A good movie, pitching White Wolf Company
Immortal nobility in conflict with lycanthropic werewolves is the theme of the movie and the books of white wolf.
the 13 Clans
*Independents of Sect Membership
Ravnos - thieves and hustlers with the thirst, ravenous. Poor non polluting gypsie elites wandering in caravans upon the Road of Paradox.
Setites - they worship a dark mid east serpent aspect immortal, practicing Obfuscate (invisibility / confusion as a telepathic emanation) Presence
(the ability to emanate love, attracting cult followers) and Serpent is (in the spine).
Assamite - Hakim Fanatics that have directly killed their 2nd place to Hassan I Sabbah. At least a few Muslims, but Assa' mite... kill you for a
hefty fee. Hakim too is an Obfuscated desert immortal.
Giovanni - "John" in Italian. Despite an Independent Clan, they seem to have founded a Voodoo Sect. Euro elites, mixed traits of the Camarilla and
the Sabbat yet... neither. Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary edition, page 57, sidebar, Borgias and Medicis are named members of the Giovanni,
Borges married my step sister Demetria. I live up the street from Giovanni's 301, Mechanicsville, Va, and am posting this from the shopping center
next to the restaurant.
*Camarilla Sect
Ventrue - highbrow royals that peak at Caesar (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition, pages 72-73). They practice Fortitude (militarily
defended, rank determines density of their bodyguards) Dominate (the ability to enslave others telepathically) and Presence.
Toreador - called the wives of the Ventrue on the Ventrue sidebar, immortal artists, plausibly trained by Venus.
Malkavians - Roman soldiers with madness, as if something Demented the Holy Roman Catholic hierarchy.
Nosferatu - a Roman military of nickname "sewer rats" that inform. Described on the 63rd page of the 20th anniversary edition.
Tremere - a bulk military of Merovengian occultists, they practice Auspex (astral scrying), Dominate (astral mind control), and Thaumaturgy
(diversification of astral kill).
Gangrel - bulk footsoldiers that shape shift, they practice Protein, Protean 1 is the ability to see in the dark. I recently read a book on protein
that stated a protein exists in the human eye which sensitizes it to light. If, as a storyline device, one could astral travel into the structure,
manipulate the physiological identification to manufacture, one could learn to see in the dark... and begin to prefer night time. They also practice
Animalism, the ability to telepathically communicate with, and absorb the aggression of, animal kin.
Brujah - similar to Gangrel, bulk troops that learn speed and strength before physical toughness and shape shifting.
*Sabbat Sect - disciplined identification with, pride in, loyalty to rank and to the whole. The vampires that founded Communism?
Lasombra - they extend shadows as their discipline, casting no reflection as their Clan Weakness. The Black Hand in charge of the Sabbat
infrastructure. Invisible nobility.
Tzimisce - White Russians killed by Rasputin when he hit Anastasia Romanov : Asasan Tai Ov Roman. The event would make for a storyline explanation as
to the war between the Sabbat and Caesar's Camara ill sect.
Tzimisce practice the Discipline of shape shifting to perfect troops and torture, Vicissitude. Cosmetics, Vicissitude 1, concerns the ability to alter
hair color and superficially shape shift a modified appearance. One could, from the astral plane and in medical texts (in game role playing), study
the human dermis and epidermis, begin to learn what cells begin to gather when a hair begins to form, and by intent trigger the physiological
identification to produce a hair.
The Tal'Mahe'Ra Mafia / True Black Hand Sect - apparently some Thugee, some British Freemasons (stinking corpses), and low dollar hitmen in league
with Death. Tell Ma He Ra, Ma HeRa, &Tal / Towl: the Bar on Samedi being lifted.
In Game, Vampires halt physiological processes to induce immortality, gain energy from blood, and can even sometimes "pool" blood, accelerating
heart rate and sweating blood through their skin to rapidly heal wounds and boost physical energy levels. Ghouls just are a bit strong because they
drink blood (could work as a metaphor for just on adrenaline), Revenants have a few psychic abilities from hanging around Vampires, and Vampires
themselves are depicted as physically immortal.
-777 because Jimi Bound U
"Two Os would be too many."