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The Shed

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posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by jacygirl

Hi jacy...hi peeps...I'm lurking.....keeping an eye...*wombles back off thread*


posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 05:37 PM
Hmm, apparently my timing is bad...I seem to have popped in between shifts, lol.
Thank you to everyone who wondered where I was!

I'm really sorry that I haven't written anything lately. Hopefully I will be up early tomorrow, and can work on it for a while.
Geez, a couple of days away and I'm not 'in the groove' anymore.
Pffft! Now my cell phone is going off again....stupid real world!

Well it looks like I have to go basically, I came in and talked to myself here....hahahaha.....
Have a great night family, hopefully see some of you here tomorrow!

Luv and hugs,

P.S. I love my headphones....blasting Black Sabbath really loud....muffles the screaming in my head!

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by jacygirl


We missed you!

I Hope the Real World isn't gettin' too intrusive?

Why don't you Pull the shed door shut!
Slip off yer shoes, cozy up among the fluffy cushions on the beautiful wooden bench that (I've just decided) Cody has made!!
Raise a nice wee glass of something sweet, thick and warming (NO, Not HIM!!)
Relax... and watch the flames dance in the hearth for a wee while.

Welcome home.


posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 07:04 PM
Checking in, and lurking about - Don't know if it's the weather or what, but my entire body is aching. Right now, it feels like the aftermath of when I did actually get the flu, or like I got done moving a large amount of heavy objects. If I'm sick, then this is the weirdest sickness I've had (I mean, the only symptom is the aches - no fever, no chills, not even a stuffed up nose; my brain is functioning at normal capacity as well).

@True - Glad to hear you're finally getting better!

@Jacy, I hear rumor that temperatures are warming up - it's raining buckets over here.

@Everyone else - Hope your days & nights are going alright.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 07:23 PM
Hi Foss.
What you been doing to yourself? Might be some weird bug??
Plenty of rest! and fluids! I sound like my mum now!!

OK, I am just about to hit the hay.... Nice to see jacy back with us (I've missed my shed story fix!!)
Where were we??? I believe there had been a party, and a rather lavish and formal dance??
May I introduce some guest performers to the stage? They would fit right in with the scene surrounding the dance.
and.... Even the MetalHeads among us... might approve??? LOL

Goodnight everyone.


posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Gordi...that was absolutely awesome for me...thank you!

It also reminded me of something I will share with you all.
Last year in Primary school, some of us were given the chance to learn a musical instrument...the violin, flute or cello. Well I opted for the cello, always seemed more 'jazzy' and 'heavy' to me even aged 11. Anyway, first lesson comes around and the external teacher asked me why I chose the cello. I replied "Because I would rather have something between my legs than in my mouth"....took me years to figure out why he had a shocked expression on his face! True that, as god is my witness!

Catch you all tomorrow.
Nos Da


posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by angelchemuel

That's hilarious! I was in processing a young female Soldier into the unit one day (she was accompanied by her sponsor, another female Sergeant). I muttered something about wondering where we could slot her in a position (Mil-speak for job) as we were over strength.

She replied, "Oh, I'm pretty flexible Sergeant, I'll do anything you want me too."

I looked up at the female Sergeant biting my tongue (and drawing blood) and she gave me a stern look (all the while trying to hold her own laughter in) and told me not to go there.

Such innocent remarks can cause much humor.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Mornin' all.

@Jane - You are most welcome hunny. I thought you'd like that one.
Loved your primary school story too, but am desperately trying to avoid the cliched T&C violating response that I would have given, had I been less of a gent! LOL

Did you happen to catch Homers thread about the schoolgirl who was suspended because she did a "Jane" and shaved her head in support of her friend who was seriously ill?
You should check it out, I'm sure that you'd enjoy participating, and at least you've got the "inside track" on why such actions are important.
This particular establishment had decided that shaving your head breached the "dress code" so, of course, that was deemed more important that showing your love and support for your best friend who was doing something more trivial, like fighting for her life.

Anyway, I need to get a shake on... busy day today then I may be away for the weekend... weather/family permitting!

Have a good one.

Big G.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Good Morning G-Man! Here's to hoping that I don't see you this weekend.

I mean that in a good way. You being out and about and enjoying yourself. A break from the Shed/ATS is not always a cause for alarm. Sometimes it is because of a good thing. Be safe though and come back.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Tsu322

How does one live on a roundabout?

Well, I was working at the time, but I had no where else to be. So I was out on my butt, and had to find somewhere to bed down. I needed somewhere with natural cover from the wind, and the rain, and from the eyes of the less reputable denizens of our town. There used to be a roundabout at the top of Southend High Street, about thirty feet across. It had a massive, and ancient tree on it, surrounded by various shrubs and bushes, which in turn were surrounded by flowers.

