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Rich hating welfare claimants

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posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 12:34 AM



So who is going to pay for this birth control?

Subtract the cost of it from whatever social assistance program benefits they want to receive.

That question is easily answered.

I take it you've either got your money from the military, inheritted it, or started/invested in a business thirty years ago, because your understanding of worth, value, and budgetting in today's economy is slim to none at best.

You act as if people can just walk out and get a job that pays a living wage any day of the week.

The reality is that people hand out an average of 80 resumes before they even get one INTERVIEW.

It's not because most people are bad at applying for jobs, either; it's because they aren't Chinese or Indonesian.

America's money is sitting in offshore bank accounts waiting to be exponentialized by foreign markets and go right back into those accounts.

Greed is the problem with social assistance spending -- not lazy people -- greedy corporate buffoons who don't have a care in the world about the kind of destruction they are causing by trying to inflate their margins by reucing their costs. I suppose, in a way, though it's also a fault of the system in its entirety; publicly-owned coporations do have a legal obligation to raise stockholder value whenever possible, after all.
edit on 6-3-2014 by TheRegal because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 10:55 AM

reply to post by LUXUS

I was just talking about this subject yesterday because I deal with this kind of people all the time. Fine if you want to be on welfare for your entire life, you can. The only difference will be that you will have a welfare card that buys everything you are entitled to. You will take the card to the welfare doctor and he/she will put on your card your nutritional needs. Then you will take your welfare card to the welfare food bank and hand it over to the food bank person. Then you can wait in the welfare waiting room until they bring you your nutritional needs prescribed by the welfare doctor. You will wait outside for your welfare taxi to be taken to the welfare clothing store where the welfare clothing people will bring you your welfare clothes. Then back to the taxi to the welfare apartment building..... get the picture?

And then people will say, "You can't do that that's against their civil rights!"

And to that I say, "That's their incentive to get off it and join the rest of us in the productive world."

True but I think you will find deep down they feel like crap and know they have wasted their life, that's why they need the booz, drugs and pills but the soul knows its a sin to waist a life and so there in no place to hide!

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 11:00 AM


As far as welfare is concerned didn't Clinton reformed that back in the day??..I mean you do have to work unless you are handicapped I think,so that maybe an old view of what welfare really means today,in any case

So the people living in the hood now work lol...I dont think so!

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 03:16 AM



As far as welfare is concerned didn't Clinton reformed that back in the day??..I mean you do have to work unless you are handicapped I think,so that maybe an old view of what welfare really means today,in any case

So the people living in the hood now work lol...I dont think so!

Yes the vast majority of the people living in the "hood" do work and I don't have to think so I know so,and in my "hood" working class a great chunk of them own their own businesses'

Yup working class everyday folks in da hood..

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:37 AM
Maybe some people need to think about this one!
I've lived in some of the subsidized housing complexes.
One of my neighbors was a school bus driver. He was also a volunteer fire fighter. His income was low enough that he qualified for Housing Assistance. His children were on WIC. They received a small amount of food stamps. His children were born with some help from Medicaid.
Another was a manager of a higher class resturant. I was surprised when I walk in for my interview to find him interviewing me! He was receiving housing assistance!
I could go on and on really!
So yous who say you want to cut those benefits- cull the "stupid genes" a little.
Do you realize that your favorite waitress or that nice cashier that brightens your day every morning with a smile when you swing by the convenience store just might be the ones that you are calling to be culled? Your kid's favorite bus driver? That firefighter that you are depending on to save you if your house ever burns! How many military families are recieving gov't benefits of some kind? Ya let's cull the military!!
Cut the benefits and what will happen to those we meet everyday in our stores and schools and our business offices? What will happen to those who are still working in the factories and farms? If we "cull" them then who will be there to do those jobs? You???
More than likely the businesses and gov't agencies they are working for will find it more beneficial to increase the wages and avoid the loss of production that sick homeless and hungry employees would result in! So well you could very well find your boss coming up to you telling you that he has to reduce your paycheck a tad so that your office clerk can have a meal everyday! You just might find the value of your stock investments take a hit! Heck you could find the company you are working for shutting it's doors because they truly can't maintain their workforce!
I got a feeling that the super rich really don't want those benefits cut! I think that they feel that they were the best thing that the gov't has ever done!! Wages didn't have to keep up with inflation! They could pay as little as they wanted to all but the most highly skill employees that they needed and still charge a high price for many of their products! Enough of those low paid employees would be given enough resources through those benefits that they would have customers as long as they were in the right industries! They just had to invest in the right companies to make sure they got their share of the windfall! The tax payer would pick up the tab!!! And well they had their off shore bank accounts and tax credits out the arse to take advantage of that insured they wouldn't have to pay!

