with an open mind and willingness to learn there is something and a place for everyone here.
Circlejerk? You could be right, in fact no doubt you are. But I was saying more along the lines of like when you go to the grocery store and you
pick up some produce, then you look at the back and find out that its expired so you put it back. What I am saying is this stuff like the produce you
pick up at your store has an expiration date, and that date differs from person to person. But the same can be said of everything else in life,
anything from that box lunch, to that tomato, to your feelings about things, to and including life itself.
Now circle on ramcheck poster of music and other such oddities.