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Army's new Watchkeeper drone patrols UK skies

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posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:31 AM

Big Brother really is watching and its time we looked straight back at him .

No doubt these drones are equipped with an Argus camera. Hopefully people realise that with this technology in the very near future your every communication and movement can and will be tracked? Coupled with mobile phone tracking, centralised cctv, GPS and internet logs i would be very surprised if we all don't have a file detailing every aspect of our lives with clever algorithms to categorise the populace. Maybe some can't see the bigger picture but within our lifetimes i fear we will see the end to freedom of speech and travel. Big brother will soon have full control of our lives and our children will be slaves to the system.

I know some will think im a nutcase but recently i've been proven right more often than not. If you read the recent quotes coming from the powers that be (not political puppets / actors) its quite apparent that globalisation and an escalation in international conflict is on the horizon to bring about an all encompassing return to a worldwide Anglo-American controlled empire with much more strict controls and laws. I'm just glad i don't live in a 3rd world country as depopulation is high on the agenda, we are on the threshold of a global population tipping point and even renowned scientists are now stating that we need to cull around 4 billion people to sustain the planet beyond the next 100 years.

The irony is i actually agree with the plan for a one world government just not the methods employed to bring it about as its my opinion the economy is on the verge of a manufactured collapse to instigate the next step on our journey toward all out war. Nations that try to maintain sovereignty will be fighting a losing battle. Already the pressure is growing and only the deluded would think the policies toward Iran, N.Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc are an effort to reduce their weapons capability.

Then again maybe i'm totally wrong and David Cameron actually makes his own decisions about the direction of this country. We will all live happily ever after and the exponential growth of the population will suddenly resolve itself. After-all history has shown that the international banking cartels have little to no influence on politics or government and clearly have the common mans welfare at the top of their priorities..... Then again who funds the wars, manufactures the weapons, sets the gold price, controls the media, holds the majority of all stocks/bonds, bankrolls our political party campaigns, profits from war and economic instability?

Wake up and take whatever action you can people before its too late. We are being Shepherded into another world war only the propaganda and manipulation of the people is much more sophisticated than Goebbels could have ever imagined. It just frustrates me that the majority are falling blindly into another catastrophe for our species regardless of the warnings.

Personally i don't fancy living in a worldwide Communist system with a small ruling class who only seek to advance their own power, free from the laws they dictate and enforce. I don't want my son and future generations to be brainwashed into a hive mentality, blindly following without originality or creativity. Already the youth of today are more interested with the image they portray to the outside world through social media rather than discovering whats inside. We are obsessed by following trends rather than breaking the mold.

Rant over :

"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."


posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:59 AM
What is the main purpose?

Will there be constant patrol flights or is this more of a testing and "situational" use of the drones?

I expected this sort of news from the states but for the UK, thats a surprise, although i suppose it shouldnt be. Our big brother has a bigger brother!

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:36 AM
Of course the cameras in public places were installed only in trouble spots as a police tool and are cheaper than stationing police on those corners. That sounded like a good reason at the time. If you are not breaking the law you have nothing to be afraid of.

The drone cameras are not installed in any one place, and can spy anywhere, troubled or not. So, when they are surveiling non-troubled areas, that means they are surveiling people who are not breaking the law.... why?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by Biigs

It's a surprise to me that they are testing over civilian population, can't see how the argus camera can be used for anything other than domestic spying and fully expect over the next few years that these drones will have entire coverage of the UK.

If you haven't seen the optics then i suggest you watch this. Obviously the device and software will have additional functionality not announced to the public.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by Grenade

if we are seeing this what do they really have up there watching us plebs go about our buisness the maker did not seem bothered about security even saying how it was done

i will watch nasa to see how they will use this tech in the future for any rovers on the moon or mars

edit on 26-2-2014 by 999zxcv because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by Grenade

Oh my God !!!!!

Do you mean I won't be able to argue go to the shops, go to the beach, earn money, buy things, have holidays, have children, Go hunting, read a book, take a crap, drink a bourbon, go a walk alone, or with anyone else, surf the net, buy and sell things, go to work... etc etc etc?

Obviously I'm taking the piss and ... it should be taken. What a sorry bunch of idiots that thing a drone in the sky will change your life? Well actually you are right. The same drone will be above you and me.

The difference is I will be carefree and getting on with life and enjoying and you'll be fearful and miserable and pissing everyone around you off big time!

