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Loretta Fuddy Death - Obama Birth Certificate. - New evidence

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posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Mikeultra

Yes very strange.
I downloaded the video on my phone and then transferred it to the pc and used movie director 12 to do the edit found it was a lot easier getting a app for the phone rather then the pc ones that install a bunch of other crap with the program

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 04:53 AM




reply to post by freakjive

Those guys in orange are only shallow water rescue divers and are not equipped to deep dive. They wear orange so they can be easily seen. The one in black is equipped for a deep dive. It doesn't look abnormal or out of place. From what I can see he/she was wearing a rebreather. Once you got all the garb on, buoyancy gear, extra tanks etc that's what a tech diver looks like. Rebreath er They are used in spec ops because of no bubbles emitted or very little, and you can stay under water for long periods. However, that doesn't make this unusual. The Coast Guard does rescues at sea and they have a deep diver program just like the Navy does. Still not saying foul play couldn't be done, but Coast Guard does have frogmen.
edit on 27-2-2014 by sean because: (no reason given)

This video was taken as they exited the plane. The Coast Guard wasn't there yet. I do like your comment about re-breathers and special ops though. When the scuba diver is obviously present at 3:32, there is a male voice which says "Everybody head for shore!" If it was a rescue swimmer from the Coast Guard, there must have been a chopper to go with him right? Can't hear or see that in the video at that time. And it wouldn't make sense to be swimming for shore away from the rescuers! "Everybody head for shore" was ordered because the needle was being stuck in Loretta, and the diver didn't do such a good job staying underwater. It was another way of saying "Look away!"

Also suspicious is ABC reporter David Wright comment at 4:56, "...this video will put any conspiracy theorists to rest in suspecting Loretta Fuddys demise was anything other than an accident." An earlier poster made the point that this was the exact motive for why this hit would be done like this!

Ferdinand Puentas states at 6:15 his reason for having the Go Pro with him, "...wanted to make a story." lmao

I got my atube thing working, so I have a safe copy of this damning evidence. I can't get the sound to work on it though. Can anyone help me with that please?

I am not saying there isn't some strangeness to this event. Well the first pictures that I saw with the diver, I was thinking what is so odd about a rescue diver? The news sources that reported it clearly cut those parts out of the video with the diver. You can only see something there for a split second. The news report said the diver checked Loretta and she showed no response so according to protocol they tend to the others.

What's odd to me is the report said Loretta had her flotation device on. They also reported that the guy filming it all just happens to have a waterproof camera. They all said everyone was just fine and in fact the old guy swam to shore. They could have all done that if they grouped together. Why was the US Marshall that was there to protect the group not group together in water? You see them all splashing around separate and in groups of two. They had seats cushions too he had one and a flotation vest on but Loretta is left off alone apparently in distress drowning. That's what's odd to me.

The autopsy was vague in saying that arrhythmia was the result of stress. So did that lead to drowning? She was wearing a flotation vest! If buckled on right they will keep you afloat even unconscious. It's like impossible to get flipped over or flop forward face down ect. You can barely swim forward with them on. It's easier to just face backwards and kick & backstroke.
edit on 28-2-2014 by sean because: (no reason given)

Also, apart from the fact that they are not grouped closer together... there is something unidentified behind the plane as they exit. If it was a person, then how could they get so far so quick after an emergency exit. Below is a pic and i pointed it out.

I am not sure what that is it could be anything. Wreckage from the plane, luggage. They are close to shore it could be a buoy maybe.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 06:09 AM

Ok here is a better video that I put together
Lots more zoom slowed down TO 20% and just a touch of brightness

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:22 AM
I have played the zoomed in slowed down video over and over again. At first glance it did look like a diver, but that may be because this was now a preconceived idea. Now that I have had a better look it is more and more apparent that she is on her back doing breast stroke legs i.e. Froggie legs and the black rounded shapes are her knees bending up with the light colour round the soles swooshing across the way as she 'treads water' horizontally. You can see the foot swivel slightly with the motion and the toe of her left foot on the right of the picture is momentarily seen too. Perhaps what we are seeing is the start of the onset of her heart failure with her legs kicking as the pain starts in her chest.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 10:16 AM

At first glance it did look like a diver, but that may be because this was now a preconceived idea.

