posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 10:20 PM
My name is Sigmund Ivarsson. I live in Japan and I am going to be sixty years old this year on October 26th. Someone suggested I start my own thread
and it might as well be in introduction. I am an American but I speak five languages like a native because I was raised in many countries as a child
and therefore have no foreign accent in any of these. Sixty is about the time most people think of retirement but I am thinking of starting a new
career. Since most people of a fundamentalist persuasion have called me the anti christ in a derogative manner I have accepted it as a compliment. So
this anti Christ is supposed to be a villain like a Hitler or a Mussolini but I do not consider myself a conqueror or a despot. It is a matter of fact
I do not want to rule anybody or be in charge of anything. I just want to celebrate. The reason for this celebration is that the increase of knowledge
can now do away with myth and stupidity that people still live by today. For example, in America many still believe that the earth is only six
thousand years old and I have personally seen trees that were older than that and that Adam and Eve were the first human beings when their son Cain
went to a foreign land to find a bride. So basically we can place the blame for their stupidity on the bible. Call me the antichrist all you want but
if it brings the end to ignorance I am glad to wear that badge. So much for introductions. I am interested in telepathy, prophecy, agriculture,
anthropology, archeology, psychology, energy and above all peace. The things I want to eliminate are war and religion. Not the temples and cathedrals
they are great for tourism but the religious mind which is the enemy of the spiritual mind. I am become all things2allmen but he name of my spirit is
called Elijah.
edit on 26-2-2014 by allthings2allmen because: (no reason given)