posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 10:59 AM
To readers: Let me preface this by mentioning that I have zero to little evidence to support my assertions, which is precisely why I have
placed this in the Skunk Works Forum. This is not meant to be a scientific proposal as there are many assumptions made and almost none of the ideas
are testable using scientific criteria. However, if you do choose to continue to read, you will discover that these circumstantial pieces of evidence
collaborate and coalesce well with one another. The following piece will examine the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon in conjunction with Simulation Theory
in an attempt to provide a concrete basis upon which one can further investigate the mysteries of life including déjà vu, mass delusions, and
various paranormal activities.
At a young age, perhaps around the age of ten, my family and I had a Close Encounter of the First Kind. It was an autumn evening in the sparsely
populated region north of Toronto during the mid 90s when my family of four (mother, father, younger brother and I) spotted a UFO approximately
400-500 feet from our car. My father is a religious, no nonsense type of guy; he didn’t give two hoots about the UFO and kept driving. Nothing else
out of the ordinary occurred that evening and the incident was seldom talked about again. However, that occurrence piqued my interest in
extraterrestrials and my desire to fully comprehend the phenomenon lives with me to this day. Thinking back upon that day, I began to ponder why we
still do not have concrete evidence for the existence of extraterrestrials, especially in today’s world where everyone and their dogs have cell
phone cameras.
The two possible explanations are that; either there is no evidence supporting the claim of extraterrestrial visitation to earth or that in the event
of there being sufficient evidence, the evidence has not reached a critical percentage of the population to become widespread common knowledge. For
example, social issues such as same-sex marriage and recreational drug use often have to reach a threshold of approximately 60% support in polls in a
state prior to gaining enough support to pass legislation through the various branches of politics. Similarly, I imagine there has to be a threshold
of approximately 50-60% among the general population that have to experience an extraterrestrial phenomenon before it becomes widely accepted.
Therefore, it is evident that small scale abductions and a few eyewitness cases will not sway popular view on this topic. For the sake of
investigation, I assumed that there is evidence of extraterrestrial visitation to earth, and I began to ponder possible reasons for the lack of
consensus among the general population pertaining to visitation of extraterrestrials. In other words: there has to be evidence of extraterrestrials
visiting earth, why isn’t there any?
While exploring possible factors for the “spotty” evidence in support of extraterrestrial presence, I came across the Simulation Theory. The
Simulation Theory proposes that our universe is merely a simulation run from an external universe that possibly possesses unknown physics of its own.
The theory offers no assertions on the goal(s) of running such an experiment. With that in mind, suppose that the UFOs we see in the sky, and the
abduction cases we hear about involving extraterrestrials are merely the administrators of the simulation monitoring their experiment. Perhaps they
venture into their simulation to keep tabs on how it’s running and how we are progressing. Further exploring this angle, one could delve into
computing and examine potential parallels between our computing and what we may expect with a universal simulation. When an extremely detrimental
event occurs in online multiplayer games and websites, something called a ‘rollback’ occurs, where the game or website is restored to a previous
setting, prior to when the deleterious event took place. Assuming we live in a simulation, perhaps such a mechanism is in place to ‘rollback’ our
lives to a previous instance, in the event of us discovering something or performing an action that could jeopardize the experiment and/or our
well-being. For example, concrete proof of non-terrestrial aerial vehicles in the sky may lead to the widespread acknowledgement of the existence of
administrators to the simulation and it could jeopardize the experiment; hence, if such an event gains widespread coverage, a ‘rollback’ would
occur in order to preserve the integrity of the experiment.
Assuming this ‘rollback’ idea is correct, one could examine some potential implications. First and foremost, a ‘rollback’ may shed some light
onto the phenomenon known as déjà vu. It is the feeling that one has previously experienced a novel event prior to it occurring, and perhaps this
could be explained due to a ‘rollback’ occurring and the individual having truly lived the event beforehand. For unknown reasons, memories
aren’t completely wiped during a ‘rollback’ and some individuals are able to remember events from prior to the reset. This could possibly be due
to consciousness being projected into the simulation and not being a manifestation of the simulation itself. Similarly, ghosts and other paranormal
activity could be a possible residue of ‘rollback’ events, leaving ‘impressions’ of individuals behind without completely wiping away old
Lastly, one could examine major historical events that have been attributed to mass delusions and investigate if a ‘rollback’ could be a possible
factor for such behavior. One such case involves a plethora of people who claim that Nelson Mandela passed away in the late 1980s. This timeframe
falls within the Cold War Era, perhaps the world was destroyed via nuclear weapons and a ‘rollback’ was necessary to restore the experiment.
Conceivably, Nelson Mandela passed away a short while prior to the nuclear holocaust, and assuming the ‘rollback’ resulted in resetting the world
prior to his passing; it is possible that changes in events in the subsequent world led to his survival. Due to the incomplete removal of memories,
some individuals remembered the passing of Nelson Mandela from prior to the ‘rollback’ while others did not. Moreover, these ideas could be
bridged over into popular models in modern science; each ‘rollback’ possibly creates a new parallel universe, giving credence to the Multiverse
Theory. However, in the best interest of the experiment, preservation of experimental integrity and the idea of minimal intervention, I would assume
‘rollbacks’ to be very rare and only used in the most dire circumstances.
As it is evident, the potential to explore using these simple ideas are endless, try to be creative and think outside the box and you’ll never know
what ideas you’ll discover. Post other events or occurrences that may be due to universal ‘rollbacks’ and we could discuss them.
Hope you all enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed relaying my ideas to you.