The enemy is not the drone you idiots, it's your own miserable minds, fears, and attitudes !!!!! Without the drone you'd be just the same.

The enemy is not the drone or the government ... ITS YOURSELF!

edit on 26-2-2014 by MadMax9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Cinrad

It states on the article and video that they will be predominantly used within UK airspace and it is a permanent arrangement. Quite clearly the first step in a nationwide surveillance operation. Ordered 54 drones with each drone capable of watching 15miles2 = potential coverage of 810miles2. Area of UK = roughly 600 miles x 300 miles. Coincidence? Just enough to cover the entire country with 10 spare for ongoing combat operations. There's absolutely no other reason why we would have ordered 54 of the bloody things other than for domestic use.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by MadMax9

Bury your head in the sand all you want. I'm not trying to spread fear and doom in any way. I'm asking that instead of spending your time listening to Miley Cyrus and treating the BBC like gospel maybe you should take an interest in current affairs and the current global political and economic climate.

With reference to your sarcasm, your way of life will be effected, if you can't see an economic collapse on the cards then you truly are blind. If and when money becomes worthless how will you buy your food from the shop, how will the shop buy food from the supplier? You don't mind the prospect of a major war or the fact a small cabal of people are attempting to force upon us a world government through propaganda, manipulation and war regardless of the human loss?

To suggest i am in fear or a nuisance to those around me for voicing my opinions is ridiculous and typical of the human sheep syndrome.

Don't worry, everything is fine, sunshine and rainbows all around. Take it your a banker or politician?

I know it's a cliche but you just made Orwell roll in his grave. I would also suggest you are the one in fear which is why your unable to think outside the box.

Governments should answer to the people not the other way around. Do you honestly not think there's a point when their interference and control has gone too far?

edit on 26/2/14 by Grenade because: (additional text)

edit on 26/2/14 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:44 AM

reply to post by Grenade

Do you mean I won't be able to argue go to the shops, go to the beach, earn money, buy things, have holidays, have children, Go hunting, read a book, take a crap, drink a bourbon, go a walk alone, or with anyone else, surf the net, buy and sell things, go to work... etc etc etc?

edit on 26-2-2014 by MadMax9 because: (no reason given)

Just to indulge you :

You won't need to argue as you clearly live in a perfect world and don't want to challenge authority. Quite clearly happy to be protected by your wonderful leaders. Eventually it's people like me who will have to stop arguing or face the consequences.

In the event of an economic collapse the shops will be empty, money will be worthless, unemployment will explode so you wont have a job or anyway to buy "things" or holidays. Curfew's could also come into effect in the event of social unrest due to the economy so you will be able to go walk's, just not after dark.

Hunting is already becoming more difficult due to restrictions enforced by your "liberal" government. Also, plans are already in place to restrict large parts of the internet with policies already in place. "Website blocked in your country".

All realistic possibilities and i would say probabilities within my lifetime.

It's generally accepted that we are about to reach a population tipping point so restrictions could be put in place on the number of children similar to China.

Did i miss anything?

Oh yea you can still do a dump providing you have food to process. If not you just need to open your mouth and a whole load of nonconstructive BS will come pouring out. Bourbon might be a problem unless your stocked up.

For the record i don't see this all happening tomorrow but if you read the sign's that's where we are headed. If not my generation then my children's and you should care about the future of your kids.

edit on 26/2/14 by Grenade because: Added that you can still do a dump

edit on 26/2/14 by Grenade because: Spelling

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by Grenade

I agree with you over drones in our skies.

I don't like the idea of drones because how do we know they are not armed and ready to fire on innocent people. They would be the perfect weapon to control demonstrators and would immediately curb free protest and ultimately free speech.

These things are not cheap and because I don't trust either the institutions or any of our politicians these days I want to know exactly what these drones are for. Are they armed, what intelligence do they collect and why should we accept something that is sinister - however you look at it - flying over our heads. What are they made of, how are they constructed and what damage can they do if out of control? Is it a means of cutting down on the RAF service personnel or do they determine weather? Either way I want a thinking human being in charge of flying machines that could ultimately come down on a busy shopping centre, homes, schools or motorways.

We should be consulted and asked over things considerably more than we are today and drones for me are a step too far unless fully explained.

Also so much comes from China today and it is not always very reliable

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by Shiloh7

They are used for surveillance only, not armed although they do have the facility to carry weapons.

