Big Brother really is watching and its time we looked straight back at him .
No doubt these drones are equipped with an Argus camera. Hopefully people realise that with this technology in the very near future your every
communication and movement can and will be tracked? Coupled with mobile phone tracking, centralised cctv, GPS and internet logs i would be very
surprised if we all don't have a file detailing every aspect of our lives with clever algorithms to categorise the populace. Maybe some can't see
the bigger picture but within our lifetimes i fear we will see the end to freedom of speech and travel. Big brother will soon have full control of our
lives and our children will be slaves to the system.
I know some will think im a nutcase but recently i've been proven right more often than not. If you read the recent quotes coming from the powers
that be (not political puppets / actors) its quite apparent that globalisation and an escalation in international conflict is on the horizon to bring
about an all encompassing return to a worldwide Anglo-American controlled empire with much more strict controls and laws. I'm just glad i don't live
in a 3rd world country as depopulation is high on the agenda, we are on the threshold of a global population tipping point and even renowned
scientists are now stating that we need to cull around 4 billion people to sustain the planet beyond the next 100 years.
The irony is i actually agree with the plan for a one world government just not the methods employed to bring it about as its my opinion the economy
is on the verge of a manufactured collapse to instigate the next step on our journey toward all out war. Nations that try to maintain sovereignty will
be fighting a losing battle. Already the pressure is growing and only the deluded would think the policies toward Iran, N.Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan,
Syria etc are an effort to reduce their weapons capability.
Then again maybe i'm totally wrong and David Cameron actually makes his own decisions about the direction of this country. We will all live happily
ever after and the exponential growth of the population will suddenly resolve itself. After-all history has shown that the international banking
cartels have little to no influence on politics or government and clearly have the common mans welfare at the top of their priorities..... Then again
who funds the wars, manufactures the weapons, sets the gold price, controls the media, holds the majority of all stocks/bonds, bankrolls our political
party campaigns, profits from war and economic instability?
Wake up and take whatever action you can people before its too late. We are being Shepherded into another world war only the propaganda and
manipulation of the people is much more sophisticated than Goebbels could have ever imagined. It just frustrates me that the majority are falling
blindly into another catastrophe for our species regardless of the warnings.
Personally i don't fancy living in a worldwide Communist system with a small ruling class who only seek to advance their own power, free from the
laws they dictate and enforce. I don't want my son and future generations to be brainwashed into a hive mentality, blindly following without
originality or creativity. Already the youth of today are more interested with the image they portray to the outside world through social media rather
than discovering whats inside. We are obsessed by following trends rather than breaking the mold.
Rant over :
"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."