a reply to:
There is nothing ball crushingly intense about a man who has decided to join the vast delusion, that rap is music, that DJ decks are an instrument,
that scratching is art, or that sampling is a legitimate way to make a buck as a performing or recording artist.
Put a different way, I could make that bloke smarter and better as a human being, by opening his skull with one of the pointier bits of my bass
guitar, and planting a grenade in the wound. He's nothing but a chav with pretension of grandeur in my opinion...
It's like this,
The man simply has no class,
I have more style in the hair on my arse,
I was born more of a man,
Than he will ever be,
Or anyone who is like him,
Or any two or three,
Because although I know,
And you know too,
That I can drop a rhyme,
That will run a person through,
I choose to be more circumspect,
Because unlike that man child,
I understand respect.
And that, THAT is why I can't stand Eminem. That and the fact that he has the vocabulary of a ten year old with anger management issues...
I could go on and on, and on and on..... I kind of have actually... Sorry!
edit on 28-4-2014 by TrueBrit because: To remove unhelpful iPad
predictive writing nonsense.