posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 12:59 PM
Anyone who cares to look into it will learn that Oswald was CIA, had to have been taught Russian by his handlers, 'defected' to the USSR with a lot
of fanfare in order to make his future patsy-hood more believable, and unfortunately he wasn't smart enough to realize what had been done to him
until he was arrested. I think the CIA is busy making up a whole passel of these kind of people all the time, and the assassinations and suspicious
deaths of possible threats and whistleblowers to the ones in charge are damn near constant. Mel Carnahan, Paul Wellstone and JFK Jr.'s deaths
weren't accidents, and they weren't investigated by the NTSB but by the FBI...did you ever hear back about the conclusions of those reports besides
something approximating 'pilot error' or 'oops'? Neither did I.
Ask yourself what kind of government insists on closed files for 75 years, if there's nothing to hide...
I think you'll find that from 1960 on, most political deaths have been associated with the Bush family who started out with a drug running off shore
drilling rig and ended up head of the CIA, VP of an almost assassinated president, then president, then the guy who was president when the most
suspicious 'terrorist' attack in world history went down. And what part of the terror the US government continues to rain down on the world is not
indicative of their mindset?
How come it's not common knowledge that George Bush I reported to the FBI that he'd 'heard' about a plot to assassinate Kennedy after the fact, or
when asked where he was 11/22/63 said he 'didn't remember', or that it was his biggest political contributor's son who tried to off Reagan six
weeks into his presidency (that worked out well in any event, because after the shooting Reagan did little more than wave at the press folks and left
GHWB to handle things from behind the scenes) and put in place the machinations that eventually gave us his dimwit son and hench-guy Cheney as the
real power.
The Michael Hastings murder along with Danny Jowenko and Matthew Simmons makes it look like they're getting more and more blatant and they don't
care who knows. Maybe the obviousness of the murders makes for better scare tactics. If you have billions, spending millions on killing off loose
ends is an easily accomplished cost-of-doing-business, isn't it? Better yet, scare the hell out of anyone who is unlucky enough to really threaten
your power base for a few minutes.
I just want to know when justice will be served. When are those obviously in charge of the entire world going down the tubes for their own power
mongering going to be indicted, tried, convicted and given the punishment they so obviously deserve?