There was a clear patch in the centre of all this, and I used to make my bed under the boughs of the ages old tree. I used my old trench coat as a blanket some nights, and a tent on others. I cannot begin to describe how pleasant it was to awaken to a dewy morning, or in the midst of a warm summer rain, with all the smells of the wood and plants, and fresh rain in my nostrils, or to see the vault of the heavens, glimmering like scattered diamonds last thing at night.

I made a bed out of twigs, leaves, and bark chippings after my first night there, and stayed there about a year on and off. The air there, despite being in a high traffic area, smelt cleaner than many other places in town, mostly because the fumes from the traffic were being consumed by the foliage surrounding my bedding area. It was also warmer than other places in town, because the soil and the vegetation all had active biological processes occurring within them, which meant that even though the temperature they gave off was very small, it was noticeable, especially during the colder months.

There are very few periods of my life, which I can say were more peaceful, calming, and enjoyable than the time I spent on that roundabout. Later, once my cirumstances had altered enough that there was a place for me to occupy which did not involve pulling leaves out of my hair every morning, I was dismayed to find that in my absence from what I liked to call my second home, the council had dug it all up, cut down the ancient tree, and put down some awful new traffic system there. That was all some time ago now. I do not think I can have been much older than nineteen...Jesus... Ten years ago then, give or take allowing for historical alcohol induced time dilation effects

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Isn't it odd how time affects memories? I lived/slept in a greenhouse when I was 17 for a month. It was November in Wisconsin though. Quite cold. And it started my military career.

But the thing is, I don't see that as one of my low points in life. But rather a bump in the road. Sometimes, a little misery can be the boot in the pants that is needed.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:33 AM
Good morning all

Gbro I hope this meets with your approval

True and Dawg, I've never had to sleep rough through circumstance, but my favourite times were spent leading the Kibbutz's volunteers out in the desert or on the Golan heights and sleeping outside just gazing at the stars without any light pollution, the view was amazing. Camp fires and guitars I'll see if I can find a photo or 2 to scan.

Back in sec


posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:36 AM

Good morning all

Gbro I hope this meets with your approval

True and Dawg, I've never had to sleep rough through circumstance, but my favourite times were spent leading the Kibbutz's volunteers out in the desert or on the Golan heights and sleeping outside just gazing at the stars without any light pollution, the view was amazing. Camp fires and guitars I'll see if I can find a photo or 2 to scan.

Back in sec


Is that a musical instrument of some sort?

Or part of one?

Either way, as a fan of wood, it's beautiful.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

It's a bench Dawg ....................... pretty stunning huh !


posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Bore da pobol!

You have a good one Gordi...the weather is supposed to be fine too

What are you up to TD? I'm popping out for a quick bike ride to get some tobacco and something for tea in a bit......hopefully I'll have a better idea what I want to tackle today once I get these pesky cobwebs blown away!


PS....see...just a few minutes of typing the above and Cody and True appeared....either that or I should have SCROLLED DOWN!
Morning chaps! (X)
edit on 28-3-2014 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Hi Jane

Enjoy the ride, Hopefully inspiration will be froethcoming


posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 06:12 AM
So this is a younger me taking the volunteers out for a trip

Some of the volunteers ( a lot of alcohol was always the order of the day)

A trip to a place called Nahal David, the walk is about 600 yards, but takes about 3-4 hours depending on how brave the group is, in one place you have to jump about 30 feet into a pool of melt water from Mount Herman.

The sea of Galilee at sunset

Man I enjoyed those trips


posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by cody599

Good morning Shedsters,
I've been enjoying all the pics, videos and stories...such a nice way to start my day!
Patiently waiting for the caffeine to kick in and wake up my other brain cells....the ones that control speech and movement, lol.
I will be reading, lurking, and trying to write for a little while this morning.
Bah! Words are NOT forming well yet. Hope everyone is good!


posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by jacygirl

jacy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Cody hug))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I was going stir crazy here, thought my 'puter was conspiring against the shed lol

Welcome home hun



posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:29 AM

reply to post by Tsu322

True that is seriously hardcore.

I can't work out if I would love or hate those sorts of conditions? It sounds so free, but dangerous at the same time. If I ever had to live rough I doubt I'd last a week before I caved and bought a tent and air mattress. I would imagine the first night would be the most difficult, am I right?

The only times I've done the park bench thing was when I told my parents I was staying at a friends and she told her Mum the same thing so we could pull an all nighter.

Did you ever get sick? That's what I would worry about, all I want to do when I'm sick is curl up in bed.

Morning everyone!

Bad news I'm afraid, I have no Kate Bush tickets. I was on the phone trying and Dad was on the internet, I was put on hold and had the call ended about 50 times and about ten seconds before Dad finished the order there was a flash up saying no more reservations, about ten - fifteen minutes in all that was left was hospitality tickets that were between £225 and £400 each. With hotels, traveling and all that it would have ended up at about £1000 for the night. Oh well, there's always Youtube.

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