As far as the poor hating the rich?? I am sorry but just how do you think people calling for the culling of the poor will help that situation? To me I think it would just intensify it!! I mean I'm sorry you think me or my friends should be dead but if it comes right down to it well... hate to say this but when it comes to survival I think some of my friends have been in survival mode for a very long time and have more smarts in that area!

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

The biggest problem with our country is that the mess has gotten so out of hand from the politicians kicking the can down the road and trying not to upset ANY demographic that may be possible voters, that any REAL fix that the government implemented would come with MUCH pain and hardship for a good portion of the population. It would be political suicide for any politician to implement these changes, riots would happen, the country would fall into turmoil. Though those political sacrifices would probably be one of the most noble and patriotic things those politicians do in their entire careers. Because once the hard times passed, the people would rebuild and be more prosperous than ever. This isn't just for social programs, I'm talking fixes for the economy, social programs, regulations, disbanding corporations that have grown way too big through mergers, winding down banks too big too fail, and any other problems this country is currently having.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

If they would show some foresight it would help??
They mandated the people into the workforce but did nothing to insure that these people would be given enough money to at least pay the childcare costs while they worked!
Although I will admit that there are some businesses out there that would be severely affected if they had to pay a living wage many would not!! Heck look at the salaries that the CEO's of WalMart and McDonalds make and come back and tell me they couldn't!!
Maybe they should make it mandatory that anyone receiving any kind of benefits look for a job even if they are working! They must continue look till they find one that will pay them enough money that they will not longer be eligible for the programs!
Maybe they should put some restrictions on the many tax credits and other handouts that companies get (both at the federal along with the state county and city levels) If it is found that they have an upper management making a certain percentage above the lower paid workers will they just don't receive the gov't perks!!
Maybe we could redesign things so that instead of handing out help to "the poor" we instead recognize that any business that cannot pay all their employees a living wage are the charity cases and give them a little extra perks so they can. And well also recognize that those who can but just don't want to are negligent in their social responsibilities and penalize them in some way!
Maybe we should remove the cap on the social security payments since I imagine that if I had extra money that I wanted to pass down to the employers I would tend to favor those higher paid where the money I gave them wouldn't increase my tax liablity!

It could be fixed!

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Spider879

Whats those pictures got to do with the hood, not far from me is a little ghetto so I know what these places look like and how those who live there live and behave, now try post some pictures that reflect reality like Detroit !

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

Actually, all the government needs to do to fix the wage issue is force company salary and wage minimums to be tied to a percentage of the top earners in the company. If companies want to keep worker salaries and wages low, then they as the CEO's will have to take a pay cut as well. If the CEO's want to have exorbitant salaries then they will have to give higher wages and salaries to their workers too. Also cut out this nonsense of trying to make your employees contractors to avoid having to give them benefits and other things. But you never see any politicians talk about those changes, apparently the only way to fix the income gap is to raise the minimum wage. Like I said, kicking the can down the road.
edit on 7-3-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

That would work also but I kind of think the the conservatives would blast the idea out of the water too quickly. Ya know? The business owner has the right to run his business any way he wants?
My ideas preserve their right to run their business any way they want it just gives them a little more incentive to accept a little social responsibility. They can pay their employees crap wages while reaping most of the profit for themselves but it will be a waste of time for them to be asking the gov't for those nice tidbits that it's hands out to businesses. And well ya they can pay them crap wages but unless their employees can make due on those wages (some can!!!) well they can also put up with perspective employers calling them for references and live with the idea that sooner or later the employee just may find a better paying job and be gone.
The choice is theirs!!

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

Well there are other things the government can do as well. Cut subsidies to these businesses until they increase their wages and salaries. Change the tax code so that it forces companies to invest into their businesses more with bigger tax benefits to companies that invest in their workforce.

It just makes me mad that the politicians' ONLY course of action for this is to raise the minimum wage, which there is QUITE a good bit of economic evidence against it being helpful in ANY way whatsoever. The key to fixing the income issue is to fix the wage gap. We have to either force the top earners of companies to take a pay cut and put that money towards their workers or offer them incentives to do it. But the government will never touch any of the ideas I provided (or the one you provided).

Though I think one of the BIGGEST problems in the country is allowing all these corporations to merge to the point of monopolizing their industry. It is getting ridiculous and we need to dust off our anti-trust laws and start smacking some of these companies over the head with them. Especially our banks.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

That wouldn't do a thing.

