posted on Apr, 12 2014 @ 05:56 PM
My former foster kid is threating to kil me/my family and has plans for his school. Thats what we have been dealing with.
Authorities know because he is in the child services system, but they dont believe it. i dealt with this kid when he tried to kill his english techer
and also tried to kill his sister.
Child services wants to put him in a mental facility, but the 2 that exist are booked. They put him in a 72 hour hold and then release him back to
foster care and the school.
Last I heard he is coming back to our school and that we top his list of those he wants to kill.
He wants to kill people and then bomb the school.
Got this from his dads girlfriend.
Springfield HS, Springfield OR
edit on 12-4-2014 by palmalBlue2 because: (no reason given)
I know a number of kids and teachers who are afraid and do NOT WANT THIS KID BACK!! wE ARE TRYING TO GET A PETitION TOGETHER . Sorry for the caps
I am trying Not to make us the next school headline.
I am not good at posting or hanging out online like so many I know do.
So I sound like a drama queen and I am soory for that.
I dont know what to do.
i did get the word out at the school through my son and his friends to 'be on the lookout' and I can say they WILL protect each other and the
Thats why I haven't been here.
edit on 12-4-2014 by palmalBlue2 because: (no reason given)
edit on 12-4-2014 by palmalBlue2 because: (no reason