Nope. Read my earlier post.

Try it yourself.... show the vid to someone who has no background info and you watch how they also see a 'diver/suit'!

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 10:58 AM

I have played the zoomed in slowed down video over and over again. At first glance it did look like a diver, but that may be because this was now a preconceived idea. Now that I have had a better look it is more and more apparent that she is on her back doing breast stroke legs i.e. Froggie legs and the black rounded shapes are her knees bending up with the light colour round the soles swooshing across the way as she 'treads water' horizontally. You can see the foot swivel slightly with the motion and the toe of her left foot on the right of the picture is momentarily seen too. Perhaps what we are seeing is the start of the onset of her heart failure with her legs kicking as the pain starts in her chest.

I have to agree. I was convinced it was a diver at first, then I wondered why someone trying to stay hidden would wear yellow equipment. I watched again and I now think what we are seeing are shoe soles and knees moving or bobbing about as she is lying back in the water. Inside the plane her shoes look black with a light coloured sole and her pants look dark or black which would match what we are seeing. Her pants also look to be ballooning as they float in the water.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 11:02 AM
I found another article dated December 12, 2013 that caused me to think yet another oddity in this caper. I will try to use the quote feature properly. It's from Ventura County star. I think that is in California. Before I attempt to use the quote feature, let me explain what I find odd in what I'm going to quote from the article.

Remember that in total, according to the story there were nine people aboard the aircraft. The article states that 3 were transported by chopper to a Honolulu hospital, 3 were taken to Molokai General Hospital with minor injuries, and 2 declined to be medically evacuated. That's 8 plus the 1 "deceased" Loretta Fuddy equals 9. Evil number 9 and this "accident" occurred on the 11th day of December! Get it? 911
I believe the 2 who declined medical attention were Keith Yamamoto and that real healthy 70 year old man, C. Phillip Hollstein, who swam to shore.

Now what I find really odd is the "deceased" Loretta Fuddy and her deputy health director Keith Yamamoto were taken to a "care home" at Kalaupapa. That is where the isolated leper colony is which was the reason for their visit to Molokai. Why bring her there? Is it possible that the isolation of that place would aid the secrecy surrounding the fate of Loretta Fuddy?

Now I will try to use the quote function of this site properly for once.

Immediately after the crash, Fuddy's body was taken to a care home at Kalaupapa, where Killilea, the pastor of Kalaupapa's St. Francis Church, said he made the sign of the cross on her forehead as she lay on a gurney surrounded by nurses and the distraught Yamamoto. Three survivors were transported by helicopter to a Honolulu hospital, two declined to be medically evacuated, and three were taken to Molokai General Hospital with minor injuries, officials said. Read more: -

OK that seemed to work alright!

Now another interesting part of a different article is the following. This concerns passenger C. Phillip Hollstein.

The plane lost power, he said, and the pilot maneuvered a water landing on the plane's belly, bringing the 2002 Cessna Grand Caravan to an abrupt stop. Hollstein said he was sitting in the back of the plane, so he didn't know whether the pilot was saying anything. “Everyone was real quiet. We hit (the water) and it was all about getting the belts off,” he said, describing how everyone started putting on life jackets and remained on the plane until it seemed to start sinking. “There wasn't panic or anything. It was very orderly. It wasn't like any of the movies or the TV shows.” Bobbing in the water, Hollstein noticed the pilot and seven passengers seemed fine. “I didn't want to sit out there bobbing, so I figured I'd take a shot at going to the shoreline.” Hollstein's wife, Janice Hollstein, said her husband rarely swims, but does leg exercises daily and is a skydiver. “My husband is able to handle emergencies and crisis situations.” Hollstein said he was surprised to hear that one of the passengers, Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy, had later died. “She was doing fine out of the airplane,” Hollstein said. “Her assistant was really watching her. He was taking care of her.” Read more: Follow us: @triblive on Twitter | triblive on Facebook