The main equipment is a 1.8 Gigapixel camera which has a 15 mile field of view and is able to pickout objects as small as 6inches from 17,000ft (it can literally see my penis from 17,000ft

It tracks all moving objects within the 15 miles and records and stores high resolution videos of everything. Eventually an array will be able to track your every move anywhere in the country and have a high res video stored of absolutely everything that happens in the UK. From what i've seen it also identifies individuals and allocates them a unique identifier, storing your every move.

From what i've read they plan to have these things flying 24 hours a day and you can be sure they will be rolling out across the rest of the UK over the coming months.
edit on 26/2/14 by Grenade because: Additional info and spelling (again)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by Grenade

Its not too late!
The fact they feel the need for devices like this just goes to prove how fearfull they are!
All it needs is for more people to spread the word in the way OP has posted. When enough people realise the house of cards will come tumbling down.

People say "If your doing nothing wrong then you've nothing to fear". Well, as with all information, it will be for sale! And what if we really do end up with a tyranical government, how would we remove them if we cant even step outside without them knowing!!!

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Excellent post, glad I'm not the only one who can see the repercussions of allowing our government absolute control and power over our movements and communication.

Although i would suggest we already live under a tyrannical regime, just the puppet master's hide behind their complete control of the media and give us the illusion of democracy through their political front men.

If anyone is in any doubt that there is a small social elite with huge influence, power and control over our military, economy and government then you need to watch this :

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:14 AM
Forgot to mention :

The argument "if your not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about" is completely irrelevant.

This drone and camera is controlled by the military and is not being used for policing. This isn't being sold as a crime prevention initiative it's simply a military surveillance project. The police have zero access to the recordings or streams. Make of that what you will.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:19 AM
it would greatly assist the thread if people actually comprehended what was said in the OP source

hint - a question : what is the intended area of use for watch keeper and why ?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:22 AM
so, what are you going to do about it?....sit at a keyboard and tell others what they should do?...the people here do not have their head in the sand, it's that they do not have the power (read: money and influence) to change it, that's the problem. unless you can marshal together 500,000 to a 1,000,000 people and stand outside parliament, your pretty much just whining about it, and expecting others to do it for you.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by Grenade

That argus technology is terrifying. It allows them to surveil a huge area and focus down to unreal resolution as well as being able to go back in time for days if not months. It identifies people from say 30,000 feet and can identify who is suspicious etc. It was detailed last year on PBS Nova Rise of the Drones program. If you can embed the below video I would appreciate it. I can never do it from my phone.


edit on 26-2-2014 by GArnold because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2014 by GArnold because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

Please share your insight as i don't have the will to listen to the party line again.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

I haven't told anyone to do anything. Knowledge is power and passing on this information is the only real weapon at my disposal. Far from moaning, i'm on a MILITARY PROJECT discussion forum trying to have a constructive discussion about the potential repercussions of this MILITARY PROJECT.

I fail to understand why people would post unless it is either constructive or informative. Sharing opinions and engaging in constructive discussion while informing people of the nefarious actions of our 'shadow' government is the only way we will ever have any control or freedom.

If i hadn't "whinged" then nobody would have gained anything from this thread. Seems free speech is already in short supply.

Finally, thanks for your positive input, to the guys entering the thread claiming i'm negative or doom-saying you realise the hypocrisy of your posts?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:44 AM

reply to post by Grenade

Oh my God !!!!!

Do you mean I won't be able to argue go to the shops, go to the beach, earn money, buy things, have holidays, have children, Go hunting, read a book, take a crap, drink a bourbon, go a walk alone, or with anyone else, surf the net, buy and sell things, go to work... etc etc etc?

Obviously I'm taking the piss and ... it should be taken. What a sorry bunch of idiots that thing a drone in the sky will change your life? Well actually you are right. The same drone will be above you and me.

The difference is I will be carefree and getting on with life and enjoying and you'll be fearful and miserable and pissing everyone around you off big time!

The enemy is not the drone you idiots, it's your own miserable minds, fears, and attitudes !!!!! Without the drone you'd be just the same.

The enemy is not the drone or the government ... ITS YOURSELF!

edit on 26-2-2014 by MadMax9 because: (no reason given)

Head firmly in sand im afraid. Just because we don't have money or power doesn't automatically mean we have to subscribe to ignorance or start insulting fellow members for sharing their valid opinions?

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