Dividends are not considered salary, and most CEO's already receive the bulk of their compensation via dividends for tax purposes.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by peck420

So change the tax code. Look, don't give me a simple rebuttal on why it wouldn't work. You and I know that the laws and tax code can be changed around to make it work. Lawyers do it all the time for corporations to give them benefits they shouldn't have. For instance, "Corporations are people."
edit on 7-3-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Agreed, but these things do require clarity.

There is a real easy fix to pretty much all of this.

Negate exemptions once a specific threshold of total income is crossed.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:09 PM

reply to post by Spider879

Whats those pictures got to do with the hood, not far from me is a little ghetto so I know what these places look like and how those who live there live and behave, now try post some pictures that reflect reality like Detroit !

Why should I post pics of Detroit a place I have never been, this was MY HOOD!! and My reality not some upper crusty AA neighborhoods for which there is plenty and the family migrated to after busting their immigrant asses to achieve , but working class folks,not some burnt out shack with cars jacked up in the drive way with unkempt lawns..this is da HOOD!

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:51 PM
I don't personally care if someone is on welfare, you do what you have to do in order to survive.

The problem is they get used to the free ride.
They start feeling a sense of entitlement and resentment towards those who don't need welfare.

I had a good friend that played the im so poor, can't pay my bills, can't afford food etc, on me. I very generously gave her quite a bit of money to see her through. She thanked me with if there's any a time you need me I am there for you. Guess she didn't think that years later I would need her, but did she offer? No.
Backing up to shortly after I gave her the money, with in two weeks she asked for more. I lied and said sorry I don't have any to give right now. Then a year later she confesses to me " there was this thing I did last year where I was pretending to be destitute". I was stunned she revealed this because I was one she robbed. Perhaps she forgot or slipped up letting out? Don't know, don't care.

A couple of weeks aho she emails me, I'm all messed up, can't pay car insurance, can barely pay my rent, going to the food bank, etc,etc.

I heard this all before and it was a lie !! I won't offer again. I would have if she had backed up her promise to be there for me. Epic fail. # off!

In the meantime she's inherited huge amounts of cash and squandered it.

Why should I save my money and not buy things I just 'want'? I only spend on what I truly 'need' . If she tried this formula, perhaps she wouldn't be so poor. If she really is! She's a liar and a user. I won't be tricked again

It was a very disheartening experience. I felt good being helpful. I didn't want anything in return for it. Then I was made to feel like #.

I have a few family members always crying poverty.

I've been in a state of poverty myself, so I do know how it feels, yet I never once asked of others or even told others. I kept it hidden. I finally told my dad one day and he said he never knew, would have helped me if he knew. I just had too much pride to ask.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by Spider879

Grate so dat ya hood so did ya people build ya houses in ya hood or did ya have to relay on Mr W to build ya houses in ya hood :-)

ya grate achievements from ya people!

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 06:43 AM

reply to post by Spider879

Grate so dat ya hood so did ya people build ya houses in ya hood or did ya have to relay on Mr W to build ya houses in ya hood :-)

ya grate achievements from ya people!

Some brownstones originated before the the turn of the 20th century so tearing them down rather than refurbishing them by the new occupants is frowned upon by the city as it has historic value, others are brand spanking new and yes Mr "W" is sometimes used as well as Mr "B" or Mr "A" and Ms "H" this is dependent on recommendations,price comparisons and what not by the folks making the purchase or selling any case there is no shortage of B owned construction companies some over 100yrs old.

Woman-Owned, Minority-Owned Construction Company Marks 108 Years and Counting - See more at:

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by violet

Great Post btw.

I have seen formally hard working productive guys become totally useless people after being unemployed for extended periods. I don't know what it is, it just eventually sapped the will out of them. All they will do is drink themselves stupid when they were previously never like that. Without a purpose or some sort of meaning to your life I guess you start regressing back into childhood.

It's been very sad watching some of my friends turn into someone else that I can't even relate to anymore. They bascially have ended up losing everything.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by pavil

I do think people get used to not being productive. Laziness sets in I suppose. They don't have to get up early and go to work so why ruin the routine?
I will help people in need, but now I need proof. Too many people cry poverty when it's nothing but a big fat lie.

I just don't get where this false sense of entitlement comes from. They all seem to have it. You have more than me and should just gimme some is the attitude.
Like I'm using hundred dollar bills to wipe my ass, I have so many to spare, you know.

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