So then I found this about a sky diving company that was involuntarily dissolved connected with C. Phillip Hollstein. which led to this,

I think I recall reading that the Go Pro cameraman, Ferdinand Puentas was doing construction work at Kalaupapa and that it may have been fire sprinkler work. If so that would mean that Ferdinand is a sprinkler fitter. Is Hawaii a state where unions are prevalent for the building trades? C. Phillip Hollstein said he was seated in the rear of the aircraft along with Ferdinand Puentas. (Employer/employee?)

Anyway the fact that Loretta Fuddy and Keith Yamamto were taken back to Kalaupapa is unusal in my opinion. It's almost like they were thinking that, "nobody will follow us here. We can hide our deeds here away from the public."

Here's 2 photos of Keith Yamamoto. I think it was taken after the crash. Notice the shirt.

I have another photo showing Keith Yamamoto in the water with Loretta Fuddy and the damned scuba diver! Keith Yamamoto needs to be interrogated! Or at least be looked into by internet detectives.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 11:24 AM


I have played the zoomed in slowed down video over and over again. At first glance it did look like a diver, but that may be because this was now a preconceived idea. Now that I have had a better look it is more and more apparent that she is on her back doing breast stroke legs i.e. Froggie legs and the black rounded shapes are her knees bending up with the light colour round the soles swooshing across the way as she 'treads water' horizontally. You can see the foot huge feetslightly with the motion and the toe of her left foot on the right of the picture is momentarily seen too. Perhaps what we are seeing is the start of the onset of her heart failure with her legs kicking as the pain starts in her chest.

I have to agree. I was convinced it was a diver at first, then I wondered why someone trying to stay hidden would wear yellow equipment. I watched again and I now think what we are seeing are shoe soles and knees moving or bobbing about as she is lying back in the water. Inside the plane her shoes look black with a light coloured sole and her pants look dark or black which would match what we are seeing. Her pants also look to be ballooning as they float in the water.

If the yellow scuba apparatus is the soles of Loretta Fuddy's feet, she has huge feet. Look at this photo taken from the Go Pro video. Her feet are tiny and her shoes are black top with white soles. She has short legs, too short to match your theory of the video.

Now look at this photo taken at Kalaupapa. It looks like she's wearing the same clothes. See the i.d. badge in both photos. Her feet are not in view here! This may have been taken after the whole charade. Who is that with her?

Now look at this photo of some guy standing in the door of the airplane. He's wearing olive drab shirt. Who is he and what is he doing? Blocking egress?

edit on 1-3-2014 by Mikeultra because: extra photo

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Mikeultra

I have watched again and I disagree with what you say about her feet being too small and legs too short. You have to take into account persepective as well, her feet are nearer to the camera. Also it looks as if her life vest is around her neck rather than secured around her waist so much of that body length below the vest could be her torsoe, not just her legs.

I am not saying there is nothing strange about this, I just no longer see a diver.

And why do you think a diver trying to stay hidden would wear yellow or bright coloured equipment when black is available?
edit on 1-3-2014 by Scouse100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 12:01 PM
I found some interesting information about Richard Schuman, the CEO of Makani Kai Air. It appears he has ties to politics. He ran for the Hawaii State House in the 26th District in 1996. As a Demonrat of course. He lost.

Now this is much more interesting. An article from Hawaii Business dated March 2012. His company received a huge subsidy from the federal government!

Makani Kai Air Charters, a subsidiary of Schuman Aviation Company Ltd., now offers twice-daily service each way on Mondays through Saturdays and one round trip on Sundays. The round trip cost is $154.56; Kalaupapa residents pay only $77.28. Prior to this service, Pacific Wings had been charging $550 round trip without subsidies. Makani Kai uses two nine-seat Cessna Grand Caravans for the 30-minute flight. The Federal Department of Transportation awarded Makani Kai the contract in December and the company is receiving Essential Air Service subsidies of $932,000 per year for the next two years. The EAS is a federal program that guarantees small communities served by certificated air carriers before deregulation maintain a minimal level of scheduled flights.

So it looks like his company has received at least $2,000,000.00 from the federal government! To do their bidding, their evil propaganda, our taxes paid for the production of this event...
edit on 1-3-2014 by Mikeultra because: link

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 12:08 PM

reply to post by Mikeultra

I have watched again and I disagree with what you say about her feet are too small and legs too short. You have to take into account persepective as well, her feet are nearer to the camera. Also it looks as if her life vest is around her neck rather than secured around her waist so much of that body length below the vest could be her torsoe, not just her legs.

I am not saying there is nothing strange about this, I just no longer see a diver.

And why do you think a diver trying to stay hidden would wear yellow or bright coloured equipment when black is available?

That is true about yellow gear vs. black. I think part of the motive for the way these events are produced, is they want to show a little bit of their deeds. To see if anyone is watching... I'm sure that they are watching me as I am not fooled by any of their propaganda. See my previous post above for more political motives.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 01:50 PM
This is a pdf link showing how Makani Kai Air was selected for Essential Air Services federal subsidies. Never tried to link to a pdf so if it doesn't work I'll provide link to the web page with the file.!documentDetail;D=DOT-OST-2000-6773-0092
I read somewhere that Richard Schuman was a big donator to the Barry regime. I will track down the source and provide the evidence.
Edit: pdf link didn't work so go to the link above and click on it there to view or save.
edit on 1-3-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-3-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

This letter from Richard Schuman sounds like he's a little crazy or something.!documentDetail;D=DOT-OST-2000-6773-0117
edit on 1-3-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Mikeultra

So I guess that means all the airlines that serve the 160 communities (outside Alaska) are serving the gov't and doing their bidding.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 02:06 PM

reply to post by Mikeultra

So I guess that means all the airlines that serve the 160 communities (outside Alaska) are serving the gov't and doing their bidding.

Well I haven't scrutinized the other 159 yet, but it's possible. what can you tell me about the Coast Guard crewman from the C-130 stating that the H-60 Seahawk was a Marine Corp chopper? If so where would it be based?
edit on 1-3-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

This looks like Makani kai Air has won only a temporary 6 month extension contract to fly federally subsidized flights to Kalaupapa. the feds must not be satisfied with the operation. The plan was for the plane to crash over land. Schuman was trying for either a 2 or 4 year contract.!documentDetail;D=DOT-OST-2000-6773-0228

edit on 1-3-2014 by Mikeultra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Mikeultra

edit on 3/1/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Mikeultra

Marines don't have Seahawks. It could be off one of any number of ships out of Pearl Harbor, or Barking Sands on Kauai.

It may have had Marine crewmembers but it was a Navy helicopter.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

Based at MCBH

The SH-60B TOFT was accepted in May 2010 at MCBH Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 02:34 PM

reply to post by Mikeultra

edit on 3/1/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Thanks, I will look into Kaneohe Bay MCAS. See how far away it is and what kind of secret operatives they have there.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Mikeultra

It was renamed some time ago.
It is now called MCBH. It's about 50 miles from the crash site.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Phage

And they belong to the Navy. Prior to the Hickam/Pearl Harbor consolidation the only Naval Air Station in Hawaii was Barking Sands on Kauai. That's about an hour by helicopter to and from Pearl Harbor. By putting them at K-Bay they are a few minutes from their ships when they are in port.

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